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File: 1.49 MB, 1440x911, milky-way-galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7166481 No.7166481 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that "The Milky Way" is a horrible name for our beautiful galaxy? What would you call it instead?

I propose the infinitely more beautiful Swedish name; "The Winter Street", should have been the standard.

>> No.7166504

Fuck you faggot I like milk

FACT: Our galaxy is the only Galaxy proven to have milk in it

>> No.7166510

"Linnunrata" in Finnish, "The Pathway of a Bird" (A Holy Swan).

>> No.7166511

Doesn't make it right that some ancient greek faggot names the whole galaxy out of his fucking lactation fetish.

I mean sure, I have a lactation fetish, but that doesn't mean all semblance of aesthetics are thrown out the window. It's a shit name better suited for that faggy Andromeda galaxy.

>> No.7166512

"The Patriarchy Cluster"

>> No.7166520
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>naming a galaxy after fucking BIRDS
Damn Finland, isn't it time to get drunk on Minttu and fall asleep in a ditch or something?

>> No.7166531

cum galaxy

>> No.7166535

Since, as far as we can tell, we're the only sentient things in the Galaxy, I think the best name for it, would be The Homo Galaxy (or Human Galaxy). Much like how Germany is Deutschland (land of the Deutsch), England is really Angoland (Land of the Angols), etc. Earth is really Planet Homo, or would be called such by an outsider.

>> No.7166548

Honestly I think that proposed name lacks artistic merit, and does nothing to inspire awe or fascination. And don't you think it would be in error to name the galaxy after ourselves as, as you say, we have no proof that we are the only sentient lifeforms in this galaxy? What would the Grox empire say?

>> No.7166572

Do you think the name France has artistic merit? China? Wakoku? All of these names mean "Land of the Blank" Where you insert Franc, Cino or Wa (Japanese) people. Jupiter, Mars, and Venus are neat names, but mean nothing to anyone outside of Earth. Their intergalactic names are more likely to be Homo 5, 4, and 2, respectively just as we would name the planets in the Grox system Grox 1, 2, 3, to whatever (or alpha, beta, gamma, what have you)

Naming conventions need to be simple, so that they translate easily. Homo Planet 3 which orbits Homo Star 1 (assuming there is eventually a Homo Star 2 in Andromeda), and Homo System for everything orbiting Homo Star 1.

>> No.7166586

Civilizations are wholly manmade, and their names are not held to the same artistic standard as our beautiful and awe-inspiring galaxy. That said, yes, "France" has artistic merit when taking into consideration the idea of people banding together under similar name for the sake of kinship and glory. The subject matter undoubtedly ends up residing within the artistic.

The thing you fail to grasp is that we may take some artistic liberties in science when it comes to naming things like celestial objects, satellites or what have you. They're meant to signify that spark of wonder and creativity that fuels all science, as well as offer tribute to great scientists after their time. These are human traits, and to completely forgo that by systematically and uncreatively assigning bland names with little artistic thought or reasoning is frankly, inhuman. We'd be setting a better standard to hypothetical intelligent sentient life by showcasing our culture and organismic tendencies in this fashion, as they would undoubtedly do the same.

>> No.7166589

I will keep milky way until we meet other inhabitants who might be around longer and have stronger naming rights. I hope they don't eat our brains.

>> No.7166590

>hat said, yes, "France" has artistic merit when taking into consideration the idea of people banding together under similar name for the sake of kinship and glory.

And for some reason you cannot see the same artistic merit in all of humanity banding together under the unifying Homo banner? We're all homo, it is important to recognize that.

>> No.7166596

like did you specifically choose the name "Homo" because you wanted absolutely everyone ever to disagree with you or are you just pretending to be autistic?

>> No.7166600

Not arguing with that. The problem is with naming an entire galaxy after ourselves. I realize us humans have hubristic tendencies, but it's my personal opinion that the galaxy should be exempt from that. To say the earth belongs to us is fair, we did after all conquer it, but the galaxy remains out of our reach. It's not our galaxy, so I disagree with your choice of name.

>> No.7166603

Homo is the best descriptor. It means the last common ancestor of all Homo Sapiens, neanderthalensis, ergaster, and all of their descendents. Homo means Human, and any thing descended from humans, whether Sapiens, or not.

>> No.7166608

lux ex profundi

>> No.7166611

well, in the original post, my caveat was
>As far as we can tell we are the only sentient things in the galaxy.

Until such a time as we can prove we are not the sole sentient inhabitants of our galaxy, it is the Homo Galaxy.

>> No.7166614

That's a wrongful assumption to make. We cannot prove this is a galaxy solely of humans, therefore it is not a galaxy solely of humans.

>> No.7166617

It is in fact the exactly correct assumption under scientific standards. You may claim their are invisible dragons which exist on planets on the opposite side of the galaxy and they are on such a technological level that they have transcended space and time and jerk off to tranny porn on the weekends, but until we see their cum stains, they may as well not be real. It is intrinsic upon the claimant to prove his claim, and my claim is that Humans are the only sentient civilization in our Galaxy. All evidence backs me up.

>> No.7166627

There is evidence to back up that humans are A sentient civilization in our galaxy. However, there is no factual evidence to back up that we are the ONLY sentient civilization in our galaxy, therefore, your claim to the contrary is inherently false until it can be backed up by evidence.

Show me evidence that proves there is no sentient life in our galaxy beyond humans.

>> No.7166646

>proposing to name our galaxy the 'homo galaxy' and the Earth the 'Homo planet'
>expecting alien languages to have a greek root

wtf goes through your brain mate

>> No.7166650

The final frontier

>> No.7166653

how can you still not get it

>> No.7166657

You should know you cannot prove a negative. My claim is that Humans are the only sentient life in our galaxy. My evidence can come from SETI itself:
>Have SETI institute scientists found life, or evidence of life, on any other planets?

The Wow signal was never verified, for instance.

And take these: >>7166404

The article plainly states
>And they seem to come from far outside our galaxy.

3rd, the Fermi Paradox. If there are other sentient civilizations in the Universe, and one must assume their are, the ones easiest to contact would be the closest, ie in our Galaxy. So while we may be recieving signals from civilizations ouside our galaxy, if there are any inside our galaxy they remain quiet.

Now, find me any evidence of another sentient species existing in our Galaxy. Go on, I'll wait.

>> No.7166661

>Now, find me any evidence of another sentient species existing in our Galaxy. Go on, I'll wait.
The thing is I'm not asserting that there is another species out there. I'm asserting that we cannot say for sure that there isn't, so it would be in error to say there definitely isn't, which is essentially what you're claiming.

>> No.7166670

You can't assert conditionals, they have no scientific merit.

>Matter could be made up of atoms

You need to assert things like

>Matter is made up of Atoms


>Matter is not made up of atoms

And provide evidence for one or the other. That is how theories are tested.

We cannot say for sure that invisible tranny dragons do not exist, is a meaningless statement.

>> No.7166672 [DELETED] 

The point is that it is in error to claim the galaxy belongs to us when we have yet to prove the contrary. This is purely philosophical and requires no evidence to assert.

>> No.7166675

The point is that it is in error to claim the galaxy belongs to us when we have yet to prove it. This is purely philosophical and requires no evidence to assert.

>> No.7166683

>Guys we better not offend any potential aliums when naming our home! They might get offended!

Confirmed "Cuckest thread on /sci/ 2015"

Also pls, no homo

>> No.7166688

oh, philosophy? Well, have the discussion on >>>/lit/ then. We talk science here. Homo Galaxy it is.

>> No.7166689

It's for the sake of humility, fag.

>> No.7166705
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And what happens if we're the only space-faring species to have developed humility/humbleness?

What if the first species we meet is something a la Klingons, and they perceive our modesty as weakness, then proceed to bumrape every man, woman and child?

Should call our galaxy something that sounds nice to us, instead of posturing or creating ease-of-translation for being we haven't met yet.

>> No.7166707


The semen swirl.

>> No.7166710

What the fuck? If they fuck with us we will nuke their asses. I'm not saying we're gonna be cuckolds. Humility is a noble trait which is meant to be looked up to when employed correctly. If they mistake it for weakness then we'll happily correct them.

>> No.7166729

a race of aliens who has not learned humility/peace/respect/all that faggy bullshit will have nuked themselves off the face of their planet long before they develop intergalactic travel.
Think of the Cold War: the same applies to us.

>> No.7166746

Its the only thing they have to fuck over there other than reondeer. God knows finnish women wont do the trick...

>> No.7166752

>I mean sure, I have a lactation fetish
fuck this website

>> No.7166757

>not having a lactation fetish
Are you some sort of scientifically proven homosexual or something?

>> No.7166758

I vote that we call ourselves the Tau'ri

>> No.7166762

Sure sounds cooler than terras or homos.

>> No.7166765

What about "The monstars"

>> No.7166767

Why do fictional languages always have apostrophes up the wazoo?

>> No.7166775

looks profound and exotic

>> No.7166776

Looks cliché and stupid, you mean.

>> No.7166778

>The Homo Galaxy
Oh, Sweden...

>> No.7166779

It kinda makes sense considering the way you pronounce the word. The only alternative would be a minus Tau-Ri

>> No.7166816

This galaxy is the only one proved to have penises in it

Therefore, it should be the Penis Galaxy

>> No.7166818

It is not Sweden's fault that you fags decided to take the word which best describes all humanity and used it as a pejoritive for sexual deviants.

>> No.7166819

lol lactation fetish is top tier go back to redit you fucking fag

>> No.7166836


The Windmill of Friendship

>> No.7166883

> What would you call it instead?

"The Hot Mess"

You know you wanted to say that first, anon.

>> No.7166889

Spiral star armed boomerang thing flying through space with a black hole in the middle.

>> No.7166895

"The Winter Street" is the best you could come up with? Lol okay faggot, better send a letter to NASA

>> No.7166916


The Twisted Gingerbread Man

>> No.7166918

I like this one best

>> No.7167159

speckly disk

>> No.7167754

Done. They're already working to replace the name worldwide. How do you feel now, faggot?

>> No.7167789

"The Galaxy".
Every other galaxy needs a name.
Not ours.

>> No.7167791


>> No.7167794

Naming a galaxy it silly and not important.

>> No.7167799

I think "The Milky Way" is a very pretty name.

>> No.7167801

>Naming celestial objects is silly and not important
>Naming satellites is silly and not important
There's such a thing as paying tribute, and there's such a thing as human emotion. If science had no artistic grounding, there would be no inclination amongst humans to further it. So no, it's not as unimportant as you make it out to be.

>> No.7167834

fuck off faggot with your 3edgy fedora
milky way is the best name

>> No.7167895

ur a fagget

>> No.7167896

Milky way a best.
If you don't like it you can git out. Heard andromeda has retard openings.

>> No.7167915

Yeah I bet you like it because the name reminds you of a bed of milky semen, faggot.

>> No.7167917

this is why sci is best board

>> No.7167924

>the winter street
>gutters full of polluted snow
>black ice
>ice ruts
>broken beast of burden ankles
>broken wagon wheels
>automotive mayhem
>corrosive salts
>shrunken penises
>inverted testicles may as well be called winter ovaries
Wait, where was I going?
Oh yeah, winter streets suck.

>> No.7167938

>The Patriarchy Cluster
this essentially needs to be done.

>> No.7167950

no Homo

>> No.7167951

The milky way is a fucking shit galaxy name. Andromeda is a far better name why the fuck do they get the good name huh?

For Earth I vote Sol 3rd but third sounds shit so what about gamma? Gamma also sounds shit. I vote that Earth breaks convention and is called Sol Prime - indicating it is our home planet because you wouldn't expect prime as it's the third planet.

>> No.7167955

cont. Also if we rename our species as humankind from man/mankind I will flip my shit.

>> No.7168014

Honestly everyone should just call Earth "Tellus" instead.

Shit's tight, yo.

>> No.7168018

>Sol Prime
Makes me want to play Master of Orion.

>> No.7168025

Well the official name for the sun in English is "The Sun". Following convention, Earth would be called "The Sun 3".

Sol isn't the correct term for the sun, for whatever reason. It's as valid as "Helios" (which I would prefer).

The thing is we should follow convention as much as possible when naming celestial bodies, because there is an absolute shitton of them and a history course on why the Earth (Terra, Geo, etc) and all the pretty nebula have flowery artsy names would take a century

>> No.7168033

It says it translates to "Milky Way". Does that mean it translates to those two words, or does it mean it refers to the galaxy we call the Milky Way?

>> No.7168160

The fuck you think

>> No.7168207

>Can we all agree that "The Milky Way" is a horrible name for our beautiful galaxy?

The word Galaxy comes from the Latin galaxias "the Milky Way" which comes from the Greek gala which means milk. It would be silly to derive a classification and then abandon the word.

>> No.7168233

Sure, but it sounds like shit.

>> No.7168269


>> No.7168278

The night sky is related to breasts. No complaints from me.

>> No.7168300

Are you referring the moon? You fucking cunt, you.

>> No.7168361

Crossroads or Tau

A cross shape that is spinning, creating the 4 major arms of the galaxy

exactly like that symbol from a recent territorial dispute

>> No.7168370


I had no idea that Tau was some stargate shit

I was just using its meaning 'the cross'

>> No.7168527

There's already too much Greek and Latin in space. We need more Sanskrit, they've got a number of terms for describing the collection of stars our planet resides in:

Bhu Mandala

>> No.7168565

that's pretty shit sounding

>> No.7168566

we need stuff like "Laniakea" (immense heaven) which is used for our supercluster

beautifully sounding and meaningful too

>> No.7168568


>> No.7168578

PIgshit disgusting indian shit

>> No.7168584

Thank you for showing the intellect of the "it's shit" poster.

>> No.7168596

"Outer America" is the correct name for the galaxy.

>> No.7168598

>our beautiful galaxy
How do you know it's beautiful? We don't have any pictures of it.

>> No.7168601



>> No.7168622

>tfw someone tells Ted Cruz that he is a homo sapien and he introduces a bill in congress to get it changed

>> No.7168627
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>> No.7169505


Maybe we call it:

The Twirly Floater?

Cosmic Jellyfish?

>> No.7169545

I would dispute this. I drove from New England to California on Interstate 80 over winter break. I stopped in northern Nevada at an exit with no town or gas station in the middle of the night to look at the stars.

When you get rid of all light pollution the sky is an infinite black and the stars are very clearly laid out in a strip across the sky - but they are so dim and granular that it can be hard to focus on them individually before your eyes feel dry and you need to blink. If I had been a pre-industrial traveller who was a bit tired and tipsy from a dinner of jerky, hardtack and whisky I imagine that the Milky Way might seem apt. Especially if I had been inhaling fumes from a buffalo shit fire all night.

>> No.7169899

Dunno, but I want it gone, it obscures a huge swathe of view of our universe

>> No.7170073
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Amanogawa is the Japanese name.
It means "river of stars."

>> No.7170074

faggis majoris

>> No.7170092

Don't forget the sun, and the solar system (sol-ar) Fuck those other star systems.

>> No.7170239

We're not talking about you, egomaniac.

>> No.7170250

I'd call it "Home".

>> No.7170252

Gay as fuck. Why don't you fuck off to the Cartwheel galaxy.

>> No.7170293

Don't think its necessary to make a new thread for this quick space-related question, so I'll ask here.

Say a spaceship traveled space for one light year at light speed. How much time on Earth would pass when the spaceship returns home? A year on Earth would have passed, correct? Okay, well, how much time would pass in the astronaut's point of view?

>> No.7170321


>> No.7170323

Or, maybe 'Zero'.

>> No.7170326

Yes, 1 year Earth time. At light speed, 0 time would pass for the spaceship, but you seem to be forgetting that you can't travel at the speed of light.
At 80% the speed of light, 219 days would pass on the spaceship. At 90%, 109.5 days would pass. Too lazy to do other speeds.

>> No.7170327

The Wild Cats

>> No.7170334

Let me correct myself; I forgot the spaceship would be travelling for more than a year of Earth-time in these cases.
80%: 456 Earth days, 274 ship days
90%: 405 Earth days, 122 ship days

>> No.7170335

Interesting. I wished I knew how you go about getting these numbers. Since you can't travel at the speed of light, how many Earth days would pass when the ship is moving at 99% the speed of light?

>> No.7170352

are you homeless?

>> No.7170354


t = [1 / (1-v^2/c^2) ] * t_p

where t_p is the time passed on Earth

>> No.7170356


i forgot the square root [1 / (1-v^2/c^2) ]^(1/2)

>> No.7170369


v = percentage of the speed of light / year
c = speed of light
t_p = 1 year


Also thanks for helping me out. I'm not the most /sci/ guy.

>> No.7170377


It is, op sucks

>> No.7170470

what is this gay math shit have yo uheard of a calculator LMAO

>> No.7170479

yeah, v is the speed of the ship, as seen from Earth

>> No.7170497


>> No.7170511




>> No.7170553

I'm still waiting on someone to bring up the racist factor since it was named by European whites and after milk which is also white.

>> No.7170611

Why not ebinrauta?

>> No.7170643


milky is a derogatory term for whites though

so who are the real racists

>> No.7170672


What's wrong with the name "Earth"?

>> No.7170804

Fucking Greeks, I knew they were never white. Misleading white statues that lost their paint coating, dammit.

>> No.7170812

>"The Pathway of a Bird" (A Holy Swan)
That's the name of my indie rock album.

>> No.7170818

Sapiens is a better descriptor of of humans than Homo.
Also not gay

>> No.7170837

It isn't though.

Homo Neanderthalensis DNA is present in european humans, therefore, they could breed with Sapiens, and therefore were also part of the Human species.

Further, If you consider a future time in which the name of the galaxy would actually matter (ie, contact with an alien species) It would be highly likely humanity had spread itself out to different planets, space stations, and other habitats which, given the laws of physics, actually have very little contact with each other. If it takes 40 years to go from a planet in the Sol system to a planet in the Centauri system (or longer for different stars), there will not be much travel between the systems, or at least not enough travel for breeding to take place. The Centauri system could be considered an isolated breeding pool when compared to the Sol system. Which means over long periods of time through perhaps some evolutionary process (or more likely through genetic modification) it is likely that Homo Sol and Homo Centauri could diverge enough to be considered separate species. If they should still be considered a part of humanity, then the proper name for all of humanity is Homo.

Humanity needs to be defined as the Last Common Ancestor of all Humans, and Homo is the only descriptor which fits that.

>> No.7170839

>Last Common Ancestor of all Humans

And all of it's descendants. Sapiens, Neanderthals or otherwise.

>> No.7171020

So...following the logic of this thread, the sombrero galaxy is full of mexicans?

>> No.7171026

Name: Swirling bucket of shit
Warning: If you come here, we're gonna first try to kill you, then eat you and/or fuck you. And not necessarily in that order.

>> No.7171284

Assuming there is a multiverse, what should we name our universe, if giving it a name made sense?

>> No.7171820

That's a Big Galaxy

>> No.7171827

We have the latin name Via Lactea.

>> No.7171830

which means the same thing as "Milky Way"

>> No.7171832

But sounds better.

>> No.7171843


literally /fit/: the galaxy

>> No.7171845

You have 10 seconds to name another galaxy besides ours that's NOT Andromeda, WITHOUT SEARCHING

>> No.7171847
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>Our galaxy is the only Galaxy proven to have milk in it
Never thought of it like that, but I will never be able to unthink it. Thanks anon.

>> No.7171872
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>some ancient greek faggot names the whole galaxy out of his fucking lactation fetish.
>I mean sure, I have a lactation fetish
We mammals all have a lactation fetish, faggot. Let's suck it up (pun intended) and call our galaxy the "Mammalian Galaxy", and own up to it.

>> No.7171880

C-cartwheel galaxy.

>> No.7171886

kepler dwarf galaxy? maybe? now im gonna go search..

>> No.7171889

aw shit.

>> No.7171911


>> No.7172069

Triangle galaxy

Ngc 1101 if I'm not mistaken

Sunflower galaxy

>> No.7173029

Homo is your best descriptor.

>> No.7173066


>> No.7173071

That's pretty gay, bro.

>> No.7173083

>Not Meklon

Human fucking shits

>> No.7174217

the faggotnigger

>> No.7176041

uture, we build a giant huge telescope that can zoom in on planets in other galaxies.
One day we spot a planet with amazing life. Such beautiful and interesting lifeforms evolved and evolving. Some complex, mesmerizing and gradually emerging their own unique intelligence.
We watch them constantly from a distance, like children looking out the classroom window watching birds far far away tumbling and playing in the sky.
Then we track comets and asteroids in their planetary system. With our advanced computers, we calculate their pathways around their star hundreds of thousands of years into the future.
*Bleep* "Future collision detected in 1,319,388.527 years. Outcome: 100% obliteration of world and all its life"
"1.3 millions years! That's plenty of time for us to invent some kind of intergalactic travel to go and save this remarkable planet from utter destructio...."
We suddenly remember that the galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. Whatever their fate is, it has already happened. We can only sit here, nursing feelings of both hope and futility, and watch it unfold.
Countless millennia dart by. Hope becomes anxiety. Anxiety becomes dread. Dread becomes tears.
Such a beautiful jewel - a diamond in the rough - snuffed out by a cold and indifferent universe.
We mourn for a world we never visited. For life we never met. But we can't wallow forever. We must carry on with our lives.
Generations of us dash by.
A little youngster of ours sits by themself in a quiet place, reading a science book.
Reading about our local group of 50-or-so galaxies.
Reading about our own galaxy's little brother.
Reading about the precious little jewel which inhabited it, and how it was tragically lost in time forever.

A little tear trickles down their cheek....

"Andromeda will miss you, 'Earth' ">>7166531

>> No.7176055

You don't even know what our galaxy looks like, faggot.

>> No.7176087

Super Mario

>> No.7176598

All galaxies are beautiful, you GALAXIST.

>> No.7176663

Glad you like my little story. :)
But you screwed up the start a bit.

>> No.7178423

Could be worse, when our galaxy collides with the andromeda its gonna be called milkdromeda. Now that's a shit name

>> No.7178487

Sorry guys but the word "Galaxy" is itself of Greek origin. The Greek word for galaxy is "galaxias" (γαλαξίας), which means "the milky one". For reference the Greek word for milk is "gala" (γάλα). Soooo you can't really avoid the milk part.

>> No.7178510

Why don't you derive some milk out of my dick faggot

>> No.7179183

Birds are very important.

>> No.7179388

How do we even know what our own galaxy actually looks like? It's not like we've been able to send spacecraft outside our galaxy to collect data.

>> No.7179420

>How do we even know what our own galaxy actually looks like?

We can see most of it, and extrapolate the rest. But it's true there is still a lot of uncertainty.

>> No.7179426

>implying we even know what birds are

>> No.7179475

The Magellan clouds.

>> No.7179494

The name of our star is Sol.
Whatever star a person is orbiting is that person's sun.
The name of Earth's moon is Luna.

Norms be damned. This is the only nomenclature that will make sense once humans leave Earth in a big way.

>> No.7179529

What the fuck are you talking about, star? It's a sun, retard.

>> No.7179550


>> No.7179553

There are more stars in the sun than atoms in the universe.

>> No.7179562

The Western world has a big fat Greek fetish. What a great useless cosmic coincidence that all we know about the world is mediated through their lusty terms. Andromeda, what the fuck? The Greeks and Romans were self-obsessed sensualist pigs.

>> No.7179565

Think about what you just said, then come back and tell us what you've learned.

>> No.7179566

I always liked this name that came from a culture tht existed in south Africa before Europeans arrived. They called it "The Bone of Night" or something like that, I know some other group called it the devils backbone.

>> No.7179570

Imagine that you're not a blithering retard for a second, then reread what he wrote and get back to us.

>> No.7179602

Anyways, >>7166481, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread. I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya? Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in. Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it. Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots. You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool. It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud. There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice. "Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch. You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats. Yoshinoya should be a bloody place. That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place. Women and children should screw off and stay home. Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce." Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron? I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?" I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour. Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"? Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion. That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating. Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key. And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable. However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword. I can't recommend it to amateurs. What this all really means, though, is that you, >>7166481, should just stick with today's special.


>> No.7179603

Get a sense of humor, m8.

>> No.7179607

We agree that there are >1 atoms in the universe, right? Well, how many stars are there in the sun? I believe there are 1. The sun is a star, and it is a singular one.

>> No.7179613

I didn't realize it was a joke. My bad I guess, but I still don't see the joke.

>> No.7179623

It's a reference to the quote "there are more grains of sand in a beach than there are atoms in the universe" or some shit. Either way the blitheringly obvious logical fallacy should have been a red flag for you that it was a joke.

>> No.7179632

We could also just name it Sagittarius Galaxy, after the super-massive black hole Sagittarius A* in the middle, around which we all revolve.
It only makes sense. Just like the Solar system is named after our star, Sol.

>> No.7179636

In accordance with that logic we'd call ur mom the MY Dick mom lmao

>> No.7179643

I was joking because the post (>>7179529) didn't make much sense and was super duper rude.

>> No.7179652
File: 25 KB, 278x269, pilsnerurquell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7180192
File: 26 KB, 344x432, c20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Zachary Smith planet.