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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7289396 No.7289396 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone loves the Drake Equation. But can we be original for once in a while /sci/?

The universe is ~14 billions years old. The milky way is 100 000 light years across. This means that if a species left their home planet 200 000 years before we developed the technology to do the same, assuming that they could only travel at half the speed of light, it would take them 0.0002 billion years (200 000 years) to travel the full length of the milky way galaxy and reach Earth. Similarly, the nearest galaxy to us is 179000 light years away (small magellanic cloud). This would take ~ twice as long to reach us 0.0004 billion years (400 000 years, not accounting for red shift. Moving at half speed of light may have problems traveling between galaxies. Untested.) Given that the future destiny of mankind, if uninterrupted, is to explore space and form new colonies where it is able to do so (as America is trying to do with Mars already), then it seems sensible that aliens would have reached a similar conclusion. If they are limited by the speed of light and haven't developed anti gravity tech (which they probably have- I postulate that their cloaking device is not only their method of travel, but their cloak and force field too) then I think we can all agree that 0.0002 billion years is a very small amount of time compared to 14.0 billion years (that's only 200 000 years compared to 14 000 000 000 years, a factor of 70 000!) It may be large timescale, but it is nothing on a grand cosmological scale. I think we are like bacteria swimming around in the ocean. We have just begun our journey and there are bigger fish out there. There are even greater possibilities beyond what we can perceive. It's all just about living with what we are given.

pic may be related. It's a UFO.

>> No.7289398

Link related, this is /x/

>> No.7289400
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The point is that « life is cheap », that there is nothing magical to it.
Indeed, according to the latest models, the universe is 13 billion years old, the earth is 4 billions years old and appeared in the last third of the existence of the universe. The first sign of life is as old as a billion years. The planet and the life occur fairly quickly compared to the age of the universe.
The complex life occurs less sooner than the simple life, but we judge this lateness only because we do not let the time to pass a bit longer.

In other words, the intelligent life, another word for the human life, is recent, such as suggested in the original message ; but it does not mean that we are special.
And I add that the nucleosynthesis takes only a few billion years

there seems to be not dead moments in the history according to the lastest models. We do not see a period of inactivity on the processus in biology or physics.

THe conclusion is that we are precocious, but the life, simple or not in our view, is not really special, that it just takes a billions to appear.

>> No.7289401
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>> No.7289405

>So much fedora
>So little time

>> No.7289418

Thanks for getting that out of the way, I almost had to post it myself. Now let's actually discuss the Drake Equation.

Nice meme

>> No.7289435

>assuming that they could only travel at half the speed of light
>only travel at half the speed of light


>(200 000 years) to travel the full length of the milky way galaxy and reach Earth

And what motivates them to make a bee-line for us?

>Moving at half speed of light may have problems traveling between galaxies. Untested.)
As compared to all the experience we have with 0.5c _within_ the galaxy?

>I postulate that their cloaking device is not only their method of travel, but their cloak and force field too
I was fooled before, but here you're clearly just trolling.

>I think we are like bacteria swimming around in the ocean. We have just begun our journey and there are bigger fish out there.
There's your problem.
All your ideas are carefully shaped to feed your psychological need to believe in a higher power.
Just go to church.
You're just as likely to be right about God as aliens, but they have bake sales and pancake dinners.

>> No.7289454

>And what motivates them to make a bee-line for us?
We have already identified about 800 Earthlike planets in the Milkyway. It's also possible they didn't beeline Earth? The time frame of 200 000 is a starting point.

>As compared to all the experience we have with 0.5c _within_ the galaxy?
I just thought it would be interesting to point out that it may take longer to travel between galaxies than simply the distance measured.

>I was fooled before, but here you're clearly just trolling.
We can sit around in ignorance instead I guess? Science starts with an observation. I don't pretend to know how antigravity might work any more than you do.

>Just go to church.
I believe there is only 1 universe and it is predetermined in nature. I do not believe in a creator, although I can't dismiss the idea falling under some definition of creator. Certainly not some kind loving God who will listen to our prayers and grant us immortality. Cold, hard, natural selection as an ever ongoing process.

>> No.7289485

So nobody wants to discuss actually interesting applied mathematics?

You want to post in free will is illusion threads why am I so special noone understands me?

That's fine. I don't really care. At least you are happy, /sci/.

>> No.7289493

I thought this was a rant/meme//x//wall of text thread

Is there something to discuss or what?

>> No.7289500

How long would it take for a planet identified by the Drake Equation that developed intelligent life take to reach Earth?

Or, how long would it take us to travel to an Earthlike planet on the other side of the galaxy and beyond?

>> No.7289504
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>All your ideas are carefully shaped to feed your psycholgical need to believe in a higher power

>> No.7289525

Just can't escape the memes can we?

>> No.7289582

how can you find the ridiculous complexity of everything we know and the sheer volume of what we can still discover so boring you have to baselessly speculate about aliens, and furthermore have the audacity to claim your thread is any better than free will threads, and not just /x/ bullshit?

i'm sorry guy but come on

>> No.7289608

We could discuss predeterminism, many worlds, quantum mechanics, determinism, general relativity, whatever you want?

The possibility of aliens will always be relevant. I have been over the other subjects countless times, I thought I would raise something that I have not seen discussed before- that is actual practicality of traveling to the stars and time frames for doing so.

If you can't see any value in that, that's okay. Not many people do.