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File: 438 KB, 1500x754, La_sevilla_del_sigloXVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7313404 No.7313404 [Reply] [Original]

Spontaneously, you travel back to the year 1500. You're in Spain. What you learned so far in life is the only advantage you have over people there.

After the initial shock, what is your course of action going to be?

>> No.7313407

Create peanut butter and ban the black man

>> No.7313408

1.Travel to Holland which is a Spanish colony in this time.
2. Smoke weed everyday.

>> No.7313431

Invest in apples.

>> No.7313433

Prove that light is a wave, mainly because that's the easiest one I can think of.

>> No.7313438

Die of every disease I haven't been immunized against because it doesn't effectively exist in 2015.

>> No.7313459

Try to explain Earth is going around the Sun and there's black holes out there that suck in everything and explain that everything started at the moment of big bang 13.7 billion years ago. Talk about calculus, instantaneous rate of change, and how it relates to motion of 3D objects. Try to briefly explain special theory of relativity and how time slows and space contracts the closer to the speed of light you travel. Spend the remainder of my life being hunted for witchcraft and die alone in a cave, trying to carve down whatever math I know.

>> No.7313466

Invest in Google.

>> No.7313474

So build a mailing service?

>> No.7313475

Being tortured and killed by the Inquisición, probably.

>> No.7313480
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>spouting heliocentrism in the 1500's
Enjoy a fiery death, friend.

>> No.7313485

Search engine, dumbass.

>> No.7313504

>implying people were actually ever geocentric

>> No.7313515

Begin farming fish

>> No.7313518

I would create several texts reproducing all my knowledge about chemistry, physics, mathematics , phylosophy and sociology in a slightly mystical way as if I didn't know any better, also I would make predictions and hide most of my work in a way it could not be lost and/or destroyed, using the social tools I have (like a mecenas I could find or some small cult/secret society, maybe even infiltrating the catholic church) to make sure they would be eventually found
In this way, I would mark my presence in the history of humanity by, at least, being the biggest genius ever, as I had properly described the atomic model, Newtonian dynamics (which would be called My dynamics), the astronomic findings of Kepler before he was even born, while also making several accurate postulations about electromagnetism, optics and other areas of study.

>> No.7313533

Would that actually make world a better place? Everyone would just assume you have magical powers. Even today, if there was some guy in history who accurately predicted a lot of physics of today, we couldn't explain it and there would be a ridiculous amount of thoeries surrounding it, probably spawning even more ridiculous religions. Knowledge is a powerful thing.

>> No.7313672

make compass - get recognition
build clocks - get cash
get some helpers
build microscopes and telescopes
get audience with the king, swim in pussy and gold
next up is printing press, bicycle, steam engine
start writing books explaining the principles for all those simple things
moving on to electrcity and if possible quantummechanics

>> No.7313682

i hate you popsci faggots
even if your quite right, whats the point of spouting such things that you can't demonstrate or prove ?

>> No.7313713
File: 44 KB, 550x405, cryingindian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't anything going to think about the native-americans and how to save them from dying? You have access to knowledge about microbiology.

>> No.7313736

>spout religious crap and use my social skills to manipulate locals to work for me
>harvest materials necessary to create a legion of tanks
>conquer the world

>> No.7313737

who cares about making the world a better place? It's not like humans could ever be better off
learn this
humans as a species will always find a way to fuck up something so do your best to be at the best place possible in every single stiuation

>> No.7313761

1. Get the fuck out of Spain. I'm Jewish and I don't want to die.
2. Find someone really smart (I'm thinking da Vinci) who won't try to burn me alive for possessing demonic knowledge and can help me acquire materials to build things.
3. "Invent" things. Steam engine, clock, basic things that wouldn't scare people too much but would still make me rich. Maybe move on to simple electrical appliances later in life.
4. Be rich, travel.

>> No.7313792

this is a good way to start

tangible inventions that could be bought and sold are less likely to land you in Pope jail

However, to make those things possible, you would also have to introduce manufacturing techniques that are refined enough to make those inventions with tight tolerances

>> No.7313813

I sometimes like to fantasize about this and how I would amaze people and then I realise I probably couldn't apply anything I know and would probably die from a disease or hunger.

>> No.7313817

thats stupid. why save a bunch of primitive redskins and even risk the the white man not colonizing america?

>> No.7313820

don't have the resources to make vaccines though

>> No.7313831

I would kill myself, because i couldn't play starcraft anymore

>> No.7313835
File: 36 KB, 294x283, FWP2NYGG76M57SJ.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you travel back to the year 1500.

>> No.7313855

Well techniqually there is some sort of magic at play because youre time travelling back from the future. Even if there's a scientific explanation it's still seems magic to you.

>> No.7313875

Branching timelines.
Problem solved.

>> No.7314124

>I believe in a multiverse

>> No.7314129

I didn't believe in autism until you posted

>> No.7314135

you have to take care that the king loves you and you dont get fucked by religion.
so I'd become a blacksmith and try invent good guns, fucking guns.
guns for the king.
the problem is that I am personally not into chemistry and that is really important to do anything amazing at this tech level.

>> No.7314139

More like
>I entertain the idea of a multiverse because it's fun and interesting

>> No.7314162
File: 794 KB, 1440x900, 1400873887565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move to Italy where the Renaissance is still going strong
>discover penicillin and invent vaccines, drastically increasing the lifespan of the people in Italy
>invent electricity, the lightbulb, the electric motor
>create electric grids in a few cities, backed by hydroelectric generators
>use my widespread fame to gain political prominence
>unify most of the Italian states under my leadership
>launch an expedition south to extract Libya's hydrocarbon resources
>build an unstoppable mechanized army of tanks and planes
>unite the entire world under the common goal of human and scientific advancement
>as I reach my elder years, pour massive amounts of resources into modernizing the world's infrastructure and scientific research
>on my deathbed, tell those around me that man's destiny lies among the stars

>> No.7314166
File: 116 KB, 614x614, 1393803691186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invent electricity

>> No.7314169

>hydroelectricity strong enough to power a city
>in renaissance italy

>> No.7314191


I'd invent the microscope and go look at some cork

>> No.7314520

Write down the periodic table, figure out the rest later.

>> No.7314547

You mean aside from the Dark Ages?

>> No.7314549

>have the knowledge in your mind to know where the resources for a tank are, how to extract them, how to even build a tank

>> No.7314562

>oh shit I'm in Spain
>develop highly mobile steel armor and fully automatic weapons
>sell patents to king
>invest in ship and crew
>arm them all with my inventions
>conquer new land and live fat off my encomieda plantation with my 5 native whore wives
>bathe in gold and have Montezuma serve me wine and chocolate will I get blow jobs from his daughters

>> No.7314565

>become prophet
>found new religion
>10 year olds have to listen to my sermons and learn about me from their textbooks for the next hundreds/thousands of years

>> No.7314592

Spread smallpox blankets.

>> No.7314625

Make a combustion engine, let someone way smarter than me perfect it and then teach them the basic principles of flight.

>> No.7314636
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Sure feels good not to be a pure physics or math plebeian.

>> No.7314804

teach them about Jedis and The Force.

>> No.7314837

Enjoy your syphillis.

>> No.7314880

You're on 4chan, you have no social skills>>7313736

>> No.7314892

I'd probably start with learning spanish. If I wasn't already dead from disease or murdered for being a heathen then I would probably try to become an inventor or craftsman or some shit and marry a qt spanish gril and be moderately successful and die young. Fuck science, that won't get me anywhere in the 1500's, I'll just hope that being raised in an upper middle class family in 21st century america and having a college level education makes me a bit more clever than your average spanish peasant. Maybe try to delay the discovery of the new world for a while on the off chance that the natives might be treated a little better and their cultures be preserved

>> No.7314954

But we don't eat that shit in Europe

>> No.7314955

>unify most of the Italian states under my leadership
>launch an expedition south to extract Libya's hydrocarbon resources
>build an unstoppable mechanized army of tanks and planes

An army of italians? really? even if you build gundams and nukes you would still lose

>> No.7315007

>Randall Munroe
the XKCD guy?

>> No.7315077

With your knowledge right now, keeping in mind you have zero modern tools, how the fuck do you go about making clocks, steam engines, and microscopes? You have to know every single piece inside and out, AND know how to manufacture every piece with the 1500s technology.

>> No.7315132

Top heh. It's so easy to spot the non-engineers in this thread.

Have fun dying in obscurity in the distant past. :^)

>> No.7315134

Die, because I can't speak circa-1500 spanish.

Try my hardest to hop a boat to limeyland without catching plague and go from there I guess. Try to hop scientific knowledge ahead a few hundred years in very narrow ways without being locked up in an asylum.

>> No.7315168


>> No.7315727

math autists getting rekt

>> No.7316102


I was never good in history, but here goes:

>Go see a local jew and tell him about Napier's number and other accountant related stuff
>Earn enough money and a bit more for a travel to Britain
>Request admission into a university
>Proceed to debate over theology and politics
>Do scientific "discoveries" in prioritized way so the friends that I made there can continue my work and technology advances steadily in all fields
>Most importantly, do not seem to be godlike to avoid protestant inquisitions
>At this point, my fame has reached far and wide
>Request admission with the Queen
>Tell her about national socialism and economics so that she will rule according to those values
>Britain and my legacy rule the waves

>> No.7316105
File: 111 KB, 550x876, d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll become a court concubine because I'd be considered a witch if I did science magic.

>> No.7316600


>> No.7316620

>I would do something I already understood in order to become famous

Why not try figuring out how you traveled back in time I'm the first place?

>> No.7316639

tell everyone to leave niggers in africa and have whites pick cotton instead so that america doesn't turn out to be a multicultural shithole

>> No.7316666

>discover penicillin and invent vaccines, drastically increasing the lifespan of the people in Italy
retard alert

>> No.7316670


Because the "redskins" are the only people capable of saving the white man and every man in the near future

>> No.7316675

Move to Britain and invent newtonian mechanics and calculus. Then proceed to develop linear algebra, differential geometry, tensor analysis, and abstract algebra. Then develop quantum mechanics and relativity.

>> No.7316693

I could publish my not insignificant knowledge of science and mathematics (in spanish because it's the best language) Any changes made to the timeline diminish the chances of civilization surviving the cold war though so the responsible option is probably just to kill myself.

>> No.7317204
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 08f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to explain Earth is going around the Sun and there's black holes out there that suck in everything and explain that everything started at the moment of big bang 13.7 billion years ago
>In 16th century Spain

>> No.7317216

All of this shit is useless because no-one has the computing power to do anything meaningful with it.

>> No.7317230

I'd invent the transistor. It would have almost no meaning to anyone at this time but once people understand the implications it would cause exponential growth in new technologies.

>> No.7317318

>I'm too dumb to collect bread mold and bake virus samples in an oven
Satanic quads confirm that you're a divine agent of stupidity.

>> No.7317404

Underrated post

>> No.7317568

Tilt at windmills

>> No.7317598

wait are you saying the sefards moved from spain to spanish netherlands...that doesnt make sense lol.

>> No.7317610

I'd invest in apples and canteloupes too. Take back my penicillin g recipe. You know, no syphillis. Name myself nostradamus aka my ladies...pimped out. make my brotherhood with G in the middle for penicillin g...get lots of ladies. make a bet with the king tell him the tricks the english play.

>> No.7317628

I would invent steam engine, primitive tanks, guns with the patrons, radio, and may be electric generator and motor. For this to me they would give me knighthood.

>> No.7317629


>> No.7317662

It would set scientific advancement ahead centuries.

>> No.7317664

>I'm too dumb to collect bread mold and bake virus samples in an oven
>Satanic quads confirm that you're a divine agent of stupidity.

Penicillium refers to a family of over 300 species of closely related fungi, most of which are useless, some of which are only good for making cheese, and some of which are actually toxic to humans.

>> No.7317668


>living in spain

I'd seriously kill myself rather than live around beaners (aka, subhumans). Humanity will progress the same and Spain will (thankfully) become an irrelevent shithole by 1950 along with all it's colonies.

That being said, I might try to blow up all the explorer's ships so that Great Britain can genocide and colonize the new world with whites and not racemix with shitskins like the spanish did.

>> No.7317671
File: 315 KB, 1024x640, time-travel-infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would use this stupid chart and get myself killed attempting to follow it's terrible advice.

>> No.7317747

cow pox vaccine for small pox immunity...and willow tree bark mash...for head aches...i'd be a mighty doc. Maybe i'd be in history.

>> No.7317753

>so that Great Britain can genocide and colonize the new world with whites
Do you even reality?

>> No.7317755

this was actually debunked...The other hilarious thing, you guys know the spanish inquisition only ever killed like three thousand people right? The "dark ages" weren't as "dark" as you guys believe they were. The period of enlightenment was caused by the medieval warming period. Evidently you could actually stop and think when you weren't working your ass off trying to eek out some minor existence.

>> No.7318312

I only read the airfoil paragraph and it made me cringe inside out.

>> No.7318381

Take the cloth, rise in church, become bishop, invent Gregorian calendar so that I'm the one immortalized for it, propose it to Pope, he steals it, calls it Gregorian, nothing changes.

>> No.7318409

1. Use my knowledge to befriend a local rich person.
2. Chill.

>> No.7319009

galileo is that you?

>> No.7319096

use my superior education and knowledge to amass wealth and attract spanish bitches. get laid e4reedai

>> No.7319142


Oh shit that is so bad

>giving the simple chemical formulae and not saying anything about the structure
>because a string of letters and numbers that could refer to at least 4 different things will help you make progestin

>> No.7319180


>> No.7319902

Sorry dude Iberia was terraformed into existence much later than that and then they said it was not featured on maps because, you see, the was "the hidden country."

So you are all wet.
Oh - the historians lied, if you don't know that there is probably nothing to learn either. I know, you have the painting to prove it yeah I know.

>> No.7319914
File: 96 KB, 973x629, 1432642613713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously try to learn Spanish
>Will literally take me years to do so
>No-one will hire me until I get it and will be treated as an outisder
>My lack of an income will mean I will be homeless
>No-one would be able to understand my English so I would be of no use

The fact is, unless you can speak Spanish the knowledge you have today is irrelevant. You'll to relegated to a life of obscurity.

>> No.7320913

more like you create a new species of penicillin resistant super bacteria by loosing it amongst a population that has no clue about evolution and very poor sanitation

>> No.7321702


>> No.7321707

They had clocks back in 1500 just saying.

>> No.7323632

build bikes

>> No.7323651
File: 26 KB, 640x350, 1423995060276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave Spain.

I then go to the UK and demonstrate my knowledge of hygiene and advanced medicine, I then develop firearms.

UK takes over the world and creates a massive empire, the difference being I make sure that the empire survives and actually spans every single grain of sand that the world will ever spew forth.

All I ask for in return is that we eviscerate anyone who isn't white and that I get a nice little house somewhere with a farm, cannabis and an endless supply of concubines for my harem.

>> No.7323660

>Will literally take me years to do so

I agree that language would be a huge immediate barrier, but there is no way it would take you YEARS to learn unless there is something wrong with your brain.

>> No.7323679

Become a renowned soothsayer.

Access to the imperial court.

Demand that the Jews, the Moors and Portuguese be expelled.

Requiring remove 90% of Native Americans.

Friendship with all the European nations to expel all Arabs from Africa and conquer North Africa to the European nations.

>> No.7323684

>Become a renowned soothsayer.

As if you know anything of value.

>> No.7323717

At least you tried to stand out

>> No.7323720

Try and figure out where and when I am, survive long enough to figure out a way to get back to the here (wherever that may be) and now. Have fun trying. Die...

>> No.7323724

The End.

>> No.7323725

Ingratiate myself in Charles V's court by teaching them how to inoculate themselves with cowpox in order to avoid small pox epidemics. Urge for heavy colonization efforts in the new world, introduce the factory method of production, free trade and clerical reforms. Upon his ascension to the HRE throne, try to get Charles to institute the same reforms in Germany. Hopefully bypass the 30 years war and the rise of the Prots. Create a powerful German Spanish trade bloc, allowing for the now hopefully stable Spanish factories to have new markets for their cheap finished goods. Continue the development of factories and and provide state funding for the study of chemistry, and physics. Hopefully, kickstart the industrial revolution by the time I'm at my deathbed.

>> No.7323740

invent heroin

>> No.7323769

1.Devise and build crygenic freezing technology
2.Thaw in 1939
3.Get to Deutschland
4.Advise Hitler
5.Delay start of war so that Germany can build up better military
6.Crush England
7.Wait 10 years and rebuild, conscript youth from conquered territories
8.Conquer world in name of glorious National Socialism

>> No.7324065

You would be burned alive for that sorcery

>> No.7324106

>go to Italy
>kill Machiavelli
fuck you Dad and your literal interpretation of The Prince

Also demonstrate to Da Vinci how lift can be generated with an airfoil with a simple wood and canvas model. Live the rest of my life as an understudy to the inventor

>> No.7324129

Craft the first wheel and show then how to make fire.

>> No.7324793

-Explain calculus way before Newton and Leibniz
-Further sciences with knowledge of previously unknown things. (Many probably would not be accepted until long after my death)
-Introduce scientific method
-Work with craftsmen to develop modernized weapons with which to remove Ottoman kebabs with
-Probably be killed for expressing revolutionary political ideology

>> No.7325148

>Delay start of war so that Germany can build up better military

By that time the allies would have counter attacked Hitler.

Hitler's early success came not from military strength, but from the Allied nations hesitation to attack Germany.

An example of this is when Hitler conquered the Ruhr. Had the French units stationed there fought Germany they would have won, but because of their fear they left.

Also, Hitler's political success was almost contingent on Germany's poor economy. The better the country did, the worse he would have done politically, even with Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution on his side.

RIP to you and Hitler.

>> No.7325158

This sounds a lot like Ramanujan...

>> No.7325560

We will start the war with Panzer IVs and ME-262s, in rediculous quantities, plus a reasonable surface fleet. We will not lose.

>> No.7325626

Clocks before the 1650s were the worst pieces of crap ever, before the Huygens pendulum clocks. They were still really shitty until the 1720s, too, until John Harrison made his maritime clocks.

If you could make a clock as good as the Harrison maritime clocks in 1500, you would be able to to auction it off to the kings of Europe in exchange for a duchy and a place in the admiralty, become a national icon for the rest of history, and instantly be a lord in the most powerful nation in the world for the next 200 years.

>> No.7327323

>Live the rest of my life as an understudy to the inventor
Enjoy bending over for the great inventor!

>> No.7327333

>kill him, be leonardo

>> No.7328080

this or die of malnutrition due to the screaming shits from whatever food or water you consume.

>> No.7329588

can i have your autograph?

>> No.7329657

By that time you would have been crushed by the allies. Same point. Do you think Russia is really your friend ?

>> No.7329713

>time travel forward 100 years

>> No.7329744

although the dark ages are exaggerated they where quite pretty well darker when it came to mathematical and scientific advances. At least in Europe, they where so impressive engineering feats with cathedrals and what not but people have been making cool buildings for thousands of years across the world. I know its 2cool to hate on atheism/popsci but the religious institutions have quite a lot to due with it. The only option for an intellectual was to go into the church and people actually where killed for being to outside the orthodoxy. That being said a lot of pushing out of the dark ages can be given to aquinas and natural theology but it took the church long enough after having a virtual monopoly on education for around 800 years.

>> No.7329747

>trying to explain logic to a /pol/fag
Even if you are a white supremacist, I never got the love for Hitler, he obviously was a poor leader that only got in because of charisma and circumstance.

>> No.7329759

Die of plague.

>> No.7329762

You are mistaking geocentricity with the world being flat. It was known that the world was round since ancient Greece. However the world was long believed to be the center of the universe.