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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7142063 No.7142063 [Reply] [Original]

I usually stick to my kind on /k/ but I am trying to better myself so please don't shun me, I'm studying ENR101 (covers precal and foundation maths) I cannot retain any info that I read or even anything that I practice, what can I try or do differently to get it to stick? I've heard that if you can find a way to relate to the material it is easier to learn . . . how do you relate to mathematics?

>> No.7142219

Practice, practice and more practice. You could try drawing graphs for trig problems, helped me a bit when I was learning it. Practice is most important though, it will sink in eventually.

>> No.7143903

so just keep doing problems and reading about it?

>> No.7143998
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worked for me

>> No.7143999

You fucking got it

>> No.7144041

How can I do that more effectively though? right now I read and watch lectures and youtube stuff but I just get nothing out of it, are practice problems THAT important?

>> No.7144046

different people different approaches

/sci/ has a bias- people here either can do math and can't understand why other people can't do math, or people here can't do math and also don't understand how others can.

imagine the movie good will hunting- some people know how to 'play'

if you can't play, it's not a big deal (here it is) you just have to find your stride in understanding how an operation works.

for me, downloading a graphing calculator and fucking around has helped tremendously

>> No.7144054

Thanks /sci/ guy lol (one day I will learn I'm not funny but that day is NOT today . . . because it's night time lol) sorry about that sometimes I think I'm funny . . . I'll give faffing about on graphing calculator a try I'm interested in finding out how to relate to what I am learning and also learning the why's associated with mathematics e.g. as well as what can I use this stuff for .