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7222310 No.7222310 [Reply] [Original]

Is a lab coat required for doing math?

>> No.7222341
File: 53 KB, 460x300, grothendieck-wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but a wizard robe is.

>> No.7222346


My only dream in life is to become so good at what I do that I could pull of shit like wearing a wizard dress without anybody caring.

>> No.7222447

I actually boat a lab coat for my math 150 class.
Feels fedora as fuck.

>> No.7222462
File: 367 KB, 1600x1600, poorguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the lab coat is the fedora of the scientific community

I just now realized this.

>> No.7222481

Grothendieck disconnected himself from society to live in a village by the mountains (I forgot what country). He never wore his wizard garb during hus career.

>> No.7222485

no, but virginity is

>> No.7222486

This board has reached a new level of autism.

>> No.7222488

IDGAF i'm wearing the longest starchiest lab coat

>> No.7223182

Lab coats aren't meant to be worn outside of a lab. They're meant to protect your body from dangerous chemicals so you would be retarded for walking around in it exposing everyone you know to said chemicals.

>> No.7223192


FUCK. I didn't even realize this until now.

>> No.7223197

I had an engineering prof who always lectured with a lab coat on. He claimed it was to prevent having chalk on his clothes, but we all preferred to believe that he just liked to rock the style.

>> No.7223513

Yes, to protect you from chalk.

>> No.7223524

This. Wearing a lab coat out of a lab is same level of pig disgusting as leaving the lab with gloves on

>> No.7223542

>all chemists are fedos

>> No.7223545

>rock the style
Too bad he was a dumbass engineer

>> No.7223567


>be me, in 8th grade
>algebra class
>teacher is a part time aerobics instructor after school, probably lesbian
>wears overalls every day
>every single fucking day
>overalls start clean, but by the end of the day they are coated in chalk dust
>thick layers of chalk
>chalk smears on face, in hair, everywhere
>erases board with bare hand and wiped on overalls
>pretty sure she probably just rubbed her body against the board to clear between classes

Man up, pussies

>> No.7223669


This. Wizards are the future of pure math. I will wear a wizard robe when I teach and there's not a god damn fucking thing anyone can do about it.

>> No.7223906

Only if fedoras protect against splashes of benzene and chloroform.

>> No.7223910

>at this moment, i am holomorphic

>> No.7223912

No but oven mitts and a hair net are.

>> No.7223915


>> No.7224002

Wear a lab coat iff you work in a lab.

>> No.7224008
File: 18 KB, 403x403, 1378049338729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even slightly true, lab coats actually protect people from chemicals and shit.
I know this is a troll, but try harder next time.

>> No.7224030

>tfw enlightened by my own analyticity

>> No.7224031
File: 269 KB, 234x249, 1424275072117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I wear my wizard robe with my lab coat underneath

>> No.7224034

Some professors wear gloves to protect them from chalk.

>> No.7224039

>lab coats actually protect people from chemicals and shit

Encounter a lot of chemicals as a mathematician, do you?

>> No.7224040


I sometimes suspect that some of the hardass Math professors are virgins.

>> No.7224041

pussy juice isn't a game buddy, gotta protect from stains

>> No.7224058

Ink can realllllly fuck up your khakis bro

>> No.7224091

No. Labcoats protect you from harmful chemical splashes. Fedoras protect you from vagina.

>> No.7224106

What's the difference?

>> No.7224112
File: 30 KB, 436x407, sacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lab coat is a status symbol and appearance is all there is; like in a cosplay.

>> No.7224118
File: 157 KB, 645x1024, 1288245112441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is a lab coat required for doing math?
Fortunately no. But a pipe should be made mandatory.

>> No.7224134

Underrated post

>> No.7224236

Is a lab coat required for doing meth?

>> No.7224238


That depends, do you want to go home to the Mrs. with pi all over your shirt?

>> No.7224674

>differential equation spills on me
>can't integrate it fast enough
>end up with an integral that doesn't seem to have a closed form
>have to go to the hospital with second degree burns
This wouldn't have happened if I had my lab coat with me.

>> No.7224716

this is why you have 2 lab coats, one for labwork and one for outside of the lab retards

>> No.7224720

>second degree burns
get out

>> No.7224721
File: 2.47 MB, 320x454, memoroni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that those are known in the math world as "second order burns,"

>> No.7226042
File: 184 KB, 900x602, DSC_9923-paint-Copy-900x602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips protractor*

>> No.7226117

Why don't math teachers wear gloves if they all wipe small errors off the board with their fingers/hands?

>> No.7227548

based anon

>> No.7227639

In this moment, I am epimorphic. Not because of any phony spherical integrals. But because, I am enlightened by my analyticity.

>> No.7228013
File: 88 KB, 833x413, url[1].jpg&sa=X&ei=FH1CVbi5IIKrPPfagaAK&ved=0CAUQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEpbg543kiPI5-7G82nmpg8Sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Cédric Villani?

>> No.7228030

> He claimed it was to prevent having chalk on his clothes

oh god, I had a physics (physics for biological sciences, aka retard physics) professor who would always get chalk everywhere.

my favorite is when he'd work on a proof, erase part with his bare hand, and then hold his chin in though, getting the chalk dust all over his face

if anyone wears lab coats as a status symbol, it's MDs

>work in a BSL II lab with multiple antibiotic resistant P. aeruginosa
>do benchtop shit all the time sans lab coat
>in undergrad biochem lab
>we have to wear lab coats and fucking splashproof goggles
>don't even trust undergrads with ethidium