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File: 87 KB, 568x320, aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7247260 No.7247260 [Reply] [Original]

Where are they?

>> No.7247265

On their own planets.

>> No.7247269

All of them?

>> No.7247282

on their way to probing uranus

>> No.7247321

We have no idea.

>> No.7247359

they are here but it's pointless to even try to find them....

>> No.7247362

They're all 2D flatlanders

>> No.7247376
File: 222 KB, 1383x557, Screenshot from 2015-05-08 22:07:49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7247384

on their way to probing ur anus

>> No.7247391

They don't exist in this simulation

>> No.7247591

Even if FTL travel is possible and a civilization survives long enough to accomplish it. There is just very little reason to go outside your own star system, even less reason to bother with a planet already inhabited by intelligent life.

>> No.7247593

What makes you think aliens look like that?

>> No.7247595
File: 59 KB, 800x600, tardisdoctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctor Who has all the answers.
Who is love.
Who is Life.
The Doctor is supreme.

>> No.7247599

and there would be also very little reason to visit us

>> No.7247601
File: 156 KB, 1317x494, fermi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7247624

Even if this is a simulation the cogito comes into play, i.e. something (intelligent) must exist.

>> No.7247653

They might be looking at their sky and asking the same thing.

>> No.7248149
File: 20 KB, 530x350, black_eyed_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the story:
Type III aliens (especially hybrids) can pose as humans while type IV is not visible to us and can only be detected indirectly. Grays are cyber-genetic biobots and only become visible when some technical glitch thwarts their camouflage. The crash at Roswell was such a case: ionized air due to a thunderstorm plus newly (in 1947) invented high power radar transmissions. Aliens designed for the disneyfied minds of children normally reside in Hollywood.

>> No.7248473

they sure do

>> No.7248482


>> No.7248489


>> No.7248545

I find this very wrong. There would be all the reason to explore past your own solar system. The point of discovering and finding and meeting life outside the solar system is just such a goal for us we can assume it would be for others as well. After all, the entire reason behind space travel is to explore, other than mining resources.

>> No.7249007

in my basement

>> No.7249876

>Possibility 7) We are receiving contact from other intelligent life, but the government is hiding it. This is an idiotic theory, but I had to mention it because it’s talked about so much.

That actually is a pretty good theory. It's when you make assumption upon assumption of why they're doing it and so forth is when it goes crazy. I don't see a point in stereotyping a whole theory, it's a pretty good one: any alien contact would involve the government. They could also be the ones receiving the message. Would you blame them?

>> No.7250123

ayy lmao