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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 296x296, 9273823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7277982 No.7277982 [Reply] [Original]

In just 53 days, Nasa's New Horizons will reach Pluto.

Will there be more than ice? Does it have Disney figures? Where does it go afterwards?

>> No.7277986

> more than ice?
>willing to sacrifice

>> No.7278000

I hope it's so cool that they make it a planet again. They should have never demoted it, it's just too famous. #Exceptionforpluto

>> No.7278008

Since it's in a locked orbit with Neptune, should be unique enough to be a planet.

>53 days

>> No.7278018

How detailed an image are we getting?
How close will it be?

>> No.7278027

If there's anything other than ice and rock we sure as hell won't know about it.

>> No.7278030

13,695 km i've heard

>> No.7278044
File: 48 KB, 1024x768, New_Horizons_flyby_of_Pluto_-_Celestia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Horizons is intended to pass within 10,000 km (6,200 mi) of Pluto, with this closest approach date estimated to occur on July 14, 2015 at 11:50 UTC.
>Simulated view of Pluto (right) and Charon (left) at New Horizons's closest point of approach on July 14, 2015

Fuck yes! Closeups of Pluto and Charon!

>> No.7278065
File: 10 KB, 418x80, albedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Pluto is not as dark as Ceres. The best resolution will be about 400m/pixel compared to 35m/pixel for the Dawn framing camera.

>> No.7278177

>If there's anything other than ice and rock we sure as hell won't know about it.

W-why not?

>> No.7280438
File: 4 KB, 480x516, lor_0293938183_0x630_sci_9__-gamma -cont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are raw images already, but just dots at the distance it is at now. Maybe you need more space dots;
Pic is my messing about with an image, is that a surface feature? Who knows.

>> No.7280497


This is partially true, strictly speaking. The thought experiment has to do, with what the probe is designed to do.

If somehow, there were a very few, seemingly benign microorganisms on Pluto, and some other hypothetical lander landed and documented these in today's world, then this would be acceptable information to disseminate.

If, however, there were literally a great big sign on Pluto which reads "HELL IS REAL. 20 YEARS." or somesuch, then this would be suppressed, unless one of the scientists were a christfag who felt compelled to disseminate, in which case it would be pretty easy for him to be dismissed by TPTB as a crank, given the enormous strangeness of the story.

Or, if anything else sufficiently ridiculous or frightening were discovered, then they'd make something else up if at all possible. The trick is, what do you do with any pesky, principled scientists who knowingly saw the original, uncorrupted feed. The options are dismissal via the media, or disappearance.

>> No.7280503


There is no reason for anyone to "suppress" anything and no reason to suspect NASA would do so.

>> No.7280507


Other sign idea:


>> No.7280530


Spoken like someone who has never sat quietly in a secure control room, in the early morning, waiting with baited breath for the images to download, only to find that


is scrawled in gigantic letter across the surface.

>> No.7280558

53 days till we get to see the charon mass relay. woo!

>> No.7280713

>implying were not the ancient who have to go and build it

>> No.7280800

And the Goa'uld spot us
And the Covenant
And the Vulcans... no wait for that we need a warp drive

>> No.7280805
File: 117 KB, 391x391, 1424807148630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7281242

why does Nasa always give us shit pictures like this but their hubble can see galaxies?

/sci/ should just drop those liars.

>> No.7281327

oh really?

ever notice how low quality pictures we get of the mars surface?

>> No.7281360

Why do you always post such retarded posts when you have infinite knowledge at your fingertips

>> No.7282518

For the same reason your eyes can see craters on the moon 250,000 miles away but can't read the small print on a newspaper from 25 feet away.

>> No.7282541


What's that? Earth's a dual planet?


>> No.7282557

>ever notice how low quality pictures we get of the mars surface?

Not really...

>> No.7282565

Is it something to do with focal distance?

>> No.7282584

>Is it something to do with focal distance?

No, it's just a matter of scale. Craters on the moon are a lot bigger than newsprint. Galaxies are a lot bigger than planets. It only seems contradictory because you don't have a proper sense of the scale of galaxies.

The Hubble Telescope has a mirror 2.4 m across. That means its maximum resolution for an object a billion light years away is about 200 LIGHTYEARS per pixel, which is still good enough to get a good image of a galaxy, which might be 100,000 lightyears across. For an object as close as Pluto, one pixel is about 1000 km, which is only ~2400 km across to begin with.

>> No.7282621
File: 84 KB, 700x394, Rabe_Crater_perspective_node_full_image_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low quality pictures we get of the mars surface
preview pic, full size 1.9MB or TIFF
Mars Express Stereo Cam

>> No.7282683

What exactly are you expecting to see?

>> No.7284149

Mars Express isn't NASA.