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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 187 KB, 310x510, Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 16.23.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7152881 No.7152881 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel, /sci/?

>> No.7152889

It makes me feel dank

>> No.7152915
File: 314 KB, 486x613, 1421028074039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7152922

Lame and gay. This version is much more appealing, visually at least, which is how we learn and store symbolic information:


>> No.7152923

Its clearly the letters of the alphabet converted into numbers in base 7 and then sorted in alphabetical order

>> No.7152932


He messed up with "I". I wonder how he was spelling these, spelling sounds is subjective, that's why my version is better: >>7152922

>> No.7152935

I don't understand. I thought alphabetical meant in the order of the Alphabet, like A-Z.

Am I missing something?

>> No.7152940

aye bee see dee ee eff gee aitsch ai jay kay el em en oh pee cue arr es tee you vee double-you
or something like that
very clever mr. Black Science.

>> No.7152945

it wasn't typed properly, he meant the phoenetics of each letter representing a letter itself, such that A pronounced sounds like AYE and starts with A and H sounds like A so we might say it 'starts' with an A if it were spelled.

Very subjective, you're spelling consonance that start with their own letter like T then some how K comes after T?
how is Tee before Kay?

>> No.7152976


This is a visual/aesthetic ordering. I chose this because humans are primarily visual. Notice how you all were having a hard time figuring out what BSG was saying? That's because he used the sound of the letters to order them.

I chose an ordering system that relied on brush stroke complexity and direction/angle. So:

I = 1 stroke
L T = 2 strokes
F E H = 3 strokes
K = 3 strokes but now with some angles
X V = 2 angled strokes
Y = 3 strokes (not paired with K because of the V pattern from XVYM)
M W = 4 angled strokes/up-down zig zag
A N = complicated strokes, this is where they fit best
U J = 1 looping stroke
P R B = 1 backbone stroke with at least 1 upper semi-circle, evolving towards...
D = 1 backbone stroke and full semicircle
O C G Q = circles w/ variation
S Z = circular motions for S, angled mirroring of S in Z

>> No.7153014
File: 83 KB, 377x377, cleesedissapoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pronouncing H as "aych", not "haych"

>> No.7153016
File: 32 KB, 562x451, Screenshot 2015-03-25 13.45.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanted an ordering for most efficient typing (using the hand positions you were supposed to learn in 1st grade typing class):


Also, I can't think of ANY good reason the letters c, u, and m, are all so close in frequency lol

>> No.7153023

>mfw order of the alphabet changes when you use a different font

>> No.7153029


>> No.7153039
File: 8 KB, 320x320, 28137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7153049

If you're doing things by numbers of lines ("strokes")

It should be

>> No.7153054

The way I look at it, the letter itself is called "aych" and was pronounced as you'd think.
But then times changed and we now pronounce it "haych", but the spelling is the same.

The same goes for "zed". Just because Americans pronounce it "zee" doesn't mean the name of the letter itself has changed.

>> No.7153069

Technically, the name of the letter is hā.

It's the Latin Alphabet. You're using it for the same reason the Germans, Spanish and French, and yes, my fellow Americans use it. Your pronunciation of the letters has no greater bearing on the name of the letter than the German or Spanish.

It's hā, from the Latin.

>> No.7153075

The english alphabet is clearly not the Latin alphabet, otherwise what are these strange meaningless "J" and "U" and "W" characters?

>> No.7153080

You only get to name the letters you invent.

>> No.7153082

Why the fuck did he put Q between B and D?

kjoo? wat?

>> No.7153085

cue you fucking aspie

>> No.7153097

>being this fucking gay

>> No.7153114


>> No.7153121

The real problem with this is that the pronunciation of letter in the english alphabet (as with almost any alphabet) changes with regional variations

Might as well put it in IPA

>> No.7153145
File: 64 KB, 536x406, Screenshot 2015-03-25 14.39.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be onto something, but only if we were allowed to simplify some of the characters. I'm still gonna reorder some things as I test this out.

Did some stroke simplifying tests in pic related. The order of the light blue letters are:

I'm betting I can whittle these down a bit more.

>> No.7153172
File: 551 KB, 346x208, bang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ quiz: JFK blew nymph drags cox

>> No.7153188

What if you ordered by initial stroke direction followed by secondary strok direction
I = top down
J = top down left
L = top down right
C = top down right
D = bottom up right
Z = top left down left
S = top right down right
N = bottom up down right up
Etc etc

>> No.7153283
File: 58 KB, 600x528, 1422205767889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly. I'm thinking this should be ordered as close to
>stroke/symbol difficulty
>how the letter is used (phenomenally)
>direct symbolic-phenome designation

That means all letters are going to be attempted to look how they sound. Like synaesthesia.

I'm also going to try and do what I'm finding out is the "standard 40 essential phenomes".

Wish me luck, I'll try and update a bit with my progress before this thread dies.

>> No.7153298

the "40 phenomes" do not include a lot of sounds available to the human mouth.

"Ch" or "th" just for example aren't really present.

You should work with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet as a purely pronounciation based human sound posability.

>> No.7153354

Well, in portuguese we pronounce z is zee too, that's what I call it in english, zed is retarded.

>> No.7153391

English speaking person 'defining' Latin alphabet. How retarded do you want it to be?

>> No.7153397

How about qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcbvnm

>> No.7153400

slightly confused quickly followed by boredom

>> No.7153476

haych is actually incorrect

like when people say "an history" instead of "a history" to sound intelligent and correct.

or like when people think the plural of octopus is "octopi"

this is especially an epidemic in britbongland, where everyone feels the need to speak the king's, without even a tenuous glance into the relevant linguistics


>> No.7153478

>doesn't know that etymological fallacy is a thing

>> No.7153482

to be clear, "a history" is correct, and "an history" is not.

also the proper pluralization of "octopus" is "octopus" unless you are referring to more than one species, in which case its "octopodes" but given how esoteric the latter is, you might as well consider "octopus" to be the proper interspecial pluralization as well

>> No.7153485

also since i am being really pedantic here, that "Acronym" in the video, is actually an initialism, not an acronym

>> No.7154569

bump to keep alive

>> No.7154599

>haych is actually incorrect
Things like this are only correct or incorrect because someone arbitrarily decreed it to be this way, or because of some stupid tradition no-one wants to get rid of. Like 28 days in February.

If H stands for the voiceless glottal transition in English, then I am going to pronounce the name of the letter with a fucking voiceless glottal transition, and there's nothing you can do to fucking stop me. Plus, keep in perspective how screwed up English is to begin with (through, rough, cough, dough).

Also, fuck you February.

>> No.7154600

What sort of a retard says H with an A sound?

>> No.7154658

This is far better content than I was expecting tbh. GJ guys :^)

>> No.7154668

>What sort of a retard says H with an A sound?

H-how else would you say it?

>> No.7154672


>> No.7155121
File: 110 KB, 820x651, Screenshot 2015-03-26 14.21.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, after working into the night, and finally getting up from konking out and bre'fast and shi, this is what I was able to get done.

I researched into artificial languages even more than my most recent foray sometime around last year. Back then I found out about Bliss and Blissymbols. I had already been constructing a character based language when I found Bliss, but it pushed the project further. I eventually had to put it on the backburner while other work took it's place, but like I said, this thread gave me a reason to pick it up again.

Nevertheless, I did more research yesterday, and low and behold found something that had aspects I had been trying to implement in my own project, a language constructed in the 1800s called Solresol. It combined colors, and the solfege (do re mi fa so la ti). So, I went back to the drawing board.

I started with a few parameters I wanted to try and include:

>symbols that are onomatopoeia
>spoken words that are onomatopoeia
>symbols use chakras (colors + solfege)
>words are animated

The animated bit I thought would make for an interesting future language, where a word would loop it's animation on a page, in an attempt to replicate the "visuals" of how a sound forms.

So, obviously, I started with the vowels. I tried to tweak the solfege to just be able to be represented by vowels, so..
>do, ray, me, fah, so, la, tee
>oo, ay, ee, ah, oh, eh, i

Next came the symbols. As an animator, I know that the vowels make up most of the "essential" mouth shapes (most consonants can be shown as just closed teeth), so I went with symbols that tried to replicate these mouth shapes simply.

I then expanded the basic vowels to include all the (listed) possible vowel sounds, creating new symbols from the base ones by mirroring the shape of the symbol but using the color from the modifier sound.

So now the list goes

>oo, you, ay, ey, (it), ee, ah, (got), ow, uh, eh, oh, (book), (add), (ice)


>> No.7155124
File: 591 KB, 543x727, Screen Shot 2014-02-02 at 8.41.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I wrote up a bunch of ways to alternatively write the vowels from the first two rows. Next is the consonants, but in the meantime I can post the character based language I made last year.

>> No.7155125
File: 525 KB, 543x724, Screen Shot 2014-02-02 at 8.41.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7155130

What a tipper.

I don't mind the guy or his scientific interest, but stunts like this make me wonder if he has autism.

>> No.7155144

You can call it whatever you damn well please, but that doesn't change the name of the letter, which in English is "zed".
The name is not the same as the pronunciation. I mean "double-u" doesn't actually have a 'w' sound anywhere in it.
Likewise, there is no need for "aych" to actually contain a 'h' sound.
Pronouncing it as "haych" has become the norm, whether correct or not. But the letter is still spelled "aych".

>> No.7155160

>A H R B Q D
>B Q D
How do you pronounce "Q"? I thought it was supposed to be pronounced like queue.

>> No.7155165

>using the letter Q to explain how to pronounce the letter Q
Nice recursion m8
It's "cue" btw

>> No.7155171


>> No.7155216

I think he's just trying to "engage with today's youth". Unfortunately, that seems to mean doing stupid shit on the internet.