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7289014 No.7289014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, what /sci/ think?

>> No.7289016

Please do not tumblrpost, the ballerinas should be picked up from school by now.

>> No.7289018

Someone at Berkeley posted this calling her crazy and there was a huge shitstorm over calling a woman crazy. Just wana know what /sci/bros think.

>> No.7289019

I'm pretty sure that no one has taken that seriously at any point. Also you need any qualifications to call yourself a feminist.

>> No.7289022

I think Sokal already dealt with it long ago and only shitposting retards continue to bring it to /sci/.

Please kill yourself for bringing it up as though it still merited serious response on this board.

>> No.7289023

>you need any qualifications
critical word ommision error
I meant being a femminist doesn't imply any qualifications so it doesn't indicate much if a subset of people of this type are positively silly.

>> No.7289028
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is this what you believe?

>> No.7289029

That /pol/ and /r9k/ must be truly retarded if they spend their time ranting about "something stupid someone said on tumblr".

How can an individual let themselves become so cancerous?

>> No.7289031

So you're saying she's right then?

>> No.7289047

I'm saying that you may as well be ranting about "something retarded someone said on yahoo answers". It's stuff that any reasonable human being wouldn't waste their time with.

>> No.7289056

Hitler was right.

>> No.7289059

Allow me to reiterate this.

Her opinion will never have any meaningful effect on my life nor the life of any normal human being. The only people who will even care are dumb /pol/esmokers and autistic robots.

It is simply below me and if you don't consider it below you then perhaps you should rethink the decisions you have made in your life that have brought you up to this moment..

>> No.7289070


>> No.7289078

Nothing, literally nothing. Now run along to back to /b/

>> No.7289205
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wow you sound smart

>> No.7289206

You haven't seen any argument at all for Irigaray's position! You don't know what her position is! If you read the text in the image (which was obviously not written by someone interested in making a good faith attempt to understand her arguments), Irigaray doesn't say anywhere that the equation e=mc^2 is wrong or false. She doesn't actually make any claims about physics; if she did, then you would be perfectly within your rights to call her out. What she says is that the equation is "sexed" and "privileges the speed of light," both of which are perfectly consistent with saying that it and special relativity are true. The image claims that she says the equation is sexist, but doesn't actually quote her on this, and I think we can at least agree that the author of the text in the image is probably not doing their best to charitably interpret Irigaray. But you all are so hasty to dismiss an entire field of academic study with roots going back to Plato that you don't bother to actually attempt to understand what Irigaray is saying.

>> No.7289209

I agree that the original quotation doesn't actually matter that much. However, I think its pretty intellectually arrogant of you (and pretty much everyone else in this thread) to think that you are qualified to judge the work of a scholar working in a discipline in which you presumably have no training, based on a few contextless and ambiguous sentences that are clearly quoted for the purpose of mocking her, and possibly something like third-hand knowledge from sources like Sokal and Bricmont, who are themselves obviously not interested in charitably interpreting her work or well-versed in the philosophical tradition she's working in.

>> No.7289245

> However, I think its pretty intellectually arrogant of you (and pretty much everyone else in this thread) to think that you are qualified to judge the work of a scholar working in a discipline in which you presumably have no training, based on a few contextless and ambiguous sentences

The same can be said of Irigaray's interpretation of Einstein's formula. I highly doubt she's well versed in physics as Einstein was.

>> No.7289250

Of course anyone is qualified to judge the work of any scholar, as long as they make good arguments. Someone who isn't qualified to criticize einstein isn't wrong because they are unqualified. It's because their arguments are probably wrong. I've studied my fair share of philosophy, and I frankly find most modern femist theory, cultural theory (heck, ALL modern continental philosophy) to be utterly nonsensical (I mean nonsensical literally). And I don't think it takes any training to explain why. It's obvious to anyone who is intellectually honest with themselves, and cares about precise thought over intellectual posturing.

>> No.7289323

How can you argue opinion against pure logic?

We all give up as doctors. You should be the mops too. Oh wait, you can't do that because the patient's families will kill you.

>> No.7289336
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>> No.7289340

The point is- shut the fuck up and stop pretending that things don't just happen.

I'm very talented in trauma but I'm tired a lot and sometimes, you don't get me.

>> No.7289365

WOW you're such a reader of Sokal and Bricmont

>> No.7289394

>ALL modern continental philosophy) to be utterly nonsensical


Continental philosophy has brought us a few good insights, some of which are in cultural theory and even some of which are in what you would call feminist theory.

>> No.7289539
File: 224 KB, 358x310, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(heck, ALL modern continental philosophy) to be utterly nonsensical

holy heck top kek

>> No.7291062

this woman is not crazy. She is, however, very much ignorant, illiterate in the subject, and benighted, regardless of whether she's a woman or a man or if she's talking about feminism or not. Absurd is absurd.