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File: 54 KB, 620x372, Stephen-Hawking-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7147500 No.7147500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Dr. Stephen Hawking recently warned that the reactivation in March of CERN’s large hadron collider could pose grave dangers to our planet…the ultimate reality check we are warned. Hawking has come straight out and said the ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe” leaving time and space collapsed
Hahahaha wow. He's a bit out of touch, isn't he? His ignorance and obvious lack of knowledge on the subject resembles that of an average Joe. I wonder when he last picked up a physics book? Oh, er... Silly me; he doesn't have time for that. He's too busy licensing movies about himself and appearing on The Big Bang Theory.

He's a novelty these days, not a physicist. I wish he would stop acting like one.

>> No.7147507

this is memeposting until you provide an invalid source.

>> No.7147510

Please fuck off and die. Hawking is a massive media whore but he didn't say that and he knows far more about physics than you could ever dream to.

>> No.7147530

>he knows far more about physics than you could ever dream to
Hysterical. Do you think he has some sort of exclusive magical hat that he pulls scientific knowledge from? I'm sure it seems that way to a layperson such as yourself, but that is, unfortunately ludicrous to the utmost degree. He gets his knowledge on physics from the same place all physicists do, not a magical hat. My apologies, Joe.

>> No.7147591

pretty sure he's been hacked and has no control of what he says anymore

>> No.7147595


Anon confirmed for being better at physics than Hawking.

>> No.7147604


Are you saying you can't criticize Hawking unless you're better than him?

What about when he said we shouldn't send radio waves out into space in case there were life forms we haven't discovered that could hurt us?

People stupidly praised Einstein as much as some of you people, and yet he exclaimed "God doesn't play dice" when he couldn't wrap his head around quantum physics.

>> No.7147607


>> No.7147617

Think of the H.B. like this OP
>bang you have undisturbed spacetime
>then there's gravity making its "rounds(like literally just round things)"
>then there's the higgs boson, and for every round that's out there it's adding another opposite sided round with a little extra tail or snout so to speak that adds to the next peice of matter
What Hawkings is talking about is that the H.B. is such an archaic peice of the Universes technology that it has the potential to add a little to much sway in how mass react's- a good thought to test would be to see if the gravity level drops in the core meeting area, which imo it probably would
But the point being is that as the sombrero effect happens its real effect is right at the edge of the universe and no closer

#edgikated oppinom

>> No.7147620

So I tried to google that paragraph. I found some news sites which can't be said to be legitimate with a straight face, and which seem to quote fox news as their source.

The article by Fox is from February 2nd. Hawking's talking about the vacuum metastability event, which has been considered and found unlikely to the extreme given that observed celestial phenomena produce higher-energy particles.

From what I understand Hawking has probably been interviewed and asked about the risks posed. His answer outlines real potential risks, but what's left out of the screaming headlines is the fact that these risks have next to no chance of materializing. Of course, ''HAWKING SAYS LHC COULD DESTROY UNIVERSE'' gets more clicks than ''HAWKING SAYS LHC HAS A THEORETICAL BUT PRACTICALLY NONEXISTENT PROBABILITY OF TRIGGERING METASTABILITY EVENT''.

TL;DR: Can't tell one way or another with these dank sources you've provided me with but my money is on media being shit-tastic

>> No.7147627


>Are you saying you can't criticize Hawking unless you're better than him?

>What about when he said we shouldn't send radio waves out into space in case there were life forms we haven't discovered that could hurt us?
It's a theoretical risk which people should be aware of. Practical risk is hard to calculate but most would put it near zero. Similar to the stuff in OP.

>People stupidly praised Einstein
Einstein may be overrated (simply because he's basically THE genius for most people), but his work sure is praiseworthy. It's one thing not understanding quantum physics when it's spelled out to you and another thing to not understand it when it's still being discovered.

>> No.7147633

Perhaps anon is Hawking's teacher or Hawking himself.
Who the fuck are you to think ad hominum is valid on /sci/?

>> No.7147636

BREAKING NEW: OP bashes popular scientist while in his basement wondering what went wrong with his life.

>> No.7147640

everybody calm the hell down

the news took a quote way out of context, big whoop

>> No.7147642

>Who the fuck are you to think ad hominum is valid on /sci/?

Insulting your opponent is a staple of every argument on 4chan.

It's spelled ad hominem btw.

>> No.7147648

I'm not OP and I'm not familiar with this subject so can you explain to me what you mean by "round"?

>> No.7147704

Well as a particle carrying mass is traveling its breaching new space; now this is complicated enough but I like to picture it as a couple of very close breasts where in the crevice halfs of the breasts are constantly multiplying and multplying again in half and then half of that and half of that ever further into the crevice and further crevices formed(so not full tits just the half and then half that etcs) now the origional tits are where the higgs boson lays, these precious things are encountering unaltered space in front of them- this is where the speed and position are measured, BUT! The nipples are what can be looked at as a vendiagram of two circles and these two circles are basically the mass interval and the particle energy now these things are dipping into the slipstream of the nipple and comming in contact with the unaltered space(the middle of the vendiagram); as you can see when I mean "rounds" I mean a constant expression of what would seem on the outside to be deteriorating spin but infact is just the wake inside and behind the particle

>muh fractals

>> No.7147706


>It's a theoretical risk which people should be aware of. Practical risk is hard to calculate but most would put it near zero. Similar to the stuff in OP.


The Earth is only as old as a fraction of the universe. To say that life didn't evolve elsewhere is pretty close-minded enough, but to say that intelligent life didn't evolve elsewhere is even more ridiculous. The universe is a pretty chaotic (not in a bad way) place.

>> No.7147711

Are you really doing this shit? Let's have a legitimate discussion without you guys telling people to surpass Stephen fucking Hawking in order to make a valid point or to criticize him.

>> No.7147717

Look chum, this thread is shit. OP's quote is garbage.

What Stephen Hawking has said is that a metastable higgs could destroy the universe, and to make a metastable higgs would take an accelerator larger than the planet.

He has defended the LHC as safe (for the planet, nobody who knows much about it thinks it's totally safe for the people working on it; they've already had an explosion in the cooling system) and important.

>> No.7147718


But anyway, to clarify, higgs alone creates extra energy that hyjacks the natural deterioration of infinitesimal space

>> No.7147755

> Do you think he has some sort of exclusive magical hat that he pulls scientific knowledge from?
No, he is a genuinely talented relativist.

And no, I'm a PhD student. I'm quite sure I know far more about Hawking's work than you. In fact your sole criticism is a childish stawman, nothing about his work.

>> No.7147760

That's meaningless technobabble and not how you spell hijack.

>> No.7147770

Its clear with multiple diagrams sorry if you cant identify easily, also, Canadian spelling eh bro

>> No.7147818
File: 45 KB, 475x474, 1427056850398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I laugh so hard at this?

>> No.7147821

>meaningless technobabble

You really don't science often do you?

>> No.7147824

R we going to have 6 more weeks of winter, also?

>> No.7147846

I like how Hawking is just now fucking with the media.
Look at how smug he is.

>> No.7147853

wtf are you talking about

>> No.7147859

But the condition 'intelligent life didn't evolve elsewhere' is an extension of the condition 'life didn't evolve elsewhere', how can the latter be more restrictive than the other when it has an extension which is the other?

>> No.7147887

that's just how his face looks

>> No.7147905

Do you not believe that in our massive ever expanding universe that their more intelligent more aggressive life forms than us that could potentially hurt us

>> No.7147922
File: 34 KB, 300x240, roulette_wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Einstein exclaimed "God doesn't play dice"
everybody knows God plays roulette

>> No.7147964

>No, he is a genuinely talented relativist
I apologize for being the one to do this, friend, but you need to learn the truth: Stephen Hawking is a normal human being. He does not know something that other physicists don't. It's as simple as that. He doesn't have a magical hat, he doesn't carry Saint Nick's sack, nor does he withhold information from other physicists that he obtained from a book he found in an ancient, buried time capsule while planting cherry seeds. I don't know how long it will take for you to get this through what is clearly a very, very thick skull in your ownership, but I wish you luck. Judging by the next sentence in your post, I'm sure you're screaming "STRAW MAN STRAW MAN STRAW MAN" in your head right about now, and I hope you get that checked out. Constantly expressing exhuberance over absurd fallacy misidentifications can't be healthy, and I wish you luck on your struggle. But, seeing as you like to childishly point out fallacies whenever you see one, what fun would this be if I didn't play along? Come on, it'll be fun! Let's see here... Appeal to authority, ad hominem, argument from fallacy, an unwarranted assumption... Gee, this sure is fun. What was the argument again? Oh, right, there isn't one. You were calling foul on an accused fallacy that was expressed outside of a debate. What a brilliant misuse- it goes well with the brilliant post I just wasted my time replying to.

Good luck on your PhD, friend. Really. But try using your degree as a source of claimed authority once you actually get it. It's puerile otherwise (although, honestly, it's puerile either way, so please try to avoid doing it any further if you can help it).

>> No.7147986
File: 192 KB, 504x504, cool-story-bro-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Stephen Hawking recently warned that the reactivation in March of CERN’s large hadron collider could pose grave dangers to our planet…the ultimate reality check we are warned. Hawking has come straight out and said the ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe” leaving time and space collapsed

>> No.7147995

Hawking is the invalid source.

>> No.7148009

>He does not know something that other physicists don't

Where was that claimed? Anon said Hawking is simply a talented relativist and you go off on a tangential rant about how he isn't the holder of humanity's wisdom. Well, no shit, but nobody claimed that.

>Stephen Hawking is a normal human being

Not really. Although this is just being a bit pedantic so we'll let that slide.

>> No.7148030


Yeah.... maybe someone else better explain.

>> No.7148033

Just realized he went full retard there.

>> No.7148060

i like how people are freaking out about creating a black hole

even tho they appear and disappear in a vacuum every second

a black hole would disappear it wouldnt even be able to sustain itself

>> No.7148067


Vacuum metastability event, not a black hole.

>> No.7148087 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 500x491, 24601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the full context is of how infinitesimal wave lengths are breaching relatively 'unaltered' space much faster than the whole particle, kind of like a shell

but I'm almost positive that thats been thought up like a million times

Aaaannnnnd by
>muh fractals
I mean
>basically, is that reality is a fractal, but not like triangles and swirls, but a concept fractal- where the velocity is maintained by the concurrence of new elements blending with the old; as to say that every new element of structure, events/scenarios, are ever coming into existance by the sheer gravity of the environments inquiry to the background structure of gravity, or pure space or the blank enviroment, of what a conventional fractal would look like

>> No.7148091

Well the full context is of how infinitesimal wave lengths are breaching relatively 'unaltered' space much faster than the whole particle, kind of like a shell, but that the higgs boson in a real time full exposure could create rather drastic fluxs

but I'm almost positive that thats been thought up like a million times

Aaaannnnnd by
>muh fractals
I mean
>basically, is that reality is a fractal, but not like triangles and swirls, but a concept fractal- where the velocity is maintained by the concurrence of new elements blending with the old; as to say that every new element of structure, events/scenarios, are ever coming into existance by the sheer gravity of the environments inquiry to the background structure of gravity, or pure space or the blank enviroment, of what a conventional fractal would look like

annnnnd what I mean by all that is
>muh wormholes

Also, read the whole thing, some assembly required

>> No.7148365

I would actually love to see the higgs boson used to accelerate that field, like 100% chance those mass bearing particles will piggy back