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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 292 KB, 2456x2456, NeilDeGrasseTyrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7188980 No.7188980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: 10/10 scientists

Who's your crush right now?

>pic extremely related

>> No.7188989

if u like her so much, y dont u marry her

>> No.7188991


>> No.7188996


I pretend she is a mathematician.

>> No.7189010

>those comments under all of these videos featuring her

>> No.7189011

Is it true that finding intellectual and affluent female specimens is extremely rare? I don't leave my basement too often, I just need to know.

>> No.7189022
File: 2 KB, 125x103, 1426405158400s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about abstract algebra. I'm here to see you. Omg you're so pretty.

Top kek

>> No.7189030

No, but their interests are rather non-scientific for the most part.
They follow the philosophy and semantics path, usually go on very interesting concepts of arts and so on, but not very likely to go for science. Now an advice for you is to go to a club of something you are interested or want to learn, that's how you quickly meet people and engage, it can be anything, Godspeed.

Now please stop replying to this thread, this is the bullshit /sci/ doesn't need, fuck you all faggots ITT.

>> No.7189099

the first time you hear the definition of a group, you may think to yourself
I fuckin lost it.

>> No.7189103

0:19 holy fuck i just came

>> No.7189122

What's the point of these videos? She just defines something and moves on.
>Talks about rings, doesn't mention ideals or unique factorization
>Talks about homomorphisms, doesn't talk about the homomorphism theorems.
>Uses a definition of field that's not "a (commutative) ring (with unity) whose only ideals are 0 and itself."

>> No.7189130

Math of love S2

>> No.7189140
File: 95 KB, 700x525, 1118full-liliana-de-castro[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of these videos?
Making money. Of course the videos are no good and I doubt they made money but at least they picked a pretty girl.
Lol at her talking about groups though with that jaw asymmetry.

>> No.7189149

Waitwaitwait are you actually implying that her videos AREN'T sufficient instructional material for the serious study of advanced mathematics??? But then, the viewers of said videos must have some intention OTHER THAN the serious study of advanced mathematics! Are there really people in the world who fit this description?

Seriously, don't be such a pretentious sperglord.

>> No.7189244


Who is this boner condoner?

>> No.7189246



these women, so pretty

>> No.7189270

Looking Glass Universe

she has a 10/10 voice/accent

>> No.7189312
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>mechanical engineer

>> No.7189321 [DELETED] 

Wait, wait. Are you a fucking autistic faggot? Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, a fucking faggot that needs to kill himself.

>> No.7189322


>> No.7189325

Fuck off autistic faggot. Stop copying definition from your textbook pretending like you are a mathematician.

>> No.7189328
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>> No.7189337

she's got more publications in physica status solidi than you faget

>> No.7189339

meant for>>7189322

>> No.7189340

I never said that being an engineer was a bad thing, she's just not a scientist.

Don't get all mad.

>> No.7189342
File: 10 KB, 350x334, frog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no literally 5/10 qt mathematician gf

>> No.7189346

>having peer-reviewed research in physics
>not a scientist
>tips B.Sc. degree

>> No.7189350

>there are people who are smarter and more attractive than you

why even live

>> No.7189351

I think she has autism, her speech is very robotic and facial expressions very exaggerated.

>> No.7189357
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>and also more autistic

>> No.7189362

>that first girl
who is this weeny genie?

>> No.7189370

God willing, so you can stick ur wiener inside of them.

>> No.7189379

good luck if they're a girl though, because girls don't date down.

>> No.7189389
File: 80 KB, 1024x859, LeonardSusskindStanfordNov2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine sticking your dick in this.

>> No.7189400


Hannah Fry. It's like you faggots don't keep up with the mathematics of love, the most important field of math there is.

>> No.7189423

thanks /sci/ for boosting my own ego on a sunday morning

>> No.7189425

how did we accomplish that?

>> No.7189453
File: 129 KB, 216x271, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a girl with a math degree

>> No.7189517

Marry me?

>> No.7189531

we only like the idea of women as mental abstractions to project our idealism on.

also pornography

actual women are disgusting, sorry.

>> No.7189541

Lenny Susskind is always the answer.

>> No.7189559


Shhhhhhh. Alerting them to our presence taints my data collection.

>inb4 'sociology? no1curr'

>> No.7189773
File: 14 KB, 256x256, 5b336ddef7b7db1d68adf74bb695926b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katherine Harmon Courage

>> No.7189790
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>> No.7189793
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>> No.7189794
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catherine de lange

>> No.7189800
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>> No.7189803

Did her forearm give birth recently?

>> No.7189804 [DELETED] 
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jolene creighton

>> No.7189805
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Eugenia Cheng. She studies category theory.

>> No.7189808
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Laura Poppick

>> No.7189812
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ilse cleeves

>> No.7189814

dude, none except >>7189773
was worth saving.

>> No.7189815 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 960x960, 11096584_10100186027805611_9148674675138577473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189821
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>> No.7189822

The point of finding smart girls is the fact that brains are cuter than looks. How hot would it be to take >>7189805 on a date and discuss Grothendieck's homotopy hypothesis over a good meal?

>> No.7189823

i would let her spread her asshole on my hide open mouth and take a shit in it, not one drop of shit would touch the floor

>> No.7189828

If you castrate yourself you will experience sexual desire less often and become more able to focus on mathematical pursuits.

This is why Alan Turing chose to be castrated.

>> No.7189835


>> No.7189838
File: 26 KB, 590x350, Bonnin-419445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liz Bonnin

She has a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from Trinity College, Dublin[1][4] and also holds a master's degree in Wild Animal Biology from the Zoological Society of London and the Royal Veterinary College (2008), for which she tracked tigers in Nepal.[5][6] She continues to work on big cat conservation programmes at the Zoological Society.

>> No.7189839
File: 75 KB, 640x528, Harmon_Woods_Hole-640x528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katie Courage is the hottest piece of ass in science

>> No.7189842
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Let her eyes devour your soul.

>> No.7189845

>tfw you'll never be a qt 10/10 science girl

>> No.7189860
File: 79 KB, 720x718, 1375030_10100115816549585_1019212833_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, 10/10 would bang her out in a heart beat

>> No.7189898

Rose hands down

>> No.7189899
File: 81 KB, 620x388, 16-Dec-roberts_2424515b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professor Alice Roberts of course

>> No.7189922
File: 218 KB, 800x532, madde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual 10/10
>(working towards or done already) a PhD in mathematics, combinatorics
>has published research articles
>gamer gurl, Starcraft
you will never have her.
you can cry now.

>> No.7189935

ITT: shit taste.

>> No.7189943

too close to the truth

also, Dr Holly Krieger:

>> No.7189954
File: 56 KB, 600x400, maud-menten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Menten was quite a qt.

>> No.7189969

Disclose name. I want to read her thesis.

>> No.7189977

Madeleine Leander
She's still a PhD student though.

>> No.7189984

Already reverse image searched and read most of her thesis. I feel like the bunkbed conjecture is a special case of a large variety of questions that arise where probability theory and structural complexity meet. I could apply my present research on these sorts of problems. Pretty fascinating!

But yeah, she's pretty cute.

>> No.7190014

someone post that iranian qt π that got the fields medal most recently

>> No.7190016
File: 13 KB, 381x359, mirakhani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Maryam Mirzakhani.

>> No.7190019

ISS astronaut Catherine Coleman

>> No.7190043


gosh. she's quite pretty.

it's really nice to see women turn away from a life of flattery, free shit, vapid self-absorption, and constant praise in order to pursue mathematics and science. it really warms my heart. they're probably all very stable people, based on having the willpower to turn down all the things the world offers to attractive women on a platter.

>> No.7190051
File: 735 KB, 1920x1080, IQdbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna Fisher

>> No.7190057 [DELETED] 

she would be good looking if she grew out her hair.
she looks like a high school boy.
but you can tell, she'd be super hot with long hair

>> No.7190062

I agree. They could also be socially-inept, though... I'm actually a pretty good-looking guy, but most girls stop flirting with me within five minutes of us talking (because I can't stand talking about stuff other than math), so maybe some of these girls are the same way.

>> No.7190065

I already find her super hot... tomboys can be adorable.

>> No.7190098
File: 66 KB, 288x384, ls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PhD Mathematician.

>> No.7190104

It is hard to draw the line where aspects common to a woman's nature (emotional craziness, forced objectivity etc) stem from societal indoctrination (that we are all subject to) or simply a hormonal influence on the primitive sections of the brain.
That being said, there are several women in my physics course who are more successful/more dedicated than me. Maybe because they are driven to prove themselves, they are more driven individuals generally, or because they are naturally more adept than I am.
I have no idea, but common traits amongst women and men are identifiable, and my question is the strength of the influence of hormones vs society on these traits. How much of it is truly "natural"? And what is "natural" for that matter? Who knows?

>> No.7190106

>tfw she says "so powerful"


>defining a group in the wrong order
>not defining binary structures
>not then defining semigroups
>not then defining monoids
>not then defining groups
>mfw when describing groups as the simplest algebraic structure in which the equation <span class="math"> ax=b[\math] has a unique solution for every pair of <span class="math"> a,b [\math] in the group.
>mfw still 10/10

the short hair just kills me, thanks anon[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.7190108

I found many of the women in my math courses are more intelligent than or at least equal to the top men in the course, with the weight being more on the former.

>> No.7190110

>mfw i still dont know how to use latex on this fucking board

>mfw when describing groups as the simplest algebraic structure in which the equation ax=b has a unique solution for every a and b in the group
>mfw still 10/10

>> No.7190118

You should find them and them with your understanding of IUTech

>> No.7190122


"I'll wait, go on ;)"


>> No.7190128

Shit man, that would be awesome. I need to attend more seminars.

>> No.7190150
File: 37 KB, 225x225, 1422391105465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never celebrate your qt3.14 gfs field medal

>> No.7190160
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>> No.7190167


I forget where I read this, but women will only apply to jobs and programs that they're certain they're qualified for, while men will apply for things even if they don't meet the stated requirements. In other words, women overestimate the entrance barriers to most things and men underestimate. That could explain the disparity.

"You have to be at least as good as the best men in order to be treated the same as the average men" is a common sentiment among most of the professional women I know. I'm not sure how much of that is their perception and how much of it reflects reality, but it pisses them off an extra large amount when their male peers are inept or stupid.

>> No.7190180

camwhore found her niche

it's very possible. she has a huge mouth and her eyes look fucked.

>> No.7190184

That makes sense. What surprises me about the women in my pure math courses is that not only do they tend to be the best students with the highest marks, but they also seem perfectly normal. They are attractive, have boyfriends, friends and go to parties. It perplexes me how they live such normal social lives and can balance their work/life so efficiently.

>> No.7190192


Also: the more women care about their success, the lower they'll score.

The high stress of wanting to prove they're good at math "even though women aren't good at math" puts a measurable dent in their test scores. The women who do score highly are the ones who don't invest themselves as much, or have non-competitive personalities.

Putting the "are you male or female" question at the beginning of a standardized test is enough to bump women's scores down, compared to sample groups where the personal info questions are asked at the end of the test. Ditto the ethnicity question - being reminded that they're black makes black students score worse.

>> No.7190199

But the real question: will they do meaningful research?

>> No.7190200

The statistical trend is that men show a higher standard deviation when it comes to academic aptitude. There are more stupid men than stupid women, but there are also more intelligent men than intelligent women. At least academically. And also, I am very sceptical of statistical investigations, but it seems to make sense, at least according to my experience base (or sample size is you want to be a boring ass statistcian).

>> No.7190203

SAT scores are correlated with the test taker's parent's socioeconomic income. The higher the income, the higher the student tends to score. Same thing with cultural differences/IQ. Poor kids don't know what arugula is, nor do they tend to have a favorite Renaissance artist. They don't have the rich cultural European backpack trips, speak with eloquence nor have the 8-12 AP course loads as their wealthy counterparts. This means they have less opportunities and attend lower ranked schools with less networking opportunities. Race, gender and socioeconomic status plays a major part in all of this.

>> No.7190207

yeah almost all women are normalfags and men are all over the place

>> No.7190212

Good question. At my university most of these women are more talented than the male counterparts (in pure math course), but tend to go into teaching and forfeit graduate studies. There is no doubt in my mind that these women would be very successful in graduate school, but I haven't came across really any of these women going into PhD programs. It tends to be the guys that are encouraged to go/pursue studies, while the women are pushed into education, finance, consulting and the like. One girl I have in mind went into consulting and makes the big bucks now.

>> No.7190247


That's very interesting.

If I had to supply a reason as to why this happens, I'd guess that it's a positive feedback loop. Men are rewarded for being outliers, men strive to be outliers, men end up dominating the collection of outliers. Women are rewarded for being "well rounded", women strive to maintain personal lives at a level that matches their academic lives, women leave academia when finally forced to choose between academic career and personal life (ie, deciding whether or not to do a PhD).

There are already 1:1 gender ratios in a lot of the biological sciences, so if the trend continues I expect women to eventually populate at least 30% of the average math department, but if the disparity in PhDs ever drops, I expect it to do so at a glacial pace.

>> No.7190436

reminder that the females scientists are, behind their nice prude looks, the wildest and more liberated women on earth.

>> No.7190462

>I forget where I read this, but women will only apply to jobs and programs that they're certain they're qualified for, while men will apply for things even if they don't meet the stated requirements. In other words, women overestimate the entrance barriers to most things and men underestimate. That could explain the disparity.

Men take the risk, while women don't.

>> No.7190500

>I agree. They could also be socially-inept, though... I'm actually a pretty good-looking guy, but most girls stop flirting with me within five minutes of us talking (because I can't stand talking about stuff other than math), so maybe some of these girls are the same way.
learn to self your stuff. I know of a mathematician in number theory who pulls chicks so easily with his routine about his work