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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 291x300, 00000065-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7144810 No.7144810 [Reply] [Original]

>those fucking armchair scientists in the comments

>> No.7144825

>"science is so wrong after 1900."


>> No.7144877
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>> No.7144890

faggots. the lot of them

>> No.7144942

lmao at Tedbears comments, dude sounds schizophrenic. Is it you OP as a joke?

>> No.7144945

60s, all over again, that loop

>> No.7144959

>implying everyone on /sci/ isn't just like them
We're all armchair scientists, mate. Best to acknowledge this.

>> No.7144962

At least we respect science

>> No.7145452

>the vast majority of people on /sci/ have never been published

Top pleb

>> No.7145510


>tfw not one currently unredacted publication

>> No.7145704

>New Atheists thinking the Darwinist era is the be-all end-all of our science

top plop

>> No.7145772

>complaining about armchair scientists on /sci/

>the irony

>> No.7145813

I'm going to be a coauthor on a paper pretty soon..

>> No.7145821

Except some people here have a publication record and are paid to do research. Not nearly the majority, but we do exist.

>> No.7145861


This is why democracy is a bad system of government.

>> No.7145871

>“Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions."

Honestly though, why do scientists say this?

There is no such thing as 2D or 1D in our our universe. Paper has height. Everything has 3 dimensions. All other dimensions are, while theoretically "real", completely abstract.

>> No.7145876

Yes, but you still have got an armchair, haven't you?

>> No.7145882

Because it's an analogy designed to explain abstract concepts to retards.

How do you use an analogy to explain what an analogy is to someone who can't recognize analogies?

What word would you use to describe said person?

>> No.7145884

I have a questrion.

What's an analogy?

>> No.7145885

Basically this: >>7145882
People understand the concept of 2D quite well. It's even possible to have an intuitive abstract visualization of 4D and beyond, it just isn't commonplace

>> No.7145889

True. I just find it annoying how said retards then go on to make stupid assumptions and insights based on those extremely simplified analogies instead of doing further research on the subject, especially when the subject is something as theoretical as dimensions.

Nowadays, everyone thinks they know what dimensions really are, it's become a buzzword.

>> No.7145890


I don't know.

>> No.7145892

>A black holes' gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape. How do they think they can contain something with that kind of force. If this is true and they actually succeed in this venture, I hope I'm alive next week, or month. I hope we all are.

>> No.7145912

No, I don't; I have an overstuffed couch and a couple of office chairs.

>> No.7145923
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>Ted I think it's a little more than smashing two bricks together!, I will take it that your not a scientist or physicist so forgive me if I take your reassuring words of platitude with a pinch of salt, I am no scientist myself but I would think that millions of Atoms smashing into each other is a tad more dangerous than smashing a couple of bricks together not to mention opening up black holes (however small) and ripping open other dimensions (if only theoretical) I would think is very potentially dangerous, also the money that is being thrown at this project (to prove a theory ?) would warrant some pondering of thought as to the real reason for the research, but saying all that Ted I can only say I hope your right and nothing does go wrong with it, now or in the future, because if it does we may not be around to say" I told you so!"
> I am no scientist myself but I would think that millions of Atoms smashing into each other is a tad more dangerous than smashing a couple of bricks together
>millions of Atoms smashing into each other is a tad more dangerous than smashing a couple of bricks together
Jesus Christ.

>> No.7148002
File: 236 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-03-22-22-30-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comments are glorious sheeple/wanna be red pill /pol/ shit


>> No.7148005
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>> No.7149184

I must be in some parallel dimension right now because I don't see any comments on this and I cant find any

>> No.7149192
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>> No.7149212
File: 50 KB, 277x1191, 277px-The_Hive_Commisar_by_DemonMads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if this experiment opens a portal to the warp?

>> No.7149225
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 130022473743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search for cern in youtube

>full of videos on how cern is illuminati, evil, is going to open portals to other dimensions and let demons out.

t-thanks America

>> No.7149241

>Americans (i.e. CERN)

>> No.7149261

..I don't feel very well

>> No.7149284

CERN at least produces a result. I would rather "waste" money on CERN than ACTUALLY waste money on welfare programs for ungrateful fuckwit apes who hate me anyway because my skin isn't the colour of shit.

>> No.7149308
File: 36 KB, 540x647, uthoughtsciwasbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dimensions. dimensions everywhere.
On a totally unrelated note, my country is just now passing bills to democratize fundamental research, meaning the public is going to have a big say in the direction of academic research.

>> No.7149314

/pol/onium-284 detected.

>> No.7149436
File: 12 KB, 243x107, orz_01[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how we bring the Orz to us?

>> No.7149468



>> No.7149473


What if I told you that most welfare recipients are white?

>> No.7149476

because most people in the country are white?

>> No.7149478

Nobody knows. It's one of science's greatest unsolved mysteries.

>> No.7149484

>paying to give away your ideas for free
>trying so hard to get acknowledged


How's that math PhD going?

>> No.7149486

but they just want to party with *special sauce*

>> No.7149657

What if I told you you were a dumbass fuckwit and that a very sizable percentage of the black population not only is on domestic aid programs, but HATES the living FUCK out of whites.

If you don't like my power level, get out of the thread.

>> No.7149671

With all the creepyness and hints of the Orz being more powerful and sinister than they appeared, I was disappointed that they were wiped out in the death march just as easily as all the other races. Same with the Arilou.

>> No.7149691

which country?

>> No.7149828
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I'm more expecting that squid from Watchmen.

>> No.7149884

So... Are they serious?

>> No.7149975

Anyone actually have credible source? did anyone at cern actually announce this?

>> No.7150119
File: 175 KB, 382x596, 1423334993723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
What the actual fuck.

>> No.7150270

>What if a disease from this other dimension that the parallel view as the common cold leaks into our universe and causes a plague.

>> No.7150280

Overpopulation solved.

>> No.7150310

only black hole i wanna see is a hole that we put all the blacks into

>> No.7150325
File: 99 KB, 640x640, 10995165_785605094869745_1279545269_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a trip to detroit
ba da bing
i'll be here all week

>> No.7150340


>> No.7150355

I fucking hope not.
Those crazy fucks have wiped out species before, and they'll probably do it again

>> No.7150361

I thought they lived in that whacky alternate dimension or whatever.
How'd the death march reach them?

>> No.7150377

lol sounds like you hate them even more
>'ungrateful fuckwit apes who hate me anyway because my skin isn't the colour of shit'
you do sound kinda butthurt, dont you?

>> No.7150380
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It doesn't surprise me that there is a large volume of these videos.
The positive ratings and comments are really fucking with me.

>> No.7150684
File: 101 KB, 800x600, cern_shiva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH that's what they get for using a religious statue.
*tips fedora*

>> No.7150695

What do you expect? The people that think they have a good understanding of how things work are the ones that tend to talk as if they know what theyre talking about, while the ones that know their shit also know that, even though they know way more than the average person, they also know that they understand very little about it, so stick to learning more about their field of choice. The people int eh comment section are the former, they believe they know enough to chip in, or maybe just feel that theyre entitled to an opinion.

>> No.7150701

They say that part of becoming smarter is understanding your own stupidity.
I can't even comprehend these dumb fucks' stupidity for them.

>> No.7150751

>If you don't understand advanced physics you are a retard


>> No.7150755

Fucker probably half his paycheque on football tickets yet he bitches about physics research not being given to starving kids in africa.

>> No.7150793


If what you find there doesn't disgust and horrify you, there is something wrong with you.

>> No.7150925
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>> No.7150985
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>> No.7151016

>if matter's compressibility is 1/10^10, atom's compressibility is less than 1/10^10.

>which means electron cannot be pushed into atom radius. so it is impossible for an electron to move toward nucleus, electron can only move on the surface of the atom ball, or away from atom radius.

>all fit observation.

>qm suggests atom is 99.99% empty space is obviously wrong.

Holy shit, get this guy published

>> No.7151024

>if energy is conserve, matter is conserve, charge is conserve.

>how could electron emits photons? how many rounds of photon can an electron carry?

>if photon is a real thing, when it passes water, it slows down, lose some energy, than comes out water, how could it gain energy and move faster?

This is unreal

>> No.7151034

What would happen if i stood inside the LHC and they fired the proton beams? Would i get atomised or would i get superpowers?

>> No.7151039

I'm not. I'm a maths student.

>> No.7151252

you'd get superpowers but also die instantly

>> No.7151267

>Would i get atomised or would i get superpowers?

Neither, sadly.


>> No.7151274

the netherlands

>> No.7151281

it's a base move.

>> No.7151380

ProtonMan! With the power to die from doing stupid shit!
You guys know if Marvel has an opening?

>> No.7151390
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>there are real people on this plane of existence that believe this and yet use 20th century technology daily

>> No.7151410

>ouroborus is satan

>> No.7151445
File: 16 KB, 125x125, bangbangbang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, it's everyone in the comment section

>> No.7151844

If you don't realize paper has some sort of 3rd dimension then you aren't worth my time.

>> No.7151871

inb4 article is posted on the following Wednesday
inb4 APRIL FOOLS! is the entire article's text

>> No.7152200

If parallel universes exist, how come there isn't a parallel universe where an event has happened that caused ALL universes to be destroyed??

>> No.7152215


Checkmate atheists.

>> No.7152458

>Because it's an analogy designed to explain abstract concepts to retards.
It makes it even more confusing though.

>> No.7152462

holy FUCK

>> No.7152474

Because there's an infinite amount of universes. So an infinite amount have been affected by cross-universe destruction, and an infinite amount have not.

>> No.7152476

>If parallel universes exist, how come there isn't a parallel universe where an event has happened that caused ALL universes to be destroyed??

Because such an event is impossible, obviously.

>> No.7152484

Holy fuck you are as retarded as the Youtube religious retards. YOu dumb fuck. By parallel universe the theory means a literal other universe in a higher dimension, not the "multiverse theory".