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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 563 KB, 569x802, CIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7166063 No.7166063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I heard your all smart over here. Is that true?

>> No.7166068


>> No.7166070

If you must know my good man, amongst us are geniuses, but not all hold intellectual prestige. There are many here with Phds acquired by the age of 15 as well as many who only have masters degrees *scoffs*. I myself got my Phd in Triple Boolean Barnett Integration Theory when I was 13 and a half, if my eidetic Sheldonian memory serves me correctly. When you become familiar with this salon for the intellectual man, you will notice many prominent figures, one of which acquired the principles of Logistics at age 11(!). So to answer your query, not all of us are smart, but there are many who are.

>> No.7166126

Please. My gradeschool math textbook was a Barnett Integration textbook. Genius my ass.

>> No.7166131

I'm not.

>> No.7166143
File: 553 KB, 1920x814, Learn to spell check, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course. Please, allow me to give you a small demonstration of my extraordinary mental capabilities.


>> No.7166149

gigg/10 made be snort

>> No.7166161

I disproved the Barnett's identity when I was 7 mind you it also relays the fundamental principles for scientific research in internet mathematics.

Your image is a cut out of a picture of an arms dealer in Botswana, please don't be a douche and provide the whole picture. Thats what scientists suppose to do.

>> No.7166192
File: 22 KB, 246x346, 51KCf5KeSnL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mastered this when I was 12
Need I say more?

>> No.7166196


OP here. I put that there to test you guys, after all, people who correct other people's grammar on a korean water painting BBS are the smartest people on the internet.

>> No.7166506

I'm the internet. I prefer the name Wifi.

>> No.7166700


>> No.7166704

/sci/ never figured out the Germanwings-Banepost-CERN incident.

If you want smart people go to /x/. All you'll find here are fedoras and physics 101 dropouts

>> No.7166722

>the Germanwings-Banepost-CERN incident.
Trivial. And also we caused it.

>> No.7166839

ayy lmao

>> No.7166888

for you

>> No.7167008
File: 813 KB, 268x278, tumblr_nlsnrx8W0k1qk9qb8o2_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constant climate change denial
>Shitting all over anything that isn't STEM, and even then everything that isn't physics or math
>Disregard of all social studies regardless of rigor or methodology
>Thorium worship
>Singularity threads
>A.I. fantasies

That's a big nope.

>> No.7167020

Well as a climatologist that has studied climate change research throughout my entire academic career I think that the current models are way to naive and inaccurate to make most of the claims currently being made.

But of course saying something like that anywhere outside an anonymous image board would mean the end of my career.

After what happened to Watson I've just decided to shutup and let the lunatics run the asylum.

>Disregard of all social studies regardless of rigor or methodology
Because it has no reproducible results of falsifiable claims.

>> No.7167026

>Because it has no reproducible results of falsifiable claims.

It has plenty of them, retard.

>> No.7167033

Butthurt sociology major detected.

>> No.7167036


ME, actually.

Just not an insufferable neckbeard.

>> No.7167039

>as a climatologist

Calling bullshit.

>would mean the end of my career.

And this is why.

>> No.7167046


Why is that every time there is a post on this board describing a professional in the field describing some kind of internal conspiracy, it comes off as a teenager failing to seem credible while unwittingly disclosing that they don't know how academia nor research methodology works.

>> No.7167047

yes, We learned fundamentals of logic at age 12

>> No.7167119

>yes, We learned fundamentals of logistics at age 12


>> No.7167129


Because the uneducated can't convince the educated, especially within their focus.

It actually takes very little education of climate science to see how far out of their element the denialists truly are.

>> No.7167134

>All of sci is one person

>> No.7167161


I notice this too, it' makes me cringe.

>> No.7167185

>>Disregard of all social studies regardless of rigor or methodology

Hi. BA in both economics and math, PhD in econ.

This is almost so untrue that I almost question your credibility as a "climatologist." Either you're a very, very, very narrow-minded person, or you're just faking it and have 0 academic experience. I don't even know how you would arrive at the claim you arrive at, unless, of course, you've actually never done any research at all. It's much more likely that you're just some teenage idiot who is going through his "HUMANS ARE INHERENTLY UNPREDICTABLE LOLOL MODELS DON'T MATCH MUH REALZ PHYZIKS ONLY PLS" phase.

>> No.7167193


>> No.7167338
File: 263 KB, 383x306, 1414715886336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't rustle my jimmies boi

>> No.7167614

I have tendency to doubt very many legitimate PhD's spend their time on 4chan or "geniuses" for that matter.

>> No.7167627

Clearly you haven't met the likes of me, a regular here
>Phd in Triple Boolean Barnett Integration Theory at age 13.5 human years
>Eidetic Sheldonian Memory
>Acquired principles of logistics at age 17
>IQ of 199.pi
>Celebrated by the 4chinians of /sci/ and /x/
>Went on NBC at age 7 to disprove Marie Curie's theory of radioactivity by way of Euler Algebraic Topology combined with Neumannian Derivation

>> No.7167859

Oh yeah a real Albit Eyensteen, pssh.

>> No.7167862

Does Archimedes Plutonium post here?

>> No.7167877

Not all too often, he only comes around to put the plebs to rest and entertain the community with his true wisdom

>> No.7167930

do you have aspergers?

>> No.7167968

>eidetic Sheldonian memory
holy fuck using this epic maymay

>> No.7167981
File: 457 KB, 220x165, RMzT1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7168742

ayyblackguy lmao

>> No.7168803

there's a difference between smart and pretentious

>> No.7168860

it's a pretty thin line

>> No.7169564

I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Autism at the age of 3 years old. Stage 4 meaning that my intellect was growing at a rate 4 times that of the other autistic humans.

>> No.7169605

I'm a big name in physics.

>> No.7169615

Isn't it past your bedtime, Jacob?

>> No.7169616

Christ, that's terrible. Is there no hope for you since it's at such an advanced stage?

>> No.7169634


4 x 0.001 iq points/month is pretty small, bro

>> No.7169636

It's not going to kill me. It just means when I have 35+ years under my belt I'm going to transcend into the 4th, 5th and eventually 6th, 7th...nth dimension because of my rapid intellectual development. Such a pity I won't be able to share my knowledge at that point.

>> No.7169747

You clearly underestimate my autistibros

>> No.7169929

Yeah, that's a pretty cool picture of Feynman you got there OP.

>> No.7170027

lol such a troll amirite guyz????1??111?

>> No.7170098

I could tell people haven't been here long, which could explain the sudden burst of cancer in this board.
When I first started lurking here, /sci/entists would have amplexed that there was a guy on
here who had a Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering. I wonder ever happened to that guy?

>> No.7170100

>would have amplexed
Who the fuck do you think you are, a thesaurus?

>> No.7170106

Honestly, I just looked up the term amplex to find out if it would fit for some reason--sometimes random words pop up in my head while I'm writing and I scan through the dictionary to see if I could properly use it's context. 8 times out of 10, I would proceed to write.

>> No.7170176

>When I first started lurking here, /sci/entists would have amplexed that there was a guy on
>here who had a Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering.
We don't care anymore because many of us got out PhDs in the mean time.

I looked that up in the dictionary 3 times thinking I misspelled it until I considered that you sincerely meant frog fucking.

>> No.7170183 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 299x168, chaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your favorite anime

>> No.7170199
File: 90 KB, 294x233, ScreenShot009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard your all smart over here. Is that true?
could i do this if i werent smart?

>> No.7170202

all jokes aside sci is mainly populated by idiots who cannot calculate the outcome of a very simplistic coinflip experiment

>> No.7170208

What? Hearing an all-smart? Probably.

>> No.7170749
File: 32 KB, 602x601, 1427366080201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a scientist, a doctor, and an engineer.
By x standards.
x believes I am smart.
Therefore I am smart.
: - )

>> No.7170759

And even if they are, its 4chan
They should be smart enough to know why people wouldn't trust them

>> No.7170826

for you

>> No.7170995

>And even if they are, its 4chan