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File: 15 KB, 280x400, handbook-of-grignard-reagents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7260443 No.7260443 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your most expensive textbook /sci/?
mines pic related
currently selling for $830 (discounted)

>> No.7260449
File: 28 KB, 400x400, Woman-Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he buys textbooks

>> No.7260450

I don't buy these books i discovered a place called library.
And i've found on amazon this book 500$ cheaper and new

>> No.7260455

100USD for an error filled copy of royden

>> No.7260456

did i say i bought it?

>> No.7260464

>Whats your most expensive textbook
dunno, my government gives them all for free.

>> No.7260468

Papa Rudin.
The third edition is much better in that respect. Also it has an index worth a damn.

>> No.7260701

10¢ physics book from a thrift shop rest of them are electronic

>> No.7260702

Post pics of interesting grignard reagents

>> No.7260792

If he can afford them there's no need not to buy them. But reading books all day and having a job... yeah, no, no you got a point.

>> No.7260864

Ah, let's see, when did I pay for my internet connection the most? Last year's July, was it? Yeah, cost like a third more than usually. Wasn't one book, obviously - on average I download about a dozen, aside from articles.

>> No.7260877

grignard is a shit reaction. Why would you spend so much on a book with just grignard reagents?

>> No.7261157

i just found that book online after 2 minutes of checking various warez sites
did i just save 800$ ?

>> No.7261182

nice meme

>> No.7261189

Euclid's Elements, $7,730

>> No.7261278

No, since you're not gonna read it. OP can sell it for a higher price and make profit. Granted, he won't, but hey.

>> No.7261346

You own a 17th century copy of the Elements? Give me.

>> No.7261384

9 grand and it's yours buddy

>> No.7261394

>not downloading books from libgen.org and print them

What is wrong with you?

>> No.7261418

what's the point of doing that when you can get your university department to buy it for you?

besides many books like that won't have ever been scanned.

>> No.7261470

That wold be University's books and not yours. Besides, why make them spend money for your shit?

>> No.7262642

> That wold be University's books and not yours
Collector much?
> Besides, why make them spend money for your shit?
Because you can.

>> No.7262648
File: 17 KB, 260x339, de_wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently, it is Organic Chemistry by Clayden (70€)

I think I will buy pic related next semester, for a course given by one of the authors (De Wilde)

>> No.7262887

Clayden's good; picked it up secondhand for $30 (and wouldn't paymuch more than that). Although it's kind of an oddball (to me, at least): too much detail for early organic chemistry, but by the time you want to know all of it you know enough about orbitals to be able to work plausible mechanisms out from nothing, and suddenly it doesn't have enough on named reactions and asymmetric catalysis. Ah well.

>> No.7262919
File: 23 KB, 233x312, BIBLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related currently $155.02 on Amazon is the most expensive hard copy text I own, there are a few textbooks I use from the library worth well over $2k though.

Most expensive ebook I "own" on my hard drive (legally; through Knovel library) is probably
Plastics Additives: An A-Z reference (Polymer Science and Technology Series) $339.00 on Amazon.

For undergrad? Buy Fogler instead, trust me on this.

>> No.7262926

Topology by Munkres which ran me about 200 bucks CAD

>> No.7262942

Thanks for the input.
The course (for Master students) will be based on De Wilde's book, so I will have to purchase/download it.
But I will prepare it by reading Fogler.

>> No.7262954

>for Master students
If you covered reactor design in undergrad you don't really need Fogler to supplement, maybe download the later chapters on non-ideal mixing reactor models.

>so I will have to purchase/download it.
Lol, just don't pirate your lecturer's text in front of him.

>> No.7263047


Mine was the unabridged OED.

It was like $800 I think. Twenty volumes...does that count?

I'm a linguist.

>> No.7263050

>currently selling for $830 (discounted)
Where? It's less than £200 on the uk Amazon.

>> No.7263051

Jesus...did you actually need it? Isn't there an electronic copy available? That's a text where a search function is excessively useful.

>> No.7263086

That is listed for ~$300 on Amazon and comes in at <$0.50 a page. Quantum Hall Systems: Braid Groups, Composite Fermions and Fractional Charge, on the other hand, is ~$165, but >$1 a page.

>> No.7263205

Comprehensive medicinal chemistry is expensive book

>> No.7263258
File: 15 KB, 920x104, guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it's in very good shape, basically a new book. I bought in when I thought that I will go to be a Chem-E, but now I've changed my mind and I'm gonna study Physics. Oh well...