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File: 476 KB, 640x1002, war on drugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7305675 No.7305675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation for me loving my waifu? Pic semi related

>> No.7305685

Retarded shit, cause dollars spent on war against drug gets paid to people who work and people who produce equipment, going back into economy.

>> No.7305715

Meth producers work very hard.

>> No.7305766

I think a mental health professional could help you a bit more than /sci/

>> No.7305769

Yeah? Like putting him up on SSRIs or some shit. I don't think so. I'd rather let him watch fuck his pillow then see another person take a plunge into the world of pharmaceuticals.

>> No.7305772

Just like the military budget! /s

>> No.7305790

broken window fallacy.

>> No.7306066


You're supposed to pair bond with another human being but isolation and focus have caused you to develop this for an imaginary construct.

Nuns have had erotic relationships with Christ for centuries, you're not doing anything new or special.

>> No.7306102

Well, people paid to tinker human would also reinvest into the economy.

>> No.7306610


During their formative years, children develop not only their understanding of gender and gender roles, but certain triggers for recognizing attractive members of the opposite sex and potential sexual situations, called "fetishes." For example, boys saw their mothers put on high heels or lipstick before going out on dates with their fathers, and developed a fetish for high heels or lipstick.

Girls saw their fathers shave and get out the good car for date night and so developed fetishes for clean shaven men who drive nice cars. However, in order to facilitate date night, some parents have turned to electronic babysitters like television or videogames. If you spent the years you were supposed to be having a crush on your babysitter or sneaking out on dates watching anime, it is unsurprising that you would develop a fetish for pic related.

Children who are raised by electronic devices have been shown to lack certain social skills, with some exceptions made for social media. Children without social skills may only find companionship in pets, such as a cat. While this is certainly related to OP, other children without social skills may find solace in abusing drugs.

OP is postulating a new kind of therapy pet, one with greater potential for helping socially inept individuals cope with the outside world. What he or she fails to understand is that human experimentation is frowned upon in this country. Whether a catgirl is human and has human rights is an issue politicians would rather avoid by not having cat girls in the first place. Other forms of genetic research, such as Stem cells and gay genes, have also been banned. The only means of obtaining a girl wearing a cat eared headband are frowned upon by large parts of society if they are not already illegal in your area. Your ideas are likely to be ridiculed even by those who support them due to the duplicitous and capricious nature of human beings, thus your preference for "flat" characters.

>> No.7306616

That hypothesis for how fetishes develop seems awfully freudian.

>> No.7306620

Do you watch a lot of anime OP. If you were watching anime while your peers were going on dates or whatever that would probably be a factor in your waifu thing.

On a side note, spending money trying to genetically engineer catgirls is a terrible idea. We are nowhere near the science needed for success, and even if we were, the moral and political ramifications would mean a giant shitstorm.

>> No.7306626

/lit/, if you are lucky and the better posters will be bored enough to answer, will provide a good look into why you like it.

>> No.7306936

>The system creates an excess so we have to spend the excess on an unneeded task.

nice, I'll buy it.

>> No.7306957

The fuck you wanna fuck cats for, fucking furry.

>> No.7306976

It's because you're a fucking giant faggot

>> No.7307107 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 805x960, 141213017813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also undermines a lot of observed science, the olfactory, "innate" and learned -- nonvolatile and volatile responses, respectively.

>This represents a Pavlovian-like associative learning in which previously neutral volatiles (very likely odorants) acquire attractive properties by association with the nonvolatile, innately attractive pheromone(s).
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031938402008429

>> No.7307109
File: 216 KB, 805x960, 141213017813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also undermines a lot of observed science; the olfactory, "innate" and learned -- nonvolatile and volatile -- responses, respectively.

>This represents a Pavlovian-like associative learning in which previously neutral volatiles (very likely odorants) acquire attractive properties by association with the nonvolatile, innately attractive pheromone(s).
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031938402008429

>> No.7307111

In other words, OP's been masturbating while subconsciously smelling his cat.

>> No.7307143

I would agree if the 'spending' of war on drugs was primarily on military gear for local police like you see in all those articles.

The Largest share of money spent on war on drugs is probably the money spent on keeping all those people in prison though. While the money spent on feeding and clothing them is re-injected into the economy, the biggest loss is in the work these people are not doing.

>> No.7307224

we genuinly lose the upkeep for these workers

and there is the oppourtinity cost of them not working on something else (and redistributiing their $ into the economy while working on something (more) productive)

>> No.7307252


Technically, it isn't a hypothesis.

OP requested a pseudo-scientific explanation of why he has amorous affection for a reasonably high-level simulation of an idealized (for certain audiences) female.

A hypothesis must be testable by experiment, and is supposed to come before observational data.

The actual hypothesis is whether or not an even more realistic simulation would lead to society accepting the relationship. All anime character move and talk, and while they would not pass a Turing test, not enough people know who Turing is. Hypothetically, if the same character had a physical body, she would be as real as any Hollywood starlet.

If being pretty and sounding pretty is enough to convince OP that she is "real," than can we claim his "love" is not "real." Actually most of us are under the impression that "love" is simply a chemical imbalance in the brain, so if the affection is not real, then why the "object of affection" need not be real. The study of waifus is actually very interesting in terms of the Pygmalion effect, the point at which an artfully crafted female places a male in a delusional state. Harunobu Madarame of the Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture gave an interesting presentation on the subject.

I'll attempt to summarize it...

If :-) is a "smiley face," the human mind can see human features in primitive symbols.



...resembles a woman's body, then it can be interpreted by the brain with the emotions a woman's body evokes in us.

Higher quality symbolic representation would of course provoke higher responses. He did not that there are certain forms of brain damage, as well as society conditioning which would cause people to reject certain interpretations. For example, in the muslim world, symbolic art was forbidden, leading to the geometric patterns that inspired Escher, but also causing them to reject a picture of a horse as "being a horse." This of course has nothing to do with modern muslims.

>> No.7307265

>Harunobu Madarame of the Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture gave an interesting presentation on the subject.

The way you say that makes it sound as if he was a real person.

>> No.7307280


However, there exists in our society something known as "temporary suspension of disbelief." To enjoy a movie or other work of fiction, certain elements of the setting must be accepted without question. Questioning and "disbelief" can come later, but rarely do in some societies. "Fans" can have a serious discussion about the outcome of conflict between the personnel and equipment of different works of fiction that would never meet, mostly because neither really exist. Within such a prolonged state of suspension of disbelief, OP's state would not be considered unusual or uncommon. The question is whether it could be artificially induced in members of society. For example, OP likely has friends or family members who he or she is trying to convince to accept their relationship.

As an experiment, they could engage in the normal social activity of "watching a movie together." It would likely be better for OP to allow the subject of the experiment to pick the movie and refrain from breaking suspension of disbelief no matter how "bad" the movie is. After the movie, engage in discussion of the movie, focusing on "good parts" as interpreted by the experimental subject.

This discussion will likely bring up older movies naturally, but for the purposes of experiment try to subtly steer discussion towards them. After watching the older movies, the subject may reveal that they had a "crush" on an actor or character. In the interests of science, try to find out when they had this crush, when the got over it, and use mathematics to determine the length of the infatuation. Further movie viewing may reveal that they never entirely got over their feelings, thus priming them to talk about your "crush." Likely, the subject had "moral reasons" to give up their crush for a "real person." Misery loves company, and they will likely want OP to support the decision that made them unhappy by making a similar choice, often choosing a real person they would choose.

>> No.7307284


This /sci/entist gets the reference!

However, presenting characters as real people is certainly in the spirit of this thread.

>> No.7307290

My waifu isn't a catgirl. Picture was just for fun

>> No.7307297
File: 487 KB, 500x543, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except, again, a lot of attraction is based in olfactory stimulation: >>7307109, and a type of Pavlovian training.

And, in reality, those with "Anime attractions" know the characters are not real. In the description of "suspension of disbelief", it's always going to be more efficient "submitting" under reality, eventually -- probably why it's listed as "temporary" in the example.

>> No.7308348

Weeb detected

>> No.7308556
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Hidamari_Sketch_×☆☆☆_-_SP2_[E3D40077].mkv_snapshot_18.39_[2015.05.31_22.31.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry OP, you've just discovered that perfection can only exist in 2D.