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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7143144 No.7143144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who /clubbing/ here?

It's Friday. Forget your math homework, nerds. Let's hit the club and bang sluts.

>> No.7143153

No, no, maybe, from behind, no.

>> No.7143155
File: 574 KB, 516x697, sex_tonight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually do both at once.

>> No.7143158


>> No.7143161


I don't go out with girls. I bully them with my math skills. Like all the people in the video.

>> No.7143392

not even once

>> No.7143397

y-you too

>> No.7143406

>Forget your math homework
>implying that's possible

>> No.7143409

Beastiality is still illegal

>> No.7143428

I dont get why people like clubs. Loud, smelly, shitty music and the dancing is barely dancing. I guess its just an excuse to get drunk.

>> No.7143436

They are marketplaces for casual sex.

Better to stay home and do some measure theory.

>> No.7143438

drinking is immoral, and I prefer meaningful companionship. no thanks

>> No.7143440

the thing is I WANT to do homework

>> No.7143442
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drinking is immoral, I for one get all my liquids with an IV straight to the veins

>> No.7143443

Did Andrew Wiles go clubbing during his proof of Fermat's last theorem.....?

I don't THINK SO.

>> No.7143450

I know that you know I mean drinking alcohol you buttface

>> No.7143466

I don't like clubs and the whole culture repulses me. It's so blatant and blunt, I don't know. That just goes completely against my nature, so I can't enjoy myself in clubs at all. I've rarely been to clubs but whenever I was, it was pure suffering. Plus, I don't drink alcohol at all (I have actual problems stopping once I started). I guess people who go there are really looking for casual sex too. I don't like casual sex at all. The only occasion where it happened in my life is a pretty awkward memory of mine. Not the sex itself, but rather the next day was just weird. I don't think I can deal with the whole letting go thing. I can't really have sex without investing emotionally. And sex itself is not really enough reward for that. Maybe I'm just not "manly" enough or something. That's okay, I can live with that. I don't identify with male attitudes anyway.

Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.7143471

Where do you think he found the proof? Fermat left it sprawled in some toilet cubical.

>> No.7143476

With the exception of Joe, who was a total cunt, the rest of the kids seemed pretty nice. They all hated Joe and talked shit about him, but that was due to him being a total cunt.

>> No.7143481 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7143483
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Clubbing is haram

>> No.7143494


I'm not going to get a D in Real Analysis because I gave my D to a female

>> No.7143508

It's jos. His name is Jos Gibbons.

>> No.7143511

Quick /sci/ i need pick up lines involving abstract mathematics and physics

>> No.7143519

The bar scene is pretty big around here. Most of the girls at the club these days came with guys/just want to dance and will stop their friends from going home with someone cuz they're "protecting them".

Bars still have loud music but most the time a friendly smile and a hello will atleast get your foot in the door

>> No.7143522
File: 38 KB, 500x500, snoopworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck clubbing, I'm going to the MTG prerelease tonight nigga

>> No.7143549


my dick is not dependent on a coordinate system, since you got it all tense

>> No.7143618

Nice dubs, totally agree, this thread triggered me.

>> No.7143857
File: 10 KB, 274x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one shot of vodka soaked in a tampon will get you wasted as fuck

you heard it here first

>> No.7143868

Where did you get that photo? Uglyclubbing.com?

>> No.7143869
File: 556 KB, 512x512, 1423028034208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT MY FIRST /SCI/ BRO THREAD!! Every other board has bro threads but I never see them on /sci/ math bros

>> No.7143870

Well duh, those people in pic related were already clubbed.

Kidding.They're okay.

>> No.7143872

Also, the redhead's actually pretty cute.

>> No.7143881

> Ah finally some space to write this down.