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File: 255 KB, 1000x1500, couv_idiocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7294939 No.7294939 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise you're Luke Wilson from
>tfw you look around and see nothing but stupidity and mindless consumerism
>tfw you're one of the few intellectuals left

>> No.7294943

You clearly missed the point of that movie if you think luke wilson is an intellectual

>> No.7294946

>watches dumb movies
Poor b8

>> No.7294947

That is the same feel I have when I post in this board

>> No.7294948

Yea man, I like totally understand what you're saying.

We should spark an intellectual revolution man.

>> No.7294952

yeah I wish the world had more people like OP. that would definitely benefit humanity.

>> No.7294955

You can't relate to people because you're autistic, OP. That is all.

>> No.7294961
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>> No.7294967
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have you ever seen fight club, my good man? as a fellow intellectual, i can say that it will change your life. the watch men is another required watching classic. i hope you enjoy. it can be hard to find such rare yet refined gems, lost in a sea of films made for the common dullard.

>> No.7294978

thanks man

>> No.7294979
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>> No.7294984

Quick everyone

Let's fix the problem by not having kids

>> No.7294991

No. Lets sterilize the dumb and chose who breeds based on their education

>> No.7295000

I don't know mein führer that might not be so easy

Do you have some kind of solution to this problem?

>> No.7295005

Asimov did it better.

>> No.7295099

I have the final solution

>> No.7295104

Your dumb and you're thread is bad.

>> No.7295107

>>tfw you realise you're Luke Wilson from Idiocracy
>>tfw you're one of the few intellectuals left

>Luke Wilson is average in EVERY possible way
>average IQ of 100
>>tfw you're one of the few intellectuals left

>> No.7295108

What did Asimov do?

>> No.7295114

>twenty fifteen, year if our Lord
>thinking education=intelligence
I say we start the sterilization with OP

>> No.7295122

Intelligence is education, dummy.

How can you be intelligent if you aren't educated LOL

>> No.7295123

The foundation series is about the gradual dumbing down of society and loss of intellectuals as well.

>> No.7295126

Anyone who claims to be an intellectual or intellectually superior to the majority (whoever they deem that to be) is more than likely neither of the two.

>> No.7295127

>implying intelligence means fuckall if you dont have any education
being a fat fuck NEET that thinks he's intelligent wouldnt save you from extermination you autist

>> No.7295131

Kek, with that thinking, enjoy those blades cutting through your balls

>> No.7295142

What? It was about the decline of the old empire
Lack of technological progress was just one of the effects

>> No.7295158

It was the important effect though.
the foundation dominated because of its technology

And some of the better passages were about the loss of scientific research.

>> No.7295169

*tips fedora

>> No.7295336

thanks babe, right back at you

>> No.7295355
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I tip my hat to you.

I *tip* my fedora to you

>> No.7297687

I think you should learn a bit of history first. Then you'll realize people were always fucking stupid. And don't kid yourself OP, you're stupid too. So am I and everyone here.

>> No.7298133
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>errybody dumb but me

1/10, got me to reply

>> No.7298149

I'm glad I found this board a couple of days ago. Seems like there are people here who actually enjoy thinking about stuff and figuring out stuff.
Yes, most people don't give a shit and they just go about their daily lives almost like zombies. I'm just glad there are a few intelligent people in this world.
I don't know a lot, all things considered, but I will always try to better myself and learn more. That's what sets us apart from the mindless.

>> No.7298155

Education is programming of the masses.

Learning is what smart people automatically do.

>> No.7298168

Lol. OP identifies with feeling inteligent without having intelligence.

>> No.7298214

>implying consumerism is bad
>intellectual meaning fag thinking about irrational stuff

>> No.7298235

>implying consumerism is good

>> No.7298261

Seriously dude. For example, I feel really bad when I see the gajillion of smartphone variants in the market. A whole lot of R&D time and money spent on each of the parts and the architecture of the phone itself.

Do we really need all of it? Does the marginal improvement introduced in each iteration of the same type of phone actually better the lives of people?

...I didn't go to STEM for this...

>> No.7298277

Like Hardin's outburst at the council? I did like that part.

>> No.7298603

Yes, if the world was more like OP, stupid people wouldn't contribute to the gene pool. You know, because OP is a stupid faggot.

>> No.7299265
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Truer words have never been spoken OP. I, too, often feel misunderstood by the sheeples around me.

>> No.7299269

>Learning is what smart people automatically do.
How do you do that without education?

>> No.7299274

Did you mean:
>the eugenics act of 1924

>> No.7299285

fucking rekt

OP you bitch you're nothing special you're just some dumb bitch

>> No.7299339

>you're nothing special you're just some dumb bitch
NO. I am special.


>> No.7299351

OP talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

Now that the playful ribbing is out of the way, I really can't understand why consumerism works. How can people be entertained by stupid things throughout their whole lives, just as if they were permanent teenagers?

>> No.7299361

Because it brings them happiness.

Regardless of intelligence, being happy is all that matters in life.

>> No.7299376


Seriously, though. What's wrong with buying shit that improves your general quality of life? What exactly is "consumerism"? Do you have your own personal definition of consumerism, and are you going to tell people the exact amount of things they ought and ought not consumer? Yea, you can have a toilet bowl, a sink, a tub, a fridge... err, I forget what else, let me go down the list.

We live in a free society that allows us to make those choices - if we want to spend our money on ipads, internet, shoes - who the fuck are you to judge? I mean, you're on some dumb website ran by 14 year old non-conformists, yet i'm not giving you some holier-than-thou criticism about how you're wasting your time not doing something of value

>> No.7299394

People can get their kicks however they like. They can hardly be stopped. But let's not pretend this difference is imagined.
I think I pushed a button.

>> No.7299405

Pushed a button? Took me a minute and a half to whip up; a nice distraction from my studies.

But hey, because you don't really have a principled reply, and are being cute, I can only assume you don't have any justification for your retardation.

>> No.7299409

If the majority was as smart as Einstein the average would be still 100. Just saying. Luke was an intellectual in comparison to his environment.

>> No.7299420

>What's wrong with buying shit that improves your general quality of life?

I would reckon mindless consumerism is buying shit that doesn't really improve one's general life quality or even diminishes it for others.

>> No.7299428

Your response seemed angry and defensive. There's no need to be defensive if, as you say, you have nothing on your conscience.

>> No.7299438

There certainly are goods that you can purchase which diminish the quality of other's lives; in economics, we call these externalities. I don't think those are what you are referring to, though. What do you mean?

>> No.7299456

>If the majority was as smart as Einstein the average would be still 100.

>> No.7299457

I think we're living in a shallow society and much of what we buy doesn't improve out lives at all and it's more about peer pressure and image than need. Take Apple for instance. The hardware doesn't justify the price yet plenty people buy Apple computers and up doing nothing with it but browsing facebook.

Mostly the benefits of mindless consumerism is not worth the damage it does. I'm not against buying things and believe captialism is the better system as long it doesn't go to extremes.

>> No.7299462

An IQ of 100 is the average in context of the whoever was tested, bell curve and whatnot. It's not an objective number.

>> No.7299467

Obtaining information is costly, and it can be expressed as an opportunity cost, in terms of time. If I work hard, and i'm busy, and I can foot the bill, why do I care if I spend my money on Apple for a couple hundred more bucks? If I only browse facebook, I mean, who says I have to browse only facebook forever? I can play a game, use it for an application down the road. It's a known brand that's tried and true; pricey, but people spend their money on it for a reason.

What exactly is the "damage"? I don't see it.

>> No.7299471

>in context of the whoever was tested
In context of "the majority was as smart as Einstein". That's what confuses me.

>> No.7299477


No you faggot, you're not a special snowflake, you're probably just another retard to someone who is more smarter than you. Also this society runs on mindless consumerism, without mindless consumerism, our entire civilization would crumble down with the fall of capitalism. Morons buying useless shit is what drives the economy. To society, an idiot could prove just more useful than an intellectual person.

I remember being like this. Used to participate in a general culture quiz type of game back in high school and I had to learn a ton of culture. After countless hours of studying, I came to see everyone as being lowly inferior lifeforms without any intellect or culture at all, including my classmates. Even the greatness of Chopin or Haydn isn't known widely, while Bieber is. But the thing is, after some years, you mature and you understand this is how humanity always was. You stop being a pretentious fuck and start appreciating and respecting everyone, whether they're fucking retards or some autistic faggot with a PhD in physics. That's the love one has for his species. Start loving brother, makes life easier.

>> No.7299480

Hey man, you're perfectly free to buy a loaf of bread for a couple of hundred dollars and then not eat it, even if you could've gotten something of equal quality for one dollar. It's decadent but it's your money. As long as it makes -you- happy I guess.

>> No.7299484

Funny how you spend your whole post criticizing someone sounding pretentious, while coming off as a totally pretentious fuck.

Maybe you haven't grown as much as you thought?

>> No.7299488

Hey, and that's exactly my point - there's no "damage." You can call the person an idiot; and if the person has some sort of identity revolved around buying $200 loafs of bread, then i'd call him a retard. But if he thought his 200$ was worth the bread, and the seller thought providing the 200$ bread was an okay price, and the bread being produced doesn't really hurt a third party not involved in the process... who are we to judge?

>> No.7299489

I've stopped being a pretentious fuck with everybody around me, but I still am with people that had the same high-school mentality as me back then.

You won't live a good life if you keep hating everyone around you, it's for your own good when I tell you to just be indifferent about the mindless masses.

>> No.7299492

Yeah I fucked up. I meant if the average intelligence was at level of Einstein the average IQ would be still 100.

>> No.7299495

>it's for your own good when I tell you to just be indifferent about the mindless masses.

Yep, you're about as thick as two short planks.

>> No.7299500

Mind elaborating why you think that way?

>> No.7299507

You're free to do it but I'm free to critizise it. I admit comparing the principle to bread was a little simplistic because some things definitely are a waste of precious resources that are reduced to satisfy the superficial impulses of some superficial tard.

>> No.7299508

>if the average intelligence was at level of Einstein the average IQ would be still 100
Because Einstein had an IQ of 100.

>> No.7299523

If his level of intelligence was average!
Luke's IQ is like Einstein's in comparison to the average of the future. So if Einstein's IQ was 180 back then it would be like 360 in the future.

>> No.7299531

You ooze of pretentiousness because you are quick to dismiss a whole population of people as a "mindless mass" without even knowing, or even having a conversation with 1/1000 of this population.

I think people, in general, are good problem solvers. We've gotten this far, haven't we? The average person has to know how to do a lot of things just to survive. It's easy to think that we are all idiots if we obsess over history's greatest minds; but really, aren't we just a bunch of animals? And look at us, how far we've come. We can function - mostly peacefully - in a society. Different views, religions, ideas, and we still form a functioning society. When I want something, I don't get a knife and stab someone for it, even though I full well could. I work a job and exchange goods for money.

So whenever I hear about mindless masses, or how the general population is dumb... I mean, I don't know; compare what the average person knows now compared to the average Ancient roman? Yea, we don't have a bunch of quantum physicists walking around the streets... but so what?

>> No.7299550

>I think people, in general, are good problem solvers.

Not the guy but this doesn't seem to be true. If the the mainstream was mindful it raises the question why they're not doing anything to better their situation. At least something that works.

>> No.7299557

...what are you even talking about?

>> No.7299577

Why would a collective of intelligent problem solvers act irrational and barely solve any problems at all?

>> No.7299590

Uh... this is clearly one of those scenarios where being blunt and to the point is of no benefit.

1. In what general regard are people acting irrationally?

2. What are you considering to be "problems" that must be solved? Because i'm talking basics that you may not even consider to be problems - what do I eat, how do I eat it? How do I get to work? How do I fix my car? How do I help my friend? How do I climb the ladder in my company? Is there a cheaper way than daycare to have my kid watched while I work?

I could generate a list of problems that could go on, and on. These are "life things"; people are doing all of these things, at any given moment, and the sum total of it all is the society that we live in now. Except, the solutions to these problems are cool - it isn't stabbing my friend. It isn't leaving my child in a trashcan instead of daycare. It isn't crawling to work, it's learning how to drive a car properly. I can eat tonight because I learned skills to work a job and make a wage. I don't murder you for your food.

These may not be "intellectual" things to you, but relative to other animals, we're doing pretty fucking good, wouldn't you say?

>> No.7299596

Because fear and shame trump rational thought for most individuals and the smartest people have gotten ahold of shame- and fear- inducing "weaponry" to keep them in check.

>> No.7299613


Have a job? Be afraid to lose it.

Don't have a job? Spend all time trying to get one and be dead scared to not to get support.

Speak your mind and challenge the status quo? They got all the shit they need on you to shame you to the moon or maybe even to Mars.

And even if you are resistant to fear and shame most of your peers probably aren't, so you're not gonna get anything done politically anyway. You are gonna end up a marginalised sad fuck that everyone shuns and no one even wants to understand.

>> No.7299619

Talking about politics for instance. Like the war on drugs and so on. Doesn't work. A ton of evidence against it and even it's shit it's still not as bad alcohol. I'm not a stoner btw.

A more everyday thing would be littering. It's hard to believe the average driver is more than a semi-sentient ape when you can't walk besides a busy road without wading through garbage and if you can't take care of kids you already failed at solve the problem of fucking birth control. Also do you want a cookie for not stabbing people?

>> No.7299624

>And even if you are resistant to fear and shame most of your peers probably aren't, so you're not gonna get anything done politically anyway. You are gonna end up a marginalised sad fuck that everyone shuns and no one even wants to understand.

That's exactly the point. They're acting irrational.

>> No.7299644

You are completely right. But the first question you'll have to answer is likely "ok, so you a druggie? you like drugs? why you otherwise want em legal?". Then you got to be really skilled to not be shamed out of the discussion before it's even started. And that's a walk in the park compared to more radioactive subjects like child porn.

Yes. I agree with you. Emotions make people irrational. If you can condition peoples emotions you have A Lot of power over them.

>> No.7299653

>A more everyday thing would be littering. It's hard to believe the average driver is more than a semi-sentient ape when you can't walk besides a busy road without wading through garbage and if you can't take care of kids you already failed at solve the problem of fucking birth control. Also do you want a cookie for not stabbing people?

Arguably, people litter in their self-interest - waiting to throw away something imposes a cost on them, in one regard or another. Because there isn't necessarily a system in place, people just litter instead of holding onto the trash. The continued littering after a long period of time can have consequences, but that's why we have laws to prevent it. Littering can be considered rational because it's an immediate fix to their problem. Might have bad outcomes, but the point is, it's rational.

>Talking about politics for instance. Like the war on drugs and so on. Doesn't work. A ton of evidence against it and even it's shit it's still not as bad alcohol. I'm not a stoner btw.

Yea, besides the recent overwhelming acceptance of marijuana, the legalization of it in a state, the decriminalization of it, the allowance of medical marijuana. Happening all recent too, after all these new arguments and new information has been in circulation - it almost seems like there is a lag, but beyond that friction, we are making the smart choices in the right direction.

Do you think that maybe people thought drugs were bad because they were told their whole life that they were, by institutions they trusted, and so didn't think twice? Or, maybe they knew that idiot stoner who fucked his life up - and just took the sample size of n = 1.

Maybe we have a differing view of the definition of rational, but I think you've already looked way past the scope of what I consider rational when you cite how we vote and behave and coordinate in a democratic institution about whether or not we should smoke a plant

>> No.7299660

I think the problem is that even though most people aren't stupid by nature they will lose most of their intellectual capabilities eventually because we're encouraged to live an ignorant lifestyle and our brains then adept. The reason why we're acting emotional is because we start to idenitify with our ignorant notions and every attack aimed at ignorance becomes an attack on our feeling of self.

>> No.7299664


Yes I think you are right.

We should work hard so we don't have time to experience or think of reality, then the time left should be spent in fantasy land of TV or computers.

>> No.7299665
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>tfw smart but lazy
I think that's the problem with today's intellectuals; they aren't contributing as much as the driven, stupid careerists. And so they get overshadowed by the majority, their ideas don't see the light of day, and stupidity runs amok.

>> No.7299666

Fair enough.

They may be acting rational but it's only rational on a short term basis. If you took that approach and applied it to let's say your sexuality you might as well could justify raping strangers because you felt horny at the moment.

I know this is a stretch but it seems to me that we as a society learned to suppress certain urges because the kind of impulsive hedonism we're talking about creates a situation that is worse imho.

>> No.7299673

I wonder if a god like AI might end up being lazy as well and considers life as pointless. This would be glorious.

>> No.7299674

They become lazy when they realize their smarts don't matter. What matters is creating an illusion that strokes peoples egos. Fancy names and stylish imagery. Substance is almost irrelevant to catching peoples attention and/or acquiring funding. It's all about making stuff look fancy.

>> No.7299675

I've heard an argument where it was claimed that smart people tend to have more doubts and don't even bother to try something, because reasons, where as stupid people just do it.

>> No.7299676

Or with the kids of course.

>> No.7299693

Honestly I don't know what to do with life and what to think of it. I like to hike once in a while, read book and shitpost on 4chan. I've got the feeling most of life is just some giant circular logic where you do one thing because you want to do another and so on until you you're doing something because you want to do that initial thing.

Hate to use that word but the average normie doesn't know what he wants and just does what society tells him with happiness as bait. But then we're just donkeys and happiness is a a carrot dangling on a line.

>> No.7299702


Sounds to me like a bunch of excuses and lack of courage.

"Yeah, you know, I am smart, I could do this definitely but I am too lazy right now..."

>> No.7299710

Yeah, you know, why bother?

>> No.7299712

It is easier that life becomes circular logic if most of your time and energy is spent on one activity. Say work or full time studies. The little time, energy and devotion left can only be organized in a quite limited way. Which honestly makes it rather repetitive and boring.

But if you don't live that kind of a life that is the norm, people are likely to start look strangely on you.

>> No.7299721

Even if people don't work they whine about it and don't know what to do with themselves.

>> No.7299722

It depends on perception. Smart people percieve things differently. And much of doing or not doing something depends on how said things will be perceived by other people.

You could define courage to be the ability to not care about social implications of what you do.

But really, there is a fair chance you will end up looking like a fool or a lunatic.

It is completely rational to argue that drugs should be legal and child porn too, but how would that be perceived by the common joe?

You would most likely look like a crazy druggie or child molester to most people.

You could invent electricity and then when the first person gets electrocuted by accident people would scream "murderer". You could invent cars and when the first person is run over... You could invent a new medicine and the first person dieing in an overdose or side effect... or develop a piece of software and a very rare bug or even hardware failure kills someone or ruins millions of computers...

>> No.7299724

Depends lot on personality I guess.

>> No.7299731

>Phd in physics
Or better
>Phd in maths

>> No.7299733

>Watching movies.

>> No.7299736


>everyone lambasts OP as an idiot
>they were all successfully trolled by OP

Honestly, there is an undeniable kernal of truth to idiocracy. I'm not an egotist, but you can't deny that the intelligent tend to breed far less than the moronic and that even being remotely knowledgeable puts you in the minority these days.

Case and point is physics. I don't know shit about physics as this board proves constantly, but I've read a few books on the topic and dabble in a few journals occasionally so I know a little. People should not find me to be a genius when I explain relativity or QP at the baby intro level that I understand it, yet they do. That is a very very bad sign.

>> No.7299739

Yeah I totally agree with you. It's like I know I could do or finish something, then I am like, what's the point in doing anything. Man sometimes I wish I wasn't left with this burden of high intellect.

>> No.7299742

360. Woo a full spin. Well spun mr Tony Hawk. :)

>> No.7299746

Alcohol can help sometimes to get you going doing some crazy shit. But it's really not very good for your liver. And your performance may vary a bit depending on how intoxicated you are.

>> No.7299748

>You could invent electricity and then when the first person gets electrocuted by accident people would scream "murderer"

Ironically that's exactly what happened. Not exactly but Edison tried to discredit ac/dc by saying it would be more dangerous and shit like that.

>> No.7299750

Einstein played a sick ass e-guitar too.

>> No.7299752

Thanks for the tip, didn't know that alcohol can burst intellectual drive.

>> No.7299757

Not going to lie: On one hand I know I'm a fucking retard, on the other hand many people are even more stupid than I am. Some time ago I've met a really smart dude though and felt a tremendous relaxation from it after I realized he was more intelligent. Hard to describe.

>> No.7299758

I was a bit unsure, but maybe I remembered it correctly then :o) Most new stuff will be scary to many people. I think you must accept to be viewed as some lunatic or crazy magician. Maybe learn to enjoy it even.

>> No.7299761

I meant more like it can help make you disregard your concerns or what normally stops you from trying shit out.

>> No.7299768

Cool story bro.

>> No.7299770

I would be cool if people we're able show me how I'm stupid and everything I think is wrong, but every time I get into an argument it eventually ends in "that's just like it is", "because I said so", or just uncomfortable silence. Literally all you have to do is say 'why' a bunch of times and you'll reach emptiness. Some folks get mad as shit just for asking why.

>> No.7299774


>> No.7299782

Yeah. Me too. People feel threatened because they tie opinions and arguments to their person and ego. I've never understood why.