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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7319646 No.7319646 [Reply] [Original]

High school science story thread

>Be me
>Grade 10
>first semester chemistry
>class is divided into 2 groups: complete social outcasts and Chads/Staceys
>One day teacher assigns chemistry experiment
>he puts everyone in partners so no one gets who they want
>during the experiment I see quiet Asian kid working with leader of the chads
>Chad keeps asking him what to do because Asian is genius
>Chad just mixes what the Asian tells him to
>I look over again at one point and see Asian kid tell Chad to drop a small bit of pure sodium in water
>He actually does it
>mfw chad's face was never the same
>mfw he failed the class
>mfw Asian kid got no trouble because no one except me heard him tell Chad to put the sodium in water

>> No.7319652
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>mfw you were the Asian kid
>mfw you got beat up until you left high school

>> No.7319654



>> No.7319663

If your class was divided into half social outcasts why didn't the outcasts just become friends?

>> No.7319672

What high school chemistry class guves students access to large quantities of sodium?

>> No.7319676

Because they are social outcasts

>> No.7319685

this. closest I ever hot to a lump of sodium was a teacher demonstration

>> No.7319688

That's actually brilliant. I'm proud

>> No.7319699

>me in medschool today
>friend is dentist

>labmate is ambitious female

>Do experiment accoring to "recepie"
>Totally fucking clueless as to what really happened
>Frustrated about lack of information we write "Molecule is broken due to the reagent X and purple dye leaks out!"
>Fail lab report(shouldn't even be possible)
>Ambitious female is fucked over and get low grades because me and my friend were clueless and lazy.

We still have a laugh over the lab report because it was intentionally more stupid than it had to be and it mattered not a single bit for our future education.

>> No.7319712

this is a future doctor

>> No.7319718

what the hell is wrong with you

>> No.7319720

No one gives a shit. I'm never going to do lab work. the closest I'll get to it is watching a microscopy picture the lab prepares for me.

You wouldn't demand an engineer to be competent in performing on-site steel quality inspections when he's really only reviewing reports from his minions all day long

>> No.7319726
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med students, everyone. look and laugh

>> No.7319730

Yea faggot, like they're gonna have pure fucking sodium at a fucking high school lab
>inb4 you were trying to synthesize a trans alkene

>> No.7319745

is that hair a wig? the fuck is up with that

>> No.7319752

what the fuck

>> No.7319755
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>Be me in 11th grade
>Physics class
>Teacher teaching us about impulses
>Wants to set up a demonstration

The goal was to have someone throw an egg at a blanket being held by two people, to show that the egg doesn't break

>Teacher chooses me to throw the egg
>Chooses another student to hold the blanket, I'll call him Stubs
>Stubs has a stub for a hand, brought about by what I assume to be generations of Indian imbreeding
>So now one kid is holding the blanket nice and tight on one side, Stubs is holding the top of the other side with one hand while the bottom is resting on his stub.
>I'm staring at the teacher wondering why he chose the one kid who could not hold a fucking blanket
>Don't say anything to not be a dick
>Knowing full well what will happen, I chuck that sonofabitch at the blanket
>Hits dead center
>Flies straight through that fucker
>Splatters on the wall behind
>Everybody thinks it's my fault
>Stubs too

>> No.7319757

It wasn't a huge amount, just a little piece. And there were 3 teachers running around the lab. Asian was smart and told him to put the sodium in when all 3 teachers were helping different partners

>> No.7319759

>high schoolers
>having access to metallic sodium
bullshit, fake 0/10

>> No.7319765

Take your white knight attitude elsewhere.

The Cunt never said a word to us and left us alone to solve a lab exercise which we never honestly gave a fuck about. And that single chemistry score never made a dent in our future careers so I have no regret over it either.

>> No.7319771

turn your trip on chad

>> No.7319773

liar, there's no way they just gave you sodium to fuck with.

>> No.7319783

>white knight
>Not criticizing your clear autism
This is a future doctor, everyone.

>> No.7319787

And no one will know any fucking difference. Chemistry is massively irrelevant for doctors and only a hyperautist would think it makes any difference.

Enjoy my finger in your butt when you arrive in the emergency ward.

>> No.7319795

>chemistry is irrelevant for doctors!
>I don't know what drugs are!
>Also, I have a fingering fetish!
This is a future doctor, everyone.

>> No.7319821

Don't worry, the undergrad who keeps pretending he is in med school will never make it, and if by some miracle he does, he is much too autistic to be hired by any reputable hospital/ clinic. Crawl back to the cess pool from where you came, faggot.

>> No.7319835

> small bit of pure sodium in water
So it kind of fizzled around on the surface and maybe splattered a few drops of (possibly) slightly warmer water on the table? Whoa... sounds extreme.

>> No.7319928

>End of year, AP Chem
>Teacher has us go outside to just play with diet coke and mentos
>Teacher is trying to setup some dietcoke&mentos powered rocket thing
>Students around teacher not paying too much attention, waiting for her to tell them to back up
>Teacher accidentally drops all the mentos in the bottle of diet coke while she is holding it
>It goes all over her and most of the students

>> No.7319930

What kind of high school doesn't?
I went to an engineering HS and they let us dick around with all the chemicals. We were supervised by 2-3 lab techs, but still. No restrictions. Just go in the pantry and grab what you need.

>> No.7319937


>> No.7319956

>Be me
>grade 12
>AP chemistry
>have teacher who is completely retarded
>known for setting off fire alarms and generally fucking up experiments
>it's the end of the year
>we just took the AP test
>it was the first one so there's like two weeks for us to do nothing
>someone suggests that we put some sodium in water
>she says ok
>gets a glass bowl of water and some huge chunks of sodium
>she puts one of the chunks of sodium in the water
>it starts popping like normal
>realize she didn't put the bowl of water in the fume hood
>realize the AP U.S gov test is going on
>fire alarm goes off
>she starts freaking out
>we all go outside
>everyone wondering if the tests are gonna get voided
>some classes were in the break part but others had started the second half
>people start discussing free response questions
>some bitch tells proctor about it
>they had to retake the test
>it cost them like $10,000

>> No.7319961

>taking AP chemistry in grade 12

>> No.7319962

It doesn't really matter when you take it. Its not like there is an AP Chem 2 or anything.

>> No.7319967

I went to a decent public high school in a nice part of my state, and we never had that sort of access.

>> No.7319969

>I'm a malaccomploshed üntergrad with insecurities about my intelligence, so I anonymously belittle anonymous people on an Armenian juggling emporium to validate my vacuous self-worth.

>> No.7319971

Is this a new meme?

>> No.7319975

My teacher would occasionally fill a balloon with 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Then he'd attach a match to a yard stick and ignite it. Teachers from 3 classes down would come running every time. I have a video but its on a friends Facebook

>> No.7319989

Wait....they ran to see a ballon full of water?

>> No.7319993

It would explode loud as fuck. Shockwave through the room

>> No.7320018

Here I even put it on YT for you

>> No.7320039

>engineering highschool
>indoctrinating kids at such a young age with gay culture

>> No.7320219


>dicking around in AP Chem
Damn, my AP chem teacher worked us until the end. He made us learn the orgo chapter without his guidance, take a test on it, finish a lab, and review for and take a final, all within the time after the AP test.

>> No.7320239

He's got a point.
That's what me and my friends did. We distanced our clique from all others and ended up being the "cool" outcasts.
Then again it really doesn't matter because lol highschool.
Mad pussy from naive emo wannabee girlies is nice though.

>> No.7320305
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>> No.7320311
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>be me
>drinking tea
>swallow to avoid spitting out
>mouth was only 10% tea.
>mfw I just swallowed a mouthful of air in a single gulp and my throat hurts from being inflated so hard

>> No.7320345

>hello, I have insufficient intellect to combine and fashion cool new words

>> No.7320360


>ITT: lie on the internet thread

>> No.7320382


You're gonna be pretty disappointed when you realize there's more to being a doc than having your finger in another mans anus

>> No.7320684
File: 93 KB, 1179x883, 1433826728991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freshman year
>get to dissect frogs and worms and shit
>genuinely excited because I want to study biology later on
>one day away from frog dissection
>fat ugly animal lover says "We cant do this its too cruel we're hurting the frogs!"
>she actually starts a petition on a piece of notebook paper to stop the dissections
>mfw it actually worked
>mfw I never got to cut open a frog
>mfw people are genuinely not interested in checking out what makes an animal work

>> No.7320833

Imaginary High School in Doesn't Exist City.

>> No.7320879

I went to one of the top high schools in the nation.

>> No.7320897

It's an oxymoron. Like the most positive negatuve number.

>> No.7322200

so how the hell do these people think vets learn about the animal physiology, or med students learn human anatomy and physiology?

they grab a god damned scalpel and slice into that thing

>> No.7322205

I went to a shitty highschool and the AP students were allowed to do all sorts of stuff.
I stole some magnesium

>> No.7322249

> 8th grade
>Gifted placement partial differential chemistry lab
>first day of class
>boring bombardment of berkelium atoms with Calcium-48 isotopes in the attempt of synthesizing Ununseptium
>see misplaced average IQ (130) student struggling to understand whats going on
>gain strong sense of self satisfaction knowing I am more intelligent than that dumbass
>win fields medal on field trip

>> No.7322493

i have a feeling thats a shinji ikari cosplay

>> No.7322508

top kek

>> No.7322515


>> No.7322516

>high school physics class
>sit next to qt whole semester
>awkwardly flirt sometimes
>near the end of the class
>her "hey, we should study for the final together. you can come over"
>me: "oh, no thanks, i think I understand it already"

I still cringe about that 7 years later.

>> No.7322521
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>Highschoolers with pure sodium, enough to cause an accident.

>> No.7322537

Gah, that one hurts to read.

>> No.7322545

I mean hell, engineers do that for free

>> No.7322572
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Not high school but
>Ochem lab
>Hoods fit three people, I'm given the middle position between two "ohmygodwhatisgoingon" premed girls
>I breeze through the labs, they always ask me for help
>I give them correct advice for most steps, then decide to fuck them on some step
>Have them add too much solvent, so your product redissolves and your filtration setup is worthless
>Neglect to tell them to slowly add base, they do it extremely fast (idiots with burets), their entire flask polymerizes and turns into a hunk of black crap
>They always blame themselves for screw ups that I caused because I always did the experiments correctly and most of the advice I gave them was correct

>> No.7322578

>me: "oh, no thanks, i think I understand it already"
clap clap clap. Well done.
Fuck breeding I know science.

>> No.7322593

We burned like 1ft of various alkali ribbons of the last week of AP chem back in high school.

>> No.7323281

what the actual fuck. sjws are destroying science, kill them all if you don't want new dark ages...

>> No.7323305

Britfag here, not familiar with American school system.

Is the AP test equivalent to end of year exams, like A2 exams or something?
What purpose does a final you do after it serve?

>> No.7323335

Not OP but we had metallic sodium in small quantities, which only the teachers were ever allowed to handle. We also had various reagents (potassium permanganate, 40° nitric acid, silver nitrate etc... the usual stuff for HS). I'm from France though, so we were divided in three sections in High school (Scientific (S), Economic (ES), Literary(L)) and the chem classes were probably just a little in-depth than what you had in the US because only we (the S) had them.

However they were stored in a closet with a lock, which a 12th grader (Terminale S) once picked and took a few bottles. He then proceeded to fill Pasteur Pipettes with copper sulfate, potassium permanganate and other colorful reagents, which he would randomly spray on things when no one was looking. He was basically the "ghost pooper" type, stealing parts from computers, hiding a stash of slowly decaying fast food in the ceiling of a classroom...

I was friends with him, the best part is no one ever knew it was him except for four people, and he is now studying Electrical Engineering.

>> No.7323371

The AP test is the exam you are required to take if you want credit for the course. Depending on the score you get (max score is 5), you can take that credit and transfer it to a college of your choice. Some colleges will except a minimum score of 3, some 4, some none at all.
The final I was speaking of is separate from the AP test and is just the typical end of the year final for that course only, under the teacher's discretion. That will only affect high school grade.

>> No.7323378

Is college entry not dependant upon high school grade?

Also I've heard that the first year of college is roughly comparable to what we have as sixth-form.

>> No.7323399

It's a similar situation in the USA. I practically took my first year of college in High School through AP credits.

>> No.7323404

In that case do you just spend "freshman year" dicking around?

A lot of unis in the UK make their first year non-creditable towards final grade

>> No.7323435


>> No.7323908

>batshit chem teacher would always leave random bottles of reagents out
>would take it
That's the extent of my stories, that and doing shit at home with it, where i had a few "accidents".
>melting down an overly large batch of candy fuel on a camp stove
>take mixing stick out, ignite what's on it for shits and giggles
>absent-mindedly put it back into the mixture before fully combusted
>lost eyebrows and front of my hair