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7313386 No.7313386 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst paper you have ever read?
Completely broken English? Blatantly fake results?
Most of the time I read a paper written by some Indians, I got triggered so much by their
>100% accuracy test result

>> No.7313412


Einstein's paper on the photoelectric effect was utter shit.

>> No.7313422

The news paper.

>> No.7313490

What is a paper?

>> No.7313501

90% of the papers written by the Chinese
God, I hate them so much.

>> No.7313502
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I concur

>> No.7313519
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>Electric wave tower
>Do not do face with picture machinery such as the video camera

>> No.7313523

Do you guys have a recommended book for writing technical stuffs in English?
I am a NOTchina person, I just want to improve my English. I know my writing in my previous papers are pretty shit but I can't help it since I don't know what exactly did I get wrong either.

>> No.7313568

This, and the Indians, and the Singaporeans, and the Japaneses.

>> No.7313607

>The theory of saying [gi]

>> No.7313612

Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide by Lester

>> No.7313633
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Thanks, I will try that out.

>> No.7313671

Sorry but I couldn't find it anywhere, even on libgen.
Is import it to my country is the only choice left?

>> No.7313747

Wait wat? I thought it was ok.

>> No.7313785

Too many to remember.

>> No.7313802

sorry, ive never ever even read the book. I just googled you're request and took the first result.

I used another book that I know is on libgen, but I cant remember the name, just search for paper writing or something on there.

>> No.7313826

i'm living in turkey, all papers is shit

>> No.7313828

All research papers are hard to read.
Maybe I'm no genius, but I have to read any paper multiple times in order to get it.

>> No.7313829

"are", you mean

>> No.7313837

It's quite normal actually. Think about it, a textbook is easier because the number of page is not limited, unlike the research papers.
Most of the time the authors assume that you already know what they meant and skipped the explanation.
But still, it would be even more difficult to read when the authors just want to publish their results and do not care about the grammars or writing in general.

>> No.7314686

Can someone explain to me what makes a scientific paper good or bad, and how Einstein's paper was shit?

>> No.7315179

Shady results. Have you ever read anything by a Chinese?

>> No.7315441

I couldn't get through the first section of Mochizuki's paper on IUTT. About forty per cent of the words are either bolded or in italics, and it drove me nuts.

>> No.7315447

You're not alone; I reread most sections of most of the papers I read. The authors often introduce notations, and jump straight into using them. It helps to write down a few examples using new definitions and notations, and copy down lemmas and corollaries, before continuing on to see hiw the authors use them.

>> No.7315518

Yall just need to look at better publishers with good impact ratings

>> No.7315577

Why restrict ourselves? This thread isn't about complaining that the state of academia's publishing standards are too low as a whole; rather, we are discussing the (hopefully outlying) bad papers we have read, be it for amusement or for actual intellectual value.

>> No.7315632

Even the japs?

>> No.7315640

>I just want to improve my English

I used to edit a lot of papers for Korean and Chinese colleagues. It was a very painful process. Then I told one of my Chinese friends to write as if he were speaking to someone. Now we all know that that advice is NEVER given in a standard English class. But the next paper that he gave to me to edit showed a vast improvement simply because he had followed my advice.Of course, he spoke English quite well, as many Asian scientists do, so this really wasn't bad advice to give him.

>> No.7315755
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Anything on vixra. Some things on arxiv are pretty shit too.

Recently I dug up a paper on the representations of Clifford algebras on graphene, and started to notice some mistakes here and there during the first bits. Turned out it's from a Latvian journal.

>> No.7315781
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>"Even if it is impossible..."
I really want to use this to start my thesis, but I know that would be impossible

>> No.7316108

Fun things are fun.

>> No.7316115


this is the worst best paper ever.

>> No.7316203

You only have yourself to blame. Don't cry on /sci/ if your brain get destroyed by the shitty papers.

>> No.7316243

Didn't he get a Nobel for that though?

The physics Nobel is a serious award unlike that peace prize thingy.

>> No.7316249

Once I cited a paper about plastic degradation whose top author was from the university of Baghdad. I don't know if he wrote it in English or wrote it in (arabic? idk) and transted it himself, but I noticed some errors. Nothing too egregious, and it didn't impact the "scientific side", but there were a lot of grammatical errors.

>> No.7316264

Anything by scigen.

>> No.7316284

Having watched the show, I'm pretty sure I get what they're supposed to be saying through the google translate. They're saying "even if [physical time travel] is impossible, it's possible to make memories into data [...and send just the energy through time to your past self]"

her personal bio on the other hand

>"There are a lot of theses in the field of physics"

>Human collective behavior can vary from calm to panicked depending on social context. Using videos publicly available online
Is this guy studying groupthink via watching youtube?

>we study the highly energized collective motion of attendees at heavy
metal concerts. We find these extreme social gatherings generate similarly extreme behaviors: a
disordered gas-like state called a mosh pit and an ordered vortex-like state called a circle pit.
Oh man this guy

>A blurry photo of a mosh pit alongside data of crowd momentum
Does he have the independent variable on the Y? It looked like he was changing some hype-meter (I think BPM of the rock music or something?) to see how it changed the mosh pit momentum, but he has velocity on the X even though that should be dependent on the show rather than the other way around. What is this guy getting at?

>In mosh pits, the participants (moshers) move randomly, colliding with one another in an undirected fashion (Fig. 1(B)). Qualitatively, this phenomenon resembles the kinetics of gaseous particles, even though moshers are self-propelled agents that experience dissipative collisions.
This is such a good bad paper

>> No.7316288

Oh, the indents messed up on that second quote
>we study the highly energized collective motion of attendees at heavy metal concerts. We find these extreme social gatherings generate similarly extreme behaviors: a disordered gas-like state called a mosh pit and an ordered vortex-like state called a circle pit.

Also in regards to
>They're saying "even if [physical time travel] is impossible, it's possible to make memories into data [...and send just the energy through time to your past self]"

I'm not saying that makes any more sense, it's just that it potentially has legible form.