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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7135055 No.7135055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many of you /sci/entists believe in God?
>inb4 this thread again
I'm just curious, and I don't frequent this board very often, so please forgive a shit-storm if one ensues.

>> No.7135056

this thread again

>> No.7135060
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>> No.7135067
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>> No.7135100

op here

sorry guys.

>> No.7135154

Mormonism and Islam need to switch places.

>> No.7135253
File: 463 KB, 581x332, get-thee-back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe in
... has nothing to do with /sci/ence, as it is the superstitious way of dealing with ignorance, e.g. "God diddit".

>> No.7135259

Being a scientist and deist is a paradox.

>> No.7135261

People belive in God because they lack of knowledge. There is no other reason.

>> No.7135269

I'm studying science at uni and I believe in God. It's a personal belief though, I'm not religous.

>> No.7135281

>as it is the superstitious way of dealing with ignorance

I'm not religious because ... strawman. Damn, i be so smarts.

>> No.7135289
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>People disagree with me because they lack knowledge. There is no other reason.

Atheist logic

>> No.7135689

Religion is one of mankind's greatest trolls, how do you prove a god doesn't exist?

>> No.7135710

I believe in god. More of a comforting thought than anything.

>> No.7135711

When did he ignore Christian arguments? That would be retarded of him lol

>> No.7136255


Yes I do tend to ignore people who have already decided on their answer and are looking for a proof for emotional reasons.

>> No.7136259


It's not even that I haven't read them, I have formally studied religious philosophy alongside my physics degree but it's at the point where I just can't be bothered anymore.

>> No.7136315

you have also decided on your answers
so have i
i would never discuss religion with a religious person, i cannot change their mind and they sure as hell cant change mine

>> No.7136323
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the thread

>> No.7136329
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>> No.7136339

I'm both

>> No.7136343

the same way you would prove that there is no teapot that orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars
you can't

>> No.7136357

I'm a solipsist so take that as you will.

>> No.7136361

i think you got it the other way around
it is you who doesnt exist
i am the one who does

>> No.7136367

Polls usually show about 60% atheist and 40% some weird dualism or another, there's a lot of people who claim to be "Buddhists" etc. for example, but they're just being edgy and don't really know much about it past the very basics, about 10% have one of the abrahamic religion, including deism etc.

This includes fields we don't really consider scientists. Physics tends to be 90%+ atheist in most polls.

>> No.7136373

I approve of this

>> No.7136377

Nice try, p-zombie!

>> No.7136382

I convinced my creationist boss that evolution was actually true.

Took a lot of long conversations over lunch, but it's possible.

>> No.7136418
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why the fuck would you bother changing your bosses minds?
maybe they just told you they accept it so you'd shut the fuck up?

>fields we don't really consider scientists
lol, do you mean biology (don't get me wrong, i respect biology, it is just that /sci/ sometimes don't) or does the list go as low as political science or someshit

>> No.7136433

Let's just say it goes lower than biology...

>> No.7136444

>how many of you /sci/entists believe in God?

How could I possibly do that, when the 100% lack of evidence so compellingly says that such a being just doesn't exist?

How could any scientist or even a /sci/entist claim to believe in the methods of science, evidence and rationality, and then turn around and claim to believe in the reality-connected existence of a Giant Astral Aelf?

>> No.7136491

god is real, dubs/trips confirms it

what is considered science anyway?
physics, chemistry, biology... ?
can there ever be anything else?

>> No.7136503

>what is considered science anyway?
Not this thread, saged, reported, called triumvirate of noots, etc.

>> No.7136819

I'm an atheist and anti-theist. Come at me

>> No.7136829

I believe death is just a door, and what lies beyond Ill bravely go towards it just like I have always done in life.

>> No.7136889

Religion is a virus ingrained in our collective pool of knowledge (memes).
It's propagated via strings of language and has real world effects on cognition and behaviour in those infected. Nukes are the only answer.

>> No.7136903

>when the 100% lack of evidence so compellingly says that such a being just doesn't exist?
Because that's not how evidence or science works. You could say there is absolutely no evidence toward the existence of such a being. You could say there is no logical argument for such a being to exist. You could say current physical models of reality have zero requirement for such a being to exist. But that's as far as you can go with positivism.

>> No.7136944

i find it impossible to hold such a baseless belief myself, and find religion to be kind of stupid (no offense). if there is a god, sheepfuckers from 2000 year ago didn't know it any better than we do.
with that being said, we have no evidence to prove god DOESN'T exist and religion is interesting from a cultural perspective (although from a psychological perspective it's really just a crutch) so i'm not super opposed to it like certain atheists.
tl;dr: accepting religious beliefs at face value is stupid as shit but it's not like anyone knows any better anyways

>> No.7137035

Sorry may I just slant my fedora for a moment here but
- There is just as much evidence for God as they're is Zombie unicorns on Venus
- The only reason people think he might exist is because a bunch old men wrote a book riddled with contradictions and unsubstantiated claims saying he does and for everyone to believe them despite 90% of what's written has been scientifically and historically disproven to have ever happened including the existence of Jesus
- There are hundreds of different books to follow depending on where you were born, but everyone's convinced theirs is right and everyone else is wrong
- Apparently the whole universe was created for us, despite our species only existing for about 10,000 years of the roughly 13,800,000,000 year long existence of the universe
- The suggested God is a sadistic monster who created a world plagued with suffering and planned for most of the population to not know anything about him, and subjects them to eternal damnation for such
- Designs everything in the universe perfectly to suggest he doesn't exist
- Us being a certain species of ape consumed with desire for comfort and answers, apparently choose to believe in him because we're convinced of the non-existent evidence, rather than just nobly confess and accept the reality that we want comfort and answers but have neither
- People can't just embrace the truth that everything has and will always occur by natural means that we can understand and explain, not yet, but eventually through rigorous work, we don't need to lower ourselves and resort to magic, that would just unnecessarily complicate things
Great see, now jump onboard and you're free to not feel bad about touching your dick

>> No.7137077

No you won't. You'll be dead.

>> No.7137079

Therefore there is no reason to believe in God. That's all you need. Believing in God is just as silly as believing in unicorns.

>> No.7137090
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I for one can call myself an agnostic. Science operates off of systems of evidence and until sufficient evidence is provided to account for the existence of such a being I cannot say firmly such a being exists or doesn't exist. And no, I don't count the bible as a credible source of evidence because we cannot say for sure any of the stories in the bible actually happened... Faith is the only thing a credible scientist can use as an excuse for a God or Gods. But, why should it matter? What distinguishes a person from being a person if they believe in a God or not? What makes them any different? Instead of focusing on the afterlife we should be focusing on more trivial subjects like cancer and world hunger or whatever seems more important.

>> No.7137104
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>Representative of religious people

pick one

>> No.7137107

You can think of G_d as a conscious being or you can think of him as a fate. Despite the massive improbability of it you are in your current position. You owe almost everything to this blind luck. One day it could all be taken away from you in an instant. Surruedering to the randomness and hoping that by living an ascetic life you will at least be able to build something before it is all taken away from you is all you can hope for.

>> No.7137110

>world hunger
You're right.

>> No.7137117

I don't believe in anything, including the absence of god.

>> No.7137118

I believe in a higher power, but my feelings about it are more akin to a universal energy and consciousness rather than a single figure.

I believe the universe (and any multiverses) are connected through some force, like an oversoul, but I highly doubt it's consciously aware of itself. I think that humans, when they die, lose consciousness and join that overarching force.

I have no proof or anything, but those are my thoughts on spiritual things.

>> No.7137120
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>> No.7137130

I am not trying to disprove a god, or the god, or gods, or anything spiritual at all. Being Atheist doesn't mean you can't believe in the supernatural, all it means is that you don't believe in a god. Their are plenty of atheists out there who believe in the paranormal but don't or can't believe in a god because of lack of evidence. Believe in what you want, I don't care, science can't disprove the supernatural anyway.

>> No.7137139

Wow they look vaguely alike, just like most other things, and that has such staggering implications

>> No.7137141
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>when the 100% lack of evidence so compellingly

And millions of witnesses, photographs, and video evidence is to be thrown out why?


>> No.7137143

And no, I don't believe that we are all the product of chance. However, I follow the evidence, even if it leads me somewhere I don't like or wouldn't want to be true. Reality is reality regardless of what I believe in. But I can't say their is a god simply because their is no evidence for him, yet, nor can I say he exists for the lack of evidence he provides. (or doesn't provide)It's sort of paradoxical but I hope you get my meaning.

>> No.7137152

Hey guys did you know that every single study ever conducted on the issue has found religious people to be less intelligent than atheists? What a coincidence

>> No.7137153

Post them or you're a faggot.
Convince people with conclusive evidence or leave.

>> No.7137157

>And millions of witnesses, photographs, and video evidence is to be thrown out why?
>millions of witnesses, photographs, and video evidence
Le failed /sci/ troll attempt

>> No.7137158

I do.

>> No.7137161

That doesn't come at a surprise to me at all. Religious people have little care for science unless it helps prove their dogma. Otherwise, they reject completely. The theory of evolution(incoming flame war) is a perfect example of how people reject evidence and science to protect their faith.

>> No.7137174

You're retarded at best.

>> No.7137178

>methods of science

Are you in middle school?

>> No.7137186
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10,000+ witnesses in atheist Portugal

>> No.7137189

Why would God allow any dispute over his existence if he expects people to believe? If there was any time he provided an unambiguous sign like what you're suggesting happened in Portugal, why wouldn't he just do the same for every country all the time? Does he only want idiots to believe in him?

>> No.7137190


closer to 30,000 to 100,000 people

>> No.7137196

Hahahahahahah are you fucking kidding me
1. Portugal is 80% Catholic
2. All those people are looking at the sun, I'm not even kidding look it up
3. The "religious event" was experienced by exclusively 3 kids and everyone just took that as gospel
4. If you don't laugh this off as rubbish you are clinically retarded

>> No.7137198

So why no pictures of God if the photographer took all those pictures of the people?

>hurr durr if yuh stare long enough at the sun ya see Jesus hyuck!

>> No.7137205

>Why doesn't god spoonfeed me while giving me a hand job? Expecting me to read and do research on my own, where does he get off!


>> No.7137218

>1. Portugal is 80% Catholic

Learn some history retard:


>> No.7137219

Why does God allow all these different religions to lay claim to being the true religion when only one of them can be? Why would God let all those Arabs, Indians, and Asians be deceived just because they were born in the wrong place. If God was so perfect, wouldn't his true nature be undeniable and obvious? If God does not want most people to believe in him and follow his laws, I can only oblige.

>> No.7137237
File: 136 KB, 333x502, Zeitoun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1,000,000+ witnesses, photos, and videos of Mary seen by countless Muhammadans that were planning a pogroms of Christians just prior.

>> No.7137245

There's no video and the photo is clearly doctored.

>> No.7137247

>countless Muhammadans that were planning a pogroms of Christians just prior.
And if you believe that, I've got a horse to sell you.

>> No.7137256


>> No.7137258

Wow, what a coincidence that the Virgin Mary looks just like the medieval depiction with its caricature of a halo. The idea of the halo was not a disc behind the head but an aura of light extending out from the head. The disc is just a symbol representing this, not what it should actually look like.

>> No.7137262

>billions of people are idiots
>not being an idiot yourself
>get with the program son

>> No.7137279

Message is correct but why is a Jew obsessing over the Bible? They only like the first part.

>> No.7137286

>You can think of G_d as a conscious being or you can think of him as a fate.

What kind of bullshit is 'G_d'? I get that Jews like to apply more significance to the word itself, but holy shit everyone knows what you're saying. How can you restrict spelling out the word 'God' when both in your mind and in context that's exactly what you're writing? What's the fucking difference?

I like Jews and I like their culture, but this shit bugs me. It's the Jewish equivalent of an unnecessary trigger warning.

>> No.7137308

Free will. God wants the smart ones that can find and recognize the truth. Otherwise he would make us all slaves from the get-go.

If you want to be one of the stupid ones thrown away and remain ignorant, fine by me.

>> No.7137314
File: 78 KB, 500x479, sci in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there was nothing. This nothing exploded. This explosion then created the entire universe putting everything in place. Really smart explosion. Then as if that wasnt enough, Mr explosion went ahead to create life forms. It must have been a very creative explosion. These life forms then evolved into others until humans were made. Is this in a nutshell what the big bang is? So something went BANG and molded the planets into shape. Set up the epic solar system, created, decided that planet earth should be most suitable for life forms. Of course this explosion created the sun so behold there was day and night. After that animals were created. These animals then evolved into us but we cannot continue the evolution process only the scientist know. If this is how the universe was created, then believing in a God is not such a bad thing afterall. Did i forget to mention the explosion also created time and set up all the systems in the body? I also forgot to mention it decided the distances between the planets and the sun, placed them in orbits, created the ozone layer cos it just knew how destructive ultraviolet rays are. It also decided the menstruation cycle. Gosh so if i can just make a MASSIVE BANG i could actually create an entire world. Sounds like something i saw in a cartoon.

>> No.7137317

In Judaism, God's name is considered holy so people are discouraged from writing it or even writing "God". This also has to do with the traditions surrounding the treatment of texts with God's name. Basically you are not allowed to throw away anything with God's name and must bury the documents in a special ceremony. This led to people not wanting to write "God" on paper, and people still do it while writing online.

>> No.7137323

>le older than the universe b8

>> No.7137330

>Everyone in Cairo is retarded
>Only people that agree with me are intelligent
>Look, all intelligent people agree with me, get with the program!

>> No.7137335


>> No.7137338

>Free will.
If God is omniscient then our actions are predetermined and we have no free will. God knows what we're going to do yet punishes people for actions beyond their control. So either God is not omniscient or God is unjust and not deserving of worship.

>God wants the smart ones that can find and recognize the truth.
Then why create dumb people?

>> No.7137375



>God knows what we're going to do

Might do. There's a difference

>So either God is not omniscient

By your illogical notion of "omniscient".

>> No.7137380

>Might do. There's a difference
So God doesn't know what we're going to do? Welp, I guess he's not omniscient nor perfect. Muslim God beats yours to shit.

>> No.7137381

>By your illogical notion of "omniscient".
Hell even I can predict the future with some accuracy. Luckily needing humans to have free will is not a barrier for me. God is dumb.