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File: 22 KB, 344x450, 1431697504444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7263169 No.7263169 [Reply] [Original]

This guy was 23 years old when received his Phd.

The question is: A 23 years old have what it takes in terms of maturity and life experience to hold such title?

>> No.7263174

If you're a mathematical samurai, then yes.

>> No.7263177

>A 23 years old have what it takes in terms of maturity and life experience to hold such title?
Phd is irrelevant to life experience and maturity.
It's related to knowledge about a subject.

>> No.7263194

Considering a PhD "title" holds literally no power I'm going to go with yes.

There are younger men who have commanded entire brigades. I think one random aspie can be trusted with an academic credential.

>> No.7263201

did he solve the Riemann hypothesis or something?

>> No.7263210

he will

>> No.7263217

Dude, there's plenty of people that got their Ph.Ds much earlier, including a guy who got his Ph.D in physics at 14.

>> No.7263227

"He works in arithmetic geometry, Hodge theory, and anabelian geometry, and he introduced p-adic Teichmüller theory, Hodge–Arakelov theory, Frobenioids, and inter-universal Teichmüller theory."

He is one of those people that nobody has actually seem in real life. He might be a construct designed to hide the secrets of the universe from us, to protect our feeble minds.

>> No.7263234


>> No.7263288

how will he? is his literature already correct or does he still have some work to do?

>> No.7263349
File: 31 KB, 330x440, 330px-Scholze_peter_2011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a loser.
This guy was 24 years old when he became prof.

>> No.7263353
File: 125 KB, 1024x681, Jacob-Barnett-1024x681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was 12 when he found an error in Einstein's general relativity. Now he is 16 and has a PhD in physics.

>> No.7263361

What an idiot. That's not how to use a window!

>> No.7263365

I think the most impressive young career achievement, better than anyone else I've seen, is Charlie Fefferman - he was made a full professor at UChicago at age 24. And he didn't continue to become just another pretty good mathematician. He's in his 60s and remains one of the top analysts in the world.

>> No.7263369

Ugh, Scholze. Prof since 24, is now 27, but according to mathscinet only has 10 publications out with 30 citations. Baby food to the likes of Jack milnor, who published in the annals of mathematics when he was a 19 year old undergrad.

>> No.7263376
File: 36 KB, 520x250, image-389602-panoV9free-dphh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boy proved Goldbach's marginal conjecture for n>10^1000 when he was 1. He received his Phd whenn he was 2. Now he's professor for analytic number theory.

>> No.7263379

That's nothing. I know a guy who estimated down Graham's number.

>> No.7263411
File: 57 KB, 780x593, zygote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's nothing! The Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich I shared with my GF was working the proof for Sterling's Approximation before we both ate it and it became the egg and sperm of our new baby that already has a position at the École normale supérieure!

>> No.7263415

top kek

>> No.7263471

Ha, pitifully.
My son solved Hilberts' 12th problem last week, although he will be born not until 2025. How is this possible you ask? Well, he will be so smart that he will invent time traveling shortly after his birth.

>> No.7263480

Hello Topper.

>> No.7263489

It's a fucking PhD, he's not getting the title of General of the Army. He doesn't need maturity or life experience for a worthless title granted by a piece of paper.

>> No.7263494

If you come from an upper middle class family then yes this is very possible. If not, no it isn't really realistic. It has more to do with socioecon status than actual intelligence

>> No.7263504
File: 7 KB, 198x254, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pontificating this retarded liberalism

have you even heard of the legendary GauB?

>> No.7263512

Fuck off, Marxist trash.

>> No.7263529
File: 78 KB, 1394x1152, Paul-Erdos[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting a phd at the age of 18
Was he even trying?

>> No.7263543

Look at the statistics. Most PhD come from the upper class. Most PhDs aren't savants though. Most people get their PhD in their 30s...

>> No.7263548

Erdos got his phd at 21 dummy. Also he cheated with dextroamphetamine. I remember one of those guys did manage to get it at 18 though. Not sure who...

>> No.7263577

turn off Faux Noise and Lrn2marxism

>> No.7263578

Ricky Bobby from rural Alabama attends NASCAR races every chance his father gets tickets. His father is a HS dropout, his mom got pregnant when she was 17 and now works at a fast food joint. Ricky picked up an advanced math textbook in 6th grade and has shown exceptional potential. But he goes to a shitty HS whose graduates are known for muddin' on weekends and huntin' during deer season. They graduate and get prestigious jobs at the local furniture plants & this very HS offers no college or AP courses for its students. Ricky takes the most advanced math class in HS which is tech math I & II and discrete math + statistics + pre-calculus and aces them all. He goes to apply for college and his HS teachers encourage him to apply to the most prestigious school in the area Oakwood University. But he can barely afford it even with fin aid and has to work part time while going to school full time. He wants to get a PhD but doesn't know how. Ricky Bobby's daddy thinks school is stupid and he should be out with the boys muddin' and huntin' and thinks he doesn't need an education to work in the plant mill. He needs to make fucking money now and get out of school. Ricky makes the decision to help his daddy and exits out of school. Ricky is doomed to workin in a plant or his father threatens to kick him out. This is what it's like for us non-rich folks in the high and mighty rural south.

>> No.7263580

So fuck off you WASP-y, entitled, upper class fucktards.

>> No.7263616
File: 14 KB, 236x236, checkyourprivilege-awkward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7263620

That guy looks like 50.

I'd rather be a 23 year old looking like a 23 year old without a phd than a 23 year old looking like he'll die in the next 30 years by old age

>> No.7263621

Arthur Avila 21 years old when received his Phd.

>> No.7263638
File: 927 KB, 1500x1775, 27 yo Medal Fields winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please. Literal math prodigy coming through

>> No.7263641

>my GF
You fucking liar

>> No.7263650

what is the average age to get a Phd at mathematics?, anyone knows?, I found this but dosen't have mathematics http://www.quora.com/What-is-the-average-age-of-PhD-graduates-by-discipline

>> No.7263657

You tried.

>> No.7263664

So you'd rather live a long life of failure and normalcy than live a short one of amazing achievement?

>> No.7263757


>> No.7265340

Assuming you graduate at 22 then 27-28. But some people return back to school at 27-28 and it isn't uncommon to get one around 33-34

>> No.7265460

If you can came with ideas of your own and attract investment... yes. But if he is in the field of mathematics, I guess there's no such thing as investment.

If you have contacts, you can always collaborate and keep going somehow.

>> No.7265789

He wasn't that much younger than fefferman when he won the fields medal :) Just 1 or 2 year difference. Donaldson was also 29. I think there has been a 28 year old, too. And , the award is only once every four years, and donaldson at least was certainly famous enough by 26 to have one a fields medal for his work.

Also, nowadays peopple tend to not want to give fields medals too early.

>> No.7265931


>> No.7266067

In my humble way of seeing things the question is: Is he able to teach what he studies? Has he made a notable contribution to it? If any of the answers is no, then no.

>> No.7266083

not only are you poor, you are also stupid

>> No.7266088

>what is the former USSR?
Fuck off of /sci/, retard.

>> No.7266094
File: 74 KB, 682x1024, paul sally fyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a fight, the math samurai or the math pirate?

>> No.7266095

Mathematics in the Soviet union was fucking glorious. And they were respected, too, unlike mathematicians in the US. I have a lot of russian friends who aren't STEM majors who know who Gelfand and Kolmogorov are is.

>> No.7266107

On the other hand, many other disciplines were heavily censored for political reasons.

>> No.7266606
File: 1.39 MB, 2592x1944, PeterVanRoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your math pirate and I raise you a comp sci peter pan.

>> No.7266608

holy shit what

>> No.7266609
File: 179 KB, 630x403, vojislav-seselj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy also received his PhD when he was 23.

>> No.7266610
File: 47 KB, 323x480, pauling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chem greengrocer reporting

>> No.7266630

i KNOW A GUY who had his phd at 23, then directly hired at the CNRS (no teaching) without post-docs. he must be 20 now.
he won a prize of excellence for his work.

>> No.7266632

>he must be 20 now.
30 year old

>> No.7266643
File: 26 KB, 400x300, Jean-Pierre_Serre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serre had the field medal at 27 :)

>> No.7266785

I'm fucking dead

>> No.7266889

Everything he did is so damned elegant too...

>> No.7267043
File: 3.00 MB, 240x196, 1429844288011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of living when there are such brilliant people in the world and all I got is this lousy brain. Fuck the genetic lottery.

>> No.7267055
File: 17 KB, 306x400, Simon_Donaldson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw not this brilliant fucker

I seem him around my math department, would kill to be taken under his wing

>> No.7267076
File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 21
>acing exams
>basically B.A. in triple integrals and hahn-banach theorem
>dreams of grad school and making a substantial contribution to mathematics one day
>read about this fucking guy's intellect
>sudden realization that substantial contributions to mathematics are made by some kind of jewish lizard brain and that I don't possess one
>join the army

>> No.7267077
File: 89 KB, 267x400, 1300114-Alain_Connes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each time I try to read on non-commutative geometry, I fail miserably.

>> No.7267079


>cheated with dextroamphetamine

Did he do sports?

>> No.7267160

He's saying bullshit. He didn't start using it until he was about 60, when he was prescribed it as an antidepressant.

>> No.7267178

>Then I die of depeletied uranium and/or bullets.

>> No.7267197


Yeah i know, but he just compared studying to sports.

>> No.7267210

everything on that window is third year physics
hes like 4 years ahead of his time

>> No.7267213

maybe theres something out there, that you are the best at...

>> No.7267497

Lol, what a nerd.

>> No.7268264

Donaldson is so brilliant. He did the stuff he won his fields medal for in grad school. And he's been so productive ever since. He just published a big paper last year about the existence of Kahler Einstein metrics for postive first chern class being equivalent to algebraic notion of stabillity. This completes the problem of existencce of Kahler-Einstein metrics started by Yau.

>> No.7268446

Okay, Reed Richards.

>> No.7268778

Yes, mathematics isn't really a competition.

>> No.7269032

>A 23 years old have what it takes in terms of maturity and life experience to hold such title?

Since a PHD has zero "maturity" and "life experience" requirements, a newborn baby has what it takes in terms of maturity and life experience.

>> No.7269658

Eh, to get a pure math phd at my program you need to teach multiple classes with full responsibility which are at least sophomore level and complete an internship in industry that contributed a significant contribution to some project. Those things actually require some maturity and give some experience. Admittedly academic research doesn't require much maturity.

>> No.7269660

>contributed a significant contribution
Academician confirmed.

>> No.7269663


and yet, you don't need to be "mature" or have any "life experience" to teach. You just need to look pretty on paper.

The biggest upset in my entire life, was when I discovered that despite being a great academic student I was a terrible, immature person in real life.

>> No.7269713

There are 7 billion people on this planet, and I doubt I am good at anything that is worth anything.

Thx for trying though friend.

>> No.7270265

I got to speak with him and sit in on one of his classes about two months ago at the UofChicago. He's a brilliant guy.

>> No.7270269

it's not a title you autistic faggot

>> No.7270270

Everything on that kids board is just Freshman Physics. He isn't anything special.

>> No.7270273

You must mean his brother Robert.

>> No.7270973

Aren't we all human? Don't our failures equally contribute to our success and wisdom?

Ignorant One-track cuck detected

>> No.7270987


Actual jej

>> No.7270989


I want to hear more tales of this man

>> No.7272535

Same. Now am a USAF Major.

>> No.7272559


>> No.7272577

The title "captain" holds no power to anyone not in the military, either.

>> No.7272584

I see a raising and lowering operator. That shit's 2nd year.

>> No.7272585

guy looks like he's 50

>> No.7272597

He started amphetamine use later on in life. Also, how is that cheating? Is it cheating that you drink coffee in the morning?

>> No.7272607

What? If you tell civilians you are a "Captain" in the military at 18-19 you are a fucking god. Talk about a pussy magneto and tons of respect

>> No.7272913

People are cautious with amphetamine because it's controlled by law, powerful, and a bit addictive. However, since mathematics is not a competition, (though academia is a bit like a competition,) it's not clear how much if at all it should be considered cheating.

>> No.7272922


without the other 6.999999B people, anyone, genius or otherwise, would be out in the wilderness, sharpening a stick with a rock and hoping he doesn't die of cold / hunger / disease / wild animals.

we are all cogs in the same machine. Some cogs may have greater influence at any given time, but virtually all are desirable to the continued function of the machine, including the greater and the lesser components.

>> No.7272950


"cheating" as in his achievement alone is no longer an accurate enough reflection of his effort or talent in a comparison.

presumably it takes more effort and focus to perform particular tasks without use of a stimulant.

you're right though, if we were particularly anal we'd take into account caffeine intake but it's not nearly as potent, there are indeed an infinite spectrum of relatively minor influences that "could" be controlled for, but it's impractical to try.

>> No.7272982



So what if they want to degrade and rapidly age their arteries and become demented from mini-strokes.

That's their choice!

>> No.7272986

>That's their choice!
as long as they do not whine at the end, asking for a treatment which I must pay partly via my taxes...

>> No.7273469

>muh taxes...
crymoar, Citizen

>> No.7273475

>maturity and life experience
The only people who I ever hear even mention those two things are really fucking lacking in both.
You can be 50 years old and still be an idiot.
You can be 20 years old and be very savvy about the world.

>> No.7273477
File: 247 KB, 1280x960, 41B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed, even before 18 many teenagers are not dumb at all. This is why prime teen pussy must be legalized.

>> No.7273481

Oh! What theorem this bitch has discovered?

>> No.7273482

Is that India? Bitch probably got raped to death.

>> No.7273801

GauB's theorem

>> No.7273835

You realize most of these math geniuses were raised in an environment that natured their intellectual talents right? Most of these kids were raised in upper middle to upper class households where they were intellectually enriched since they were born which with their natural gifts helped them realize their intellectual potential. If you are intellectually gifted and raised like >>7263578
then you probably will probably never realize your intellectual potential or may not even go off to college. This has nothing to do with leftist philosophy or anything like that, it is just a fact. Anytime you real about child prodigies offing themselves in the New York Times it's always some white upper class family that made their kid play music since the age of 1-2.

>> No.7274875


>you will never be knighted for mathematics

Kill me

>> No.7274885

So now they didn't lose the genetic lottery, they lost the childhood lottery. Same difference. Also obligatory GauB post

>> No.7275304
File: 106 KB, 456x304, 1419040974419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are just prodigy guys. Genious are another thing. Prodigy is who learn something before the normal time, but genious is who create new paradigms, revolutionize ideas and go beyond the mere understanding of concepts already created by other geniuses

Yeah, these guys are intelligent, but not, absolutely not, genious.

>> No.7275423

>getting on a pulpit to denounce people with ph. d's in mathematics
you are one annoying and stupid fuck

>> No.7275597

Please. A PhD is a title awarded by a group of professors. It says something about your social skills (you should probably be wise enough to stroke your professors egos) and your stubbornness / devotion more than your competence. Stubbornness can be very good to actually get stuff done and develop your skills, but social skills are not required to actually get really good at something. Especially something technical or theoretic.

>> No.7275606
File: 474 KB, 945x574, 1427688761673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he killed himself

>> No.7275658

And not even that. It's related to doing what's expected of you ( pleasing the professors ). If you acquire really good knowledge in a way that doesn't stroke the right peoples egos, you may be out of luck for that title, no matter how good you really are.

>> No.7275661

As if that would not be the case in the western world... Inb4 "peer review is important 'Quality Assurance'!".

>> No.7275663

Then learn to stroke peoples egos, if you now really are a genious, how hard could that be..?

>> No.7275670

Galois revolutionized math while a teenager yet he died at 20 in a duel because of some cunt.

You don't need to be mature.

>> No.7275672

At least that pilot became a world tier celeb. Brobably exactly as he wanted... And yet they gave it to him.

>> No.7275675

He got too obsessed with politics. So sad that such really talented people go to waste because they become obsessed with politics.

>> No.7275678

No, no it def. wasn't politics.

It was a cunt and he was a sad bitter man. Don't destroy this now going all political, anon :'(

>> No.7275682

Vive le republique! *waving around with teh blunderbuss*