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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7315545 No.7315545 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ acts like the average engineer is a well rounded academic powerhouse and dismisses fields like civil engineering and mechanical engineering as bottom of the pile outliers.

In the USA, civil engineers are the most common , with mechanical engineering the only one even close. In many ABET schools a CE doesnt even need to take classical physics II!

This is without getting into the countless other shit engineering majors like industrial E, construction E, etc.

When /sci/ says engineer it really means high achieving electrical/aero/nuclear/chem engineer and those are a tiny minority. The average engineer is a fucking idiot and will barely pass their CE or ME degree and brag about it.

>> No.7315559

>sci/ acts like the average engineer is a well rounded

Woah, where the hell did you get that idea?
Engineering students are in constant competition with computer science students to be the most socially handicapped, autistic, ego-driven, unhygienic, delusional, retards in all of STEM. It's telling that there's way more women in any of the sciences and in pure mathematics than there are in either of those fields. Those people are the farthest from well rounded that anyone can possibly be.

>> No.7315565

There are tons of posts around here acting like engineering (as if its a single category) is the epitome of STEM greatness and way harder than math or physics.

>> No.7315587

They're just trolling.
And you're dumb enough to fall for it sooo...

>> No.7315920


Have you not seen engineer= sucks dick

>> No.7315946

The title of "engineer" has not been spoiled in France. Their ivy league are engineering schools.

>> No.7316150

Tbh I'm a telecommunication eng. student, and math is the hardest course even harder than microcontroller

>> No.7316173
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>Implying EE is superior to ME
>Implying AE isn't just ME with limitations
ME is tippy-top tier, yo. CEs can suck a dick, though.

>> No.7316175

Compared to actual general well rounded fields like pure math and physics that provide great breadth of information, even a retard can go into any engineering field and complete it. That's literally it. In engineering you're either somebody who couldn't into actual science or math or you were too big of a pussy to imagine yourself without the job stability most engineering fields offer.

>> No.7316197

>/sci/ acts like the average engineer is a well rounded academic powerhouse

No, /sci/ acts like the average engineer is a cocksucking idiot, which just reflects how incredible narrow-minded and autistic this board is.
The american engineering curriculum really has to be shit tier, when even typical /sci/ 2nd semester math/physics major idiots feel superior and post rant/troll threads almost every day.

>> No.7316204

>/sci/ acts like the average engineer is a well rounded academic powerhouse
Uh no, if anything /sci/ doesn't give engineering enough credit, especially EE or aeronautical.

/sci/ shits on engineers cause jealous of professional certification or something.

>> No.7316216

wat i thought the meme on this board was that engineers are idiots

>> No.7316236

The meme is that you should marry an engineer because he's easy to manage, he'll still make great loads of money, and he can suck a mean dick.

>> No.7316283

>/sci/ acts like the average engineer is a well rounded academic powerhouse
well anon I guess you just proved the multiverse because you and I clearly do not visit the same /sci/ board

>> No.7316296

Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering freshman here

Since I have to be accepted on the internet I'm curious as to what I could do differently from other mech students, even if the only answer is "don't be a mech student."

No but really, I'm caught between wanting to not be as useless as the average kid in the engineering 101/102 classes and being an arrogant MAE kid who thinks everyone is useless because I either soloed all of my projects (which were along the lines of "make a sudoku solver in matlab without backtracking" and "macaroni necklaces" etc) or tried learning how to be a good sport and inevitably got bit in the ass for it. Needless to say, I feel like I'm kinda wrong either way there.

Is Bioengineering worth it, or should I look away from anything ending with the word "engineering"? I've got a paid internship now doing grunt labor for someone working on bioengineering stuff, seems fulfilling.

I guess this kinda sounds more like it belongs on /adv/ but I figure it's just a comment

>> No.7316302

>Since I have to be accepted on the internet
You know, I feel like people are going to miss the sarcasm in that line

The rest is me being legitimate though

>> No.7316305

>Tell me what to do to be accepted on the internet

Just do what you want to. Tell us what your career/life goal is, than we can give some help.

I guess the most important thing is to do classes and extracurriculars that relate to your future job goals.

>> No.7316338

ME/AE graduate here. If your competing with your class for rank, you'll never take advantage of what a double major gives you.

1) Any and every job you apply for will not care about your double. If the job calls for ME, having the ME degree is all that matters. YOU have to sell them on the benefit of both degrees. Don't waste your undergrad studying when you could have a higher GPA and extra curricular activities.
2) ME/AE are extremely similar. I don't know where you go, but my AE gave up heat transfer/solid mechanics courses for aerodynamic courses. The only other difference is aerospace engineering doesn't dwell on steel, and most structures courses give FEA the benefit of a doubt.

I can agree with OP that a specific engineering degree (construction, automotive, left handed mining, etc) are pretty much useless. Once you start searching for jobs, many only need basic degrees, and two years down the line your GPA won't matter either.

>> No.7316344
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I kinda don't know I guess, hence why I'm asking. It basically just boils down to "I like playing with legos, but I also like pursuing new knowledge instead of working with given parts" alongside "I feel like either way I'm surrounded by retards and/or growing arrogant"

It might just be that I'm a freshman and not enough people have been weeded out

>> No.7316348

>If your competing with your class for rank, you'll never take advantage of what a double major gives you.

I'm not competing, just bothered by people not being good at doing really easy stuff. See >>7316344

>ME/AE are extremely similar.
I know. My school just calls it MAE.

>> No.7316361

forgot that still says science people at the top

It's referring to students in my internship, but it its a science-internship-for-engineers so to speak.

>> No.7316362

>It might just be that I'm a freshman and not enough people have been weeded out
This. If you notice, when you talk to actual engineers, not students, they tend to be pretty cool guys.

Just keep your mind open and explore. You'll probably spend your first year or two taking classes from a variety of engineering fields, so just learn and see what you like, and go from there.

>> No.7316364

Did you make this in MS paint?

>> No.7316369

I find that to be true of all professors though, it seems like as people get further and further from freshman year they become increasingly more useful and increasingly less socially-professional, which is a win-win imo.

That's what the purple dot is for

>> No.7316370

No, /sci/ acts like the average engineer is a flaming faggot.

I'm not sure where you got the idea that /sci/ respects engineers, let alone considers them an "academic powerhouse"??

>> No.7316373

did you see the purple?
> I'm a unique snowflake because I use mspaint

>> No.7316374

I've yet to see any.

>> No.7316375

>implying I'm patting myself on the back on a graph which I call useless within itself

>> No.7316385

It's literally always engineers jerking off other engineers whilst every one else calls them faggots.

>> No.7316401

nah I meant the really low population
lots of people make shitty graphs in paint
you're not unique in that

>> No.7316408

I mean, I'd agree, but at the same time if I do the opposite and talk about how I dislike most the students in my engineering classes for not being able to show up to scheduled group meetings and/or do work, then I basically just slip into the "arrogant engineer" stereotype, hence why it's a lose-lose situation.

Not that I mind being stereotyped per-say, but when it's a legitimate critique it's a legitimate critique.

>> No.7316411

Oh, point taken.

>> No.7316864

why would a civil engineer need electromagnetism?