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7324218 No.7324218 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: women in STEM make a Nobel laureate resign

>> No.7324221

tbh what he said was completely correct. unfortunately men are so beta today that women really have no choice to treat them like retards.

>> No.7324226


cunts gonna be cunty

>> No.7324229

He also admitted to being a chauvinist pig, acknowledging his sexism. It's not like what he said is a universal constant. Though it has likely happened to him specifically given his views on women.

So he talked some shit, they talked some shit back, he resigned. C'est la vie.

>> No.7324233

It is in fact a universal constant, just as your status as a turbofaggot and maximum redditor is a universal constant.

>> No.7324235


Wow, I really respect women in science now that I've seen them post pictures of themselves online with captions insisting they aren't like the other girls. So brave and non-stereotypical. It's exactly the sort of quirky and funny selfies twitter campaign I'd expect the likes of Niel Borhs and Richard Feynman to engage in were they around today.

>> No.7324241

Why do people resign after some autist idiot fails at reading comprehension?

They've got a saying back home: "I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand."

>> No.7324245
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>> No.7324248

Because a large majority of people will mindlessly support said comments and join forces in the endless backlash against whoever the comments were directed to. Given that he was a Nobel Prize winner, having such a large amount of people berating you would be both embarrassing and shameful. I don't blame him for giving in.

>> No.7324249

>hurr durr we can do science too
>post pictures of gloried lab assistants

>> No.7324265

Is there actually a transcript of what he said anywhere? I'm just finding chopped up he-said-she-said quotes. Allegedly he "thanked all the female journalists for making lunch".

>> No.7324272

I wish, I'd start some kind of backlash and get you to move out of boxers and get off the Internet.

>> No.7324275

>Cunt detected

>> No.7324288

Only of his not-apology


The amount of beta in this though
>I did mean t-the part about uhhh having trouble with girls

>> No.7325669

it was a stupid thing to say
and it was incorrect.

why? hes generalizing. there a of course women to wich this applies, and there are some legitemately cool. hes taking up a dump on the respectable demographs.

also this is not what we need. we need to appreciate the ones that are cool. form a general cult where everyone, especially cool women look down upon those that behave childish.
lumping everyone in the same basket and disrespecting them is just a bad idea/thing to do.

>> No.7325867

>failing for fabricated outrage
He wasn't saying "all women X", he simply said "X happened to me". Gendered labs are a stupid idea indeed, but he was just telling a personal experience and how it affected his views on the matter. The reaction (and I don't mean only the size of it) has been completely disproportionate to his actual comments.

I'm also betting that his words in full context (which is not available yet) are even more tame.

>> No.7325879

It was a joke made at the evening dinner of a conference you retard.

It was exactly akin to someone at a conference making a speech including the joke
"how can you tell whether a mathematician is an extrovert? They look down at your shoes while talking to you rather than their own shoes"
Imagine that joke being told and then mathematicians all over the world collectively bitching "that's prejudice, it perpetuates totally dated, inaccurate, prejudiced stereotypes against mathematicians. It's totally unacceptable in this day and age"

That's what has happened.

>> No.7325882

Everyone knows Nobel prizes are bullshit anyway.

>> No.7325892

This anon is right. Everybody needs to chill the fuck out.

>> No.7325911

>Linking the guardian
Jesus Christ that paper is so overtly terrible. Completely unreliable in issues like this.

>> No.7325912

Feynman would totally encourage scientists with hot tits posting selfies on the internet.

>> No.7325913

It was only an honorary post anyway. Dosen't really matter.

>tfw no women in theoretical physics
thank god

>> No.7325914

People need to start learning how to discern the intention behind words, and to separate intent from meaning.

>> No.7325933
File: 94 KB, 960x640, 10640998_555307884600246_7254317555163348520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of what he said has some truth in it.
stem work can be very lonely..
I wish romance was allowed during stemwork. we all need a hug and cuddle sometimes when we mess up our triple integrals. normies can't understand this sort of pain and brush us off as crazies.

guys in stem get lonely and a girl appears in lab. guy wants to get it on, but realizes he might get into trouble for romancing in the lab. the girl realizes this as well, but is better able to control her emotions and keep a friendship going. guys tend to get mean and rude to girls once they're not potential mates (aka start treating us like one of the guys). every girl is a princess kitten though and likes hugs not punches. so we cry.

>> No.7325938

>that pic
oh god why

>> No.7325948

>thank god
Don't be idiotic. Competent people are competent people, regardless of gender. Of course when you mix different genders sexual dynamics appear, but the point is that you need to be clever enough to not let this kind of thing influence your work. It's not something hard to do, and the more contact you have with girls the easiest it is to reach that stage.

>> No.7325950

because stem can make us cry sometimes :'(

also this is a picture of some biologist feeding the mosquitos they are studying. they prefer to feed off of fresh blood rather then samples, so some of them use their own arms for feeding.
they described the sensation too. it's uncomfortable the first few times, but you get used to it. it's not as painful as it seems because the stings are spread out and not localized, so you just get a puffy arm and warming sensation. it goes down after a couple of hours if you're used to it.
it's a great example of being devoted to what you do if you ask me.

>> No.7325956

seems like a better idea to bleed into a petri bowl

>> No.7325959

Why are you pretending to be a girl

>> No.7325967

It dosen't influence my work at all. It is more that I would like to avoid the consequences of saying something "sexist" outside of 4chan.

>> No.7325969
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how did you know I'm a mermaid?

>> No.7325990

It looks like all the drinking mosquitoes are facing the same direction, what's with that? If you stick your arm into the swarm and they land wherever I'd expect them to be facing random directions.

>> No.7326012

maybe they're testing a sort of repellant and it gave those results? could be on accident really.

>> No.7326046

gay as fuck

>> No.7326496
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>> No.7326522

>Physiology or Medicine

>> No.7326677

Just because you won something, doesn't mean you're always right

How fucking retarded can a board be, which supposedly lionizes science, a discipline that is emphatically not based on appeals to authority, but then only ever appeals to authority

Not even clicking your clickbait

>> No.7326780

>none of them in a hard science

lel, looks about right