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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7220496 No.7220496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So recently my social life has been improving while my personal life has deteriorated which means I've spent every weekend for the last month or so getting drunk at parties. Basically I'm acting like all the other ugrad normal fags.

My question is how bad will drinking socially and relativly responsibly (i.e. not blacking out) most weekends hinder my ability to /sci/?

The stereotype of the dumb partying college kid definitely holds true in my experience, but as we all know correlation isn't necessarily causation.

>> No.7220500

Im also interested in this. I'm a vet... and I drink a lot. Am I setting myself up for failure, intellectually speaking?

>> No.7220501


>> No.7220503

If you prepare properly to avoid hangovers (eat a lot before drinking, make sure you're getting enough sleep, drink water before bed), surprisingly the impact is not much (in my experience), aside from the time lost.

>> No.7220505

I used to get really drunk and then do my diff eq homeowork. I got 10/10s.

>> No.7220510

In grad school, there is a stereotype that you need to drink to get through grad school.

It's way truer than the frat boy stereotype. Everyone in grad school drinks. PIs drink. We all drink. Everyone drinks all the time.

We have a nice stock of beer in my fridge at work. We sometimes keep a bottle of wine in the cold room. A co-worker of mine brews beer and keeps his brewing yeast strains along with the other ones he actually uses for science.

Drinking isn't the problem. Drinking instead of doing science is the problem.

>> No.7220517

I see that people who fear alcohol are the ones predisposed fear it by remembering their early life when people would say HURRRR ALCOHOL IS BAD

I find alcohol to be better that coffee or any other drug. I don't smoke, I don't undereat, I drink coffee twice a week. You are probably underbreathing and having some mild psychosis.

>> No.7220522

I have massive hangovers, other than dealing with those I've never seen any difference and it has not impaired any noticiable ammount anyone I know in science or engineering. As said before, the loss of time when hungover is probably the bigest problem.

>> No.7220525

Stop getting drunk retard, only high-school kids and frat dropoutards get drunk. At least try to pretend you can be a functioning adult in drink in moderate amounts.

In fact hang out with better people in general, there's no point in networking with future dropouts.

>> No.7220526

It will hinder you abilities to /sci/ and to /fit/. Keep away from alcohol and drugs, if you must drink, never more than 2 drinks a night.

Disgusting. I know plenty of people like you "hurr durr I must drink bcuz my life is so hard".

I double major CS and math, work on the side, and never drink.

>> No.7220532

>Be in Chemical Engineering department.
>Everyone daydrinks past 2nd year.
>Every grad student keeps a bottle of quality scotch or other heavy alcohol in his/her desk.
>Literally have a brewery set up in the lab from which we shamelessly drink during daylight hours "to taste".

Life's good.

>> No.7220536


>> No.7220538

>>7220532 here

I just want to add that we just like drinking, it does not help us "cope" or anything at all. I never get too drunk to work though.

>> No.7220540


Relax. Few drinks because their life is hard. They drink because time spent outside of lab / not doing science is limited, and we like to let loose and blow off steam in our limited off time. What better way to do that than to drink and get down with the other grad students?

I'm dispelling the stereotype that drinking has to be a frat boy thing or an alcoholic all-or-nothing type deal. Everyone in grad school drinks, and most of us are having a damn good time, even if it is stressful.

Also, you're in undergrad. It's a damn cakewalk. Easiest and most carefree time of my life so far.

>> No.7220563

>Everyone in grad school

Professors too...

>> No.7220684

>only high-school kids and frat dropoutards get drunk.

[Citation needed]

>> No.7220696

author = {A Anonymous (PhD)},
title = {\"It's true, only kids and low class frattards get drunk.\"},
journal={\it{Personal communication}},
year = {2015}

>> No.7220715
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>> No.7220789

drinking ruined my memory and logical thinking
I gained weight and lost crazy amount of time and money too
fuck drugs

>> No.7220817

fuck, was reading your citation and was amazed by you guessing your post number.
Took me a while.

>> No.7220847


whats going on here im confused

>> No.7220852


thread ID matches post ID? is that some kind of get?

>> No.7220855


wait no nevermind you tricked me you asshole

but gj anyways

>> No.7220862

>Not blazing on MJ every fucking day of the week

Am I in plebhouse or what? I thought you people are somewhat experienced.

>> No.7220874

becoming friends with people that don't know how to study won't help you, OP. In fact, their lazy attitude will infest your motivation by saying stuff like "I just want to do nothing, this is stupid, oh my god I'm so bored." it's depressing really.
however if you already know how to study then having friends won't really do anything, unless you start studying with them. They will bring you down.
These people will go to the library and talk and get distracted for 10 hours and say they studied for 10 hours. Scum.

>> No.7220894

successful people, well people that need to work for their success don't get drunk frequently it's common sense

>> No.7220896

as a philosophy/linguistics double major with a minor in neuroscience pursuing a masters in neuroscience

we drink alot

also majoring in humanities was the best decision ever made

>> No.7220903

>Majoring in humanities was the best decision

Are you delusional? What do you think studying philosophy or linguistics will bring to your life? How are you going to advance mankind or secure your family when you have no marketable skills?

>> No.7220912

not him but neither of the things you mentioned is necessary for living a happy and fulfilled life

>> No.7220913

Listen to this guy OP.

I would drink also if I was doing a shit-tier degree.

>> No.7220925

The amount of stuck up self-important people advising not to drink or to hang out with people who drink "cause u won't save mankind nao" in this thread is ridiculous.

Seriously, I pity your below average IQ if you think getting absolutely wasted a couple of times a month will hinder your future intellectual endeavours. Learn how to plan ahead, do more work on the day you are going to drink, so that you don't have to deal with time lost when you're hung over.

Stop being a bunch of assburgers and start enjoying life. People who get drunk all the time aren't necessarily underachievers, and having social contacts is great for your professional, if not personal, life anyways.

>> No.7220926


What's wrong with majoring in the humanities?

>> No.7220938

If it works for you go for it OP. I had a math professor who took years off after undergrad and partied.

I know myself well enough to know that I can't. I don't want to anyways.

You're an idiot.

>> No.7220942


>> No.7220946

Your life must be great if you need to fuck up your brain to enjoy it.

>> No.7220952


>mfw when about to start a linguistics PhD

It doesn't really advance mandkind in a practical way (unless maybe you do NLP stuff which I don't), but I never fail to find it interesting to work on, and I'm too autistic to ever have a family to support anyway. Could be worse.

>> No.7220954

is it ok to get high everyday and still do well in school?

>> No.7220960

I like to drink whiskey or port while reading a book in the evening to wind down. If you drink alcohol during the day while at work you seriously need to reevaluate your life.

>> No.7220962

No you'll turn into a retard. Besides, doing good in HS as a pothead means getting C's and looking smug, amirite?

>> No.7220975

How much were you drinking?

>> No.7220983


I drank alcohol every weekend and did MDMA all the time in undergrad and still got into the CS PhD program without even needing to do a formal application. Not even trying to brag, just saying I can't understand how people can't make time for both unless they're purposefully wasting their weekdays on this hellhole site. 4chan is a way bigger intellectual timesink than drinking, drugs, women, lifting or any other recreational activity that autistic kids shit on.

It's not like there haven't been famous scientists that were also party animals

>> No.7221002

computer engineering here

didn't drink the first two years, which made my gpa/resume standout. Got some sick internships and now can party as much as I want because of all the offers and recruiters.

Work hard at the start and reap the benefits

>> No.7221011


buncha noam chomsky ass wannabees

>> No.7221021

That's a fantastic point, what's the best way to ban myself from this hellhole?

>> No.7221059

CS is piss easy. My CS classes take 10% the effort my math classes do.

4chan is a timesink? I don't browse any boards apart from /sci/, and /sci/ only 30 minutes every 2 days. Women take 5 hours every 3 days, drinking takes 15 hours every 3.5 days (including hangover), and if you smoke strong weed your brain is off for 2 days. Haven't done other drugs so I can't tell.

Lifting is cool, it costs you time, but it gives something back.

Hanging on 4chan is a timesink and most of the boards are toxic communities full of clueless dipshits. /sci/ is one of the few good boards where people know their shit.

>> No.7221257

> /sci/ is one of the few good boards where people know their shit.

please for the love of god do *not* think /sci/ in any way reflects the reality of science. All the posters here are undergrad elitists who think they know something about science because they took some classes when they seriously, utterly don't. I'm a 4th year grad student with several papers, and undergrad is about as far from how science operates as you can get. The views and opinions that are extremely popular and touted here are the exact opposite of what I encounter on a day to day basis with others in science (PIs, postdocs, other grad students, nobel laureate speakers, etc). What people post here are how they *think* science works, which is about as dangerous as it can get.

I sure as hell thought I knew my stuff in undergrad. It sounds a lot like what 90% of this board thinks. I was pretty fucking wrong.

>> No.7221305
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>tfw Agriculture major with a philosophy minor

How fucked am I /sci/?

>> No.7221313

not at all fucked, your minor doesnt matter at all, enjoy being a farmer

>> No.7221354


>giving this much of a shit

it's one of those things where if you have to ask, then yes it's going to be a problem for you

>> No.7221385


I don't want to be a farmer!

>> No.7221413

Oh, then yeah, you're fucked

>> No.7221423

Piss off retard, unlike you most of use were published in undergrad. Just because you were a retard in undergrad doesn't mean that applies to everyone.

t. 2nd year grad student because I'm not a retard that takes over 3 years to get my PhD.

>> No.7221440

You´ll need social abilites and knowing people to be succesful. Just gather, don´t get too drunk (just to the point where it makes you less selfconcious) and keep sciencing

>> No.7221446

Not everyday. I smoked not so strong weed occasionally through all undergrad, (just like weekends and shit, probably in some vacations i would do it a little more). Got good grades and currently doing a master in physics. Now a barely smoke (i just grew up of it) but once in a while i´ll blaze it 420, blaze it fagget.