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7202064 No.7202064 [Reply] [Original]

Ey 4chan whats your opinión about the difficulty this exam of linear álgebra in a scale of 1 to 10 (the exam is in spanish)
Cual es su opinión de la dificultad de este examen de álgebra lineal en una escala del 1 al 10

>> No.7202067
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Second page

>> No.7202069
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>> No.7202072
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>> No.7202073
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how are you supposed to read that? its not English

>> No.7202076

10/10, impossible, written in some sort of cryptic alien dialect

>> No.7202078
File: 54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-04-17-23-44-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn spanish :v

>> No.7202080
File: 45 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-04-17-23-44-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that you have 1 hour 40 minutes

>> No.7202094

are you an engineer? the test is a shitload of piss-easy questions, it's a hassle to write them down mostly.

2/10 if mathematics class,
4/10 if introductory engineering class

>> No.7202166

my spanish isn't good enough to read higher level concepts sorry maybe you should translate it to english

>> No.7202188

Even in Spanish I could ace this test in an hour and a half this is like high school algebra

>> No.7202745

then do the problems faggot

>> No.7202750

an hour and a half is almost the time you're given (1:40). That's the point. it's a "fuck, write fast" easy test

>> No.7202771

Why do Iberians and their progeny have such a high goddamn opinion of themselves?

Let me make something abundantly clear to you OP:

You're standards are not high, they're lower than average even, you have such a high dropout rate because you're genetically retarded, not because your work is more difficult.

>> No.7202784

i don't know how to do any of the problems on his test and i took linear algebra already LOL
proofs are stupid.

>> No.7202820

Pretty much no proofs, just solve problems.

Yeah, that's nothing.

Then you didn't learn anything in linear algebra. Because that's as basic as you can get.

Unless, of course by "linear algebra" you mean you took a intro to matrices class and thought it was linear algebra, because they insisted on calling it that.

>> No.7202838

>Unless, of course by "linear algebra" you mean you took a intro to matrices class and thought it was linear algebra, because they insisted on calling it that.
i took linear algebra for engineers because i'm not an autistic math major

>> No.7202842

it's obvious it's an engineering class, the problems are piss-easy plug-chug, no proofs

you still can't do any of it because you're retarded

the only constraint for which i gave this a 4/10 is because of the time vs amount of questions. but if you can't do them because of difficulty, man, wow

>> No.7202847

My linear algebra was proof based and the lecturers were profs from the math department.

I wish people would realize that it's only the grade inflated unis that has shitty _ for engie classes, at proper unis you take the same courses as math students.

>> No.7202849

>it's obvious it's an engineering class, the problems are piss-easy plug-chug, no proofs
No I meant my class had no "If A = [a,a1,a2,...an] then Ae_n=] bullshit
that is a proof
and it is for math majors only

it's like saying you can't use your refrigerator unless you can explain everything it's doing using physics. not conceptually but actually using numbers.

>> No.7202860

what the fuck? it's not a proof. it's literally just writing what it is. it's there. you just don't know what the symbols mean apparently.

>> No.7202870

look buddy all i need to know how to do is solve linear systems with matrices and calculate determinants

everything else should be saved for mathniggers. they should not even have a linear algebra course for anyone but physics and math majors because the extent to which all other majors would use it is what i just mentioned and can be taught in maybe 2 weeks.

>> No.7202877

all you ARE learning is how to solve linear systems with matrices and calculating determinants

your material doesn't include anything remotely theoretical

>> No.7202882
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>being this stupid fuck

im fucking ashamed of my country

lee las putas reglas paisa hijo de puta.

>> No.7202889 [DELETED] 

>The subspace <span class="math">V = A\space \epsilon \space M_{n \times n} : A_{11} = A_{22}/math] has dimension:
>not an autistic proof or theoretical shit
look man, me and almost every other person on earth is never going to have to solve something like that. If the word "subspace" is in a problem, it should be encountered only in a math major course. Same with vector spaces. Same with any space except maybe eigenspaces.

>Row Reduction

everything else[/spoiler]

>> No.7202891

>i took linear algebra for engineers because i'm not an autistic math major
Any engineer worth his weight took the proper classes.

You clearly weren't good enough for that since you think the problems are difficult.

>> No.7202895

>The subspace <span class="math">V = A \> \epsilon \> M_{n \times n} : A_{11} = A_{22}[/spoiler] has dimensions:
>not autistic proof shit

>Row Reduction
everything else

pretty much any problem that contains the word "space" and isn't referring to an eigenspace is going to be a proof and should only be in math major courses.

>Any engineer worth his weight took the proper classes.
>mad math major

>> No.7202897

holy shit hahahah you think eigenspaces / vectors aren't theoretical and are simple hahahahahah

>> No.7202904

>Schrödinger equation
>Molecular Orbitals
>Geology and glaciology
>Vibration analysis
>Tensor of moment of inertia
>Stress tensor
Tell me all about the practical applications of your subspaces such that Faggot = You

>> No.7202922

the point is you want to learn how to use them well without understanding theory that is leagues simpler.

you're confused buddy

>> No.7202925

>without understanding theory that is leagues simpler.
haha you think understanding the whole theory is easier than just picking out the useful parts

>> No.7203017

Holy shit, you are retarded.

Row reduction and determinants isn't even linear algebra, it's fucking highschool matrix algebra.

Good god, you're the kind of stupid idiot that puts a bad name to engineers, then comes out with his "useful" knowledge and can't even begin to do his job properly.

>> No.7203046
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mathematifags and provefags will have their jimbles jambled for sure

>> No.7203096

>>Good god, you're the kind of stupid idiot that puts a bad name to engineers, then comes out with his "useful" knowledge and can't even begin to do his job properly.
who cares
even if i can't do my job "correctly" i will still make more money than a mathfag

>> No.7203112

I hate people with your mentality but i'll allow it just to piss off provefags

>> No.7203138

Pretty hard but it was 4 years since I took lin alg.

>> No.7203144

Engineers only dream they could make 300k starting.

>> No.7203148

>even if i can't do my job "correctly" i will still make more money than a mathfag
You won't get hired without a decent GPA. They won't let retards who can't into basic maths build bridges and areoplanes.

>> No.7203151

>build bridges
but would they let him build jeff bridges?

>> No.7203154
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>You won't get hired without a decent GPA
>mfw you actually believe this
>mfw you think i didn't ace a course without proofs

>> No.7203155

>oh what's this
>you don't know what a subspace is?
In the trash it goes.

>> No.7203612

OP, you're a fucking retard. I'm also a student of this shitty university, and the engineering math courses don't even deserve to be called so. It's a shame math majors are forced to take them, but I guess the directors would rather spend money on engineers like you than on a decent math education.

>> No.7203621

OP, this is PISS easy. Like, this is unbelievable. I cannot believe that they would call this a linear algebra exam, mathematicians from Colombia have it really easy.

>> No.7203636

That's just the dumbed down engineering part of it, though. The pure math stuff isn't so bad, but still far behind any decent university. It doesn't matter too much though, the actually motivated students will just study on their own anyways.