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File: 82 KB, 630x420, z.1.17469-GETTY-TESLA-BATTERY-471774078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7233932 No.7233932 [Reply] [Original]

>Musk claims his battery will change the world.
>It's just a big stack of classical lithium batteries in a shiny box.
>Fanbois getting crazy again and hailing their leader as the new Da Vinci.

The guy could build a toaster, they will still consider it "innovation" because he will create a massive hype around it. He's really the new Steve Jobs.

>> No.7233936

>He's really the new Steve Jobs.

I know it goes against the neckbeard ethos to say so, but there are good aspects of that as well as bad.

>> No.7233949

Is it just a pack of lithiums?

>> No.7234399
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Isn't grid electricity also sold per kilowatt/hour, but at 20 cents?

>> No.7234406

>>Fanbois getting crazy again and hailing their leader as the new Da Vinci.

fanboys galore


>> No.7234415

Sometimes you need a famous/revered person to advocate a technology before it will catch on, even if it's still the same as everything else out there.

Besides that, this sort of thing makes a lot of business sense for Musk, since he wants to position himself to make the most profit possible from the upcoming gigafactory. He will likely have many more products revealed in the next few years for the same reason.

>> No.7234420

That's price per unit capacity not per unit energy. The idea is you charge it when electricity is cheap at night and work off it during the day. I honestly don't know how long you would have to have it before it's worthwhile.

>> No.7234421

Wow, that's really expensive. We pay 7 cents where I live. Maybe 10 cents after the additional fees and stuff.

>> No.7234441

Depends on your definition of "worthwhile", and your situation.

It'll probably take years and price cuts before people buy this for homes connected to the grid because they expect to save money.

A lot of people favor switching to renewable energy even if it costs more. So when they put solar panels on their roof and a battery in the garage so their house never draws off the grid, they'll feel that it's worthwhile from the start.

>> No.7234479

So your previous shill thread failed and now you're attacking it from a different angle? kill yourself you faggots.

>> No.7234488
File: 547 KB, 851x1200, 1429835925372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This combined with renewable energy like Solar, wind, etc. it only makes sense. SolarCity is pretty huge already. jelllyfags, NIMBYs and naysers all you like. its a step in the right direction. This will help free us from dependence on OPEC and Carbon fuels in general.
In a way he is a hero just for being a prominent successful business man/engineer/designer/entrepreneur actually promoting things that are good for the planet and good for the human race.
Of course there is a lot of money to be made . The entire energy infrastructure will need to be modified or replaced on step at a time. Look how quickly the infrastructure for gasoline and diesel cars was built and implemented across the US, only took what, 50 years?
We could have a completely new energy infrastructure built within 50 years.


>> No.7234574
File: 93 KB, 540x662, 20101126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will Tesla's battery change the energy market?

>> No.7235039


>Air travel will never be attainable for the common man
>People cant ride trains because the human body cant withstand going faster than 25 MPH. You will die.
>There is nothing on the other side of the ocean thou heretic

>> No.7235049

very different you fucking idiot