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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7269601 No.7269601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

aye faggots
Im back with a rather interesting ideology i recently been pondering about on.

I honestly believe that this earth is just merely a pit stop for the human species, forget saving the environment and all that useless nonsense.
The earth is not our home, it is where we currently reside, yes but to continue the evolution of the human species we must reach to the stars, and colonize other habitable planets in order to ensure the survival of mankind. The earth, and our son is inevitably going to die, So my question to you is do you agree with this postulation, or do you reject it and if i may ask, for you to purpose your own thoughts on it.

>> No.7269609

jesus christ this bored is always dead af

>> No.7269628
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>implying lenardo had emotions
Also stop being such a pleb by parroting interstellar.

I for one would find it motherfucking neato if we would inhabit other worlds.

>> No.7269630


Yes ideally we would be moving on to other inhabitable planets and whatnot but the problem is if we completely ignore the degradation of the environment we won't make it as a species or at least experiencing technological growth similar to now nearly long enough to develop the kind of technology you're talking about

>> No.7269634 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7269635

I think more people would reject that than they do environmentalism.

>> No.7269636

>to continue the evolution of the human species

>muuh humans must live as long as they can

>> No.7269653

im broke as fuck, and it was a good movie, to say it was shit isnt doing it justice specially with the Jewish influenced filth that is Hollywood media.

I was under the preception, or more however hoping that we will have a scientific alteration that will change our society, such as EMdrive
from wich then i believe this ideology will be commonly shared among the world.

>> No.7269655

Yes seeing how we are the only known forms of intelligent humanoid life in this universe one might think that it would be rather important to stress the ensurement of survival for this life.

>> No.7269662

>Yes seeing how we are the only known forms of intelligent humanoid life in this universe one might think that it would be rather important to stress the ensurement of survival for this life.

pure ideology, there is no reason to constrain people 's time and money on this one

>> No.7269664

What you speak of is of a completely different magnitude in terms of time. We're already experiencing the bad of climate change in about 200 years of industrial revolutions, but the means to colonising planets is still hundreds (if not thousands) of generations off from the present.

>> No.7269667

I beg to differ, 500km diameter pure iron rock hurling through space at a velocity of thousands of meters per second, in a direct trajectory towards earth is rather convincing to ordinary people and geniuses alike.

>> No.7269670

>constant unscientific speculation
>intense levels of shitposting
>concentration of uneducated internet scientists

It's no surprise this board is dead, chaps like you have killed it. Tell me fam, what is your level of scientific education? Have you even been to uni? Or did you learn from dawkins, NdT and Micku cuckoo?

>> No.7269672

At current rate the human species won't survive long enough to reach a point where it can live on other planets.

>> No.7269675

yes yes but as i previously stated, i was taking into account that a catalytic event in the scientific doctrine would reduce that time. Maby even so much that it will be so in our life times.

>> No.7269682
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Do you not know how to respond to someones proposed postulation in an intelligent manor? Or were you just born naturally autistic ?
You literally are shitposting by contributing nothing to the thread, fucking newfag.

>> No.7269684

Nah mate, its not that scientists don't want this. Its just that's not interesting for the people issuing the grant money. Son, you do realize how incredibly expensive research is right?

>> No.7269686


nuclear war?

are we genetically "broke" is it impossible for these dreams i have to be achieved because of human arrogance and selfishness.

>> No.7269688

>At current rate the human species won't survive long enough to reach a point where it can live on other planets.
we survive quite well and it coudl take a few millenia to come back to the technology of 2015, but there is no reason to doubt that life would cease to exist. If we do not survive, It would be the next intelelligent form to go to another planet. And there is nothing wrong with this, unless you are a degenerate such as the humanists.

>> No.7269689
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>being this mad
>being a pleb
>not even having undergrad STEM education

>> No.7269695

god damnt read my comments faggots

As i said earlier, wich is crucial to even contemplate what im saying, If there was an immiedate threat to earth say an astroid, it would be a catalyst for funding for scientific research FROM which the catalytic discovery's (warp drive, space shit like that) would be researched.
notice in the darkess of times in humanity, the greatest of inventions are achieved, *nuclear weapons* ect...

>> No.7269703
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Your a dude bragging about your degree as if anyone gives a fuck.

You obviously must feel insecure about yourself because theres no other logical reasoning to just randomly be like


fuck off if you do not want to have a progressive idea about the future of mankind.

>> No.7269706
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If this, then that. Baseless speculation without any insight into what is possible and what is probable. I reward you three stars out of ten on the scale of logic, a poor performance indeed.

>> No.7269708

i dont ...i dont understand how your not only denying the possibilty of the INEVITABILITY of earth being hit by another astroid, but ASLO denying the fact it wont increase the funding as if were just gonna sit there and take a big rock up our ass without doing anything about it.
humans are resourceful and have an unparalleled willpower to survive.

come on guys are you even trying or is it too early?

>> No.7269709
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>if you do not believe in my woo-woo batshit you're not a progressive free thinker like me
>literally has no notable achievements in life except being master cuck

>> No.7269718

Imagine everyone jacking off for thousands of years going about by their shit as usual and suddenly we find that in the next year we will get hit by a huge ass meteor. This does not mean that by throwing dollars at the problem we will magically conjure up some FTL drive out of the asses of the greatest scientists of our time.

>> No.7269722

ah fuck you faggot
yes, these are questions we should be talking about
are you implying what im saying is detrimental?
what are you a fucking nazi
not like i was like

>> No.7269723

Mate, have you never read anything on climate change? Even slight temperature alterations lead to catastrophic failures because it's not a linear progression, in ways we haven't even discovered because the prosperity of all organic life on Earth is connected in incredibly complex, often indirect manner.

>> No.7269726

So what do you propose the human race would do? And what would be the direct repressions of the events following up IF we were successful

>> No.7269732

>thinking you're qualified to discuss subjects which are hopelessly beyond your understanding
>expecting to be treated as something other than an ignoramous
>expecting people to take arguments made in ignorance seriously

If you knew what you were talking about, you probably wouldn't have a stupid thread like this. You're just another popsci meme expert without a clue.

>> No.7269739


Obviously its not linear, its affected by a multitude of factors.
But if im not mistaken those cataclsymic events are quite rare on earth thus rendering it...rather irreverent would you say? but then again this is all speculation and bullshit so you are relatively correct, but i think you are subject to a slight degree of hyperbole, i highly doubt it would wipe out all life on earth.

>> No.7269748

its an anonymous fucking board.
How new are you to 4chan?
your acting like i wrote a book on this shit and im trying to convince you its the only way to think like im asking you to present your own opinions but unfortunately your false intelligent superiority complex is getting in the way.

>> No.7269754

Cut the shit with this newfag crap, kid. Go back to bee of you want to be popular by showing everyone how long you've been a degenerate.

>> No.7269760

i dont wish for any of that,
Just simply a progressive conversation of a possible future we may have to face in our, or our children lifes
>implying you reproduce
seriously quit shitposting

>> No.7269764

You've been told multiple times by multiple people why you're retarded. I would draw my conclusions from that if I were you.

>> No.7269773

>continuing to shitpost after being called out
I think that's enough, old boy.

>> No.7269778

you probably been told that your whole life but you dont see me saying anything.

I find it ammusing you claim to have such superior intelligence due to your "degrees"
yet you have nothing to say? afraid ill make you look beta as fuck because im smarter and better looking than you? Must suck to be beta haha
this aint no pesudo bullshit, so dont even try pullin that bullshit

>> No.7269785


>> No.7269787

damage control much mods?
you sure got me

>> No.7269795

>But if im not mistaken those cataclsymic events are quite rare on earth
Not anymore, thanks to the lack of interest to cut carbon emissions.

>> No.7269803

are you kidding me?
the internal combustion engine is practically dead
everything is going solar/wind/hydro
its just those damned greedy coal companies

>> No.7269811
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>the internal combustion engine is practically dead

>> No.7269815

seeing how i know more about cars than anyone on this thread, its one thing im quite certain im qualified on, and i meant it in regards of public and personal transportation
PRIUS ECO BULLSHIT all that gay shit come on you know what im saying here

>> No.7269826
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Is this dumbass serious? I'm starting to think he's not even trolling.

>> No.7269839

yes im being serious you fucking faggot, for a brief moment in time i thought /sci/ to be a refugee, a safe haven for conversations and intellectual ideas of the future and progressive thinking, but you autistic fucks clearly proved me wrong. congrats.

>> No.7269848

Fuck it let this thread die.
Ill be back /sci/ trust me

>> No.7269851

You say "degrees" like they're some figurative thing kek. Look mate he's not dignifying your mentally handicapped thread as to not foster shitposting on this board, that makes no suggestion about his intelligence, only about yours for thinking it does. You're clearly not smarter, that's evident, and you your assumption you're better looking is based on absolutely nothing, like it would fucking matter. All your comments are the furthest thing from alpha I think I've ever read, and the topic you want to discuss is 100% by definition, pseudo. It's probably a good thing you're a plumber in the making or whatever non-educated field you are.

>> No.7269862

shekel as if it matters, i get off and go fuck my pussy, ride in luxurious exotic cars, and worry about nothing but what bitch i want to fuck the next day. Beta fags gon be beta.
cry some more i love the perception i get out of your text of pure desperation from your insufferable pathetic excuse of life.
duces bruh! hahahahahahh

>> No.7269865
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Thread was retarded
but i do believe he just shat on you

>> No.7269867
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> I honestly believe that this earth is just merely a pit stop for the human species, forget saving the environment and all that useless nonsense.
Before you go to primary school, you have to learn to wipe your ass.
Before you colonize other planets, you have got to learn how to take care of one.

>> No.7269877

Learning how to take care of 1 specific planet, with its SPECIFIC problems in a SPECIFIC environment is quite arbitary, your missing my point, harvest, move on to next, repeat type deal. use and dispose of kinda shit. and after say XXXX years the planet is back to its original state