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7254318 No.7254318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In 14 hours I'll be getting my grades for this last semester.
This is the complete opposite of Christmas.

How did you do, Anons?

>> No.7254321

Really wishing I was a woman right now

Would just have to get married and not give a fuck

>> No.7254330
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>> No.7254345


Took it easy this semester with 16 hours split between four 4-hour classes. I'll be honest, I don't think I deserved two of those A's.

>> No.7254349

Not great, but it was a shitty semester (I got kinda burnt out and had some anxiety problems). Hopefully, I can repair my major GPA with a couple A+'s next semester.

>> No.7254361

feels good being in grad school

>> No.7254365

I'm pretty sure I did shitty in my fourier analysis and wavelets class. I was pretty overwhelmed the whole semester, and that class was pretty much neglected. Still have a couple of finals to take which I'll hopefully do well in.

>> No.7254373


Acceptable, but certainly not anything to be proud of.

>> No.7254381


>> No.7254433


That A- I honestly didn't deserve, but I wasn't about to point that out to my professor.

>> No.7254448

Hoping I did well enough to pass Calc II, and hoping I didn't somehow do terribly enough on the final to fail Physics I, even though it's highly unlikely.
I got a B in Chemistry though, and the average was a B-, so that was nice.
Don't know or care about anything else, I at least got a B in them.

>> No.7254460


The low grades were actually the easy classes. I guess I'm stupid for not going..

>> No.7254464

C Differential Equations
C Inorganic Chemistry
C High Temperature Thermodynamics
D Organic Chemistry
D Dynamics
D Into to Quantum Chemistry
D Solid State Electronics

If you get all A and you college advisor recommends you take more classes and waves prerequisites because you are so smart, effectively offering you a way to save time and money. Tell him to go F**** himself, burnout is a B**** and now I got to retake them and have lower my GPA.

>> No.7254470


Ahh, see...
The idea of freshman year is fucking up then and partying then so you don't have to suffer later.

Tl;dr dopamine levels aren't balanced

>> No.7254471

wow he reallly screwed you over. how many credit hours is that?

>> No.7254473

I thought there were restrictions on how many classes you can take per semester, that sounds like a crazy courseload.

>> No.7254474


>> No.7254480

Yeah that just looks like a stupid amount of courses. Then taking the course levels/subjects into account...

>> No.7254486

holy shit, im taking 5 classes with 4 labs and i thought I was taking a lot.

>> No.7254499

I must have missed that memo

Officially 26 hours, but actually course time was more like 19.5.

They got waved because apparently the faculty thinks I am some kind of genius that will change the world. What make it suck more is how close I got to getting a C in most of them.

Then there was the classes I skipped, which I really should have taken first

I was lucky only 3 of them had labs.

>> No.7254506

>26 hours
Holy shit dude.

>> No.7254512

>26 hours
the actual fuck? I didn't think people were even allowed to take that much... what the hell did you ace to impress your college adviser?

This semester I took calc III, diff eq, physics 1, igneous-metamorphic petrology, and historical geology and im expecting an A in everything, unless I fuck up my Diff Eq exam tomorrow. Diff Eq was the only class without a lab.

>> No.7254514

Math major, English minor


>> No.7254516

>26 hours

I'm in freshman year right now, fucking bitches and partying to my heart's content. Next semester is when I actually decide to study. I've grown bored of partying now anyway.

Bitch-fucking will continue anyway.

What's your major(s)? I'm guessing pure math/eng?

>> No.7254523

>26 hours
>my average course load has been 13.5 hours
You should have realized you were being fucked and dropped some classes. Ws are better than D

>> No.7254524

C+ (I showed up total of 4 classes... 2 were midterms lmaoo)

>> No.7254530


>> No.7254555

I got an A in Calc I and also corrected all the mistakes in the textbook which the Math Dean co-wrote.

Got into an argument with one of my professors about a idea I had to accelerate a rare type of chemical reaction, a few months later one of their rivals came to give a lecture about a huge industrial contract they landed which followed the same outline I had, although their idea way clearly more refined. That professors then turned around and started bragging about how I did it first, although it was clear the contract development predated me by several years.

Got sick of poor lab equipment I had in Into to Chemistry, so I started fixing them. Because I didn't know which unit I would have to use I just fixed all of them. Lab accuracy jumped so much compared to other classes there was an investigation into if our class was cheating, even the instructor got accused of it. The investigation found it was "caused by a vigilantly repairman" to which I had all my access revoked for two weeks while they debated how to deal with me.

Chemistry with a minor in Programming

But I was so close, Into to Quantum Chemistry I was 2 points from a C, 2 points. If I had done a little better on the finals I would have passed them all. I think the long testing cutting into my sleep the last week was what the final straw that killed me. 10 hours of testing in one day is physically draining.

>> No.7254559

>I got kinda burnt out and had some anxiety problems.

Oh jesus this, got better though towards the end

>> No.7254561
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>mfw actually passed the upper-level lit course with a final essay written in 5 hours

>> No.7254564
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>got an A in everything except the entry level english course

>> No.7254571

sperg detected

>> No.7254579

u w0t m8

>> No.7254580

Materials Physics A-
Gen ed A-
Gen ed A
Independent Research A
Orchestra D

Orchestra didn't count to my GPA and the new orchestra director was a right cunt who thought all my time belonged to him despite my being a physics major. Was great that he was at graduation and had to hear that I was magna cum laude with Physics and Music. It was my last semester and I'm now making more than him. Yes I'm bitter.

>> No.7254585


>> No.7254588

Only two classes?

>> No.7254591

>implying i went to college

>> No.7254592

>Community college will only allow 12 hours (usually 4 classes) per semester
Not that I care since I work full time as well anyway.

>> No.7254594


It takes talent to achieve such consistent mediocrity.

>> No.7254599

Managerial Acct - A+
Intro to Finance - A+
Intro to Marketing - B+
Microprocessor Systems - A
Computer-Aided Engineering - A
Electronic Devices & Circuits - A+

Not bad; could definitely be better.

>> No.7254602

I don't find out until May 17 earliest, May 20 latest.

>> No.7254603

Don't know.

Had the shittiest grad professor in existence teaching us machine learning and data mining. The final he gave us was fucking ludicrous and not based off of anything in lecture. While it is true that in grad school we're supposed to do self study primarily, I've never had a grad professor this fucking terrible. He literally taught us nothing at all and then gave a ridiculously difficult final that most people most likely bombed on.

The final was admittedly take home, but no one was able to design a good model. It really pissed me the fuck off. He was so lazy that he didn't even grade the midterm, the homework assignments -- nothing. The class was a fucking joke to him. He eventually just gave everyone hundreds since he couldn't even have the time to grade. That, or he was lazy as fuck.

I later found out that he just modeled this data set today, too. This explains why he gave half-assed answers to me and other colleagues when we inquired about how to do certain things. The concepts needed for this data set overreached what we learned and he told us to use an one of those free online websites that taught data science. It was so fucking unreal.

My scholarship is paying for this faggot to teach me. I've taken a multitude of graduate classes and I've never had to deal with this bullshit, ever. The lack of care is incredible. Last semester, he was really good; this semester, he clearly did not give half of a flying fuck. He didn't even grade the fucking midterms.

Yes, I mad. I'm mad because this is the first final in grad school in which I felt as if I knew absolutely fucking nothing. I coded all of this stupid shit, created a shitty model and now I'm going to be graded by this asshole based on this. If this final is worth more than 10 pts, I'm going to laugh my ass off.

The data was so bad that some people couldn't even design a model. People were getting adj R^2s of .013 and standard errors of .999. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7254604

My years overall GPA was a 3.17.
I fucked up my chem courses, but it should get better from here.

>> No.7254606


>> No.7254607
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>failing a take home test

>> No.7254623


Holy FUCKING aspergers

>> No.7254625


You sound like the douchebags who always ask that question in every math class since elementary school. Learn it for the sake of learning it, ya lazy fuck.

>> No.7254632

It's alright anon, in community college I got a B- in Art appreciation because I didn't turn an assignment worth 10% of my grade in due to training/competing in nationals. I look back an cringe at my slightly lower GPA due to my laziness almost every day.

Saddest part is, I had the highest grade in that class up until that point, and would have easily made book.

>> No.7254658

Clearly, you're a dumb fucking undergrad.

Grad finals usually present unique concepts and problems. It's not your typical fucking cakewalk take home final you work with alongside friends and wrap up within the night before the test.

You have an entire class giving in such poor fucking models that he's more or less bound to curve the final. The concepts necessary weren't taught for the course and although we all studied textbooks, he presented problem(s) from his own fucking job. We were informed of this bullshit on the day we handed it in. One student was so enraged that he just walked out of the classroom upon viewing the model that the professor designed, a model that was so clearly above our fucking knowledge that it wasn't even reasonable to assign it.

I wish this was a case where I was giving excuses and bullshitting, trying to hedge and push the blame off of me; really, I do wish that. But if the whole fucking class is giving such terrible models that they're all on the edge of being barely worthless, there's a problem.

>uhh, i don't have anything for you guys to do, so just study the textbook and read some notes
>here's something completely unrelated to the work that we've been doing last semester!

To put it in perspective, imagine taking Calculus III and your professor begins discussing differential geometry. It really sucks because machine learning/data mining isn't exactly a run of the mill course you can just learn without a bit of fucking patience. Last semester, I took Dynamical Systems, Galois Theory, Measure Theory and this guy's other course. Even in graduate school, professors should give a shit.

This is a sorry fucking excuse for a class. I doubt he's teaching next semester. I don't know what the fuck came over him. He was good last semester; this semester, he just clearly didn't give a flying fuck at all.

>> No.7254664
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>wah wah I'm a dumbfuck: the post

>> No.7254784

>people that get this angry over idiots on the internet are on track to earn graduate degrees in the sciences

Dear lord.

>> No.7254801

I'm an undergrad and that has L I T E R A L L Y been every exam for every one of my science and math classes so far. Suck it up. At least you're already in grad school.

>> No.7254822


>> No.7254825

>English minor

I'll be honest, I wish more people did this. Learning how to write & convey yourself effectively is a seriously undervalued skill. Congrats on the grades, too, keep it up.

>> No.7254829

Wow man. My worst experiences were teachers in high school, that sounds rough. Do you think you could go the faculty about the teacher? Did you have an opporuntity to switch out and get a different teacher? Excuse my ignorance, I'm not in college.

>> No.7254830
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>that fucking moment when you realize there's no turning back from getting a B and you have to stop deluding yourself that you're gonna get that really good grade on the final that'll put you at that A-
>tfw this happens with the fucking B and now you're looking at a C

shoot me

>> No.7254842

sad pepe is an apt descriptor of just how shitty that feel is

was scared of that going into my finance final, but luckily the exact opposite happened

(A) Calc 1
(A) Finance 1
(A-) Gen (non-engi) chem 2
(A) Macroecon 2
(A-) Ops mgmt

>> No.7254851
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>> No.7254858

Some people work and go part time, anon.

>> No.7254884

Wow, it sounds like you go to a really shitty school.

>> No.7254893

A+ Intro to Accounting
A+ critical thinking

Both were entry level electives that I needed to graduate. Easiest semester ever.

>> No.7254896
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>> No.7254898

Read Cal Newport's book and his blog. If you are smart enough to get into college you are smart enough to get a high gpa.

>> No.7254914


What am I even doing?

>> No.7255279

Same here anon ;-; why can't I be smart?

>> No.7255767

18 hours, 3 hours each class
Data Structures: A
Numerical methods: A
Survey of programming languages: A
Functions of complex variables: A
Foundations of Higher mathematics: A
Artificial Intelligence: A

And I'm on a division 1 swim team

>> No.7255803

I'm so sorry

>> No.7255831

Fuck that shit nigga. I go to a similar shit school, but my problem is that, at my school, anyone who dares to stand out or try to accelerate their education is punished. Got my reading course with my professor revoked at the last minute by the shitty math department.

>> No.7255841

The stress dreams came tonight. First I had a long and life-like dream about the end of a fictional semester in which a hot girl reminded me that I had always been enrolled in a class I had never attended. I did the final project (drawing a detailed map of Westeros in pencil on lined paper) so that she wouldn't suspect I hadn't known I was in the class. I hoped that doing the map project would get me at least a passing grade for the class so that I could still graduate.

Then, later, I dreamed I had awoken and, remembering the dream, checked my grades online. I had a 4.7 average for the semester, achieved by earning a grade of "A++" in all my classes.

>> No.7255846

>computer science
>tallest dwarf

>> No.7255851

Wow way to come in here and make me feel like shit

>> No.7255860

Soil Mechanics: B
Ordinary Differential Equations: B
Organic Chemistry II Lecture: B
Organic Chemistry II Lab: B
Soil Mechanics Lab: B

Straight B's this semester. Could've gotten all A's but I work full-time and I'm doing some work intensive undergrad research, so sometimes homework just didnt happen.

>> No.7255878

Mechanics of Solids:A-
Mechanics of fluids: A+
Differential equations: A-
Statistics: B-
Women's studies(lel): A+
Petroleum Methods:B+

This was supposed to be my hardest semester but somehow ended up being the semester that I got my highest grade point average. Odd.

>> No.7255898

>TFW you never have to worry about grades again

Graduation feels awesome.

>> No.7255901

Got a C in Mathematical Methods in physics. Fuck.

>> No.7255908
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>> No.7255912
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Nice meme

>> No.7255928

A in Calc 1
A in Intro to CS II (got a 100 final average for the class)

>> No.7255935
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>tfw I failed calculus

>> No.7255937

Because women need a boost to their GPA.

>> No.7255940
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>everyone on /fit/ deadlifts 5 plates and gets straight As
>be an engineering student
>get btfo in everything, everyday

>> No.7255945

Out of about 10 courses I completed 1. Got the equivalent of a C.

>> No.7255947

That's over 2 semesters.

>> No.7255950

What was giving you so much trouble?

>> No.7255953

I know this mostly depends on the difficulty of the class but I had a situation like that happen to me. Needed a 100 on the final, which was 40% of our grade, to get an A- at best. Studied like a muh fuka for the 48 hours before the exam. Got a 103. Just keep at it and you can pull it off.

>> No.7255968

integrals and derivatives

>> No.7255974


Though I only took like 3 classes instead of a full class load this semester so its actually down from when I took 18 credits. Next semester I'm hoping to get back to a 3.9

>> No.7256017
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>B+ in Physics 211 after final
>grade gets dropped to a D because attendance

>> No.7256026

Biology II: A-
Chemistry II: A
Physics For The Life Sciences II: B
Italian: A+
Calc II: A+

Pretty happy since I definitely pulled some grades up. Chemistry major.

>> No.7256050


>women studies

What did you even do? Write a paper on the patriarchy and get 100?

>> No.7256065

wtf m8? Why does it even counts on your grade?

>> No.7256069

3.91 and graduated, suck it faggot

>> No.7256073

Thermodynamics: B
Engineering Mathematics: C
Fluid Mechanics: B
Numerical Analysis: A
Mechanics of Materials: C
Intro to Electrical Engineering: A

>> No.7256074



Way to disappoint your department

>> No.7256088
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Why was I born a man? If I was a woman I would just focus on getting married and never even bother with college.

>> No.7256092

>Calc Based Physics I: A
>Physics Lab: B (kek)
>Calc III: A
>Differential Equations I: A
>Linear Algebra: A

My university isn't a top university though, so that's why.

>> No.7256096

Calc ii B
Physics ii A
Matlab/Programming for Engineers A
Engineering Statics B
Microeconomics B

>> No.7256097

Is that all you took last semester?

>> No.7256103

Yeah yeah we get it. Its cool to hate on computer science majors on /sci/. Can we move on with this meme?

>> No.7256104

Ethical Theory (A)
Business Ethics (for a minor) A
Cognitive Psychology (A)
Neural/Behavioral Genetics (A)
Philosophy of Film (A)
Avian Neurocognitive Aging Lab (S)

If only I found an interest in hard science before I doubled in Philosophy/Psychology and minored in Philosophy,Politics, Economics and Law (PPEL)

>> No.7256119


Seemed like a lot to me, but only because I haven't had a clue as to what I was doing until this second year. Wasn't much I could take since I hadn't taken physics I yet.

Oh and since I was planning on transferring, I didn't wanna take anything that wouldn't transfer.

>> No.7256142

I'm a UKer in my final term. Ive ended up needing a 2.1 in any course in my final term to get a 2.1 degree overall. I have two exams in the next two days, each worth 50 % of their courses. If I fail to get a 2.1 degree then I'll get a 2.2 degree which means Ive fucked my future but I don't think that will happen. One of my courses is business and I only need a middling 2.2 on the exam to get a 2.1 on the course.

My terms other credits came from a large group project where I was the shit group member and I submitted shit. I've calculated that I will get enough marks to scrape through and pass though.

>> No.7256169

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies- B
Construction Engineering & Management B
Environmental Engineering Systems-A
German IV- A

>no +/- grading system

this shit is rigged

>> No.7256206

Because SEC schools are shit and they have to police their students.

>> No.7256215

12 credit hours. I work about 20-30 hours a week on weekends, so I definitely don't understand how some of you are taking 18 credit hours... I push my extra credits all to summer.

Bridge to Abstract Maths: B
Intermediate Macro: -A
Phil. of Mind: A
Differential Equations: +A

It was a hectic semester, considering i've never taken such an analytic workload before. I got a B in the proofs really by virtue of only not learning how to do 1 or 2 proofs in particular, which had a heavy weight on an exam. So i'm actually kind of happy with myself, all considered.

>> No.7256223

dude what the fuck

>> No.7256231

Hey, for someone who seems to be smart enough to be taking quantum chemistry, you are a fucking retard for thinking that work load was even close to possible.

>> No.7256241

>Only class I have a grade in yet is an A in organic chemistry
>tfw its the only class I studied for and my GPA is only going down from here

>> No.7256242

Measure theory: A
General Topology: A
Graph theory: A+

>> No.7256244

good shit homeboy

>> No.7256253

Chemistry: A
Chem Lab: A
History: A
Writing: A
Adv Calc: A
Comp Sci: A

>> No.7256311

Grades aren't out yet, but it's most likely gonna be:

Greek History: B
Digital Signal Processing: B
Digital Control Systems: A
Senior Design: A

So glad the ride is gonna be over.

>> No.7256315

What kind of shit university do you go to with a class called History and Writing?

Community college or high school, I guess. Also just Chemistry? Lol

>> No.7256329


Just fucking kill me. I got super fucked on my orgo exam. I even got a fucking B in orgo I

Mammalian Physiology : B
Introduction to mathematical biology and modeling : B
Organic Chemistry II : D
Plant developmental anatomy : B
Genetics A

>> No.7256353


>> No.7256405

Those aren't the full class names... I just didn't feel like writing them out.

>> No.7256430

>everybody working in grades

Post your actual marks?


Looking at a 2.1 (About a 3.5 GPA).

>> No.7256460

Fuck signal processing. At my university, there are 2 courses every student takes called "signals and systems" there is a I and II. Those were fucking fun. Then they lure you into signal processing for an elective and they put the most boring professor as your instructor and the entire class is about fucking filters. Fuck that shit, I'm glad it's over too.

>> No.7256487

What's with all this - and + bullshit? Your GPA is measured on letter grades. Either you get an A, B, C or god forbid a D. The - or + is pointless.

>> No.7256568

>signals and systems
>Those were fucking fun
>lure you into signal processing for an elective
>most boring professor
>fucking filters

Damn dog, that's exactly what happened to me. I feel even worse since I could have taken knowledge systems (basically AI 1.5) and had an easy A (I took AI before, the prof who teaches it is easy, the MIDTERM AND FINAL ARE TAKE HOME TESTS), and maybe also a better reference on my resume (the prof who teaches it know me but I haven't had a class with him in a while).

>> No.7256580

Complex variables: A
Intro to Mechanics: A
Advanced Programming: B

I don't know my numerical grades. I didn't even get my final marks back. I think my GPA is a 3.7

Depends on the system the school uses, a +, -, or nothing counts differently towards the gpa. My school uses + and - but for an A the max is just an A, not A+.

>> No.7256583

>Not choosing letter grade.

>> No.7256589
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>>7256580 meant to reply to >>7256487
>I am not good with computers

>> No.7256600
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>Organic Chemistry 2
>World History
>Fitness Walking

easy semester, shame I lost so many attendance points in economics

im starting physical chemistry next semester, not looking forward to it

>> No.7256637
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>Fitness Walking

>> No.7256652
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>grades won't be posted until Friday
I can guess


>> No.7256656

>Why was I born a man? If I was a woman I would just focus on getting married and never even bother with college.
You could still do that, you'd just be an ultra fag.
Women are expected to be fags by default, that's all it is.
Sucks for anyone to go against the grain though, your sentiment is understandable.

>> No.7256660

>implying you wouldnt get 1 of your 2 required PE credits out of the way by being graded to take a relaxing walk through campus for 50 minutes 3 days a week

>> No.7256676

>Discrete Maths
>Biology 2
>Comp Sci 2

>> No.7256681

D as in 'Don't think you'll ever amount to anything'

>> No.7256694

I feel like a fucking moron
>organic chem 2 w/lab: A
>quantitative analysis w/lab: A
>differential equations: A
>history: C

>> No.7256719

D as in giving it to ur mum

it was in Calc too

>> No.7256723


>> No.7256728
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You sound upset

>> No.7256771

nothing wrong with doing poorly in an irrelevant class you don't give a shit about (unless you need muh GPA for grad school or something, or you sincerely like history but are shit at it).

>> No.7256796

Why? Because I can speak more languages than you and want to preserve my culture?

>> No.7256805

90% sure you go to NC State.
Fitness walking is the best PE credit.

>> No.7256891

So first semester I made


a 2.46

This semester I made a


a 3.2

What is my cumulative?

>> No.7256897

assuming all the classes are of equal credits its around a 2.78

>> No.7256900

And if I get an A in this summer class I'm taking, say it's 4 credit hours, what would it be? A 3.0 right?

>> No.7256907

are all your other classes 4 credit hours?
if so, yes. it should be just at 3.0

>> No.7256909

In the first semester the
B - 3 credit
B - 3 credit
C - 4 credit
B - 3 credit

this semester
A - 3 credit
B - 3 credit
B - 3 credit

I'm pretty sure the Physics class I'm taking is 4 credits.

>> No.7256910

Double major in chem and physics?

I did that with math and physics still never got any D's

Double majoring was the dumbest idea I ever had

>> No.7256912

Data Structures and Algorithms: A-
Computing Machinery I: A
Vector Calculus for Engineers: A-
Electromagnetic Theory: A+
Exploration of Info. Security: A

got pretty lazy with data structures by not showing up to tutorials which costed me 5% of the final grade

>> No.7256913

Oops I meant in the first semester there is supposed to be 2 C's one 4 credit and the other 3 credits.

>> No.7256914

I'm considering a double major in math and physics. Why is it a dumb idea?

>> No.7256915

it will be a little over 3.0 then

>> No.7256918

Great! I'm taking the Physics at a local CC in my city. How hard do you think it'll be? I mean, how hard is Physics to grasp in general.

>> No.7256920

>10 hours of testing in one day

Yeah I call bullshit. Every fucking uni has test conflicts and you would have gotten them shuffled

>> No.7256921

What are you majoring in?

>> No.7256926

depends wildly depending on what kind of learner you are

physics was difficult for me at the start but for others it was the easiest science they had taken

>> No.7256927

I want to major in Mechanical Engineering. I have yet to transfer into the Uni I want to go to yet, and I took my freshman year at a junior college.

>> No.7256930

I like algebra and took Pre-AP physics my junior year in HS. It was mostly deciphering diagrams and plugging variables into formulas. I doubt it'll be that easy now though.

>> No.7256944

The best thing you can do is to start studying the material for the summer class now. Don't just ask how it's gonna be like, actually look through the textbook they're gonna make you use.

It would serve you well to obsess over the Physics I class, since you want to do MechE and it's mostly gonna be mechanics.

One word of warning is that lots of intro to physics courses are weeders. They want to flunk out all the wannabe engineers that can't measure up early on.

>> No.7256948

i mean its hard to say if you well you will do without knowing you but if its your only class you are taking over the summer you should be fine. It was one of my weaker subjects but it wasnt too terrible hard to grasp. im sure you will do fine

>> No.7256962

As in both of my bullshit classes, B- in measure theory thanks to the professor not wanting to fail me (cant get Cs in grad school), B in numerical analysis which was quite the accomplishment considering I got a 26 on the 2nd exam

I'm content, hated both my math phd qualifier classes but now that they are done my schedule and grades should be better from here on out

>> No.7256975

I haven't got a single A since second year. I'll be fine with just B's right?

>> No.7256977

Linear Algebra - D
Circuit Analysis I - C
Statistics for Engineers - B-
Engineering Statics - D

can't be worse than me OP. I might as well kill myself. I normally get one C at the worst

>> No.7257027

You get spread too thin, no grapd school wants someone kinda good at math and kinda good at physics

Pick one and get into its honors program anon, trust me.

>> No.7257041

A D in linear algebra? How hard can linear algebra be?

>> No.7257064

Sounds like my last semester at community college.

>> No.7257067

And I thought I was terrible when I got one D two semesters ago.

>> No.7257072

C-B in linear
B in stat
B-A in data structures

I didn't go to many classes though so good semester

>> No.7257089

Did you just not study?

>> No.7257108

>How did you do, Anons?

There is a *very* strong chance that I may be about to get on my university's dean's list for the third out of four consecutive semesters, and a non-negligible chance that I might be about to obtain my very first 4.00 semester GPA ever.

This is coming from a guy who grew up with zero responsibilities or discipline, *barely* passed high school, and once dropped out of college for a year after failing half his classes. I would say I've turned my life around pretty nicely.

>> No.7257111

>How hard can linear algebra be?

But no really, fuck linear algebra, holy shit.

That said, it depends on the syllabus. Some teachers will cover the subject FAR more rigorously than others, making it a living nightmare.

>> No.7257115

I was initially just gonna do a physics major, but I also want to take more elective math/CS courses. I thought I might as well double major.
I already have all my other bullshit general requirements covered from AP credit.
Now I'm thinking about it since just focusing on physics would allow for some more grad school courses...

>> No.7257117

What's funny?

>> No.7257137 [DELETED] 


Stop spread this bullshit. Just because you double major DOES NOT mean you half ass them.

>> No.7257138

What are you studying m8 ?

>> No.7257139
File: 16 KB, 702x191, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did pretty decent for having to take 7 courses

>> No.7257147

Jesus that's awful, I could barely manage 3 classes and they were general studies. How did you manage?

>> No.7257149
File: 22 KB, 702x191, 1431484387309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone asks for your grades, just show them this.
You're welcome.

>> No.7257154

>not matching the quality points
also, what was the actual purpose of this

>> No.7257162

partial differential equations: 100
complex analysis 97
electromagentism 94
statistical mechanics 95
quantum mechanics 99

sometimes there is no purpose.

>> No.7257190

Are you a cuckold major?

>> No.7257201

please elaborate as i don't understand what you mean.

>> No.7257216

You major in cuckoldry and study all aspects of the fetish, as well as participate in it. Meaning, you would like to seek a job getting cucked in the future.

>> No.7257227

Freshman at Michigan State
Calc 1: B
Plant Bio: B
Accounting: B
University Writing: A

I know its kind of shitty given the courses, but I had a rough first year given that my best friend/room mate died around christmas time. I'm proud given the circumstances!

>> No.7257234

was it suicide?

>> No.7257237


>> No.7257238

He was diagnosed with cancer and had almost guaranteed chances of recovery, and there was a botched surgery. I guess he essentially bled out, it was just really sudden

>> No.7257255

Hey man I've been fucked up since my friend killed himself like a day after talking to me.

It's been four years and you've done way better than I've ever done.

>> No.7257258
File: 69 KB, 226x223, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will get better anon

>> No.7257266

What kind of woman would marry so loser that dropped out of college? The best you could do is have a trailer park skank that would cheat on you with some mexican guy behind your back while you bust your ass at some shitty minimum wage job. I kinda have to get my degree just so I can live the american dream.

>> No.7257287

Organic Chem II - 97
Electricity & Magnetism - 92
Cal III - 94
Literary Themes - 95
Humanities - 87 (lel)
French - 92
Rock Climbing - 95

>> No.7257321

>7 classes

>> No.7257336

12 credits super easy courses

Now I'm taking 16 credits this summer and I hope I can achieve the same results and maintain this horrid dream of a 4.0

>> No.7257345
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1415168004190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon I am in the same boat. Its my first year at top school, and I get btfo by everyone who went to fancy, top of the nation high schools, while I went to some shitty public school. At least I'm passing.

>> No.7257349


>> No.7257354

Which uni are you from?

>> No.7257365


can't think of a major offhand that doesn't use entry level english bro.

Now cultural awareness is waste of fucking time and money.

>> No.7257374


Yeah, he should have just entered it in wolfram alpha! *sarcasm*

>> No.7257386

...well, at least you understand limits.

>> No.7257407

Diff equations: A
Computational Math: A
Discrete Mathematics: A
Symbolic Logic: A
C Programming: A i

>> No.7257473

B+ ;_;