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7201415 No.7201415 [Reply] [Original]

My question is kinda related to engineering and medicine, so I'll post it here.

/r9k/ told me that helium as it is sold on amazon is mixed with oxygen and thus cannot be used for an exit bag. They suggested to use argon instead. My problem now is that argon is only sold in steel cylinders for welding.

My questions:
1) Is argon for welding pure? Will it be guaranteed to kill me?
2) Does it have a higher pressure if sold in this format? Do I have to regulate the pressure before inhaling?
3) What kind of mask will I need? Is it available in Europe and where can I order it?
4) Are there standardized tubes to connect the mask and the steel cylinder? What parts will I need for it to work?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.7201418

>3) What kind of mask will I need?
Welder's mask.

>> No.7201420
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Don't kill yourself with a bag over your face you fucking coward. Go die fighting the Islamic State or something noble at least.

>> No.7201422
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>> No.7201499


Don't throw it away. Go run into Mexico and find the ISIS camps so infowars has something interesting to spam my Facebook with

>> No.7201515

Be a man, commit Sudoku

>> No.7201521

CO2 works just fine and is readily available from beer keg suppliers, OP.

>> No.7201583

Lie. Noble gases are the only gases useful for exit bags. CO2 is acidic in an aqueous solution (blood) so if you try to exit bag on that it'll feel like shit, as your blood will get really acidic telling you you need to breathe when you can't. Horrific way to go. Inert gas asphyxiation is where it's at.

>> No.7202555


>> No.7202840

Gaseous Plutonium ought to do it

>> No.7202995

I killed myself using carbon monoxide op. It was pretty cool would do it again

>> No.7203028
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Before you go through the effort of obtaining helium for an exit bag, go through the effort of assembling some DMT, LSD, shrooms and mescaline. If you try all of them and still want to kill I can't help you anymore. Seriously, suicide is the very last way out

>> No.7203052

oh look, we have a guy who learned evrything he knows on 4chan.

an atmosphere of 50% CO2 causes _immediate_ loss of consciousness in mammals and subsequent death in minutes, its used all the time when putting lab animals under because its so cheap, easy, and quick.

You dont even need that much (but you should always overdo it with CO2), from the CDC:

Other human data: Signs of intoxication have been produced by a 30-minute exposure at 50,000 ppm [Aero 1953], and a few minutes exposure at 70,000 to 100,000 ppm produces unconsciousness [Flury and Zernik 1931]. It has been reported that submarine personnel exposed continuously at 30,000 ppm were only slightly affected, provided the oxygen content of the air was maintained at normal concentrations [Schaefer 1951]. It has been reported that 100,000 ppm is the atmospheric concentration immediately dangerous to life [AIHA 1971] and that exposure to 100,000 ppm for only a few minutes can cause loss of consciousness [Hunter 1975].

>> No.7203075

Carbon Monoxide works well, and is easy to make; for example, charcoal fire in a portable barbecue grill indoors. Burn a steak for ambiance.

>> No.7203088

This. Save some money and try all kinds of psychedelics. And if that doesn't work, overdose with Heroine.