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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7160366 No.7160366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you say /sci/ is the most intelligent board on 4chan?

>> No.7160369


>> No.7160373

/tg/, /trv/ and a few of the other slow boards come to mind
/pol/, /r9k/, /b/ and /v/ are the absolute worst

>> No.7160374

on average - /sci/
in extremes - /a/

>> No.7160377

/sci/ was mistake

~ Peter Higgs

>> No.7160382


>> No.7160384

disgusting weeb, go fuck yourself

>> No.7160388
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No. In fact this is probably one of the least intelligent boards on 4chan just behind /lit/.

>> No.7160389

But this is true. When something on /a/ suddenly turns into a science thread nothing on 4chan is even remotely comparable.
I'd be ashamed to admit how much I actually learned about science on /a/, considering most of /sci/ is not new to me.

>> No.7160393

Yeah, no, I browse /a/ regularly and every time science comes up it's full of idiots making trivial mistakes and everyone just taking their word for it.

>> No.7160394

/sp/ is pretty smart

/pol/ is garbage

>> No.7160396

Just like /sci/

There are smart people here and there on every board, me and you reading this are not one of those people

>> No.7160408

>Just like /sci/
The difference is you get called out on it if you make a mistake here. On /a/ no one contradicts anyone who is wrong and people just keep talking about topics they obviously know nothing about, just like they know nothing about valid critique in anime, but at least there they are confident enough to shit on each other.

/a/ is fucking retarded and a toxic community.

>> No.7160409

Maybe, now that /lit/ has almost fully decayed

>> No.7160410

/lit/ was never good.

>> No.7160412

>I don't ideologically agree with people from /pol/, so that makes them stupid

A lot of the racism is founded on scientific fact, but I guess feelings are more important.

>> No.7160414
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"Most intelligent on 4chan" is sorta like "smartest kid in the 'special' class". Maybe it means something, but... Not much.

>> No.7160419
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>scientific fact
Yeah, a minor difference in IQ (lol IQ tests) is a total justification for calling black people "subhuman monkeys". Fuck off stormfag.

>> No.7160421

The level of totally bonkers retarded shit you read is probably highest on /sci/ compared to any other board. I'd like to think it's due to this board attracting a high number of druggies and schizophrenics.

>> No.7160423

>/a/ is fucking retarded and a toxic community
This is blatantly false. /a/ has the best cooking threads, the best fitness threads, the best science threads and the best vidya threads.

>> No.7160425

yeah, not exactly. i can confirm that they recently (as in a few months ago) did have a number ( like 3 or 4 in sum) of profound threads going on (not strictly science).

the past tense because I agree it has turned into a total shit-hole of a community (my theory is that the weebs just disgust other people in the board with lewd fan arts of date a live and such series. I know that did it for me)

>> No.7160433


pretty damn smart
/sci/, /lit/, /biz/(somewhat?)

shit of the earth (nobody would miss them tier)
/b/, /pol/, /r9k/

>> No.7160442

>/a/ has the best cooking threads, the best fitness threads, the best science threads and the best vidya threads.

Bullshit you can't post about any of those without getting reported and B& and you know it.

I'm not saying there aren't good, smart people that browse /a/, but the overwhelming majority of the board consists of toxic NEETs and high-school dregs who really aren't worth discussing anything (including anime) with past a few threads once the novelty of their personalities wear off.

>> No.7160460

I like your bait

>> No.7160478

Probably /pol/ is. But you have to throw out 96% of the posts first.

>> No.7160481

>Probably /pol/ is
Paranoid schizophrenia =/= intelligence

>> No.7160491

Playing with Latex math =/= more intelligence.

>> No.7160503

The most intelligent board is obviously /x/

>> No.7160504

But anon, we have to play with latex math to write articles.

>> No.7160603
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>> No.7160611

there are no intelligent boards on 4chan

the papercraft board has some amazing stuff on it sometimes tho

>> No.7160661

Noooo /pol/ is seriously like 99% trolls and idiots.

>> No.7160662

/a/ is anime, right? can you find one of these science threads that have been archived?

>> No.7160683

I like how you assume everyone is a stormfag. Neither does /pol/ have a particular ideology, go look at nazi threads and look at the shitstorm that evolves.

And, an IQ difference from 20 to 40 points is not "small" by any margin.

>> No.7160688
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>> No.7160689

Jesus christ anon.

The point isn't that your political ideology is fuck retarded. Obviously your political ideology is fuck retarded, obviously you are too stupid and hateful to see otherwise, discussing the issue is pointless.

The point is that most posters on /pol/ are completely fucking retarded. Even as the most deluded wannabe neo nazi on the entire internet, if you do not have a double digit IQ you should be able to recognize that most of the posters there are completely fucking retarded. In any thread, on any topic, if anyone makes an informed post that uses any logic or reasoning and isn't a senseless racist/sexist/antisemitic diatribe they get half a dozen illiterate retards too stupid to understand the message flinging shit. Even if they are trying to inject some brain cells into a discussion of some kiddie nazi shit.

Fuck, the fact that you are even trying to defend the intelligence of /pol/ shows you are probably among the low-end of the mouthbreathers yourself.

>> No.7160703 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is stupid, but niggers are worse

>> No.7160704

>The point isn't that your political ideology is fuck retarded. Obviously your political ideology is fuck retarded, obviously you are too stupid and hateful to see otherwise, discussing the issue is pointless.
What ideology might that be? You're acting as if /pol/ is a person with defined beliefs.

>Fuck, the fact that you are even trying to defend the intelligence of /pol/ shows you are probably among the low-end of the mouthbreathers yourself.
Where did I do that? Yes, /pol/ is full of retards, most of them disenfrenchised, but that's 4chan in general. If you think everyone is a "sensless stormfcuk faggot" then how are you any better than them calling niggers "subhuman monkeys"?

Does it make you feel uncomfortable that there are biological differences between human populations that affect our intelligence? Why did you feel the need to mention it and at the same time ridicule it "lol" as if it doesn't matter?

>> No.7160705

/g/ used to be pretty smart, but now it's objectively one of the dumbest and worst boards on 4chan after consumerism took over.

>> No.7160728
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In conclusion, you're the low end of the mouthbreathers that can't even see his own hypocrisy

Enjoy, nigger

>> No.7160745 [DELETED] 

Seems like the jidf got triggered

>> No.7160753

No, too many wannabes, weekend scientists and high school edgelords come on here for that to be true.

>> No.7161209

/diy/ deserves an honorable mention

>> No.7161239
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s4s-shitposters are geniuses. real geniuses. they know things before you even hear about them. they don't need information ressources, they calculate knowledge and chances like a savant.
the disadvantage is, to keep sane, they have to keep informaion low, and stick to tight patterns, so they won't get lost in a vast storm of incoming information inside their head.
what they do is post memes to keep the creativity and productivity busy, and check dubs to keep precise analysis of values warmed up.
it's all brain exercise.
why I'm able to explain this, is, because I am a drooling, nonsense-bubbling moron compared to them.

>> No.7161250

no, too many idiotic question threads are made for that. if you're just going by the regulars and people who answer the question threads, then /sci/ is by far the smartest board, yes.

/lit/ is full of pseudo-intellectuals, unsurprisingly

/biz/ can be smart on certain topics

i'd actually say /fit/ is pretty high up, whenever an employment thread or education thread comes up there's a huge number of people in well-paying jobs, or STEM students, or whatever. and the knowledgeable people post in science threads when they occasionally crop up.

no idea about the anime boards since i don't watch anime

/v/ is definitely the stupidest board though

>> No.7161251

/s4s/ is the worst board on 4chan. It's literal retardation.

>> No.7161259
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>Strongest board on 4chan for 68 years and counting

>Highest GDP on 4chan

>Worth 51% of the 4chan economy

>Largest getsquad in the world

>Has military bases on 1/3rd of 4chan

>Only board with a functioning getscript

>30 years technologically superior to any other opposing board's military on 4chan

>Only board that has the industrial and technological capacity to mass produce namefigs

>Developing a new generation of memes

>Only board to have been to /z/

>Only board with a private sector actively working in space

>4chan center of the arts, humanities, education, finance, commerce, business, warfare, technology, industry, culture, politics and communication

>Owns the most threads on the World Threads ranking chart

>Won WWkek singlehandedly

>Never lost a war in its 237 year history (/b/ didn't win; look at them and look at [s4s] now; same with /sp/ in 1812)

>Leader of 4chan

Don't like us? No problem.

At the end of the day, you are all [s4s] people. The Facebook you use (inb4 edgyfags "LOL fuck the system fuck Facebook")? [s4s]. Google? [s4s]. Apple? [s4s]. Microsoft? [s4s]. Every other thing on the planet except for putting words on pictures? [s4s] You follow our elections (inb4 "I don't"; oh, really? You don't know whether face or scrubmaster won?) You watch our movies and television shows. You wear our clothes. You copy our vernacular. You access [s4s] threads. You copy our kek and our froge. You read our books, ponder our art, use our weapons, drive the car which we invented. The 4chan economy is based on [s4s] dubs. Our military maintains bases on your soil. When our King speaks, you listen.

You are ALL [s4s] people.

>> No.7161260

The most cringeworthy thing about that post is that you probably think it was funny.

>> No.7161262

It was funny, fuck you.

>> No.7161266
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>internet is serious buisness

>> No.7161273

If you insist in being annoying and immature, then don't be surprised that people criticize you.

>> No.7161284

/sci/ believes in fairytales like equality of the races/sexes, so no.

/pol/ has to be the smartest just by virtue of being the least delusional.

>> No.7161286
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>getting rustled over maymays on 4chan

shiggy diggy

>> No.7161287

/pol/ is full of reddit manchildren who mistake forced edginess for 4chan culture.

>> No.7161292

Your maymays are unfunny, forced and cringeworthy. Your sense of humor is underdeveloped. Please catch up on approximately 20 years of mental maturity you've been missing while your biological age ran away from your mental age.

>> No.7161304

the most intelligent boards are the ones with the least amount of people posting in them, so either /3/ or /po/

>> No.7161307
File: 25 KB, 265x265, zzz(23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because you get buttmad over memes and then turn around and call me immature.

I guess some people just dont 'get' it.

>> No.7161309

>/pol/ is full of trolls
>they're all faking it

This is the extent of your delusion.

>> No.7161311

/sci/ is at least as stupid as /lit/ but the people here are too autistic to realize that

>> No.7161345

I love memes but yours are shit. You suck at memes. Stupid child.

>> No.7161350


Yeah, nowadays posting retarded shit already qualifies as "trolling".

>> No.7161365


/sci/ should adopt some more board-culture from there.

t. not patronizing at all

>> No.7161368
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1. /g/
2. /sci
last: /b/

>> No.7161369

diy is probably the smartest board.

>> No.7161399

cuck detected

>> No.7161400

>now's my chance to push my ideology!

>> No.7161402

it's a shame really

>> No.7161403

/sci/ and /lit/ are the most educated. /tg/, /biz/ and sometimes /sp/ seem more quick-witted.

>> No.7161404

lol @ the anon getting upset about [s4s]

>> No.7161421

I always thought that /diy/ was the smartest, but that's just my 2 cents.

>> No.7161427
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/pol/ is smartest, they understand the international jewish conspiracy that everyone else ignores.

>> No.7161431

Spot on.
Link to said "profound threads" on archive?


Most threads on /g/ are battlestation threads and "how do i fix this stupid problem". Actual knowledgeable posters are a rare sight. On /sci/ at least there are fewer shit threads like homework and religion threads and these usually get trolled to oblivion.


/lit/ is on par with /sci/ in terms of wit but there is no intelligent material discussed, most of it is just subjective shit, kind of like the endless political "discussions" you get on /pol/.

>> No.7161435

Yeah that's the purpose of the board /pol/

>> No.7161438

It's just a lame board for stupid faggots

>> No.7161446
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>hurr durr I'm retarded
>>"fuck off retard"
>lololol ur so mad

This immaturity is cringeworthy.

>> No.7161481

Actually I do "agree" with them since I'm natsoc.

That doesn't mean the place isn't cancerous. It's filled with underaged retards and mostly resembles /b/.

>> No.7161492

You are not "natsoc". You are a politically illiterate redditor and as soon as anything even remotely "natsoc" was to be implemented, you'd leave your country as quickly as possible because "natsoc" goes against the very right of your existence and against the free speech you enjoy on 4chan.

>> No.7161500

I'm actually active in a natsoc movement so I'm pretty sure I know more about my ideology than you do.

Nazi Germany don't have to be the exact model for the ideology you know. Especially since that was 80 years ago in a completely different world. I'm very supportive of free speech.

>> No.7161512

>I'm actually active in a natsoc movement
>I'm very supportive of free speech.

This is a contradiction. Try somewhere else to be "le edgy", stupid reddit fag.

>> No.7161523

Only the brave and free Americans united under the stripes and the stars can know free speech.

>> No.7161526


>not delusional

I'm sure the Obama-led UN takeover will be any day now

>> No.7161538

I'd say /lang/ is the most intelligent board if it even counts

>> No.7161549

The textboards don't exist anymore. Lurk more, oldfag.

>> No.7161574


The text boards were much more intelligent than the imageboards we have now.

And the USENET newsgroups much more intelligent than the textboards.

It's like a neverending spiral of decline.

>> No.7161637

lit is pretty good when they get to philosophical discussions

>> No.7161643

As the most retarded tripfag you are in no position to judge the intelligence of any board. Go back to jerking off to your "waifu", loser.

>> No.7161795

No, /diy/ is.

>> No.7161810
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>Please catch up on approximately 20 years of mental maturity
>Gets mad at someone for being immature on 4chan

>> No.7161817

There were 4chan newsgroups??!!!

>> No.7161846


>> No.7161849

Who would solve a math problem the fastest?

Criticize and analyze art/literature?
/po/ or /ic/.

/biz/ is shit.
/pol/ is shit.
/b/ as a whole knows much more information, so it could be the most "intelligent."

Most intelligent board on any chan I would say is infinity's /baphomet/.

>> No.7161856

>implying anything on 4chan is intelligent

>> No.7161866

>how does it feel that white women almost always prefer black dick

>> No.7161867

do you really not appreciate the satire?

why even post on 4chan if you can't laugh at yourself

>> No.7161873

Well what do you expect? We're on 4chan, after all

>> No.7161890

Except it's not satire and if you think you're doing satire when posting there then you're confused

>> No.7161903

Only reliable post so far.

>> No.7161937

Fuck off peter

>> No.7162026

It would be amusing if it wasn't so pathetic.

>> No.7162031

>if ur not racist then you want foreigners to sex ur wimins!
This is a shit meme propagated by shit people.

>> No.7162032

then why am I still a virgin?


>> No.7162058

You don't know what that word means do you?

>> No.7162084

Being civil =/= smart, those people are mostly idiots, just because the posts are nice and informative doesn't make the posters intelligent.

>> No.7162092

>Most intelligent board on any chan I would say is infinity's /baphomet/
Honestly, to be perfectly fucking honest? Yes, yes it is. At the very least you can post something witty on it and not have the overwhelming majority of responses be from mouth breathing autists who think everything has to be either sincere or "bait".

>> No.7162143
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>go on /baphomet/ for first time
>muh feminazis
>still mad at moot

>> No.7162148


Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

>> No.7162162
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>103 posts omitted

>> No.7162168

In case you haven't noticed virtually all posts ITT are from crossboarding scum.

>> No.7162193

>virtually all posts ITT are from crossboarding scum.

In other words /sci/ in a nutshell?

>> No.7162199

Honestly I'd say either [s4s] or /qa/ are.

>> No.7162202



As I said, lurk more, oldfag.

>> No.7162205

Intentionally behaving like an annoying child is not "satire". Only shows how you are too immature to understand, let alone create, real satire.

>> No.7162212

Anyone saying /lit/ does not into regular there.

>constant meme author/philosopher shitposting a la jacob barnett
>corn threads
>stem hate shitposting
>christian shitposting
>start with the greeks shitposting
>YA fiction shitposting
>pleb/patrician dick measuring

the list goes on. lit is dead

>> No.7162225


don't think lit was ever good

>> No.7162227

/lit/ has really gone to shit and I stopped going there last year. The Marx circlejerks are disgustingly juvenile and the philosophy threads are nothing but uneducated fedora's quoting wikipedia articles they don't even understand. Actual literature discussion is limited to a handful of accepted meme authors who have daily threads which only consist of praising them and listing names of their works without ever talking about the contents. Any other author stays ignored. In addition the moderation on /lit/ is seemingly arbitrary, occasionally leaving up pure shitposting threads indefinitely while randomly deleting literature threads about authors or books the mod doesn't like.

>> No.7162242
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>browsing during aussie prime time

You get what you deserve, lel.

>stem hate

I don't even

>> No.7162251

All the /pol/ haters are like autistic children.

Yes, I know there are a lot of shit posters. That's alk of 4chan even here.

If you all really get so hurt about recognizing the differences between the races, then you desperately need to rethink your life.

>> No.7162259

/lit/ isn't fast enough to have regional time, few boards are

>> No.7162261

t. aussie

>> No.7162266

Australian shitposting happens on all boards. On /pol/ it is very noteworthy. /lit/ is just so shit that even australians can't make it shittier.

>> No.7162269

Yes aussies are the absolute worst but /lit/ is slow enough that it doesn't matter. It's like rock sedimentation, just ignore and sift through the shit.

>> No.7162294

say what you will but I always found the people of /d/ to be extremely intelligent. Experts in their field, and wonderfully understanding in many affairs.

>> No.7162297


>> No.7162298
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You mean something like this?

>> No.7162299

sayin /sci/ is most intelligent board on 4chan
is like sayin apples are the most intelligent of all fruits

>> No.7162303


Fuck off, 95% of /pol/ can't even into basic statistics and biology. And when they make an attempt to expand beyond those two subjects they find themselves completely out of their element.

Especially with anything related to environmental science and world history.

>> No.7162313

Note of that changes the fact that they're grown men masturbating to drawings of dickgirls.

>> No.7162317

Almost all of those posts I've seen are wrong and the posters never get called out on it, it's clear they aren't Physics majors, but those "self-study" idiots incorrectly applying unrelated equations and principles to try and be funny.

>> No.7162349
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>Would you say /sci/ is the most intelligent board?

>> No.7162355

on average definitely /lit/. You can talk all you want about pseudointellectuals and shitposting, but that goes on here, too. I think more people on /lit/ know what they're talking about when it comes to difficult philosophical concepts than people here do when it comes to math/science. If we look at the top 1%, definitely here, since I know published researchers, postdocs, and multiple top program PhD program students who frequent here. I even know a tenured professor (young tenured professor - under 30. p smart guy) who posts here.

>> No.7162360

>Experts in their field

Sexually perverted comics are an academic field of knowledge now?

>> No.7162363

>I think more people on /lit/ know what they're talking about when it comes to difficult philosophical concepts


/lit/ doesn't know shit about philosophy. They frequently mention names of famous philosophers from their high school history books to appear intellectual but in the end they're nothing more than fedoras quoting wikipedia. /lit/ literally cannot think for themselves. They treat philosophy like some kind of pokemon game. Absolutely disgusting.