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7169450 No.7169450 [Reply] [Original]


Tell me its not real. Tell me how its all just a natural occurrence. I don't want to get my hopes up.

>> No.7169492

paper: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.05245v2.pdf

>> No.7169504
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OP I am in your thread. I will help you bump it. For science.

>> No.7169509

>lasting about a millisecond and giving off as much energy as the sun does in a day

We're boned.

>> No.7169512


>> No.7169517


Requesting ayy lmao version of the Wow!

>> No.7169528

>why would both perytons and FRBs show arrival times with a strong correlation to Earth's integer second? This hints at some man-made device, such as mobile phone base stations.

ayyy lmao

>> No.7169530

>FRBs from separate sources at regularly spaced distances from Earth

Pssh, if I were an alien I would use prime-number signals, not FRBs

>> No.7169561

Obvious human origin, as concluded in the arxiv paper

>> No.7169629
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Kinda scary if true but very interesting.

>> No.7169644

What if they don't have prime numbers?
Hell what if they have number but don't use base 10 or 12, or even 27 like that one island of people.

>> No.7169658

Primes, as far as we can tell, are a unique variety of iteration (ie counting) wherein an iteration cannot be divided into equal sizes or constructed from any grouping of equal size iterations.

>> No.7169710

>What if they don't have prime numbers?
Like hell they don't. If any civilization is advanced enough to send signals into space, they will definitely have a notion of prime numbers, just as certainly as they will have a notion of numbers.

>> No.7169789

>Tell me its not real. Tell me how its all just a natural occurrence. I don't want to get my hopes up.
It's probably a natural occurrence. I do wonder what it's hypothetical purpose would be though.

>> No.7170781
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I'd wager it is some sort of neutron star quake from within the galaxy.


>as much energy as the sun does in a day

The researchers talk about radio emission. The sun does not have much radio output. Actually it is very quiet in the radio spectrum.

>> No.7170807

What could be a possible natural explanation? Especially regarding the regularity of the signals

>> No.7170869

Humans confirmed for aliens.

>> No.7170886
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>> No.7170903
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By now the wavelength to delay ration of 187.5 * n could verry possibly be a coincidence.
The radio astronomers will have to get more data to be sure. 11 measurements is a pretty small sample.

Maybe, I stated here >>7170781 the signals are produced seismically inside A1 supernova remnant neutron stars.
Those are all of quite similiar mass and diameter wich could explain the similar wavelength to duration delay ratio of the signals?

Or it is simply a spy satelite.

No way in hell that this is E.T.

>> No.7170905


but i think this >>7170903 Anon could be on to something

there very similar conditions in all of the type a1 supernovae remnants

>> No.7170910


mistery solved

>“There are five fast radio bursts to be reported,” says Michael Kramer of Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy. “They do not fit the pattern.”


>Instead of aliens, unexpected astrophysics, or even Earthly interference, the mysterious mathematical pattern is probably an artifact produced by a small sample size, Ransom says. When working with a limited amount of data – say, a population of 11 fast radio bursts – it’s easy to draw lines that connect the dots. Often, however, those lines disappear when more dots are added.

>> No.7170928


These are not confirmed yet.

Let's wait a bit before dismissing a remarkable discovery outright!

>> No.7170968

I love the media

>the possibility hasn't been ruled out, so lets make a huge headline of it and assume it's aliens

Literally no scientist thinks it's aliens.

>> No.7171074
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>> No.7171111

this picture actually describes the paper with great accuracy

>> No.7171242


Is is not fucking aliens!

>> No.7171252

It is surely a possibility that it's origins are of alien life.

It is absolutely not the most likely, nor plausible explanation.

>> No.7171293

>It is surely a possibility that it's origins are of alien life.
That'd make sense if there was only one signal, or maybe few of them, closely grouped together.
But they are scattered too far apart from ech other and much too powerfull.

I say it is some totally new phenomenon related to pulsars/magnetars.

Fuck! This is exciting!

>> No.7171299

With great inaccuracy, maybe. It should read:

>I'm saying it's aliens...
>but it's not aliens.

>> No.7171309

Well, one telling factor is that they occur at very nearly exact multiples of a second. This hints at a manmade origin specifically, not merely an intelligent origin.

Seconds are an extremely arbitrary measure; the chance that aliens would use a time unit anywhere close to an exact multiple of a second is terribly unlikely. This means it is much more likely to be of human origin.

>> No.7171353

Radio Reentry Gravitational Interference.

Butthurt noobs

>> No.7172453

Human origins in outer space?

>> No.7172458


It's written in the article that they could be signals coming from cell phone towers, or coming from some spy satellite

>> No.7172468

Ah thanks, didnt read the article so didnt know that

>> No.7172473

Ayy lmao

>> No.7172483
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pic very related

>> No.7172487

you idiot.

>> No.7172504

no need to be mean, anon

>> No.7174245
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>> No.7174269

ALIUMS. Survive of the fittest.... I'm fucked.

>> No.7174318

We are basically aliens to the aliens, if u think about it...