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7181112 No.7181112 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say I found a way to make a bijection between every number of N and R in a Cantor's diagonal argument sort of way.
Is this anything special? Would this mean R is countably infinite? Should I Arxiv it?

>> No.7181115

You would have come up with a flawed proof.
If you really think you're right, show it to a professor to check it over, before you ruin your reputation.

>> No.7181126

Thanks for the honest answer.

My proof is assuming that 0.10 != 0.1 , is this already bad?
If 0.1 == 0.10 it wouldnt be a 1:1 relation anymore but still work.

>> No.7181129

Let's see it OP, I need a good laugh.

>> No.7181131

Quit math.

>> No.7181133
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My proof is assuming that 0.10 != 0.1

>> No.7181134

Did not disappoint OP, did not disappoint.

>> No.7181139

decimal representations of numbers are not numbers themselves. look at how R is constructed for the reason for this. decimal representation is only unique if you are careful with infinities like


and disallow adding zeroes.

>> No.7181140

post it bro you probably broke math

>> No.7181141

guys wait

Im enumerating binary numbers and for the part after the comma i would need to so something like 0.1, 0.10 0.100 etc. but when I do 1->0.1 , 2->0.10 , 3->0.100 one could argue that they are the same numbers so its not bijective anymore, - but seen as strings of symbols they are different, so from this point of view it would be a bijection.

>> No.7181144

You're only listing numbers with finite decimal expansion. Real numbers have infinite decimal expansion.

>> No.7181146

You know where your proof fails? You can't do that because the set of strings over a finite alphabet is countable. You're just playing around with the representation.

>> No.7181157

>You can't do that because the set of strings over a finite alphabet is countable.
I dont understand what you mean.

>> No.7181502

I think it's already bad, yes, but let's see the rest of your proof.

>> No.7181947
File: 190 KB, 1087x544, step1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here is the proof it will take a few posts

Step 1 is to write the binary expansion after the comma in a 2d plane like pic related.
With this we will get every number after the comma.

>> No.7181957
File: 300 KB, 980x632, step2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 2 is to find a way to write every number in front of the comma,
For this we copy the first plane and shift it behind the first plane in 3d, then we change the 0 to 1
we do the same thing again (copy the new 2d plane behind itself) and replace the 1 with 10. like pic related. repeat this.

Now we have a way to display all real number in a 3d space.

>> No.7181962
File: 28 KB, 375x377, Hilbert3d-step3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we take a 3d hilbert curve and go through every point in our 3d space.

The curve gives us a 1:1 relation between N and R.


>> No.7181964

here's the flaw: your columns are countable sets but your rows aren't. the " ... " in the rows are misleading: no countable sequence can contain what you mean by " ... ". Define them formally and you'll see.

>> No.7181968

adding to this: see cantor's proof for the uncountability of reals. the proof's simple, and it implies yours is wrong quickly.

>> No.7181979

The rows are just N written in binary, 1,10,11,100,101,..., n
The colums are just adding a zero in front of them.

>> No.7181985

Not OP but I don't understand why. Can't a bike toon be made with the natural numbers after a countable number of elements that need to be tagged on at the beginning

>> No.7181989

>see cantor's proof for the uncountability of reals
I looked at it and decided that its shit

>> No.7181990

R is countable. It is easy to see that one can count a group of numbers. Simply start a counter and count each new number that you see. By this procedure, R is countable.

>> No.7181991

I guess my phone doesn't know bijection...

>> No.7181993

it's not shit. it's valid. but i'm looking at what you said in >>7181979. I know this is wrong because [0,1) is uncountable too. but let me figure out why

>> No.7181998

Suppose R is uncountable. Then the set R is not well-defined, since we can't figure out what is inside of it. Thus, R is countable.

>> No.7182001
File: 335 KB, 980x632, moreclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im hoping this is making it more clear

>> No.7182004

You couldn't do such a thing if the words bijection, N and R mean what they actually mean.

>> No.7182006

there's no way for me to explain this without using cantor's argument again. so i'll try to put this intuitively

every row is uncountable, because your row isn't actually 0,1 and then N in binary, your row is actually "the set of all infinite strings in {0,1} that start with 0,1". this set is much bigger than N. N can easily biject the finite ones, and any arbitrarily large string. but N doesn't have an "infinitely long string" like R does: trascendental numbers, for one will not be in your representation. i think irrationals in general won't be there but i'll be careful and leave it at that.

>> No.7182009

you don't need to make it any clearer, the mistake is definitely in step 1 because [0,1) is uncountable. from there it's easy to biject it to R, you don't need to go through those hoops you did.

>> No.7182010

Ok the problem is that you can't just tag on that string of natural numbers represented in binary after having infinitely many 0's. It would take 'too long' for you to reach there

>> No.7182011

he doesn't have inifinitely many 0s: he has an arbitrarily large number of 0s. and that's fine.

>> No.7182015
File: 5 KB, 447x242, 93f28f3f0d660c0082b6f34c65926acc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the set of all infinite strings in {0,1} that start with 0,1". this set is much bigger than N
But in Cantors proof of the countability of Q he does pic related.
If we use the 2d plane I made and do what Cantor did then my projection must also be 1:1 with N.

>> No.7182021

>inifinitely many
>arbitrarily large
Whats the difference

>> No.7182023



You haven't even proven that the rationals are countable, much less the reals.

>> No.7182026

Hmm I don't think so. Because how a bijection works is that a formula needs to be produced and not some hand wavy line drawn through the numbers. From what's been given, give me a formula which bisects [0,1) to N. It won't be possible for the exact reason you've given, it has arbitrarily many 0's at the front of the expression. I could be wrong but I don't think so

>> No.7182045

op: your sequence does not contain the number 0.010101010101...

>> No.7182047

Yes it does

>> No.7182048

let's do a metaphor: you prove something on a set by induction. so you prove the base case, 1 element is ok. Then you prove that if n elements are ok, n+1 are. You have proved it for any number of elements in the set. Have you proved it for an infinite set? No! There are several counterexamples for this, but i hope you get the idea.

cantor proves that you can write any number in Q inside of the 2d grid. this is the first step. you haven't proved that you can write any real there: as I said, the trascendentals aren't in your grid, any infinitely long number isn't there.

his proof actually proves the rationals are countable. it's interesting. step 1 works for Q in [0,1)

arbitrarily large isn't the same as infinite. arbitrarily large is fine. the "rest" of the sequence, to fill it with inifinite numbers, is what the rows are about and where it fails

>> No.7182049

of curse you can find it in the first row, it's equivalent to the number 10101010101.... in N just with a 0, written in front of it

>> No.7182051

that "number" isn't in N

>> No.7182052

let me correct something i said here.

the proof doesn't work for rationals either. sorry about that.

>> No.7182056

i mean oscillating infinitely, your sequence contains the numbers
etc but not
(after the first 0, every even digit is 1, every odd digit is 0)

>> No.7182058

>you haven't proved that you can write any real there
Its only a part of the proof m8 Im drawing the reals in step 3 with a 3d hilbert curve

>any infinitely long number isn't there.
Thats like saying N itself isnt infinitly long, or like "the number 10^x {x eof N, assuming N has inf many numbers} doesnt exist".

>> No.7182060

the issue is a misunderstanding of infinities.

N is infinite, but no infinitely long number is in N. see >>7182056

>> No.7182068

>N is infinite, but no infinitely long number is in N.
Ok so I guess an infinitly long number would be 1/3 = 0.3...
But 1/3 is just an operation.

f(x)0 = 3
f(x)n+1 = f(x)n*10+3

Is also just an operation that gives 3333....
Every recursive iteration will give a number in N but the operation itself isnt in N?

>> No.7182083

Cantor's proof works because any rational can be reached in a finite number of steps- for instance, I can reach the number 1/9 in 37 steps using his diagonalization method. By contrast, 1/9 in base 2 is 0.000111000111..., and so your argument will NEVER reach it in ANY number of steps. You haven't even defined the rationals by your system, much less the reals.

>> No.7182089

every infinite long number isn't a countable operation. there's a name for those numbers: algebraic. those are actually countable.

the numbers that can't be expressed as root of a polynomial are called trasendental

>> No.7182094

actually trascendentals are also products of countable operations, i meant finite here.

>> No.7182136

wait so are these comma notations indicating a termination after a bunch of zeroes?

>> No.7182138

>wait so are these comma notations indicating a termination after a bunch of zeroes?

>> No.7182142

how would this represent the reals? wouldn't that only show values that have rational representations? that in itself is already countable using the squiggly line approach.

>> No.7182147

also, how are the bijections even taking into account rationals or reals that aren't just repeating zeroes? this is all confusing.

>> No.7182154

We can systematically build a decimal expansion for each element in R. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Construction_of_the_real_numbers#Stevin.27s_construction (at the bottom)) So the idea was that if we can plot each possible decimal representation on a line we also we get every possible real number.

>> No.7182156

The numbers you list are rationals, and not even all rationals. With your method you will never reach a periodic number or an irrational number.

>> No.7182157

but doesn't that only work for CONVERGING series?? i don't see how such a sequence could show, say, 2.235492509482..., but perhaps 2.22222222.., since you could simplify it as 2,30 as you've shown. i mean, is this trying to suggest that you could take finite expansions to form infinite ones? is this something that's done?

>> No.7182159

disregard my statement about 2.2222... i am an idiot.

>> No.7182165

>but doesn't that only work for CONVERGING series??
why should it ? I dont get it

>> No.7183733

0.10 can mean <span class="math">0.10 \pm 0.005[/spoiler] and 0.1 can mean <span class="math">0.1 \pm 0.05[/spoiler]. But if you view the numbers in a purely mathematical sense, then 0.10 = 0.1