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7294497 No.7294497 [Reply] [Original]

I postulate that "Autism" is the next stage in human evolution.

Those who are "Autistic" have many traits superior to neuro-typicals and the rate of people born who are classified as "Autistic" is increasingly at an accelerating rate.

>> No.7294506

Just no

We're sociable beans. Nothing good will come from unsociable traits

>> No.7294511

yeah you're right; this is totally the next stage of human evolution


>> No.7294519


>> No.7294521

Am I the only one who heard "fucked by a celebrity" at ~2:38?
But, he's definitely not gaaaaay.

>> No.7294524


Those are low functioning, they are collateral damage as part of the evolutionary process.

>> No.7294539
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The typical normie is anti-intellectual scum. Like animals those inferior beings are satisfied with living a dull life consisting of nothing but shallow entertainment. Movies, music, video games, sex, ... normies waste away their lifetime, devoid of intellectual ambitions. As a true human bean of higher intelligence I can feel nothing but contempt and disgust for them. I will never understand what it must be like to have an IQ lower than 130, to live without being capable of introspection or any kind of critical thought. Literally the only thing to save humanity from itself at this point would be a great extinction event, like it happened 65 million years ago.

>> No.7294541

Your absolutely right anon. Only they will never procreate and carry the traits into an evolved species. They will only ever be a mutation and watched from outside their cages

>> No.7294548

Is this guy a meme now, or is it the same Berkeley guy posting himself repeatedly?

>> No.7294557

Autism does have a genetic component, but your understanding of evolution is flawed. Adults with ASD are not out-breeding normies. The higher incidence is due to a combination of better diagnostic methods and (probably) increasing pollutants in the air and water.
High functioning autistics certainly do have something to offer the world, and their abilities should be recognized, but considering autism "the next stage in human evolution" is pure fantasy.

>> No.7294558

Some girl with a spree killer fetish.

>> No.7294577

No, OP, you're not a special superhero, you're just a human bean with mental impairment. Just get over it.

>> No.7294580


#asspained NTs buttmad about their future obsolescence.

>> No.7294591
File: 71 KB, 960x653, facebook profile picture for Michelle Pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7294625

>Those who are "Autistic" have many traits superior to neuro-typicals
Uh, no they don't, they don't even perform better academically. The rare aspergers spectra has some supposed advantages in concentration longevity, but anyone that knows aspies irl know they underperform academically in general.

>> No.7294648

yeah. having an intense burning drive to study a particular subject, as is stereotypical of aspergers, is a completely useless trait when you consider the subject is often completely worthless. somebody spending all day for years on end reading about trains and playing in a model train room isn't contributing anything at all to the advancement of science or really anything ever

>> No.7294888

Only very, very few autistic people have some traits like photographic memory and abilities to pick up languages very quickly(in literally hours). By studying these people maybe in the future we'll be able to add those traits in edition to normal behaviour.

But Autism in general is a trait that no one wants, most have to have help to live.