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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 62 KB, 960x540, interstellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7167166 No.7167166 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings from /tv/.

What's the consensus on pic related.

>> No.7167332


>> No.7167340


>Dat silence

Does this mean that the movie was so good even the fedoras on here can't nit-pick it apart?

>> No.7167344
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2001 on steroids

>> No.7167355


But it wasn't.

2001 was about a homicidal robot, Interstellar is about humanity becoming independent of Earth.

>> No.7167357

Movie is great.

>> No.7167374

No way. Insterstellar was good, but only 2/3 of a 2001, or approximately 1.5 Battlestar Galacticas.

>> No.7167391

good except for the idiotic plotholes used for the sake of continuing the banal subplot of "love is the most powerful force in the universe"

>need rocket + boosters to get off earth in rover
>land on planet orbiting gargantua
>1 minute = 6 years or some retarded shit like that
>the planet would literally have to be orbiting the black hole a few billion times a second or practically touching the event horizon
>ignore this
>land on planet with rover
>says planet has 130% earth gravity or something like that
>leave planet in just rover
>land on matt damon's planet
>leave matt damon's planet in cargo ship thing
i don't even mind the closed time loop shit but those things made it hard for me to enjoy a movie i otherwise thought was well done.

>> No.7167406

Aside from
>love transcends dimensions
>surviving black hole bullshit

It was pretty good from a cinematic standpoint. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.7167444
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>2001 was about a homicidal robot

>> No.7167445
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Yeah, that seemed a little off. If the damn planet had 130% of Earth's acceleration constant, wouldn't they need even more energy and therefore even larger boosters to take off?

It was shown that their departure from Earth they used a liquid fuel rocket with at least 2 stages, yet their Ranger vehicle could escape an even greater gravity well with 3 people onboard?

Unless the Earth departure also hauled other spaceship components and supplies into space...

>> No.7167463

>wouldn't they need even more energy and therefore even larger boosters to take off?
depends on a lot of things, atmosphere in the planet being one of them, but the dead scientist's data said the planet was relatively earthlike so i'm assuming it had a similar atmosphere. 130% gravity in a similar atmosphere would probably take a shit ton more fuel than on earth.

>> No.7167593

I think Thorne explained that the rocket was boosting both Rangers as well as supplies and obviously the crew.

>> No.7167640


Is vehicle like the Ranger even possible?

>> No.7167645
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2001 was fucking boring. Face it, it was hours of "look at this shitty-quality space video, with some more boring scenes about an AI that says 'I'm afraid I can't do that.'" That line was about the only memorable part of the movie, and even then only because TV shows parody it all the time for nostalgic 40+ year-olds.

Face it; it was boring and could put you to sleep.

>> No.7167676

Don't forget

>took 7 months to get from Earth to Saturn
>went from 130% giant wave planet to Matt Damon planet to Gargantua in the span of a few days

Those were some close planets.

>> No.7167678

Actually I think it was more than 7 months, but the point remains

>> No.7167688


BSG is not a unit of measurement, it is a scale with BSG at the un-exceedable top.

>> No.7167719

bretty gud

tew fuggs ap

>> No.7167929
File: 144 KB, 2000x1614, 1423334501698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you a fisherman?

>> No.7167936

>2001 was about a homicidal robot

>> No.7167942

it made me feel but its really quite stupid

>> No.7167946


It was shit.

Only good things:

1) space visuals
2) huge waves visuals
3) qt daughteru

>> No.7168055

If the blight respirates using nitrogen why are they all going to suffocate in a nitrogen rich atmosphere?

>> No.7168059

1. Those totally retarded designed robots really ruined the film for me

2. Love is the answer bullshit

3. Plotholes that would be easily avoided if they didn't make things deliberately retarded aka humans from the future are "Them". Who built the first wormhole fagets? If they left some mysterious race instead of humans it would have fine

>> No.7168155


>Those totally retarded designed robots really ruined the film for me

I thought it was a ridiculous concept initially, but they grew on me, and towards the end I was quite sad to see TARS get ejected into the Black hole.

>2. Love is the answer bullshit

You missed the point here. Yes, having hard scientist Hathaway go on about this during their briefing was out of character, but in the final scenes with Cooper suspended in the inter-dimensional interface, that was their explanation for the incomprehensibly advanced technology of the future humans, which to Cooper seemed like esoteric magic.

>> No.7168168

>love is the answer
That's what the female assumed.
The point of the movie was that love is wishy-washy crap and only cold hard science and engineering can save ourselves.

Also that 4D humans love to stalk 3D little girls.
Maybe the room was just some pervert who upon seeing Cooper coming spilt his transcending spaghetti and hide himself until he'd go away. But he didn't so he collapsed the transcending hentai and expulsed Cooper hoping he wouldn't talk about it.

>> No.7168178

I don't usually care about scientific plot holes, as long as the movie has a powerful message. That's why I didn't like Interstellar. The message wasn't powerful, deep or original at all.


>> No.7168184
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I shed manly tears where cooper left his daughter behind, it reminds me of myself where I left my daughter and went to Mauna Kea observatory for study purposes...Well at least I came back few years later

>> No.7168188
File: 908 KB, 936x1725, 2015-04-02 01.10.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was Christopher Nolan reading this thread, I would assume no one wants space-themed movies and decide to make more romantic comedies.

Can't you teenage shits stop being angsty and enjoy a good movie? It really is a mental disorder to view everything with such negativity. At some point in your life you'll have to just stfu and let yourself be intertained because there will be 4500 chic-flics before the next great sci-fi movie.

>> No.7168204

>If I was Christopher Nolan reading this thread, I would assume no one wants space-themed movies and decide to make more romantic comedies.

fine, there are many talented directors that would need those hundreds of millions of dollars more than him

>Can't you teenage shits stop being angsty and enjoy a good movie? It really is a mental disorder to view everything with such negativity. At some point in your life you'll have to just stfu and let yourself be intertained because there will be 4500 chic-flics before the next great sci-fi movie.

>stop disliking what i like

>> No.7168212

>stop disliking what I like.

You missed the point due to high amounts of edge.

>> No.7168337


>I don't usually care about scientific plot holes, as long as the movie has a powerful message. That's why I didn't like Interstellar. The message wasn't powerful, deep or original at all.

I think it had a good message. There seems to be a conservative, pragmatist streak in society about the futility of space exploration or science investment. The movie cautions humanity that if we don't become independent of this one space rock, we are vulnerable to extinction with the next arbitrary calamity or space rock wiping us out.

>> No.7168347
File: 30 KB, 386x282, 14132tc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked it. They took some liberties with the whole black hole/tesseract thing and the "love transcends time and space" thing but otherwise it was fucking epic.

>> No.7168350

It's as good and scientifically plausible as you could demand from a Hollywood blockbuster.

>> No.7168355

Nostalgic 40-50 year olds are the worst, honestly.

>> No.7168360

The robots bothered me as well, BBT-tier bullshit.

>> No.7168363

This is my new view on Interstellar, thank you. Damn them perverted 4Ds.

>> No.7168756

Just like c

>> No.7168792


>> No.7168975

The use of the two stage to leave Earth can easily be explained.

Liquid fuel booster rocket conserved supplies aboard the ranger vehicle in order to get to the Endurance. Its probably drops in the bucket compared to the consumption needed to get the ranger to quickly leave the orbit of a planet orbiting a supermassive black hole. But hey save shekels where possible, right?

>> No.7169017

Basically this, but that's all you can expect from Hollywood nowadays.

>> No.7169031


Jesus /sci/, I figure you guys would get this. When calculating the size of the tanks and amount of fuel for any rocket, you have to account for the related rates of growth for more fuel/bigger fuel tank and the increasing amount of fuel it will take to account for that growth. Having a multistage lift off from Earth expedites this and allows them to have to carry less fuel and therefor not as large of a tank.

Also, this isn't a plot hole to begin with. The multistage lift off is only there for the sake of creating a dramatic/cool looking scene.

>> No.7169033


>implying The Dawn of Man isn't the greatest act in the history of cinema

>> No.7169040


You're wrong m8. How inhabitable is Earth? How inhabitable is Saturn?

How inhabitable was Matt Damon's, Miller's, and Anne Hathaway's lover's planet?

They were close af, hence the reason they ended up going to that solar system and happened to find 3 planets that were all within the a habitability zone, which is a much shorter distance than earth to Saturn..

>> No.7169150


>> No.7169356

>implying you're not a 21 y/o neet with no children

>> No.7169362

Not that anon, but my problem with that is just that it seemed to be given less importance than ''the power of love'' bs.
The motivation behind the mission was to survive as a species, but then it seems as if it was flushed, only love is important.

>> No.7169428

One of the worst sci fis ever story wise. The story is so retard and absurd that anyone who is even slightly intelligent will fail to be immersed into it. Naturally, stupid people like it, while more intelligent people dont.

>suddenly, crop dust kills all crops
>implying life would just die that easily
>instead of fixing it, we have to leave earth. Surely it would be better to travel to a new galaxy than to fix our crops
>we need to go into a blackhole for some reason to build spaceships to live in
>we could easily build these habitats on earth, but lets be retarded and build them in space
>oh, and our future selves helped us survive, who cares about the blatant paradox
>oh, and a random library in some dudes house is the 5th dimension, and love crosses all dimensions. Has no meaning at all, but it sounds cool so lets just add it XD

>> No.7169446

You're the smartest man alive for finding meaning no one else has just from reading superficial literature. God damn, what am I even doing with my master's degree, I should just give up, write a will saying that my skin along with the skin of everyone I love should be used as the carpet that takes you to your way to stardom after I kill them and myself. You never, ever should step a single foot on the same floor as the common rabble you smart man, you. If only I knew that someone as intelligent as you would come along I would've gone to art school and become an artist instead of wasting my time on a STEM degree, you put us all to shame. Oh, woe is me, why must my efforts be tainted by waste and diminished by the comparison factor when you come into the picture, you god damn brilliant genius.

>> No.7169469

you seem mad. Im not mad that you enjoy it, because you are an uneducated guy with average intelligence.
the gaping holes in the movie and the outright absurdity of some of the story doesn't even cross your mind. You just like the pretty space movie XD.

You can enjoy, but remember, it is a dumbed down piece of crap made for the unintelligent

>> No.7169521

It was fantastic

>> No.7169574

3rd dimensional beings cant comprehend meta as fuck 5th dimensional films

>> No.7169589

You must, be shittin' me, son. Only actual legitimate retards think of themselves as too intelligent to lower themselves to be entertained. An actually intelligent person would be able to accept plot hole as necessity for a plot about the prospect of visiting other planets. What else do you like to do in your spare time other than trying to shit on movies 1000x better than anything you personally could conceive, misquote Lord Byron and watch MLP?

>> No.7169603

My jimmies have been rustled.

>> No.7169606


>> No.7169623

are you guys retarded or something? Most of the movie is spent fighting against the damn robot.

>> No.7169627

If it feeds of nitrogen in soil, that explains why plants stopped growing. It would also steal nitrogen used to provide energy to micro bacteria which break down organic material to give nutrients to plants.

>> No.7169631
File: 872 KB, 1052x859, Twin Peak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are not realizing that the movie takes place sometime in Earth future, unspecified but in the future. Also Im almost positive that us humans wouldve found effective means to traverse our own solar system.

>> No.7169670

can someone explain the ending of 2001 space odyssey? What's up with the star child at the very end viewing the earth. Why did the monoliths point to the final one orbiting jupiter?

>> No.7170132

>us humans wouldve found effective means
What do you mean by "us", Peasant?

>> No.7170138

Yeah, this exactly.

>> No.7170160

No one knows for certain.
The monoliths first appearance enlightened the apes and made them human. The second appearance on the moon brought the humans to the next level and made them try ro create their own "Superhuman", namely the Artificial intelligence. When they found the third monolith, that guy evolved to be the final stage in human evolution: That baby flying through space and coming back to earth.

>> No.7170379

science FICTION

>> No.7170589

fucking thank you

>> No.7170593

dude you missed the point. if you genuinely didn't enjoy the movie he's not saying to pretend you like it JUST so we get more sci-fi movies

but I think his point was that if you enjoyed it, maybe stop getting randomly annoyed over trivial crap that can be overlooked

>> No.7171768

Profoundly moving cinematic experience.

>> No.7171813
File: 658 KB, 1536x2048, Interstellar-UK-Press-Conference-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But fiction. Close enough. Not hard scifi, but it will do.

>> No.7171814
File: 710 KB, 1920x1080, gargantua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It satisfied my space fetish. Specially Gargantua. The only thing that bothered me was the inside of the black hole and the tesseract combined with "Love, TARS, love".

>the planet would literally have to be orbiting the black hole a few billion times a second or practically touching the event horizon

It's a combination of the latter and a black hole spinning at an insanely high speed. They said in the movie itself that the planet was as close as it could get to the black hole without being pulled right in.

Trying to live on a planet like that would be the dumbest of the ideas anyway. Ignoring the gigantic waves made by the gravitational pull, time would go by so fast that it's just not worth trying. 1 year on that planet being around 60 thousand years on most of the universe? Hell no.

>> No.7171819

>It satisfied my space fetish
>Nailed it.

>> No.7171853
File: 1.86 MB, 3012x2008, ATRON06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like TARS. Sci-fi needs more non-humanoid robots.

Why aren't modular robots cool anymore?

>> No.7171907

I choose to believe that whole love bullshit was just him/anne hathaway going space crazy/overcome with emotion about all the crazy shit that was going down

>> No.7171945


>> No.7171951
File: 173 KB, 1086x813, 2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about fucking.

>> No.7171991
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>> No.7172012
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It's great because no cunt actually knows what happens in a black hole

>> No.7172021

Wormhole orbiting Saturn? Why not put it around Earth? stupid multidimensional aliens/people.

Overly optimistic space travel capabilities.

Triangular waves that conveniently leave about a foot of water in between.

Ship starts up after engine flooding.

Ship isn't destroyed by 100ft wave.

Time dilation would make planet formation that close an impossibility. Tidal waved would rupture it.

Black holes emerge from supernovae, so no planets that close folks.

No light source apart from hypervelocity accretion ring. Myriad problems with this.

Frozen clouds are a stupid idea.

''B..but noee, lurve is da 5th dimenshun."

Everything after he enters the event horizon.

>> No.7172026

*tidal forces would rupture it.


Blight is as cool idea.

The robots are awesome.

Wormhole description/visualisation fairly believable.

Time dilation was a cool idea.

Fairly realistic cryo sleep.

Good acting

Black hole looked the part.

>> No.7172035

Are you all seriously that autistic
the notion that "love is blah blah" is only in the two main characters heads. It's not even CLOSE to the point of the movie, stop being fuck stupid
The point of the movie is that the only ones that can save ourselves is, in the end, ourselves. There is no "them", there is no other high being
The bullshit about love is literally the demonstration of the weakness of those characters. THEY, just like WE, are primitive and can't fully comprehend the universe (besides wanting to justify their own non-scientific urges), therefore use dumb analogies to try and comprehend it sometimes (just like those quantum-physics-unites-religion-and-science guys).
So no, the "con" that the movie uses "love as 5th dimension/love crosses dimensions" attests more to your capacity of understanding a movie (or perhaps your willingfullness to complain) than to the movie itself.

>> No.7172054

lol, you are looking too far into it.

He sits inside a black hole made of his daughter's bedroom. Because love. This is ridiculous and annoying.

>> No.7172059


The big rockets were to get to Saturn - so you are fighting the SUN's gravity, not the Earth's.

Since the three planets orbiting Gargantua are getting similar amounts of heat from it, it is reasonable to assume they are in similar parts of Gargantua's gravity well, so only the planet's gravity needs to be resisted.

>> No.7172060

it's not because love?
it's in that dimension that he realises it's all made by other humans, and not higher beings or Love
his explanations is "love", but the movie itself shows you it was a space created by humans so he could communicate with his daughter and pass that knowledge

>> No.7172067

The cheesy ridiculous dialogs about love are there for a reason. They are not to demonstrate "weakness in the characters", they are to introduce a subplot that the movie explores later when the connection (love) between him and his daughter is what eventually saves the human race.

>> No.7172070

let's just agree to disagree because from my point of view, the movie is all about the human race as it's own savior (through love or whatever)