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7273289 No.7273289 [Reply] [Original]

What would you say is the most pressing environmental concern? Deforestation?

>> No.7273293

human overpopulation

>> No.7273301

It's all really bad and I am not too happy that I'm contributing to environmental degradation. I think the worst is water pollution.

>> No.7273307

yeah..I think actually human overpopulation is the scariest, because it seems like its inevitable and there is nothing we can do to accommodate or account for the changes that will occur in the next 100 years.

>> No.7273342

Not this at all. This is the dumbest concern people have.

>> No.7273367

What is more important then? And why?

>> No.7273373


The thing is that the planet is really huge enough to accomodate every single human for the next 500+ years. What the planet can't do is provide allof us with a new smartphone, smart TV, car, younameit, every 2 years, and feed us meat and coca cola everyday.

If we used less resources in cities, and if human populations were more evenly spread around the planet, there wouldn't be any problem at all

>> No.7273377

That is a temporary solution to a exponentially-growing problem, though. There exists a point in time where we as a civilization must solve the overpopulation issue (even if it is not our greatest concern in the present).

>> No.7273382

Contraception short term, space exploration long term

>> No.7273383
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That's true, but unless we find a way to colonize some other planet, we as a species are doomed, eventually, probably not in out lifetimes or in the lifetimes of our grandsons.

Also, check 'em dude, dammit

>> No.7273439


>> No.7273456

>if human populations were more evenly spread around the planet
the resources they need are not evenly spread around the planet, so put your red herring away pls

>> No.7273470

I see a problem which will solve itself, albeit in a rather morbid fashion. If the planet can't sustain such a large population then it won't, many will die off and the population will be reduced to a sustainable size again. Now repeat for the conceivable future.

>> No.7274778

Pretty much this.

Also it's worth noticing that people could sustain a lot of their food needs by growing a small garden, and just chose not to. Global warming is going to be a huge problem for some parts of the world but until economics make sustainable energy cheaper that problem is not going to be solved. Also I would argue that our economic system is unsustainable as fuck, and that could be a concern.

>> No.7274794

The largest threat is the slow build up of cum and semen never disposed of properly, we and everything else will drown.

>> No.7274851
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God you niggers are dumb.

Look into the demographic transition model, and educate yourselves.

>> No.7274964

Unsustainable agriculture. Livestock farming is such a burden on the environment. If people still farm animals in 50 years I'm checking out of life.

>> No.7274999

I think we need political leaders with a background in science or engineering.

>> No.7275021

Aren't the birth rates in most developed countries going down?

>> No.7276189

an same occur with bacteria in a petri plate

>> No.7276257

It's completely offset by exploding birthrates in shit countries.

>> No.7276270

Overpopulation is the root cause for all environmental concerns.

>> No.7276278

>not eating every ounce of semen for minimum energy and protein loss

Lel, pleb.

>> No.7276285

Climate change. But then, this is exacerbated by human overpopulation, so no human overpopulation = far less climate change.

>> No.7276299

Probably the melting siberian permafrost that's belching mass amounts of methane into our atmosphere.

>> No.7276318

Growth economy politics.

>> No.7276416

For all you fags stating overpopulation, we have already reached peak child, so calm the fuck down.

>> No.7276421

We just have to wait for them to develop sufficiently so that they go through the same middle class transition that developed countries now experienced. Hopefully the environment makes it through without getting too fucked up.

>> No.7276426

Don't talk shit; jet fuel can't melt siberian permafrost.

>> No.7276432

This. We are already doomed.

>> No.7276433

Yeah, probably. Second would be water pollution.