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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7231742 No.7231742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


The only worthwhile STEM degrees are Maths and Physics. I do an engineering degree and, while I appreciate the fact that it allows me to apply to engineering grad jobs and it results in people overrating my intelligence, it is a fact that it is a degree which is completely redundant.

Engineering degrees are an awful mixture of the most uninteresting parts of physics, chemistry, and maths, taught in an applied and non-rigorous way (or at least never used in a rigorous way). It is obvious that someone with a Physics degree is capable of doing any engineering research in academia or industry. It is obvious that no engineering student is capable of doing all Physics research.

In terms of careers, while it is convenient for engineers that they protect their status with this Chartering bs, engineering jobs are low paid in comparison with other careers and are not intellectual challenges. Note all of the Imperial Chemical Engineering students who go in to finance. Also note the fact that large companies who have the resources to train graduates, also take Physicists in to many engineering roles.

The only reason that engineering degrees are seen as challenging is because many dumb people take them while thinking that it's a route to becoming rich. These are the types of people who think that maths is a conspiracy to make them fail university. In universities such as Oxbridge, where all students enter with equally perfect grades, engineering has ZERO reputation for being difficult. Maybe more donkey work, but nothing difficult.

>> No.7231743

I don't think that there are any other STEM degrees worth criticising, as we all know their limitations. Economics is maths applied in a way that doesn't correspond to anything other than the models that economists make up. Medicine / Dentistry / Veterinary degrees are vocational training which have no intellectual content at all, only rote memorisation by people who aspire to nothing more than lifetime job security. Computer Science research is best left to the mathematicians.

>On non-STEM:

Philosophy is the only non-STEM degree for intellectuals. Everything else except for law is completely pointless and useless but, to their credit, at least the students who take them have the dignity of not studying for employment's sake at university. This is very underrated and they have my respect for this.

Law is a laughable and pointless degree. It's very telling that Oxford, which aspires more than most places to teach non-vocational and academic topics, calls their Law undergrad degree "Jurisprudence". In other words, it's a Philosophy degree for people not intelligent enough for abstract thinking.

>Final Note

You can't rebut any of this by talking about high paying medicine / engineering / computer science careers, as finance and entrepreneurship have the most potential yet require no qualifications.

>> No.7231747

Nice blog post. You are worse than engineers themselves by shitting up the board with a massive bait thread. This in no way promotes discussion of math and science.

>> No.7231750
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Yeah sorry I'm not intelligent and motivated enough to implement a compiler in my spare time, I guess I wasted all this time on my CS degree by having the audacity to work in my field without being in the top 0.1% of the population with regard to drive and talent. Sorry about being such a piece of human waste OP


>> No.7231751


yes it does you pleb. /fit/ doesn't ban posts by people who learn how to lift. Why would this place ban people who want to learn how to become scientists or work in a job where science is applied rigorously?

>> No.7231753

>Proper Nouns

>major tiers
u r on the wrong /board/ shitpoasting frogleg

>> No.7231764



I don't care for this and I posted about how it was pointless to talk about it because the highest paying paths take people from any major. I also dislike people who think their shitty engineering career of corporate cuckoldry is the path to glory

>> No.7231772

>I have failed over 20 internship / grad job interview processes (been having them since late September 2013, a few of them for jobs that Oxbridge/LSE grads would kill for).

>Is this why all the autists do PhDs? Because no one will hire them?

>You all say do engineering for "Muh guaranteed job" and I do Engineering, but what the ****'s the point if the oil supermajors are even bigger corporate dumbasses than investment banks, and who reject everyone for not being a 100% normal person?

Wow OP, do you think your shitty life will become better if you get btfo on more than one board?
>studies engineering in scotland
>wonders why nobody wants him