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7299663 No.7299663 [Reply] [Original]

Is egotism the logical conclusion of intellectuality?

>> No.7299677

no, egotism comes from fear

>> No.7299685

No. An egotist lacks objective, critical thought, and therefore cannot be truly intellectual, though he may appear such to the masses. To say that egotism is the end-all of intellectuality is to say that abs are the end goal of physical health. Truth is, abs aren't even a stepping stone, unless you're an utter non-athlete (aka non-intellectual).

>> No.7299692

>An egotist lacks objective, critical thought
Couldn't the opposite be true in the case of an intellectual?
>My intellect is sufficiently advanced and there's a high probability that it's higher than yours, I'm capable of more rational thought

>> No.7299715

Everyone is egotistical. How can you not be egotistical? All your actions and thoughts come out of the self. Some just hide it better from the public eye.

>> No.7299720

>Everyone is egotistical

>> No.7299730

>An egotist lacks objective, critical thought
where did you get this notion from? do you even know what egoism is? why are you shitposting about something you obviously don't understand? are you an undergraduate?

>> No.7299738

That's not what it means to be egotistical, dumbass.

>> No.7299744

Being an altruist is egotistical. Altruists are altruists because they believe it is the right thing to be.

>> No.7299749

An egotist is a person who believes himself to be and/or strives to be superior to others.

>> No.7299802

No, he's just a big fat asshole.

>> No.7300493

this would be solispsim

>> No.7300495

My life's work is progressing on schedule.

>> No.7300546

Retard found.

>> No.7300750

It's a common pattern. But everyone is different. That's why 99% of psychology isn't particularly scientific. Can't control variables (or even define them), phenomena not repeatable.

The rest of this thread is philosophy shitposting.

>> No.7301020

Altruism is objectively helpful; i.e. science is practiced because it's helpful, not because it's "the right thing".

>> No.7301027

Who is that guy in the picture?

>> No.7301033


>> No.7301106
File: 11 KB, 236x236, 4c9f03752cffc549ccbec9901d8bbcbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The words egoism and egotism are frequently confused, as though interchangeable, but there are distinctions worth noting. Both words derive from Latin ego (‘I’), the first-person singular pronoun.

Egotism, the more commonly used term, denotes an excessive sense of self-importance, too-frequent use of the word ‘I,’ and general arrogance and boastfulness.

Egoism, a more subtle term, is perhaps best left to ethicists, for whom it denotes a view or theory of moral behavior in which self-interest is the root of moral conduct. An egoist, then, might devote considerable attention to introspection, but could be modest about it, whereas an egotist would have an exaggerated sense of the importance of his or her self-analysis, and would have to tell everyone.

>> No.7301146

Altruists believe themselves to be morally superior. They may not say it, but that's because their sense of superiority depends on superficial humbleness. It's always superficial.
Actually science is practised because it's what it's practitioners get off on and is only encouraged by government when there are clear short-term benefits. Unless it's a war, in which case science is encouraged period, especially theoretical. Could always use some cool gizmos opponent doesn't have. Some Japanese people are still touchy about that whole nuclear thingy we did - apparently they didn't find it very helpful.

>> No.7301840

Ever heard of psychology?

>> No.7301859

If you actually want science on what this guy says... there's altruism in other animal species, and it's due to empathy probably, mirror neurons and so on, but when it comes to egoism, altruism is nothing more than a manifestation of... wanting to contribute to the survival of an empatheticable species, like ourselves (and I found it's related to taxonomy, that would be an explanation to why we care more about a cat's death than a plant's death over all, cause they might contribute less to our overall survival psychologically speaking) so it can benefit in OUR survival.

I'm not denying altruism, I'm just saying it is based on egoism or egotism or whatever you may call it.

>> No.7301888

underrated post

egoism can lead to altruism whereas egotism can't

>> No.7301915


>> No.7302449

The intelligent are more filled with self-doubt than ego. Because if you're smart enough you should be objective enough to see the flaws in whatever you're postulating. There is always more than one way of looking at things and the smarter you are the more variables you can consider. Ego is blinding and emotionally driven and therefore steers you in a direction that isn't based on logic/fact. A smart person doesn't want to prove how good they are, only how good their work is which should speak for itself anyway.
It's the stupid that are filled with ego because they are too stupid to see the other side of an argument and truly don't know how fucking dumb they really are.

>> No.7302452

There are those with no ego

>> No.7302514
File: 32 KB, 500x664, Mount-Stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a true intellectual understands that they are inherently limited in outlook and perspective, and even if they may know more factual information than someone less intelligent, that person may still have significant thoughts, and most certainly knows more stuff in other areas. No. Egotism is what someone experiences when on the peak of mount stupid (pic related).

>> No.7302527

This shit is exactly what pisses me off in movies/shows that supposedly depict "geniuses".
It's almost gotten to the point where you can probably trick people into thinking your smart just by acting like an asshole who assumes he's never wrong.

Flaunting ego is nothing but an intimidation tactic. Basically this >>7299677
Ego is weakness that develops in people who are just barely above average, but the higher up you go in intelligence the smaller the ego becomes.

True geniuses often feel obligated to share their gift and they are very understanding and humble around people who don't know as much as they do, because they have no need to prove themselves.
They don't have to intimidate or belittle others to feel intelligent.

>> No.7302548

indeed, and the sage is the intelligent who knows that the intelligent speaks whereas there is nothing to say.

>> No.7302562

Tomato is a fruit/berry though.


>> No.7302564
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>King of the mountain

>> No.7302568

That chart also explains the engineering student's superiority complex.

>> No.7302570
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 1407374296652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a "mountain" for you

>> No.7302579
File: 171 KB, 1051x591, Engineers Rule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this chart explains it even better

>> No.7302584
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is that legit though?

>> No.7302635

I can almost see you hanging upside down in school toilet with your head going underwater over a toilet bowl. Do people even get more pathetic than that? Too bad you're [presumably] not getting that treat at the moment, you could really use some humbleness and/or rationality. Cause I imagine you're giving yourself intelligence points based on your humility and shyness, don't you?

Well here's a shocker: intelligent people are always more ambitious and confident in their abilities. The fact that they see a lot of flaws in most people's reasoning only goes to further demonstrate their higher functionality. If I know I don't make the same mistake most people do, I know it makes me more adapted than them.
Sure, they play along with whatever rituals those retards have, similarly to how they won't ruin kids fantasies by saying they aren't really pirates - they are just pretending, because their real life is too boring, but they have MUCH less insecurities.

>> No.7302650

Looks like maths should be at the far right. Also, it would be interesting to decouple maths from CS and separate out the "physical sciences".

>> No.7302658

What is exactly the "verbal" ability level? Because if it's about maintaining comprehensible dialogue etc., I don't see how math phds have it better than engineers, seeing they work a lot with clients and have to work in group a lot, wherein the mathematical job is usually more isolated.

>> No.7302669

But how isn't belittling stuck-up pseudointellectuals egotist behaviour?

>> No.7303009

Having an ego is one thing, but blatantly letting it show is a sign of ignorance.

Truly intelligent people know they are a victim of their own ego and don't let it get in their way. Hipsters let their ego fly because they love how it intimidates people slightly less intelligent than they are.

>> No.7303118


>Truly intelligent people know they are a victim of their own ego and don't let it get in their way. Hipsters let their ego fly because they love how it intimidates people slightly less intelligent than they are.


>> No.7303231

I don't think you quite understand the premise. When a normal person says "I need to start eating more vegetables, so I've been adding tomatoes to a lot of my food", and your response is "actually, tomatoes are fruits", you are on top of mount stupid.

>> No.7303236

Here's an even bigger shocker. People who talk about how intelligent people are special snowflakes who are above the rest usually categorize themselves as intelligent people. And they're usually not. Frankly, what you're describing is a borderline sociopath or an autist who learned human behavior from a book.

>> No.7303319


>> No.7303322

I'm not that guy but that's basically the definition. Are you claiming that an egotist doesn't have a subjective perception of themselves and others?

>> No.7303325

So egoism is basically the tea party (i.e. the unintellectual party). Hilarious.

>> No.7303337

What the hell is spatial

Are you implying that a lot of mathematics isn't spatial?

Or does spatial really mean 'how good are you at AutoCAD'

>> No.7303393

Why are there so many megalomaniacs in STEM?

>> No.7303572



Egotism is the possible conclusion of assumed superiority.

>> No.7304067

The Dunning–Kruger effect would disagree

>> No.7304984

Dunning-Kruger effect is merely a hypothesis

>> No.7305231

>merely a hypothesis
a geuss

>> No.7305276

a gauβ?

>> No.7305490


No. A Γαυσσ

>> No.7305704


While I've run out of patience for this one liner responses to extremely complicated questions (like, racism is a result of lack of intellect or education, or bullies are really weak inside, etc), there's a point to this one.

Personalities are the product of many factors that have to deal with genetics, neurological issues, experiences, and many other similar contributors. But I recently read up on a LinkedIn article that summed it up pretty nicely.

The article dealt with credit sharing and appearances in work. In short, should you steal credit from others or boast about your accomplishments, or not? The most professional person imaginable, the type I'm sure most of us have met at one point or another, is simply too motivated and too damn busy doing their work to have the time or the interest to care about stealing credit from others, or otherwise playing useless social gossip games. They're also so used to success, and have so much more things to do and already on their minds, that they see no point wasting time on boasting about every little thing they do along a routine day.

This also answers the question about what kind of a person one would have to be, to indeed waste that time, and have that interest to worry about those things.

There's a similar reason for being an egotistical prick. Intellect and drive together implies that one is smart enough to not engage in wasteful and pointless behavior like that, and rather focus one's energies on achieving tangible results, and not make enemies one doesn't need. Egotism is basically just a huge timesink and energy drain, that gives nothing of value. It's a weakness, one we're all guilty of at one point or another, but one the best of us try to keep in check, because it hinders our work.

>> No.7305706

No. A GauBB

>> No.7306064

A gaubeta?

>> No.7306110

Thats a double S, unless you're baiting.
Germany should just get rid of that shit, and use SS like everyone else does.
> np

>> No.7306130

this is a good post

>> No.7306132

> projecting

>> No.7306942

Eh, I htink true geniuses can be assholes too, just like everyone else. Especially if they're in a very specific field. More general intelligence definitely lends itself to humbleness, i'd argue. You'd be hard-pressed to find cocky renaissance men.

>> No.7306962

protip: "geniuses" are just normal people with above average cognitive processing and mental faculties

sometimes they're a little bit more eccentric but i'm pretty sure you find the exact same proportion of laid back chill dudes/raging assholes as you do in the general population.

>> No.7306978

No. Many fools is have egotism.

>> No.7306991

(Not that anon)

I suppose so. I also suppose you wouldn't consider yourself as one then.