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7246061 No.7246061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Humanities majors:
-Scholarly study of the classics
-Reading the histories of geniuses of Western civilization like Charlemagne, Offa of Mercia, King Alfred the Great, and so on while fully internalizing the subtle and magnificent lessons on human existence and masculinity contained therein
-Able to read fluently in Ancient Greek, Latin, and likely several other languages
-High level of spiritual attainment through study of the Bible, ancient Jewish, Christian, and Greek texts, and other assorted religious documents
-In excellent shape (has time to hit the gym and get 9 hours of sleep per night)

STEM majors:
-Chubby from campus takeout during all-night study sessions
-Destroying their youth to become thoughtslaves on massa's technological plantation
-Immature hobbies, such as anime and posting on message boards
-Effeminate and castrate in thought and behavior
-Read Richard Dawkins and singularity blog articles for spiritual fulfillment

Why haven't you made the switch?