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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7317350 No.7317350 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else become an engineer only later to discover that you don't like it?

i get paid well but it's just meaningless to me now.

i'm pissed that i fell for the meme

>> No.7317355
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I transferred out of engineering into physics, only to discover that being a scientist wasn't for me and fuck things up 4 years later, and wish I just stuck with engineering so at least I'd have a well paying job right now.

>> No.7317367

Which field of engineering are you in?
Generally you can do a whole bunch of different types of jobs with any engineering degree, and you are qualified for many non-engineering positions as well..
Is there a certain aspect of your job that you don't like?

>> No.7317369
File: 524 KB, 500x620, laughing girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I became an engineer to pay for my weeb collection.

>It worked

>> No.7317382

most people are just like you, and they work to save money so they can pursue their real dreams

>> No.7317388

tfw you'll never get a japanese qt<span class="math">\cos^{-1}(-1)[/spoiler] waifu

>> No.7317391

That's why everybody who's smart enough should study math and get some real important and meaningful shit done!

>> No.7317394

How do you know if you're smart enough to become an engineer,mathematician, or scientist?

>> No.7317395

But how smart do you have to be really?

I'm contemplating switching to math but I don't want to end up in a class filed with geniuses

>> No.7317397

top meme

>> No.7317400

>actually thinks math is hard and requires any more intelligence than engineering or phys

>> No.7317403

Insecurity hivemind

>> No.7317405

what's a qt<span class="math">\{(2z+1)\pi|z \in \mathbb{Z}\}[/spoiler] waifu?

>> No.7317409

I need answers tho. I don't want to dedicate time to futile endeavors.

>> No.7317410

Math is MUCH harder than engineering lel
But if you're talking about undergrad then the difference isn't as gigantic

>> No.7317414

>passes calc I and thinks now real math would be easy

>> No.7317415

top kek this mathfag delusion

>> No.7317423

No you're delusional my friend
Real math is for really smart people

Anyone with half a brain can be an engineer

>> No.7317426

>Anyone with half a brain can be an engineer
no. anyone with half a brain thinks they can be an engineer. thats why the dropout rate is so high, they can't

>> No.7317427

I read books about computational fluid dynamics for relaxion in bed when I'm done with my analytic number theory homework.

>> No.7317428

>not thinking in radians

>> No.7317430

>computational fluid dynamics
so you secretly want to be an engineer?

>> No.7317431

So you are really implying that the average engineering student is as smart/smarter than the average math student?

>> No.7317434

if there is any difference its less than 5 IQ points, not like muh iq means anything

>> No.7317437

I'm sore your thread became so off-topic OP.
Why do you think engineering is meaningless? I mean you can really do something and change the world we're living in. Math is very abstract and it's much harder to have such an influence to the real world.

>> No.7317439

That's in radians shithead.

>> No.7317450

I'm not shitting on engineering. I find it intresting, and in general an engineer will contribute more to society than a mathematician.

But to think that a pure math grad student is about as smart as the average engineering student/engineer is folly and plain delusional.

>> No.7317453

>comparing avg grad student to avg undergrad student
at least compare apples to apples lmao

>> No.7317460

This. At first the physics scum imagined that their field is as complex as pure math and now even the filthy engineers think so. Where is it all going to end?

>> No.7317462

ayy lmao

>> No.7317479

The average engineering student struggles with calculus and often needs many retakes. Classical physics is a huge barrier and considered a weed out class for engineers.

People who compare engineering students to math/physics are trolling or have never been in a class full of mechanical and civil engineers bitching about how stupid it is theyre forced to learn about electricity in physics or integrals in calc.

>> No.7317487

math majors are women who want to teach middle schoolers to multiply and sperglords like this guy >>7317460

>> No.7317495

>real important and meaningful shit

You have a well paying job, OP. That's more than most people could hope for. Things like "job satisfaction" are just meaningless qualia anyway.

>> No.7317516

What is hubris?

>> No.7317518

bs mech, ms aero, work in aero industry.
mainly what i don't like is the depressing 8-5 lifestyle and depressing corporate environment.

meaningless is relative, but to me, even though i do enjoy some of the work and i'm good at it, on the grand scheme of things it feels pointless to me. optimizing this or that, saving some money on this other thing.. it doesn't spark my curiosity anymore.

yeah probably

>> No.7317521

>What is hubris?
see :>>7317460

>> No.7317528

>optimizing this or that, saving some money on this other thing.. it doesn't spark my curiosity anymore
>engineers arent the large majority of people working in R&D in both private sector and govt industries
>implying all the coolest shit that we invent isnt the product of engineers

>> No.7317537

>optimizing this or that, saving some money on this other thing.. it doesn't spark my curiosity anymore.
Maybe you should go into research?

>> No.7317540

>>What is a slut?
see: >>your mom

>> No.7317543

Should have picked electrical or computer engineering. Idiot.

>> No.7317545

you spelled nuclear wrong

>> No.7317547

It's a job, you're not supposed to like it. It should be well-paying and tolerable. Seems like it fills both those categories, so you're doing pretty well. Graduating and working on something you love is a myth.

>> No.7317550

Isn't that the job of engineers? Inventing while the scientists discover?

>> No.7317556

>Inventing while the scientists discover?
ahh that old meme again. "engineers" do more research than scientists" in todays world

>> No.7317559

sometimes I wish i would just done computer science so i could just make an app or something then retire. it's a lot harder to be entrepreneurial in other fields

>> No.7317573

>put something into a wind tunnel and do mindless calculations
choose on

>> No.7317580

>shoot two protons together and do mindless calculations
choose one

>> No.7317581

Engineers with doctorates. Most engineers are monkeys who barely passed a bachelors.

>> No.7317583

engineers are the ones doing all the R&D at big companies and in national labs.

>> No.7317587

Are you that German who knows nothing about the rest of the world of engineering?

>> No.7317588

Most engineers are idiots.
I don't know one math student who is an idiot.

>> No.7317589

So I haven't been to /sci/ in ages cos it got shit.

And sure enough it's degenerated instantly into 18 year olds and their "my major is better than yours" "nu-uh my major has higher IQ".

Fuck off kiddies, go do your homework.

>> No.7317590

Yes because a scientist isn´t going to research on hydraulic pumps and efficiency but rather on more "useless" shit. I´m myself studying physics because I find it beautiful since I was a child and it is basically the only thing Im good at. Maybe I don´t contribute so much to society but that is not my goal. My goal is to contain a level of knowledge of the natural sciences so I can feed this need to "understand".

Not everyone is meant to change the world and truly remarkable people will (most engineers will end doing plug and chug stupid jobs) change it. For the others achieving a selfish goal is what there is left.

>> No.7317591

fucking lel this is some next level shitposting

>> No.7317592

I think I just found one.

>> No.7317595

is this how you justify trading hours of your life for something you don't like to do? sucks for you m8

I just switched from pure math major to engineering major and am taking summer courses to catch up (going to be a junior in the fall)
I was doing a lot of self studying of topology, abstract algebra, analysis and found out that I don't really enjoy what mathematicians do. Possibly I just didn't get deep enough to see the motivation in it. Maybe I just wasn't smart enough. Maybe I wasn't autistic enough.
Anyway, engineering isn't actually a gay orgy, that's just a meme, r-right?

>> No.7317597

They are not idiots, they fools. The entire world is held on the fools.

>> No.7317599

>Yes because a scientist isn´t going to research on hydraulic pumps and efficiency but rather on more "useless" shit
engineers do research into better detection of special radioactive materials for homeland security. engineers do research into fusion plasma physics, vacuum systems, and cryogenics. engineers do research on cancer growth/death and methods of stopping cancer growth sooner. engineers to research into choked two-phase flow, crack propagation, and damage of materials in extreme environments

>> No.7317600

Engineerfags delusion

Average IQ of engineering student is lower then the average IQ of a philosophy student. Lel

>> No.7317602

Absolutely not true. But it is true RnD is dominated by engineers in certail fields but again these are top tier engineers eith a doctorate or at least a masters. Many who did not do an undergrad in engineering.

Physics majors make up a big chunk of materials scientists and engineers. In the field I work in which is digital controls its really common for people to have a mathematics undergrad and a masters in EE since its a pretty abstract and spergy field.

Awesome engineers exist but they are not the resume obsessed faggots that make up most engineering programs.

>> No.7317608

>but again these are top tier engineers eith a doctorate or at least a masters
>mathematics undergrad and a masters in EE
>ur right, engrs do that awesome shit, b-but they're not avg, they did grad school
>its mostly the scientists that do this
>but they also aren't avg and went to grad school
literally argument in every fucking math/phys vs engr shitposting thread

>> No.7317613

Engineers don't do research. Scientists do research. Engineers only optimize the inventions of scientists and Call it "research".

>> No.7317617

literally Naive NEET: The Post

>> No.7317620

What else would you be doing with your life that would be better?

>> No.7317621

Save money! Start a business you wanna do.

Or, do the noble thing. Save money! Support a wife. Give someone the gift of a good companion, and a good life. Have beautiful children and nurture them properly. Do everything in your power to make sure they live the life maybe you didn't get to have.

>> No.7317622

Now that's what I call shitposting

>> No.7317624

face the reality

>> No.7317632

i think about this a lot, and i don't have a good answer yet. mainly because i've spent the last... 7-8 years basically solely focusing on engineering, so i'm undeveloped in a lot of other areas. i think i would get more fulfillment doing something that directly helps people (surgery/medicine), or something artistic or involving travel/being outside (like photographer or film maker or something [i have no experience with these things just speculating])

>> No.7317642

It's only been a year since I've started working and I don't exactly like doing the type of work I'm doing. Yea, I like dealing with the technical stuff, but there's the stuff like the reports, the calls and meetings, and dealing with people I didn't like.

>> No.7317644

Hey, Im currently an undergrad in EE and Im thinking about switching to physics. Im also
concerned about getting that kind of life you have

>> No.7317649

>basing your life decisions on shit you hear on 4chan
you're too stupid for physics or engineering

>> No.7317650

And I'm considering switching from physics to EE for grad school.

>> No.7317651
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1024, now69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this for you for some reason

>> No.7317653 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I Chemical Engineering, got bored doing the same shit everyday. Instead of killing myself I went back to school. Trying to line myself up to end up in a program doing toxicology research.

>> No.7317723

>Chemical engineering
>Getting bored

Private practice

>> No.7317754

so are math and physics


>> No.7317761

That's why I fucked up earlier than you; in HS I'd rather go to in-state local uni so I don't go do poorly at an Ivy while majoring in some degree and then last second realize that this shit wasn't worth it.

That's when I realized Undergraduate is bullshit, especially in certain business fields and science.

>> No.7317846

>doesn't like engineering
>doesn't like bending reality to their purpose
>too stupid to exploit their knowledge to some other engineering employment

yeah, everything checks out

>> No.7317857

are you still in school by any chance?

>> No.7317960

Bro, it's much worse to graduate, realize you don't like science and proceed to earn shit money.

>> No.7318259

I'm an engineer and fully admit a mathematics degree is much harder and complex and requires higher order thinking to obtain than engineering. That being said, I don't know why you'd choose that for your life's work when you could be getting paid better to rip machines apart and build them up again with newly designed parts. Even endurance/destruction tests are fun. And in your spare time you have the know how to build a spot welder from scratch, or the money to build a drone.

>> No.7318260

I keep hearing about how most of engineers fail to get a job in their field cause there are none. And the few that do get hired are taken advantage of.

And the next moment you hear them having great jobs and pay all the time.

And "statistics" show either way. Anyone knows the truth?

>> No.7318314

I like being an engineer but I just don't like working or talking to other people