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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7295326 No.7295326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw grading homework assignments
>instructions were simple, prove this in a specific way
>get to this paper
>did it the opposite way
>wrote proven
>I love math :)

Why do these fucking people exist?

>> No.7295335

I remember this thread from some months ago. You are wrong on this, sorry. You can prove an equation in either direction in this case, stop being autistic.

>> No.7295340

Yes, I realize that, but I wanted him, and everyone else, to do it the harder way.

>> No.7295344

Holy shit you are retarded. If the student can do it in reverse than obviously he can prove it the other way around.
What an asshole of a TA.

>> No.7295345


>> No.7295348

I realize that, but he disobeyed my instructions and decided to do it the easy way.

>> No.7295351

So that he can do it easier in the future.

>> No.7295356
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>Be neater
>I wanted him, and everyone else, to do it the harder way.
>he disobeyed my instructions

Wow you are a massive faggot.
I bet you've got no less than 3 cocks inside you at this very moment.

>> No.7295358

>I bet you've got no less than 3 cocks inside you at this very moment.
You want to join the fun anon?

>> No.7295359

tbh OP you seem like an asshole. Why force the student to do it a different way if they end up with the same answer? Some people find certain processes easier to follow than others.

>> No.7295366

oh wow, what shit tier uni are you a TA at?

>> No.7295376

Look you're not getting it. I gave the student explicit instructions and he didn't follow them. He was in the wrong, not me.

I also told the professor that the student had plagiarized the answer and had him removed from the class. He needs to learn (and hopefully he did) that if he can't follow instructions, then he'll fail in the real world.

>> No.7295379
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I am an Engineer :^)

>> No.7295380

you got me m8

>> No.7295387

you got me. dammit

>> No.7295398

>tfw supervisor is rigorous to the point of obsession
>do 12-14 hour days all week to make about 50 graphs for some conference he's going to
>meet today, thinking it's all finished and I'll finally have some free time
>he wants more fucking graphs
>not even needed for the conference, he just wants to know every possible config of our system so he'll know the answer to any possible question he'll be asked
>stay late to try and finish them so I can enjoy my weekend
>miss last train home, stuck in uni
>now 4:25am
>still haven't finished these fucking graphs
>wasting time posting on 4chan
>what am I doing with my life?

>> No.7295399

Alright glad I could get through to you.

I mean damn, when you think about it, these people are becoming more and more common. Society is going to fucking collapse at this rate thanks to these better-than-thou millennials. I hate this world.

>> No.7295400
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>> No.7295401

That guy isn't me, but I did tell the professor about it and he trusted my advice and gave the kid a zero for it.

I asked him to end up with a specific answer. He gave me the wrong one. End of story,

>> No.7295403

you must attend a shit tier uni

>> No.7295406

I'm at Kansas State, it's actually pretty damn good and has a rigorous history with physical science.

>> No.7295416

Oh ... I've got an idea. Have you considered not doing that?

>> No.7295419


>> No.7295421


>> No.7295427

What's so funny faggot?

>> No.7295429

something something stockholm syndrome

>> No.7295431

Oh, well then have you considered suicide? You should.

>> No.7295435


>> No.7295436

Lol, I chose this school out of the hundreds upon hundreds that there are for a reason.

You obviously no nothing about our programs.

>> No.7295441


>> No.7295445

there's at least one state university adjacent to Kansas with better programs in pretty much everything.

>> No.7295450

And what would that be?


>> No.7295455

The University of Alaska Fairbanks.

>> No.7295460

practically called out as pasta in the first post

either way not /sci/

>> No.7295465


>> No.7295466

That's by far the most pathetic list of things associated with a department I've ever seen. Why would a department put that on their websites?

>> No.7295467

>adjacent to KS
lol nice

>> No.7295470

Lol that Freudian slip. I think you have food on the brain.

>> No.7295476

>Neutrino Detection: Herald Kruse (Physics, MS 1952) was a member of the famous Reines-Cowan team who discovered the electron neutrino. Herald Kruse began work on this project as a K-State Physics graduate student.

Yeah, so pathetic!

>> No.7295492

compare to, say, the University of Colorado.

>> No.7295494
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>> No.7295495

which one?

>> No.7295499

as it happens, CU has a demonstrably better physics program than K-State. So does CSU, so it <span class="math">doesn't[/spoiler] <span class="math">matter[/spoiler] <span class="math">which[/spoiler] <span class="math">one[/spoiler].

>> No.7295502

Not OP, but what's the best non private school for physics/astronomy?

>> No.7295504

What the fuck is wrong with KSU nigger? My mother's side of the family has gone there for the past 100 years, my grandfather especially is a fucking genius mathematician that got hired by boeing to be a top engineer for them at 19, he also invented the seating style movie theaters use so everyone can see the screen

>> No.7295508
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>> No.7295510

>muh heritage

>> No.7295513

yup u belong there lol

>> No.7295514

And? What's wrong with that?

>> No.7295518

having family history with a school doesn't make that school good. It implies that the school has been around for a long time, but there are plenty of shitty things that last a long time.

>> No.7295520

>almost all of them are private, expensive schools
Fuck my life.

>> No.7295522

Well, I'm already 4 years in here. Graduated a year early and now I'm a grad student.

Are you telling me I'm fucked or something? I've been having a great time and learning so much.

>> No.7295526

So keep having fun and learning, but don't get ahead of yourself and start saying shit like
>I chose this school out of the hundreds upon hundreds that there are for a reason.
when that "reason" is "my family has been here for a long time and I'm afraid of breaking tradition."

I'm not telling you you're fucked, I'm telling you that there are better academic programs. There are also worse academic programs. Don't let your head get big, and those facts won't hurt your feelings.

>> No.7295528

I just want to be successful, I don't want to live a lavish life of luxury but I don't want to have to struggle to get food on my plate ;_;

Do you think I can do that with education from KSU?

>> No.7295534

You could do that with self-education and hard work. "Success" is a matter of chance. Why are you begging for validation from a stranger on the Internet who insulted you earlier tonight?

>> No.7295536

Because I have autism and sometimes worry about every single little thing not working out the way I have planned in my head

and also because this is a troll thread I made from some pasta I remembered months ago and was bored, and remembered that I'm 19, unemployed, and not in college yet.

well, I was last semester, but had to leave, and now im not sure if I can ever get into college again

my life is fucked probably, and the only thing keeping me going is hope and this board since its what I love the most, physics

>> No.7295551

reminds me of calc 3 the awesome professor I had
I didn't get vector calc, it just didn't make any sense to me. So I used dimensional compression and expansion with trig to solve the questions from what I had learned in high school. Took about 10 times the amount of paper, but I completely understood it and could do it lighting fast.

He pulls me aside and asks me what the hell am I doing. I explain that I didn't understand his method so I used one I just made up. He got angry and gave me a challenge pop quiz, that I annihilated getting every thing correct in recorded time. He looked it over very carefully asking me to explain each step despite the level detail I had shown. After him grilling me he acknowledged that my math was sound and he would pass me, but only if I got 100%. So I got a 100% using my method and he passed me.

So many other math teacher would fail me because I did do it their way. I still don't really get calc, but I can solve every problem I have been given with the first chapter of calc and a lot of algebra.

OP, you do realize that by forcing people to only use one method you are destroying the creative minds that get thing done with perfectly valid alternatives. I hate to be so rude, but the phrase "you are the cancer" comes to mind with you.

>> No.7295566

you do know that pretty much no physics or science goes down on this board at all, and, ignoring that, you're a 19 year old college dropout and assuming you haven't been spending 20 hours a week self studying physics since you graduated highschool, probably don't know shit about physics

your life being fucked is a self fulfilling prophecy and if you love physics the most, as you say you do, then gtfo of here and go learn physics

>> No.7295577

I didn't drop out, I was forced to leave because of something really embarrassing.

And I've encountered plenty of worthwhile discussion going on here.

>> No.7295593

LOL. These are trig identities that literally have no fucking practical use beyond Pre-Cal. Get a hold over yourself OP. You're probably mad about the countless people that are better than you at math that will actually go on and do significant things in mathematics while you sit at home bitching about hopeful mathematics majors on a Asian image board.

Go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.7295596

>something really embarrassing
Story time

>> No.7295599

lmao, you tell your tale like it's anything good.

the prof is trying to teach you something, smartass. you're there to learn. you're supposed to understand, not try to get "creative" and make shortcuts

>> No.7295600

Without revealing too much about myself, I basically made a fucking shooting threat against my school in an extremely impulsive decision when I was tired as fuck in the morning. I deleted it in like 30 seconds when I realized what the fuck happened but it was too late.

Yes, I know that was fucking stupid. I have no fucking idea why the hell I did that.

and now here comes the

>lol retard
>fucking idiot
>lmao get rekt moron

>> No.7295601

>I'm a special snowflake too mommy!!

Yeah I'm sure you can use Stokes' Theorem with algebra and trig identies

>> No.7295604

You're not actually autistic, you're just an attention whore.

>> No.7295608

I didn't even want attention, I legit have no idea why the fuck I did that.

My own theory is it was because of the navy seal copypasta, but that's another rather embarrassing story.

>> No.7295610

physics isn't about shit tier discussion its about theories with applicable testable predictions so get off your fucking ass and learn proper physics.

>> No.7295611

I know it's more than just discussion cool things with above average intelligent people on a mongolian claymation website.

I try to teach myself things when I can. It's hard for me to find some motivation to after everything that's happened.

>> No.7295615

just so you're aware without understand the concept behind what you're doing properly you won't be able to expand on your ideas at all. IE if you don't learn what the prof is trying to teach you won't be able to do higher level maths.

What field are you looking to get into?

>> No.7295632

lol what a retard

>> No.7295639

this is pasta.

If the guy were actually a grad student he'd be complaining about something new instead of still obsessively complaining about the same single piece of homework from one student submitted months ago

>> No.7295770
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>Be instructor for an optimization and variational calculus course
>Administration wants me to try out digital assignment submissions
>Can't write comments because I don't have a pad
>Class full of engineers
>Half the class fail the first assignment that uses an extremely rudimentary analysis concept
>PhD candidacy coming up

>> No.7295779

Not knocking on KSU in any way but why does this page exist:



>> No.7295780


>> No.7295782

Why not?

>> No.7295784

The math is valid and works. I honestly tried very hard to understand calc, but I after trying for three years I gave up as I have been able to solve all the problem I find with just my basic understanding. Also it is not a shortcut, it adds like 60 steps to every problem, I have just gotten very good at doing it that way.

Well I do also use limits and the fundamental theorem of calculus, but yes I solve them without the standard Stokes' Theorem equations as I don't understand them. So I do it using mostly algebra, it works very well despite taking about 30 pages of paper.

I understand the argument of learning other ways of doing things, which is why I tried so hard to understand it. But you are wrong on the other count, I passed Differential Equations using the same tactic. When that happened I had to have a long talk with the math dean. She was all excited after she stopped telling me I was wrong and started listening as she thought I had found something new. But after she looked it over more carefully she said the approach was novel but not new or revolutionary, but that I had a good understanding of math a should be allowed to pass if I keep doing good.

Metallurgy, I have had no problems with my graduate research in shape shifting alloys.

>> No.7295785

really, i would wager most if not all of /sci/ attend better unis lad

>> No.7295787

I got to penn valley lol

>> No.7295791

I can understand their reasoning. Seems like it is a smaller department and they want to display how successful their funding is relative to their size and compared to other larger institutions. Also, they want to display they have bright students that won prestigious awards and scholarships. I haven't typically came across anything like this on any other departmental websites... that's all. Nothing bad.

>> No.7295792


I go to MIT (Madras Institute of Technology), am I fucked?

>> No.7295797

University of Munich here. Can confirm.

>> No.7295801
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Whatever this building is on campus looks nice

>> No.7295810
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hey here's an idea, how about you nut up, get a loan, and deal with the debt for a bit? you'll pay it off in time if you don't dick around after attending and end up with a good job.

>> No.7295823

>over 100k of debt
Nigger, are you fucking insane?

>> No.7295837 [DELETED] 
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>invented the seating style movie theaters use

I'm pretty sure that seating style was introduced by Wagner in his Bayreuth opera house. And he in turn was inspired by the greeks, who had these things called "amphitheaters", you know.

Fun fact: Wagner was also first with hiding away the orchestra in a ditch, so that the audience would focus on the performance. His opera house was in many ways the precursor to our modern movie theaters.

>> No.7295841
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>>7295504 #
>invented the seating style movie theaters use

I'm pretty sure that seating style was introduced by Wagner in his Bayreuth opera house. And he in turn was inspired by the greeks, who had these things called "amphitheaters", you know.

Fun fact: Wagner was also first with hiding away the orchestra in a ditch and dimming the lights, so that the audience would focus on the performance. His opera house was in many ways the precursor to our modern movie theaters.

>> No.7295844

Fun fact: Wagner hated the jews.

>> No.7295846

fun fact: I read your initial reply (before you deleted it) and ran wild with what it meant for Wagner hiding in a ditch.

>> No.7295851

Yeah he wrote these faggy pamphlets all about it. He was basically one of the first /pol/-tards.

I just wanted to add the "dimming the lights" tidbit. It's pretty interesting how Wagner's vision of making a "total work of art" basically made him build the first cinema in the world.

>> No.7295853

not this fucking thread again

>> No.7295869
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>> No.7295870

what was the analysis concept they fucked up?
GL with your PhD candidacy

>> No.7295871

Do you not know what secant is?

>> No.7295875

Continuity and FTC.
Thanks mate.

>> No.7295880

OP, there is ALWAYS hope.

Yes, people here are brutally honest, for good reason too.

But coming here for advice is still generally a bad idea.

Anons here don't know everything about you, every single little circumstance, and you can't possibly hope you describe it all to them.

You seem like a nice guy, and you do seem to be intelligent. So don't give up. Do whatever it takes. FIGHT your ass off.

It's not true that no college will take you, you can fight it and prove to them. Many people have been there. Many people have done bad shit and got into college.

It'll be okay OP.

>> No.7295890

Man I always wonder what my old TA's would think if they saw me now. I really wish I could show them how I actually managed to get my shit together and end up excelling at the really hard courses. For all they know I'm still a worthless plagiarizing undergrad barely passing by. Especially I'd like to show the ones that actually cared that the shittiest dumbest undergrad can in fact get his shit together, making the effort worthwhile.

>> No.7295968

That's as dumb as common core maths

>> No.7296017

>cherry picking arguments

>> No.7296029

No, we use 1/cos or 1/sin

>> No.7296041

Same difference.

>> No.7296087

This was a terrible thread then and it will be a terrible thread now, just let this go, you were wrong and he was a fag who failed baby calc.

>> No.7296102

TUM or LMU ?

>> No.7296423

They removed just like that? You didn't have to show that he did plagiarize? No university hearing? If you just lie and kick kids out when they don't do things as you like them done you seem like a tyrant. You shouldn't be an educator and you hardly are.

>> No.7296425

That seems fair. I hope the proof wasn't worth much of the grade.

>> No.7296981

>implying you won't pay if off over time with the money you'll be making at the JOB you'll get after getting a degree from the uni
are you fucking insane? the amount may seem daunting initially, but if you're not retarded, then you'll be able to handle it divide up your finances in an appropriate manner

>> No.7297347
