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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7235106 No.7235106 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone debunk this?

Video and pic related.


>Professor Peter Wadhams

>> No.7235117

>Anyone debunk this?
There's nothing to debunk. We're doomed, better start getting used to it.

>> No.7235118

the mathematics holds, say goodbye to your future

>> No.7235127
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If I had a dollar for everytime someone tried to predict the end of humanity, I'd be as rich as Steve Jobs

If I had a dollar for everytime people said "but this time its real", I'd be rich like Bill Gates

Solve the permutations of brobability for me to be both steve jobs and bill gates.

>> No.7235134

Well shit, fuck you.

>> No.7235135

> dat extrapolation...
It takes balls to make a graph as unjustified as that.

>> No.7235156

When methane clathrate dissociation caused the tempurature spike during Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum the global mean temperature spike was like 2 degrees Celsius higher than before. I think humanity will survive the next thirty years just fine really.

>> No.7235167

a 2 degree increase in global temperatures would be devastating, what are you even talking about, that's enough to make the oceans acidic.

>> No.7235171

Well, yeah. It did cause a mass extinction of oceanic life at the time. But it's the sort of thing humanity can survive. Mammals did very well at the time actually.

>> No.7235175

99% of all life on earth was wiped out, mammals did shit just like everyone else.

>> No.7235186

>But it's the sort of thing humanity can survive
>Massive extinction of all marine life
>Ocean water turning acidic


>> No.7235199

>massive extinction of all marine life
None of the extinction events got more than about 50% of marine life. And this particular extinction was one of the smaller ones. Here are some highlights about what wikipedia has to say about it:
>The PETM is accompanied by a mass extinction of 35-50% of benthic foraminifera (especially in deeper waters) over the course of ~1,000 years – the group suffering more than during the dinosaur-slaying K-T extinction (e.g.,[27][28][29]). Contrarily, planktonic foraminifera diversified, and dinoflagellates bloomed. Success was also enjoyed by the mammals, who radiated extensively around this time.
>The increase in mammalian abundance is intriguing. There is no evidence of any increased extinction rate among the terrestrial biota. Increased CO2 levels may have promoted dwarfing[39][40] – which may have encouraged speciation. Many major mammalian orders – including the Artiodactyla, horses, and primates – appeared and spread around the globe 13,000 to 22,000 years after the initiation of the PETM.[39]

>> No.7235200

Ehh I may not be a scientist or some researcher or some shit but I can tell you this. This global warming cause by us is bullshit. The earth goes through cycles of hot and cold. Just as the seasons change so does temperature of the earth. No matter how much emissions we put out the earth will beat us in that race. Anyway I'd be more worried about yellowstone blowing up.

>> No.7235213

Paul March here, we'll just shoot it all into the sun with quantum vacuum drives.

>> No.7235224
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>> No.7235231

A lot of researchers think that the reasons for the natural variations of the climate are unable to explain the presently observed. It's not as if the climate just suddenly decides to change. Instead global climate change happens due to changes in external factors such as the sun's light dimming or the Earth's orbit taking on a more eccentric pattern. We can SEE when those factors are changing and how much they are.

>> No.7235327

>list of politicians
No, really?!

>> No.7235378

>Ehh I may not be a scientist or some researcher or some shit
Thanks for clarifying so I didn't accidentally take your post seriously.

>> No.7235516
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ocean turn acidic killing a good percentage of marine life and wreaking most of the earth's ecosystems.
>do not worry human will do fine, science always finds a way

>If you can't trust your elected leaders who can you trust?

if I see any more of this I am going to make a pretty info comic disproving this on a level even a retarded child should be able to understand

>> No.7235527

Even if all the planet's ecosystems go down the shitter the list of threats against human survival that creates is pretty short. At least for wealthy countries anyway.

>> No.7235617

Food and water don't just appear out of the stock market you know, we need a functioning ecosystem to do all that.

I don't really want to end up eating vat-grown cockroach burgers or whatever either.

>> No.7235634

>I don't really want to end up eating vat-grown cockroach burgers or whatever either.

What is the problem beyond you dying ? Do you think that you matter ?

those who will want to eat this will adapt, survive and make babies.

>> No.7235645

I welcome billions of human deaths. There's too many people.

>> No.7235663

Yeah, farms are very overrated. We can all just eat clay. Lot's of minerals.

>> No.7235669

Holy kaloodle Jesus. People like you are just like goddam creationists.

>no matter how much shit we dump into the earth, nuthin gonna happen!
Jesus seriously get educates. Common sense is enough to tell you that dumping shit in your home makes your home a crappy place to live in.

>Yellowstone blowing up
Nigga you live on top of fuckin Yellowstone? Honestly that's great!

>> No.7235671

Show me 1 goddam paper that measures the sun dimming or whatever shit and explain properly how the fuck does that cause a constant rise in global temperature. For every 1 paper you dig up I can come up with 10 showing rising emissions and scientific explanations for them causing environmental degradation of some sort.

>> No.7235681

That picture is pretty dumb. Why lay the blame on US presidents and equally across the different presidents. Even if you only laid the blame at the feet of the US, action in this case is hardly responsibility of the executive. I don't know what is up with that graph and even taking the most extreme IPCC scenario and combining it with a 0.6 degree rise from the clathrate gun we wont see extermination by 2030.

Climate change is a very real thing and nothing fucks me off more than people unnecessarily saying that it is going to be worse than what the science says. The interview is good if you pay attention to exactly what he says. The way he responds is essentially that 50 gt is an approximate upper limit, he acknowledges that his model was run on this upper limit and gives 0.6 degree. when he answers the survival question his answer is basically global warming is really bad and this adds to it which I think everyone can agree with. However beware if there is one thing that is going to stop action on climate change it will be people lying about the severity and then when nothing super extreme happens the action will stop. If you don't believe me read some of the most common criticisms, there is a lot of "time said in 1970s..." and "we were told we would all be underwater by now" and the only people we have to blame for this are the retarded advocates who overstated there cases without knowing the science.

>> No.7235689

I'm pretty sure Jobs doesn't own a single dollar anymore.

>> No.7235728

>A lot of researchers
[citation needed]

>> No.7235730

>Ehh I may not be a scientist or some researcher or some shit but I know better'n them
Take your meds, Grandpa.

>> No.7235904

Except even vat-grown cockroach burgers will only feed a few million because of how much energy it needs to make them. Have you seen the energy requirements to grow food? The reason old school farms work so well is they take energy from the sun and the rest of the ecosystem, which is basically free. Our modern farms already use a huge amount of oil to try and increase yield, look at the energy in that it is huge. If you had to get that amount of energy from a power plant you would need to seriously consider how the other 99% of our population is going to adapt to break the laws of thermodynamics. And don't tell me 99% of humanity starvings to death wouldn't have a huge effect that couldn't trigger a few wars and shit which stand good odds of finish us off.

>> No.7235946

>>>>extinction event
>Actually it's not that bad guys

>> No.7235953

There is nothing really to debunk, because we don't have the differential equations nicely solved and we may never will, however, the most intense GHG is water vapour. The presence of which varies dramatically through years, furthermore, there is also a positive feedback loop in terms of, "the warmer it is the more water vapour there can be present in the air", and the more water vapour there is the warmer it will get, yet somehow, not one event triggered this not a volcano eruption, or a flood, or a meteor, no nothing.
Thre's a lot of way to turn rhetoric into nasty predictions...

Oh, /sci/ is conformist. They're not really a free thinking individual like Feynman, more like a scientific enthusiast who studies lot but doesn't really understand what's going on, like Milhouse from the Simpsons.

>> No.7235954

2/10 made me reply

>> No.7235957

Nothing intelligent ever began with

>> No.7235958

Eh guize, this gui iz inteligunt. He knowz inteligunt stufz

>> No.7235960
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>> No.7235961

>Muh doomsday
Nothing to see here people, just another batch of alamists, doomsayers and environmentalists promising "death in our lifetime!"

The clathrate gun hypothesis is just that, a hypothesis. To trigger a mass methane spike we'd need an initial warming spike far exceeding any reasonable projection and even so the methane release spike would resemble a rolling landscape moer than a spike from human timescales.

>but muh previous extinction
Was caused by ocean fertilization and new gene appearances and accumulation of bacterial feedsource sediments. It wasn't caused by warming.

>> No.7235964

Global warming makes the sun disappear?

>> No.7235970

>implying the release of millions of years worth of carbon in the space of a couple of centuries will have no adverse effect

>> No.7235976


The Earth isn't made to sustain life, we just managed to evolve to live upon it during a period that was suitable for our existence

>> No.7235978

>implying a small increase in an inert gas that plantlife needs to thrive, to levels much less than found in prehistoric times, will spell the doom of our kind.

A greener and warmer* world makes for better conditions for life.

*not according to measurements for the last 18 years.

>> No.7235981


2 degree rise is massive for animals and plants because they can't just magically decide to move to a different part of the continent in a matter of years.

Humans have farming on pretty much everywhere but poles, 2 degree warming will make food supply dwindle in the hot regions but colder regions enjoy nice benefits and since humans can choose what to plant and use seeds designed for that particular environment or even genetically modify existing species to tolerate hotter temperatures better.
There is absolutely no extinction level or even civilization ending threat to food supply or anything really coming from global warming unless it starts to close the point of no return where oceans start to boil and Earth turns into Venus like planet.

Sure things will get really shitty for poor people and countries but rich northern countries will do just fine so long as they are willing to mow down the climate refugees coming from southern countries, Namely this means Africans for central Europe and Mexicans for US

Much greater threat to human civilization is nuclear war or even immigration if you look at how Britain and Sweden are doing.

Adverse effects =/= end of humanity

>> No.7235982

for one pound of wheat one gallon of oil is used to produce it, yes

>> No.7235991

No, but you need a lot more then sunlight to grow good plants. That is what the ecosystem helps bring in, animals mix in minerals that allow plants to grow better and have more nutritional value we need to live. You want to try and refine and mix that artificially you are going to need a lot of energy. In fact it takes so much effort that we stopped trying to do that on a large scale.

then you got to deal with other issues like >>7235981

add this and other things add up, so you aren't going to feed more then a few million without some kind of game changing breakthrough the likes of which I can't even think of as you run into physical limitations that money and tech can't solve. Even then feeding 7 or 8 billion is flat out not going to happen.

>> No.7235995

>*not according to measurements for the last 18 years.

why would anyone even say this? don't people have ANY source criticism?

it's objectively not true

>> No.7235997

Plants growth is limited by cold weather and dry climate primarily. Plants still grow in hot weather provided the water is there.

So unless the hot weather evaporates lakes and other freshwater sources we'd get a positive net total in agricultural land, perhaps even much more as the sea-evaporation rain cycle would be more active and could in fact increase efficiency of hot-climate agriculture.

>> No.7236004

>don't people have ANY source criticism?
Satellite instruments don't lie and this doesn't change no matter how frustrated you are over santa not being real.

>> No.7236009
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>> No.7236011
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>> No.7236017

>talk about last 18 years.
>post overcooked memegraph by master chef hansen spanning 125 years of unreliable land station measurements.

Cool story bro. Satellite measurements are gold standard because they maintain a high quality standard with well annotated data. There's no peru that needs to magically adjusted to fit the UHI pattern of nearby badly managed stations.

>> No.7236018

If the Clathrate gun hypothesis comes to pass, here's how it could really help humanity:
1. It will then become cost effective to remove CH4 from the atmosphere.
2. CH4 as an energy storage medium is very attractive compared to Hydrogen fuel cells.
3. Compared to other hydrocarbon fuels, burning methane produces less carbon dioxide for each unit of heat released.
So when can we expect this to happen, so we can tap this wonderful new resource and solve the worlds energy crisis?

>> No.7236021
File: 711 KB, 1920x1272, Satellite_Temperatures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look mom I'm trolling

>> No.7236024
File: 88 KB, 829x480, satellite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not use data straight from the source and up to date?
Also your own graph supports my statement, not that you'd know because you're a mindless parrot that can't read a graph.

>> No.7236026

>look at how Britain is doing

I'm currently transmitting from the land of the britbong and can confirm that you have succumbed to the lies. People are trying to pin our countries problems on immigrants instead of facing the problems of consumerism and the free market

>> No.7236029

>Let me cherry pick this area from a graph that happens to support my side while completely ignoring the overall trend

>> No.7236031
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>> No.7236036

why is Truman the only man whose middle name is given as just an initial?

>> No.7236046

That is a chart on the internet. Yaaaay!

meanwhile, IRL:
>"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." Kevin Trenberth

The climatologist encouraging the idea of anthropogenic/CO2 self destruction via GHG effect talk about no warming being present with each other.

And you have a chart on the internet.

>> No.7236047

>Meme arrows will soothe my anus because reality doesn't agree with my cultist belief
>Also I can't read a graph and accidentally posted something that supports the terrible opposition!
>I'll call it cherrypicking despite my own recent graph supporting his statement in 3 different datasets
What's next, just pretending to be retarded?

Post a white flag the next time, it signifies your loss and unconditional surrender to rational thinking better.

>> No.7236055

>In 2014, the United States consumed a total of 6.95 billion barrels of petroleum products

>3 billion barrels of oil was used to grow wheat in the US

Sure thing bro.
You know that you need 30 tonnes of iron that are irreversibly lost for every car produced?

>> No.7236105

>Richard Milhous Nixon
>Richard Milhous

>> No.7236221

Remember the time when social workers and police refused to intervene to child rape and prostitution rings for fear of being labeled communist and being fired or even killed by capitalistic mobs

Me neither.