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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7190861 No.7190861 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about engineers /sci/?

>> No.7190873

They are the garbageman of science, not well educated but needed.

>> No.7190875

I wish they'd stop making shit threads

>> No.7190880

They're science plebs

>> No.7190883

People who actually do something with their knowledge instead of chatting

>> No.7190898

if it weren't for that chatting your precious engineers would still be figuring out how to optimize oil lanterns.

>> No.7190899

> scientists invented the lightbulb

>> No.7190932

What I say is that engineers are scientists too

>> No.7190940

Engineers are to /sci/ as /sci/ is to Mathematicians

>> No.7190942

>tfw engi
>tfw I don't give a fuck about le science pleb meme
>tfw doing it just for the mad dosh

Stay poor faggots.

>> No.7190968



>> No.7190997
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>> No.7191012

The selling point of an engineer is it's problem solving mind set.

>> No.7191031

>>tfw doing it just for the mad dosh

Pretty much sums up this thread.
If you want to contribute to something do science, if cash is all you care about do eng.

>> No.7191034

>constribute to something

Something, what? Quite vague for a scientist!

>> No.7191044

contribute to developing the field you chose.

>> No.7191047


study and work in the field so long as you want


90% of the natural science degrees will never do anything science related after graduation.

>> No.7191049

The same can be say about engineering. In fact engineering has the highest rate of graduates who stay in their field.

>> No.7191050

Totally lack career mobility?

>> No.7191118

>itt pure science plebs that could never make it through the rigor of an engineering program
Keep taking easy classes and telling yourself that you're smart.

>> No.7191121


>> No.7191134

They have an unpleasant air of arrogantness born from insecurity.

A scientist may well develop a ego, but they don't really care about what you think of them personally, what they care about is science, particularly what ever their chosen field is.

Engineers on the other hand, may well build bridges or rockets, but there's an nastly undercurrent of trying to prove their self worth throughout it all rather then an actual love of the craft itself.

If you talk to a scientist socially they may go on about their hobbies or funding or just what ever science they're doing now. But Engineers go about _being Engineers_. They build their identity around it first and foremost. Every aspect of their lives get put into the perspective of their roles of engineer.

Type the words "i'm an engineer" and what's the first hit you get? Ads for mugs and T-shirts.

It's never good enough just be an engineer to an engineer. They need to you to know it.

>> No.7191177


Sometimes you might need to stop shitposting.

>> No.7191181

I forgot how much I love this video

>> No.7191187

'I'am a engineer' is not going to get you any hits no.

>> No.7191198

As opposed to totally lacking a career?

>> No.7191274
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>mfw /sci/ is full of undergrad retards

>> No.7191283

>If you want to contribute to something do science, if cash is all you care about do eng.
yeah no

why does this dichotomy exist on /sci/? because you faggots are all spergs who live behind a computer screen. you have no idea how much research is done in engineering.

>> No.7191287
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Scientists distill the truth from the chaos of reality, engineers just plug in the numbers. Any monkey could do an engineers job, given you have enough bananas.

>> No.7191293

They suck a mean dick

>> No.7191296
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>engineers just plug in the numbers
how's your freshman year in physics going?

>> No.7191311
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>> No.7191330

lel, gay

>> No.7191337

Pretty good given I don't have classes like ENG101: Methods in Verpa Lactens

>> No.7191506
File: 142 KB, 1000x625, factory-with-pipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a ChemE with a tube fetish I want to work in a place like that, but no big plants will take me without big plant experience. I'll be stuck as a spreadsheet office monkey for life. Maybe I have to apply to operator positions and work my way up.

>> No.7191541

Reminder that pure science and math are for people who aren't smart enough to do the difficult work in engineering.

Reminder that the chances for someone in pure science or math to discover or create something new are infinitesimally small, while engineers make new things ever day.

Reminder that you'll spend you're entire career studying what someone else did.

>b-but engineers love benis XXDDDD

>> No.7191562

>chose engineering undergrad major
>afterwards went into engineering PhD program
That's when I realized I'm retarded.

>> No.7191641

We da bes

>> No.7191662

Reminder that you're retarded

>> No.7191680

Wow, you sure showed him.

>> No.7191949
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>> No.7191956
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In general Engineers are just better-rounded individuals.

Have you ever met a scientist who was married and had kids?
Have you ever met a mathematician with a competent social life?

>> No.7191966
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Hasn't Neil Degrasse Tyson kids? And what about that asian guy? Mkiachu?

>> No.7191975

>They build their identity around it first and foremost. Every aspect of their lives get put into the perspective of their roles of engineer.

thats because a scientists signature does not carry the weight of law. engineering is legally defined. we have the sanction of the king and the backing of a guild, as it has been for thousands of years.

>> No.7191982


>> No.7192031


>> No.7192045

no but i have met engineers who literally shut down when you tell them something they are not prepared for. they stop talking and stare at the floor, look up after five min and say sorry i had to reboot. Da fug mang

>> No.7192077

scientists = richfags who are obsessed with one very niche study

engineers = people who practically apply science into our daily lives

not hating on the former though, but it's fair to say that working in basic research/academic science is really only something gentrified types do

that being said, both groups feed on each other and rely on each other. Engineers, if they're good enough, will eventually become scientists in many cases and scientists often back engineers depending on what they're doing

>> No.7192085

>Reminder that pure science and math are for people who aren't smart enough to do the difficult work in engineering.


>Reminder that you'll spend you're entire career studying what someone else did.

Kill yourself fag.

>> No.7192091
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>> No.7192094

Actually, they're just looking down at your dick.

>> No.7192107

The worst thing about engineers is that when you tell them that they dont know about serious math they start yelling:

>muh differential ecuations (ordinals of course)

They run their mouths when you tell them that math is no about compute ecuations or shit like that..

>> No.7192116

who gives a fuck about math? autists. engineers aren't autists. hence, it's autistic of you to concern yourself with their level of mathematical literacy.

>> No.7192154
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>muh differential ordinal ecuations. I am butthurt

Go and design a car bump, you science pleb.

>> No.7192160
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>> No.7192190
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>> No.7192194

>If you talk to a scientist socially they may go on about their hobbies or funding or just what ever science they're doing now. But Engineers go about _being Engineers_. They build their identity around it first and foremost. Every aspect of their lives get put into the perspective of their roles of engineer.
Every single of my uni friends does some sort of sports and we never even discuss anything school/job related outside classes, as opposed to science nerds ive had misfortune to meet.
>Type the words "i'm an engineer" and what's the first hit you get? Ads for mugs and T-shirts.
Have you even tried doing exactly the same thing with "im a scientist" before you decided to shitpost here?

>> No.7192238

I actually agree with this anon. I know some engineers that are pretty cool people, but it's still a lot of arrogance borne from insecurity.
Scientists (good ones) are smart enough to not care what plebs think of them.

I know an engineer right now that read about dark matter for 2 weeks, then said "I know more about dark matter than anyone in Florida."
I then answered his questions about dark matter.

>> No.7192316

Wow, you must be very smart.

>> No.7192810

name a good engineer

>> No.7192812


>> No.7192818

lol no wonder /sci/ hates engineers so much, most of /sci/ is eurotrash from shitty countries that don't even have a word for efficiency

>> No.7192820

>Dr Sheldon Cooper
>Your Champion

Wow, I didn't know you guys were this pathetic.

>> No.7192824


Lol @ all the sophomore math undergrads on here shitting on engineers.

>> No.7192845

Fuckin hell, took you long enough, I was getting worried /sci/ had forgotten their roots.
This board has seriously changed in character since the early days, and I wouldn't say for the better, but it's good to see somebody remembers.

>> No.7192933
File: 151 KB, 723x921, SicVsEng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is Florida we are talking about….

Still maybe it just comes with the job. Be a scientist means having to admit you know don't know the answer to a lot of stuff (if fact saying more research is needed basically they get funding). It takes a degree of humility to do that.

Being an engineer on the other hand means not only having to 'do the maths' but being able to confidently answer any questions that may arise. Any admission of ignorance is seen an admission of failure.

Being smart is important but not as much as having to look smart. So you end up getting the 'intellect blow hards' types who felt the need to prove their intellect prowess.

>Every single of my uni friends does some sort of sports and we never even discuss anything school/job related outside classes, as opposed to science nerds ive had misfortune to meet.

Well if *you're* an engineer talking to other engineers, of course it's not going to be like that. It's how you present yourself to outsiders that matters. That really should be clear.

Next time you see an new engineer student trying pretending to be from other field before ask them about what they think to the course

>Have you even tried doing exactly the same thing with "im a scientist" before you decided to shitpost here?

Yes, did you?

Not only are they thousands of more hits for engineer then scientist the merchandise that pops up is lower down and has a much different tone. It's all humorous pop culture sic stuff rather then stuff actually aimed at scientists. It's mainly just poster art aimed at 'nerds' not self described scientists.

The engineers meanwhile have coffee mugs, and while there is a nice touch of self deprecating humour, but it's stuff mug made for and aimed at engineers to show off while they're busy drinking coffee around the office and being engineers.

>> No.7192964

Is it normal I read "dank matter"?
Fucking 4chan

>> No.7193007

As an engineer i have no problem admitting that pure science and math is much more difficult. But 99.99% of these guys wont accomplish anything important in their lifetime.
I wont aswell, but at least im earning decent money and wont be a slave to the academic system (since i have a phd, i know it sucks).

>> No.7193034

What kind of retarded name is that?

>> No.7193039


Most people wouldnt generalise in such a way. I am an engineer because I love the craft. However in saying that I am switching to science because I love that even more.

Engineering has taught me to do a job correct every time, to admit my mistakes and to take safety seriously. There's so much I owe to this field.

>> No.7193050


Also engineers could get any S&M research job they want, if they were willing to do boring lab monkey work for half the salary. Science is nothing more than a another support job for engineering, like accounting.

>> No.7193058

It's true, engineering has higher entrance requirements+dropout rates and most people who study bachelors SM fields never go to grad school or find jobs in STEM.

>> No.7193065

Maybe it's because mathfaggots are always so desperately elitist that whenever they look at an engineer's technical report that is 80% math equations and manipulations they feel the need to point out "HURR THIS ISN'T THE MATH RESEARCH >I< DO".

It's still real math faglords, just because it's not new math doesn't mean it's not math.

>> No.7193079

/sci is here to once again propagate stereotypes, over compensate for insecurities, and utter bullshit without any or only a few first hand accounts of interactions with people from other fields.

>> No.7193087

The difficult work in engineering is that its a lot of brute force which requires work ethic rather than raw intelligence which. Its respectable but doesn't make them smarter.

Reminder that engineers don't make new things everyday. Only the top people of any field actually does shit like that. That's why it's hard to get to a position as such in any field, you need to be fucking good at something to break new ground.

Reminder that every single person here will be doing someone else's work to make some corporation or government money. Perhaps 1% of us will actually do something new.

Im a math major but I have possible connections to government jobs. Im not worried about much.

>> No.7193092

> Perhaps 1% of us will actually do something new.
I was doing new stuff as an undergrad.
Everyone else I know was doing it too.
Sounds like you got a shit school

>> No.7193094

The conversation wasn't school. It was career.

>> No.7193097

Ah well I've been on only one never-been-done-before project then.

>> No.7193104

Well that's still wrong, after graduation I worked in research labs developing new models for 2 years before I worked in industry where I developed a new reactor type for my company that is being built right now (using the models I developed and some new tech that became available in 2012), all with a bachelors. We do often develop new things, only shitty engineers get bogged down in technician/control operator-like jobs.

>> No.7193105

That sounds enticing. I hope to do something original in my life

I won't doubt that a lot people will do new things but I think the real problem here is that people from different fields will consider new stuff in one field to be not as worthy as new stuff as the new stuff in their own field. It's all really just a perspective pissing contest. In accordance, I'd rather just consider all of this "new" stuff be not new stuff and thus everyone loses since nothing anyone does really matters anyway.

>> No.7193108

Bill Gates
you'll agree if you know what engineering is actually all about

>> No.7193109

I dont really have the energy for this. I put in my words and thats all I got. Every field really does the same thing but for different things and in different ways.

Your work sounds interesting though. What is it exactly that's new about the reactor type you developed? What were you doing exactly in these research labs?

>> No.7193110

I respect the field a lot more.

I decided to take some grad mech E classes in my university as a math grad student and man, they're actually really difficult.

I'm taking nonlinear dynamical systems with a focus in control theory and optimal robust control. half the time, I understand the mathematics but the other half, I'm bruteforcing through problems in an attempt to find out how to do stuff.

it's difficult in the sense that, at the grad level, not a lot is really "known" or fully/entirely fleshed out; at least, I don't think so.

Popovs criterion, for example. To answer certain questions, you have to look at graphs and estimate constants. You can't analytically solve it or really try to "get" it; it's just a visual problem of looking at it.

>> No.7193114

Every field is hard to people who don't quite click in the way the field needs people to click. And as far as grad school goes, I imagine its going to be difficult. Theres a reason people are doing research in it. If it were easy itd already be figured out.

>> No.7193118

I have NDAs and wouldn't give out hundred million dollar secrets on 4chan anyway.

On a high level I designed the reactor using chemical engineering principles making unique use of recent technological advances in nanotech and sonification to produce fluidized beds as well as my own insights provided by my model for this specific system.

I've already proven it works using a pilot plant we built at the labs.

>> No.7193122

Also before freetards come crawling out of the woodworks to sperg I am planning on publishing once we get the patents, being the first to build this is a massive advantage which is why we are holding off. We might be able to completely monopolize this sector if we have a 2 year head start.

>> No.7193124

>nonlinear dynamical systems with a focus in control theory and optimal robust control
That's undergrad shit in ChemE and EE, MechE curricula are so shit at covering anything important nowadays because they keep trying to hold on to their jack-of-trades bullshit.

>> No.7193127
File: 33 KB, 680x510, sad frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard the petroleum engineers make at least 100k a month.
>tfw when minimum wage
>rare pepe?

>> No.7193128


you guys learn a light version of it. I'm not debating that you guys don't know basic control theory/concepts, but I'm talking about high end grad stuff.

saying you learned that shit at your level is like saying to a math major in grad set theory, "oh that? we learned that in discrete math lmao."

>> No.7193131

I read an autiobiography on Tesla's life. I find the whole process of engineering and applied science fascinating, including the whole patent and selling proponent. It's just not exactly something I'd like to do myself. You're work does indeed seem fascinating. I've yet to meet a real life engineer who actually does anything beyond stamping (besides professors of course).

>> No.7193146


I'm doing masters coursework in control you presumptuous cunt and I've been doing research for our control group since my senior year from which I've published two papers. The Mechies are way behind in nonlinear systems or any rigorous approach to robustness, I know this because I've seen their curriculum when I was asked to TA for their undergrad (I didn't). Most of my friends from ME can't even draw a fucking Nquist diagram even after "passing".

>> No.7193148

What school do you go to?

>> No.7193152

>I've yet to meet a real life engineer who actually does anything beyond stamping (besides professors of course).

And you never will because you aren't in those social circles. Real professional engineers have their own faggy cliques and the professional societies only invite engineers or excessively rich business men/investors or politicians to their secret little club parties.

>> No.7193162

Im not sure how what you are saying applies to what I said. You're just blaring extremely obvious material. I was trying to show my appreciation for coming across someone who does something I think is interesting even if its through 4chan.

>> No.7193166

On top of that, Im sure real professional engineers have families and friends outside of their careers. I mean, its not like they stop being normal people once they are professional engineers.

>> No.7193169

Also, the engineers I have met are professional engineers. Professional certification gives you the ability to stamp things. Thats the point.

>> No.7193232

Stamping things is just what an engineer is all about, great fun.

>> No.7193255

You generally need to prove you're actually capable of developing the things you're stamping first though.

Engineering careers work like this:
22-27 ALL engineering work and research is done here, both in industry and grad school (masters work count as "experience" toward your PEng)
28-40 Stamping things
40-55 Managing things and managing stamps
55+ Sitting in board rooms

If you do a PhD you might get to do actual engineering utill you're 40, then it's the same path with managing shit again or go back to academia to teach.

>> No.7193289

You know you have made it when you challenge the senior eng checking your work. He gets it wrong. Your workings stop being checked, 3 months later stamp artives from Japan :)

>> No.7193371

For someone not familiar with the lingo do you guys mean stamping as in 'rubber stamping'. Ie going over planned proposals and making sure everything checks out. Dotting the Is and double checking in the maths.

>> No.7193380

That's not true.

There are several career options for engineers.

Engineering -> management
Engineering -> teaching

And some become specialists in their field. The kind of engineers which get jobs from all kinds of companies which can't handle a specifi problem.

>> No.7193392

>As an engineer i have no problem admitting that pure science and math is much more difficult.

It isn't though.

For science you only need competence in your very specific science field.

But just knowing the theoretical engineering aspect doesn't make you a good engineer but you need competencies in business, law, in many fields also aspects of social science and soft skills and creativity as well.

Engineering is a different beast.

>> No.7193399

That's common as fuck

>> No.7193616

Engineering is a fine profession, very necessary, and they can be absolutely brilliant people.
However, they're the lowest common denominator of the STEM fields and I wish they had their own physics classes so that they would get the fuck out of mine.

>> No.7193619

That's all buzzwords / things you can look up during the fact. It's not a good argument. The argument of Applied Science vs Pure Science is different.

>> No.7193634

Masturbation is to sex as physics is to engineering. :^)

>> No.7193652


That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.7193690

There is an intersection between applied science and engineering. But they aren't synonymes.