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7285739 No.7285739 [Reply] [Original]

If you were traveling at the speed of light inside of a vehicle and turned your lights on, would they do anything?

>> No.7285740

Well, if you turned them on, they would probably turn on

>> No.7285763


>> No.7285813

But would they?

>> No.7285825

If you were traveling at the speed of light, you wouldn't do anything because you would be frozen in time.

>> No.7285827

But would you be?

>> No.7285834

search up vsauce's explanation on youtube. You wouldn't experience any duration of time and would not see anything. So, you wouldn't really even be able to turn your lights on

>> No.7285844

Please don't comment on relativity if you're an engineering major
You're only embarressing yourselves

>> No.7285906

physics major here. you would freeze.

>> No.7285911

Stephen Hawking here, no you wouldn't.

Nigga's be traveling systems!

>> No.7285919

Oh god you dimwit gtfo and pick up a textbook

>> No.7285922

Another dumbfuck
Vsauce doesn't teach shit
Textbooks do
I suggest young and freedman, fool

>> No.7285930


don't listen to freeman, he'll cause a resonnance cascade

>> No.7285950

Define if

>> No.7285982

>If you were traveling at the speed of light
Well you would have already broken the laws of physics, so you could make your lights do whatever you want

>> No.7286008

Depends on the direction. Since you can't break light speed the only direction it would is in the opposite direction you are traveling. The net speed would be 0 but you would see it as you pass through the light.

>> No.7286026

if you are going 99 percent the speed of light, then your headlights would turn on and go the speed of light from your perspective since you are experience time dilation.

>> No.7286091

The light would be travelling at the same speed as you so the path in front of you wouldn't be illuminated

>> No.7286248

You can't travel at the speed, only infinitesimally close to it. Otherwise, you get nonsense like >>7285906.

>> No.7286378

say you could actually travel at the speed of light, your headlights would turn on but would not be visible at all since the light never leaves the filament.

>> No.7286384

what about physics engineer?

>> No.7286386

To an external observer, your headlights would not appear to turn on. However, you would see your headlights turn on and observe a beam moving away from you because of said aforementioned time dilation.

>> No.7286434

do you engineer physics? elle giggle

>> No.7286445

depends on if you use high beams or low beams

>> No.7286488

god is the geeetest engineer of them all

>> No.7286822

You're an embarressment
Google the relativity postulate

>> No.7288256

wait so are you saying that time dilation doesn't actually exist

>> No.7288285
File: 1.93 MB, 500x375, zoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google or Youtube, retard

I remember a post someone made in a thread about a pole reaching out to the moon, and how the OP made all these assumptions like, "it's an indestructible pole, etc." and the commenter in question paraphrased OP by saying,

>If you could break the laws of physics, could you break the laws of physics? Come ON guys, you know what I mean!

Sage and fuck off

>> No.7288572

>If you were traveling at the speed of light inside of a vehicle and turned your lights on

>what would they do relative to you
>what would they do relative to the rest of the universe

>> No.7288590

wtf is that god forsaken thing

>> No.7288597

Do you even relativity?

>> No.7288598


>> No.7288625

If you were traveling at the speed of light time would have stopped for you, so you could never get around to turning on your lights

>> No.7288683
File: 104 KB, 235x243, lelel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You right now

>> No.7289455

Nobody knows