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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7306920 No.7306920 [Reply] [Original]

Is this possible if the Flash was travelling at near light speed and used time dilation to slow down time almost to nothing? If he was at 99.9999999999999999% of the speed of light?

>> No.7306934
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Flash travels faster than the speed of light, so this question doesn't make any sense.

>> No.7306969
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But what about this panel, it said he was travelling at sublight speed.

>> No.7306971
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Here you go OP

>> No.7307045

At that distance, they still wouldn't survive the blast anyway.

>> No.7307050

No, that isn't how time dilation works. If you go quick, they appear slow, but from their point of view it is you who is moving slowly.

>> No.7307064

wouldnt the sudden acceleration completely vaporize the people he was carrying?

>> No.7307080

>35 miles away from the blast

>> No.7307087

>those lateral Gs

They would all be dead certainly

>> No.7307089

so tell me, how did the Korean's frail human bodies travel that fast? They would be torn to shreds by the air friction

>> No.7307092

red mercury based sonic warheads


uranium based mach 5 weapons

bring the bitch inline. not it's own ideas.
[[[[[[ if those monks had red mercury 1000000000 megaton warheads, do you think anybody would have fucked with them. being right. always justifies godly weapons systems of fuck off you dont get it!!!!...... more bombs the merrier.... protect the innocent with 10x lightspeed 10000000000000 megaton weapons.... peace is necessary measures!!!!]]]]]]]]]]]] or go home to rappped and murdered families like history book shows..... your dope today is yesterdays truth.

>> No.7307096

if i drop a tzar bomb on the pentagon will it shut the fuck up with it's back chat????

>> No.7307099
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Are you people fucking serious?
Trying to rationalize the logic in a fucking comic written for neckbeards?
Of course the gook won't be burnt by extreme friction, it's a fucking comic ffs.
Even /a/ is better at this and they accept that their chinese cartoon and mango are not to be taken seriously.
What a joke.

>> No.7307130
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Are you ready to be triggered /sci/?

>> No.7307163

time dilation can account for this. muons travel from the sun to earth over a time period (relative to earth) much greater than their lifespan. however time relative to the muons is much less than that because it is traveling near the speed of light.

>> No.7307164

I forgot about length contraction too, that's an important factor

>> No.7307168
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Accelerator can kill the Flash, discuss.

>> No.7307169

Flash could go to the lecture. They excellently know how to slow down time almost to stop.

>> No.7307189


If he was near infinite mass, wouldn't he have gravitic effect? :3c

>> No.7307310

>If he was near infinite mass, wouldn't he have gravitic effect? :3c
He'd also be posting on tumblr, instead of running.

>> No.7307323

Myne sides

>> No.7307426

Enjoying the flash requires a larger amount of willful ignorance since if you start to think about it you start realizing that he's intentionally failing and being hit constantly during his adventures simply for entertainment. He's way too powerful if you take everything for true >>7307130
to not be near-godlike and capable of doing anything he wants to anyone at any time, no matter their powers.

>> No.7307438

I don't read the comics, but I heard the flash died.

>> No.7307442

/co/ here, what's up?

>> No.7307450 [DELETED] 

I used to read comics and saw the picture years ago. I'm surprised how Flash can pull these incredible powers yet loses to villains who should appear simple in comparison to his powers. This is why I stopped taking the power level of Superhero comics not so seriously.

Anyways, it's impossible to travel fast than the speed of light. I don't know what logic were you expecting in comics.

>> No.7307452

I used to read comics and saw the picture years ago. I'm surprised how Flash can pull these incredible powers yet loses to villains who should appear simple in comparison to his powers. This is why I stopped taking the power level of superhero comics not so seriously.

Anyways, it's impossible to travel fast than the speed of light. I don't know what logic were you expecting in comics.

>> No.7307678

wouldn't an object the size of a human moving at or near the speed of light cause fusion with the air molecules around him?

>> No.7307685

sperglords sperging out. please move along

>> No.7307688

Not in comics. Comics are just pictures and words. You can have anything you want happen in them because the only rules that apply to the world you invent are the rules you want.

>> No.7307694

>You can have anything you want happen in them because the only rules that apply to the world you invent are the rules you want
not if the comic takes place on Earth

>> No.7307706

Easy solution: parallel world with the planet Earth

>> No.7307717

Fast up time is more interesting. In one fantastic book the people used accelerators of time for the grow of plants and animals.

>> No.7307726

>the laws of physics aren't constant in all reference frames

>> No.7307727

>laws of physics must be the same in alternate universes

>> No.7307728
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I'll find my escape then, cheers

>> No.7307791

It doesn't take place on earth. The characters aren't real and the earth in the comic universe isn't real either. If it was earth, something like the flash couldn't exist in the first place.
Physics only applies necessarily to the universe we see around us. Comics are an extension of our imaginations which are constrained by far fewer rules than nature.
If you want your character to travel faster than light? Do it. It wouldn't make sense for that to happen in the real universe, but the comic universe isn't real. Its far from it. You assume because its earth in the comic that physical rules have to apply the same way. But they don't. In fact, comics world's don't have any rules because its not a physical system by any means.

>> No.7307794

Alright, Grant Morrison, calm down

>> No.7307800

I'm not Grant Morrison and I don't know what you're talking about! I'm just saying its futile to assume things should be one way based on rules when its possible to show that the rules need not (and often don't) apply at all.

>> No.7307819

Of course it's fake, and of course someone can write anything they want.

But when the rest of the universe operates under the exact same mechanics as ours, except for one asshole, and explain this by essentially "IT'S MAGIC DON'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT", it becomes far less interesting.

>> No.7307830

That's true - except that's not the case here. Also, the world is NOT EVER STATED to be a representation of the earth we live on. This isn't the only thing that's the same - there are many things which are different to the earth we know.
Also you're conflating two things. The its magic thing also has nothing to do with this... It had to do with actual magic (if that makes sense) changing something else. In Marvel not DC.

>> No.7307836

>Also, the world is NOT EVER STATED to be a representation of the earth we live on.

Yes, actually, it is. Is there a single time where the heroes ever refer to it as anything other than earth? And if it's not earth, why call it earth, and why make practically every other aspect of the planet the exact same, save for a few "impossible" individuals?

Please, never go into writing, because you would immediately and irrevocably kill any sense of suspended disbelief in your work.

>> No.7307839

>the flash had to pick people up and move them while they were shitting or fucking
that poor bastard

>> No.7307841

That doesn't matter. Just because its earth doesn't mean its a fully representative model of ours. If it was, Superman wouldn't exist (and wouldn't be possible). Besides, last I checked, Atlantis didn't actually exist on our earth.
Think about it! The people on the pages are drawn. When a person is drawn on the ground, and he's on comic earth, does he float away because of comic gravity? No! He doesn't not float away because he is drawn that way! And that's all. There's no universe, no actual physical system which needs to follow any empirical or mathematical rules and laws. If you believe there is, I point you to any comic which breaks all of our known physics - not only possible, but also as easy to do as following them!

Please, stick with writing because you aren't smart enough to get it... So you definitely won't be able to do anything more intelligent. ;)

>> No.7307843


That doesn't mean your story isn't shit, which is the entire point.

>> No.7307844

This has nothing to do with hownshit the story is. All comics are shit. Nobody is contesting that. The point is that comics aren't real so they don't have to follow any rules. Not only do they not HAVE to, they necessarily don't a priori.

>> No.7307846

> only reads the hardest of sci fi
sounds depressing

>> No.7307847


>> No.7307851

See my posts. Read this until you get it just like you were taught in grade school yesterday, honey.

>> No.7307861

Nah, I enjoy superhero comics from time to time.

But consider books like "I, Robot" (not the movie crap). It's highly interesting because of the rules it sets into place, and how such rules would affect scenarios identical to ones we might encounter in our reality, in the possibly near future.

This is what makes his stories interesting.

>inb4 other anon keeps crying about his "creative license" to write horrible stories

>> No.7307863

wait, so the flash would look like he's just standing still? to anyone else?

>> No.7307916

This. Questioning a sci-fi comic book is pure autism.

>> No.7307921

>the faster you go, the slower you go
That wouldn't make any sense.

>> No.7307962


Not if he was running backwards while spinning counterclockwise.

>> No.7307965


>the slower you go, the faster you go

tell that to CSI

>> No.7307969

If he touched anybody they would instantly atomize lol

>> No.7307996

>trying to make sense of comics
dude... don't
read it for the story or something... that stuff is full of deus ex machina because the writer can do whatever the fuck he wants while creating excuses
If you want comics that make more sense, read shorter stories or independent series, those actually have more "artistic value", it could be said

>> No.7308015

As an engineer, I much prefer comics. Short stories can be nice, but you miss out on the images of muscularly well-defined men touching each other.

>> No.7308022

what in the hell

>> No.7308039

> As an engineer
no you're not

>> No.7308050

>missing the joke
well, found the autist

>> No.7308053

I didn't miss it.
It's just not funny.

>> No.7308097

oh but you can find that in short stories though
even that is better

>> No.7308190

This is idiotic.

Atlantis may not have existed, but due to tectonic plate movement, combined with varying water levels, it's not out of the range of suspended disbelief that a society might have existed, whose ruins are now in the Ocean. see: that one Indian city.

The rest of your post is even worse.

We all already know that stories aren't actually real, you fucking mongoloid. Why the fuck you even feel the need to type such a thing is beyond me.

However, if you're going to try for even the slightest suspension of disbelief, to make your fake bullshit interesting enough to read, there should be at least some bare minimum explanation as to when things deviate from what is possible in real life, why that is the case.

As the other anon brought up, why wouldn't the people whom he is carrying not be completely vaporized due to moving at such speeds? Are they all some kind of superhumans? If that's the case, why the fuck even carry them away from the blast in the first place? Standing next to the nuke would probably be safer than accelerating at that point.

>> No.7308193

It's a forced meme that hasn't been funny since 2010 when the cool kids did it. The more attention you give people still forcing the more they'll keep doing it like dogs who respond to negative attention just as much as positive.

>> No.7308229


>gay engineer detected

>> No.7308234

Don't worry, I did the math, he's right.

>> No.7308243

You missed length contraction from special relativity theory. Traveling at that speed the distance between the hill and the city becomes very short.

>> No.7308247

Time dilation and length contraction is the same phenomenon viewed in different frames of reference.

>> No.7308254

Time dilation and length contraction are two different things. You have it mixed up, they're effects you can see when observing a different frame of reference than your own. They are connected though, the amount that length contracts is proportional to the amount that time dilates. Think about it like this v=x/t, but v is a constant (the speed of light) so if an observed length is shorter, the observed time must be shorter too.

>> No.7308262

>gay engineer
that's redundant

>> No.7308272

>Time dilation and length contraction are two different things.
They're exactly the same thing seen from two different angles.

>Think about it like this v=x/t, but v is a constant (the speed of light)
This is just you demonstrating that you know nothing of what you're talking about.

Let me guess, smartest kid in your high school class?

>> No.7308274

In one of my old comics the Flasher and Supes race and they were about the same speed. Did he upgrade or something?

>> No.7308300

Actually, I haven't graduated high school yet. I haven't even taken a physics class, and I still know you're wrong.
Let's say we have a train traveling at .9999c, with a clock that ticks every time a beam of light reflects back from a mirror directly above it. For the people inside the train, the clock ticks at the normal rate because the beam of light travels only in the vertical direction. For someone stationary relative to the train, the see the light beam travel a farther distance in the same amount of time. This isn't possible because light travels at c always! Instead we say that light travels a shorter distance in a shorter amount of time, preserving relativity.

>> No.7308316


I would think that the Flash understands hyper-acceleration better than you do.

>> No.7310049

Those races where for charity. Flash only kept pace with Superman to make it look good.

>> No.7310089

>Western comic artists
>Verbose writing = story

>> No.7311106
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>> No.7311112

Please stop posting.

>> No.7311193
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>> No.7311195

this is correct, wtf is even happening ITT

>muh time dilation
>muh lenght contraction

velocity is independent on the reference frame, and both the distance and the time provided by the comic are in the reference frame of Earth.

>> No.7311309

>Actually, I haven't graduated high school yet. I haven't even taken a physics class
It shows.