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7267238 No.7267238 [Reply] [Original]

Who has the highest IQ in the world?

>> No.7267239

I do. Ask me anything.

>> No.7267240

I'm not sure but it's certainly not OP.

>> No.7267242

People that don't care about IQ.

>> No.7267244

Do you suck 200 dicks a day to get an IQ of 200?

>> No.7267251

I get sucked 200 times a day thanks to my IQ.
Next question..

>> No.7267253


>> No.7267255

1. Stephen Hawking
2. Jacob Barnett
3. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
4. Barrack Obama (social intelligence)

top 4 IMO

>> No.7267258


>> No.7267260


>> No.7267261

IQ is irrelevant when there are millions of people more intelligent than you. This is precisely why child prodigies end up doing jack shit with their lives.

>> No.7267265

low IQ peasent detected

>> No.7267275

I couldn't tell you otherwise because I have never taken a legitimate IQ test because frankly speaking I couldn't care less what the extent of my IQ is as long as my intelligence is higher than average and I am able to enjoy Calculus V.

>> No.7267286

Calculus V? Where do you go to uni that teaches a 5th year calculus? Do you just mean Analysis or something/

>> No.7267287

IQ test is a very efficient way to sort out bad candidates for high-level vacancies.
You throw out all who cared a least bit about its results.

>> No.7267290

> scared of taking an IQ test
> prouds himself with Calc V
it's ok, we can all guess your IQ ;)

>> No.7267291
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>Neil DeGrasse Tyson

>> No.7267298

> You throw out all who cared a least bit about its results.
yeah coz thats exactly why they make IQ tests.
oh wait...no they don't.

>> No.7267306

Lets just say it's in Europe and precisely northern europe.

I'm not scared of taking one, I just don't want to waste my time. Unlike you, my self worth is not defined by what others think of me.

>> No.7267318

IQ tests are nothing but one more tool designed to manipulate people.

>> No.7267331

> my self worth is not defined by what others think of me.
IQ test gives you a numerical result, it's not even relevant to any public perception of you. You're either too stupid since you can't really make accurate deductions or you're high.

>> No.7267333

If IQ tests are a valid way to test for intelligence then psychology is a real science.

>> No.7267334

> IQ tests are made by evil white man to oppress black people and keep em down

go back to reddit or /x/ or /pol/ or /b/ or wherever you came from and take your conspiracy theories with you.

>> No.7267336

What reason would you have to take an IQ test besides strengthening your ego and showing off to others?

Also, ad hominem my friend. I believe my work here is done.

>> No.7267346

First you tell me that your self worth is not defined by what others think of you, then you can't find a single reason to measure your IQ beside from getting confirmation from your friends and showing off ? You really are an image obsessed whore in denial my friend :)

> People began to realize that I don't know what I'm talking about so I'll just say "my work here is done."

About time you ran away

>> No.7267351

>Who has the highest IQ in the world?

Legitimate IQ tests only measure up to about +3.7 standard deviations.

Therefore, the title for "highest IQ in the world" is a tie between about 1.2 million people.

>> No.7267353

What. Where did I say that?
IQ test is a tool that some people/companies use to literally "make" decisions out of thin air without making people too anxious.
How governments tell us of ever-rising IQ among school while education goes to shit, how companies decline valid candidates drawing wherever results they want for their own tests because noone will ever be able to prove them wrong, how it is literally used as virtual currency among elite schools.

>> No.7267365

>Legitimate IQ tests only measure up to about +3.7 standard deviations.
>only measure up to about +3.7 standard deviations.
Looks like someone failed their statistics class.

>> No.7267368

Are you saying that companies don't care about race even though IQ tests indicate black people have less IQ and asians/jews have more ? If race isn't the distinction they're trying to administer, what is it ?

>> No.7267371

>Steven hawking
>That fucking mess of a "paper" published last year

Good troll.


>> No.7267392

>Looks like someone failed their statistics class.

I actually got As in all my stats classes. What is your objection?

>> No.7267393

Previously they did. But now more and more companies are working around the new "liberal" things using same methods in opposite way.
Want to get barely-bachelor no-skill relative on a good pay with no work? IQ test.
Need to fill you "gender" and "color" quota? IQ test.
Its not that IQ as a measure is bad. It is just used literally for everything because you (as a "creator" of test) can claim any answers to be right and noone is ever going to prove otherwise. Just imagine - one of the most important qualities (yes, IQ is slowly getting to that spot) has no standards, no regulations, nothing. Free to use for any benefit in any way.

>> No.7267407


you try writing a paper without your hands, arms, legs, or feet, and only being able to use a complex system of blinks communicated to a translator in morose code. Bitch probably forgot to carry the one somewhere and ruined his whole theory.

>> No.7267408

Nice scientist but no
Get the fuck out
LOOOOOOOOOL He's to astronomers what Pluto is to terrestrial planets.
Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.7267410

IQ tests are pretty spesific and they can only be made by following a certain structure. IQ tests basically give you problems where you have to detect a pattern to solve them, which is basically how logic works. You can't insert cultural or environmental related questions to seperate different types of people.

>> No.7267443

You don't separate people by their results. You can control tests freely to separate people as you see fit.
It is becoming more and more apparent now that even in my country - companies are abusing IQ more and more because it is a perfect way to get away from all the laws and regulations since neither IQ, IQ tests or their results are regulated and noone can catch them on being wrong or unfair.
Yes, it is not a big issue (quite rare even) but together with other aspect of (use of IQ in education) it is devastating.
I know people that would accept "iq too low" as a reason to be not given a job. They seriously think it is normal, more and more of them.

>> No.7267455

>Now I know you're trolling.
His post was an IQ test. The fact that it took you all the way to Obama to know he was trolling puts you at around a 70.

>> No.7267465

I agree with 3/4. Tyson did accomplish a fair bit and Sagan's opinion of him was high if you read any of his interviews- that doesn't come easy. Obviously he has a misguided cult worship and doesn't do a lot of current research, but he is pretty similar to sagan in that regard. He gets too much praise and too much hate, when imo he is just a reasonable scientist who is focusing much more on PR than research.

>> No.7267467
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I have no idea.
I think Daniel Tammet's is pretty high though.

>> No.7267472
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>> No.7267491

known fraud

>> No.7267501

The most bullshit thing about IQ tests is the claim that you can't study for them.

Anyone who thinks you can't study for an IQ test is dumb as a rock.

>> No.7267502

>Measuring IQ around one question.
Damn fuckin trolls.

>> No.7267503

Lol do unexceptional people really believe this? They use this line of reasoning for everything. "Jocks are dumb!" "Its not the size that counts its how you use it!" "Feynman had an IQ of 125 so therefore I'm gonna be a Nobel prize winning physicist!"

>> No.7267506

>The most bullshit thing about IQ tests is the claim that you can't study for them.
Prove that this is bullshit.

>Anyone who thinks you can't study for an IQ test is dumb as a rock.
They are also the deceivers, the fiends... the antichrists.

>> No.7267513

>Prove that this is bullshit.
It shouldn't need any proof if you've ever taken an IQ test. They reuse patterns all the time. Teach an idiot how to look for XOR in pictures and their IQ will inrease by 10.

>> No.7267518

Is that Laci Green?

>> No.7267533

Adrien Veidt

>> No.7267974

Evangelos Katsioulis
Kim Ung-Yong
Christopher Hirata
Terrence Tao

Maybe someone else

>> No.7267976
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This is like a dick measuring contest, except for the fact that the existence of those dicks are not acknowledged by a large number of people

>> No.7268167

Citation please.

>> No.7268172

fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud
fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud
fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud
fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud

>> No.7268180

It's just obvious to anyone who has ever looked into the method of loci and mental calculation, though the book "Moonwalking with Einstein" gives plenty of evidence. He posted on memory training forums using conventional techniques but nowadaya he claims his synesthesia magically molds "the shapres of numbers" into their product or other such nonsense.

Here's another person who noticed the obvious:

>> No.7268185

shut the fuck and stop shitting up /sci/ you retarded cuck

>> No.7268194

Jacob Barnett

>> No.7268229

Here's something that I think makes IQ tests inaccurate for STEM people: it's well known and well documented that you could train for IQ tests like for any other test. The more IQ test type problems you do, the better you do on IQ tests. STEM people are often exposed to doing the greatest number of problems that use similar skills as IQ test problems (especially mathematicians and physicists), so I think our IQs are extremely inaccurate.

>> No.7268236

>forgot to carry the one somewhere and ruined his whole theory.

There aren't even any fucking numbers in it. Or algebra. It's completely baseless speculation

>> No.7268335

> psychology isn't a real science
> IQ tests are accurate measurements of intelligence

Pick one.

>> No.7268700

are you sore

>> No.7268710
File: 79 KB, 480x480, sad_stephen_hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw life is so hard that even your beepy code is morose

>> No.7268721

I'm a pleb.
Please provide some more substantial evidence so I may more easily comprehend why it is that Daniel Tammet is a fraud.