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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7218902 No.7218902 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, all you graders/tutors/TAs. I know you have at least one hilarious story of dumb or weird kids in your class. Post em.

>> No.7218937

I haven't had any outstandingly weird kids, just the typical social autists that come with a technical university.

I had an Arab student who barely spoke English get up in my face because I wouldn't accept a homework that was due 6 weeks earlier.

>> No.7218988


The only thing that comes to mind was this one lab group that would always come up with some absurd reasoning to why their lab results didn't make sense when it was completely obvious to me that they just were not taking accurate measurements.

For example we were measuring dissolved solids in a lab and they got a negative mass that they carried through all their calculations and their conclusion was the a filter adds mass instead of removing it.

>> No.7219004

did he smell?

>> No.7219021

He's one of a group of 3 Arabs in my calculus class, and they all smell of a mix of cigarette smoke and horrible horrible body odor

>> No.7219056


Why did you ask everyone but Teachers and Professors?

are there any high school teachers on /sci/?

>> No.7220440

the classic (a+b)^2=a^2+b^2 is always a blast!

>> No.7220452
File: 447 KB, 720x528, 3a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teaching astronomy lab
>We don't trust these kids with equipment, so the "labs" are just flash animations to show how things work.
>Doing a lab on the position of the Sun in the sky based on the time of year, time of day, and your latitude.
>One of the settings is to look at the north pole.
>Student notices that at the north pole, every direction on the compass says "south".
>Explain that "Well, south just means 'toward the south pole', and when you're at the north pole, every direction is south".
>Student pauses to contemplate.
>"Oh! So...does that mean at the south pole, you fall off the Earth?"

All of my wat that day.