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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7220748 No.7220748 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Myers Briggs type of your average fedora wearer?

I'm going solid INTP.

>> No.7220751

That or INTJ, which I am. I could have become a fedoran but I actually got my life together.

>> No.7220756

Definitely INTJ over INTP.

>> No.7220758

INTJ here, I feel like in general INTJs are socially aware. INTP in my experience can't pick up as well that definitely makes them more prone to becoming a fedora collector

>> No.7220767

INTJ dude, obviously.

>> No.7220771


Fedora types are stereotypically people who sit on the internet having "logical debates" about the non-existence of God. This is ultimately a philosophical stance, they just use scientific realism as their ammo. INTPs are more drawn to philosophy, logical consistency, semantics and being lazy whereas INTJ care more about being in the "real world" and gettin shit done.

They seem more INTP

>> No.7220773
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who /INTJ/ here? truly no coincidence that the top 2% of the human population posts here.

>> No.7220775


One of the defining characteristics of a fedora is thinking they know more than they do, which is pure "J."

>> No.7220786
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Einstein is the quintessential INTP. INTPs are the absent minded professor type. They are so caught up in inner thought, they aren't aware of what's going on around them. They often either neglect their looks or have a "eccentric" look. I actually know two self-ascribed INTPs who have perpetually crazy hair.

>> No.7220793

So what are you saying? That Einstein was a fedora?

>> No.7220794


Too much time spent judging and not enough perceiving.

>> No.7220799

>I actually got my life together.
I hate to break it to you, but you're on 4chan.

>> No.7220800


My point is that get the idea that INTPs are more socially/physically negligent because they are in their own world of theorizing (introverted thinking) whereas INTJs are a lot more aware of the world and are the lab scientist type.

>> No.7220806


INTP = the theory of relativity
INTJ = the discovery of penicillin

>> No.7220807
File: 211 KB, 800x999, einstein_patentclerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They often either neglect their looks or have a "eccentric" look.

Only when he got old

>> No.7220814

INFP here:

My experience is that INTPs are usually very intelligent yet openminded. INTJs think they a correct about everything.

>> No.7220815

INTJ's tend to be way more arrogant than INTP's. INTP's will definitely have discussions on God and religion, but generally they're actually good conversations, where as INTJs think they have all the answers and will try to hammer them into you. INTJ's are definitely the fedora wearers.

>> No.7220830

INTJ - "Everything I say is true. Science is always right xD. I know everything. Art is stoopid, science is gr8. God doesn't exist you dumb christfag xD. Why doesn't everyone in the world think like me?"
INTP - "I don't really know anything, I only suspect and make conjecture. Art and the humanities and the sciences are all valuable. I don't believe in a God, though I do not know for certain, I respect your believe though and would defend your right to hold it. Science isn't always correct, there are other ways to think about the world."
Face it, INTJs are arrogant, ignorant, single minded, antipluralistic philistines. They're also only suited to be engineers, not scientists.

>> No.7220835


Fedoras are very aware of their looks which is why they go for the " classy gentleman" look. They just have terrible taste.

INTJ for sho

>> No.7220840


That makes sense. I think I was being literal about it to the point that I didn't assume INTJs would even consider the discussion of God even worthy in the first place. I get along with INTP better, I'll agree.

>> No.7220853

fedoras are legalistic and self-assured which are more J traits

>> No.7220857

who cares, MBTI is pseudoscience
ps INTJ here ;^)

>> No.7220860
File: 51 KB, 370x370, _tips_fedora__by_gabplaza-d7c64yc[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INTJ here

>> No.7220863

I'm also an engineer if that's what you want to hear :)

>> No.7220865


It's not meant to be science, ya damn INTJ, you can't empirically test subjective preferences. It's an introspective model based on generalizations or preferences.

>> No.7220869

INTJs are easy to spot on 4chan, they're always the ones who say "kill yourself" for some small irrelevant slight on their autist sensibilities. INTPs are far more quiet and mild-mannered and far less likely to project their own personal failings onto other people in a hostile way.


>> No.7220875
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I'm an INFP girl, will you be my bf?

>> No.7220877

Wait...so being an engineer translates to fedora? Shit, I've always put INTP as the fedora one. MBTI is horseshit btw.


>> No.7220879

ENTP here

also known as 'perpetually fooled that their personality will make them a billionaire' type.

>> No.7220883


>> No.7220889

what do these acronyms stand for

>> No.7220893



Look up MBTI

>> No.7220905

seems like baloney

>> No.7220906

You're not wrong, but the test is pretty consistent so we can probably draw some interesting correlations at least.

>> No.7220920
File: 196 KB, 600x906, farmswrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw introverted INTP
>tfw shy too
>on track to becoming a professor because i enjoy learning and just want to keep being involved in academia

how fucked am I? I feel like I'm going to make a complete fool of myself and get fired, not to mention how difficult it already is for a GOOD QUALITY professor to get hired at anywhere above a CC

and I hear tenure is impossible nowadays too and will eventually fade away altogether

>> No.7220959

Would /sci/ allow a thread about astrology? Because there's as much evidence for the stars controlling your fate as four binary dimensions dictating your personality. Hilarious that so many of you buy into this. I guess it makes you feel special and superior?

>> No.7220961

Spotted the INTJ

>> No.7220966

wtf is this CUNTJ stuff?

>> No.7220976

It's an intelligence meme by the creators of "the IQ test" and "atheism: a practical guide to tipping".

>> No.7220988

I see.

I agree with this. Since when is /sci/ a board for housewives discussing their shitty personalities.

>> No.7220990

mine is INTJ lol

>> No.7220994
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INTP reporting in. I agree with OP, but you have to include INTJ also.

>> No.7220997
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>wanting to be with an ENTP as an INFP
girl, what is wrong with you?! You just don't love yourself enough. If you want something that lasts more than a quick fuck - which I assume you do, what with being an INFP - avoid NT and TJ types like the bubonic plague.

Go for either a nice ISFJ or something with FP. J-s in general tend to be way too anal about everything and personally I find it difficult to be around them for long.

>> No.7221057



>> No.7221137

logical fallacy

>> No.7221480

No. INTJ's as bad if not worse about being autistic edgelords than INTP's.

>> No.7221485

No, you'd think so, but fedoras of that level clearly can't think logically, I'm going with INFP

>> No.7221563

Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing people who know nothing about MBTI try to discuss MBTI. This thread is killing me.

>> No.7221597


>> No.7221624

>Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing people who know nothing about cocksucking try to discuss cocksucking. Fuck me in arse pls.

>> No.7221627

Hey guys, go spread your cancer threads here>>>/x/

>> No.7221851

butthurt christfag detected

>> No.7221856
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>generalizing billions on people into cozy little acronyms
This is about as relevant to science as tarot card readings or those facebook 'which animal are you' tests.
Gonna go with this faggot >>7221627 and redirect you to a place much more suited to your subject >>>/x/

>> No.7221863

INTP here.
I'm a Black 19 year old Web Developer, I make more money than my friends / family and I'm still not a douche.
OP, fuck this post.
I'd like to know why we're considered the most autistic of the personalities though..

>> No.7221935


fuck off special snowflake

>> No.7221937

Where is ENTP/ENTJ then?

>> No.7221953

Being an entj is so fun

>> No.7222140

They are Like their I counterparts but usually much more outspoken. They come across as even bigger erogent assholes when in reality they just have the eurge to talk more, and therefore expose their egos more frequently. The P variants don't really have an ego but come across like they do, while J generally just think they're straight up better than other people.

>> No.7222158

How can we get any results when personality is fluid?

>> No.7222163

INFJ here. Feels good to be a special snowflake.

>> No.7222436
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Fedoras are definitely the J's, had to go off on one a bit ago for spouting stupid shit about genetic engineering while both of us were in the "weirdo corner"

Fucker wanted to make actual furries and thought it was a unique idea, he was actually wearing a bloody fedora.

>> No.7222448

I am a cute bunny rabbit.

What element is /sci/?

>> No.7222452

>every INTJ is a fedora
we have a new meme

>> No.7222492

Because we share that intense curiosity with "arbitrary" things (for us, logical systems) that autists also have. Also, INTPs don't always have great social skills, which is obviously a trait of autists as well.

>> No.7222499

Because it's the most common personality type on 4chan.
And people need to stop making and bumping these bullshit threads, vague personality tests are just the astrology of the educated man.

>> No.7222536

most work on a spectrum for each letter. you could be only partly I and mostly E, which would lead to you testing differently on certain days depending on your mood. it's still nowhere near perfect, but it's a little more flexible.

>> No.7222635

look up the cognitive functions

>> No.7222883

MBTI is probably pseudoscience anyway.

INTPs arent as aggressive and ilogical. Fedorasfolk are more like INFP, the autistic emotional type.

Or INTJ, who has Fi as third function.

>> No.7222941

"I took an internet test and can now show people my cool letters, my letters are cooler than most other peoples letters as you can clearly see"

and once again we are back in the locker room gentlemen. Swinging your cock of potential around as if it can compare to your cock of achievements.

>> No.7222946

religious people try really hard to convince themselves that the earth is 5000 years old and god is secretly watching them

pretty sad really

>> No.7223013

That INTP description is the most fedora thing I've seen in weeks
Sorry to break it to you dude

>> No.7223019

A.) Angry INTJ's who can't into reading comprehension
B.) literally everyone else agreeing that most fedoras are INTX, not that every INTX is a fedora

>> No.7223026

>not swinging both your cocks
guess you're not intj mustard rice

>> No.7223032

intj isn't science, it's just methodical. it's free people who think rules are just defined but what they are out aren't capable of.

so these people are overachieving douches frequently

>> No.7223050

I/ENTJ here. Hate me faggots.

>> No.7223066
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who /ISTP/ here?

>> No.7223072

clearly you don't know anything about MBTI, or INFP's at least. They are one of the best diplomats out there if they put their mind to it. They like to bitch about people, how they're misunderstood,unappreciated but ultimately they'll always put that crap aside because they want to turn the world into a better place. They're like hippies with a mild messiah complex. Just think of Kurt Cobain, Tolkien, Luna Lovegood or Bjork. You get the picture.

Those fedora wearing folk with aspergers you speak of are almost certainly all INTJ's or INTP's.

>> No.7223095

INTP reporting
I used to be pretty fedora, but I also used to get INTJ so.. Leads me to believe at the very least that one can make their MBTI align with their self-image, and that fedoras might think they're INTJ.

>> No.7223127

On self reported tests, intj
Realistically not intj, but no worries, they no how pathetic they are

>> No.7223134

It's really not, though.

>> No.7223136

I play a blue-red burn counter deck.

>> No.7223138


>> No.7223156

Took three different tests and got ENFP, ISTP, and ENTP.

If you ask me Myers Briggs isn't particularly useful for personality appraisal or even job placement, but it's certainly useful to play around with the different ideas of explaining human temperament differences. I enjoy Socionics, Enneagram, Astrology and so on for the same reaons; it's just fun to play with.

>> No.7223300

>unironically using Myers Briggs