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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7308598 No.7308598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could /sci/ please explain to me why this thing is bullshit?
I know it's bullshit, I just want to know how exactly.



>> No.7308615

It's legit.

>> No.7308619

I built one of these in my bathroom. I use it to power my drilldo.

>> No.7308637

Oh shit, cool, thanks man! Let's ramp up that free energy for everyone! Oh wait, the Illuminati will suppress it because it doesn't fit their agenda. Shit, looks like we're sticking to regular generators

>> No.7308653

I'm not that smart but I will explain pretty quick.
It's a generator. Has resistance means loss of energy.
Even though India is poor Newton's laws still apply.

>> No.7308656

nothing new ever comes from asia, asia only make worse versions of things invented by the west + russia (who only make slightly worse versions of things invented in the wesT)

>> No.7308699

They're saying something in the article about how they've bypassed that, something to do with a magnetic circuit's placement underneath a stationary conductor that spins at the center. I don't even know what a magnetic circuit is, don't even think it's a real thing

>> No.7308706

I read that bs and I knew it was bs. You cant fucking stop resistance air resistance happens and even if you can magnets require energy. Unless we are talking about rare earth magnets which simply can't propel something around a circuit infinite times.

>> No.7308778

gunpowder, the wheel, glass, domestication, soap, writing, ink, irrigation, alcohol, pottery, maps, cloth, oars, the crossbow, the wheelbarrow, the abacus, saddles, stirrups, toilet paper, chess, the windmill, the hypodermic needle, the mechanical clock, the compass, paper money, the toothbrush

>> No.7308799

Shut up nerd

>> No.7308813
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>tesla quote

>> No.7308851


>> No.7308858

You forgot movable type, although that didn't spread outside of Asia; it just didn't catch on and was reinvented independently later.

Also, it's dubious whether writing was first invented in China; Mesopotamian cuneiform is currently the best bet.

>> No.7309104

Perpetuum mobile doesn't exist

>> No.7309112

Are you really fucking crediting middle eastern inventions, ie Caucasian and Semitic people as "Asian". Well then congrats I guess fuckhead, you're really taking it up to ass to please your multi cultural overlords.

>> No.7309659

lol get a load of this cuck

>> No.7309664

I hate it whenever I see a front page reply to something I poster >6 hours ago. What the fuck am I doing with my life?

>> No.7309671

First article starts with a Tesla quote.
Seems legit.

>> No.7309683

>I know it's bullshit, I just want to know how exactly.
Then you don't know it's bullshit. You just think it's bullshit. Take your garbage back to reddit.

>> No.7309700

You're fucking stupid, you know that?

>> No.7309706


Here's my take on over unity devices. I think that they exist, BUT you are not "creating" energy. You just aren't accounting for a source of energy.

A while back I remember reading about an over-unity LED light. After more study, it was revealed that the "extra energy" came in the form of heat from the room. So in order to be "over-unity," the device was cooling the room as well as consuming electrical power.

Furthermore, I don't see why a device couldn't do the same but pull zero-point energy or utilize "ether-flow" or something like that. Again, it's not magic it's just an energy source we forgot to account for.

>> No.7309721


Ultimately it's just symantics. A solar PV panel is an over-unity device if you forget to account for or don't understand that light is a form of energy.

>> No.7309726

>invented in India
That should've been a dead giveaway.

>> No.7309873

Nope, just aware of the limitations of my own knowledge.

OP's post is like saying "I know the sky is blue, but can someone give me a colorchart that has blue on it so I can compare?"