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File: 75 KB, 670x345, Alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7181226 No.7181226 [Reply] [Original]

So some scientist thinks that alien life may be discovered within the next 10-30 years. How plausible is this claim?


>> No.7181234

It's impossible to accurately make that prediction. NASA is just trying to get publicity as usual.

>> No.7181253

I can see it as a possibility, but it's useless to give a definitive timeframe like that

>> No.7181271
File: 312 KB, 1200x838, 1261684277442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone making a prediction that something is or isn't going to happen in 10 years or more is probably taking complete rubbish.

>> No.7181275

If you look at their arguments all they're actually arguing is that there will be probes sent to search for life by that date. The dullards at NASA apparently think this is the same thing as finding life. In other words, they think the probability that the life is there in the first place is 100%. They're very dumb. Or lying for hype, maybe.

>> No.7181280

There is already alien life google the arsenic based bacteria found in volcanic lakes

>> No.7181297

>It's impossible to accurately make that prediction. NASA is just trying to get publicity as usual.
Maybe. I do not research exolife or whatever the technical term is so I can't say how full of shit they are, but I do know that scientists are willing to overhype in order to get funding.

>> No.7181312

>that art
when was this made?

>> No.7181318

> I do not research exolife or whatever the technical term is
Nobody does, astrology can't predict anything, it's just a tool to verify some physics. All those "new earth found" news are bullshit, we can't verify it, they just hope their models aren't total shit.

>> No.7181336
File: 1.13 MB, 2549x1824, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A cursory Google search suggests 1981. I primarily like it due to it's assumption that the police of the future will wear stupid hats.

>> No.7181339


>> No.7181349

You have no idea what astrobiologists actually do. NASA didn't say "we WILL find life in 10-20 years", they are saying that "We think our models are good, so there's a good chance we will find life in that time-frame." Of course its about hype, NASA's funding depends on a government that is becoming increasingly hostile to science funding.

>> No.7181356

I know one thing 4 sure.....life is sexually transmitted . ..

>> No.7181581

What is Aesexual reproduction

>> No.7181589

If it happens in the next 30 years it'll probably be something like chlorophyll detected on an exoplanet rather than direct contact. That or microbe fossils on Mars.

>> No.7181602

So you know nothing for sure? That's a little sad

>> No.7181606

There's a pretty good chance for this happening. (However it will just be some viruses or bacteria at best)