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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7130218 No.7130218 [Reply] [Original]

There is so much mathematics to learn.

Measure theory can easily encompass over 1k pages worth of content.

How the fuck to digest it all?

I guess the easy thing to do is adopt finiteism and advertise my youtube videos on /sci/ but I don't want to be that degenerate.

>> No.7130267

Honestly OP, the best solution is to find an area of math that you really love, and focus on it. It's been said a lot, but it is a very relevant truth that there is so much mathematics these days that being a master of it all is nearly impossible. Mathematics has moved into the realm of specialists, and out of the realm of "Jack of all Trades." Don't be a red mage, go full on black mage or white mage.

>> No.7130513

>Don't be a red mage, go full on black mage or white mage.

Btw. funny thread OP.

>> No.7130519
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>I guess the easy thing to do is adopt finiteism and advertise my youtube videos on /sci/ but I don't want to be that degenerate.

By the way, much of the useful measure theory is chapters 1,2,3 and 8 of big rudin. That's less than a 100 pages.

>> No.7130528

>How the fuck to digest it all?
You don't.
Pick the thing you're interested in or devote few years of your life in it.

>> No.7130531

>Red Mages typically cast both Black and White Magic and can also wield swords and equip armor that normal Black and White Mages cannot. They are, in essence, among the more versatile characters of the series. However, their versatility comes at a price: their stats are usually low, and they cannot cast higher level spells or use stronger equipment. They can learn many spells, but not the strongest, and equip some heavy armor, but not all of it.

>Thus, the Red Mage is a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. In certain games, Red Mages have a special ability such as Dualcast which boosts their spell casting efficiency. The standard Red Mage attire consists of red, black, and white clothing, including a red cloak with white or black trimmings, black boots and a red cap with a white feather.

Seriously, you've never played any of the final fantasy games? /sci/ is supposed to be full of maymay-tier nerds. C'mon.

>> No.7130535

Thought this thread was gonna be about system F.

>> No.7130539

>/sci/ is supposed to be full of maymay-tier nerds
fuck your suppositions, man. fuck them.

>> No.7130541


Look at Fremlins massive 5 volume set.

The basic information is in volumes 1 and 2 which compromise over 800 pages.

>> No.7130542


You don't. You specialize into something and do that for the rest of your miserable math life.

>> No.7130550

Relax man, I was joking about the general stereotyping that /sci/ is treated with. Although, nobody seems to be having much luck catching on to my not-too-subtle metaphors and jokes so far. Maybe those suppositions have some credence?

>> No.7130602
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I'm the one you responded to, and I've actually played VI, VII, VIII, IX and X.
In fact, my main email address is named after a final fantasy gimmick.
But this concept didn't stick.

>> No.7130613

Sorry. I'm just tired, sick, [other usual excuses for being stupid].

>> No.7130633

royden master race

>> No.7130651

Shit advice. The best math papers use stuff from all fields for their results. Only shitty mathematicians stay in one small corner.

>> No.7130674

I never said to stay in a small corner, but thanks for putting your dank-ass words in my mouth...

The point is to find an area to focus on. Draw form other fields where needed, but have direction. Results in the 21st century aren't found when someone prattles around the surface of distinct fields. In fact, most research teams consist of researches in pretty disparate areas.

>> No.7130706

I think the idea is that you don't need to know everything in Fremlin's books on measure theory and all parts of linear operators by Dunford and Schwartz if your main interest is combinatorics, but you should learn the basics on both.

>> No.7130720

brb, learning 10000 pages of algebraic geometry in order to scratch the surface of the subject

>> No.7130738

What area of math is necessary for AI? I heard statistics. Is that true? What else?

>> No.7130753

you read french?

>> No.7130808

i can read math-book french

>> No.7130817

Statistics, graph theory, computational complexity

can't think of anything else right now

>> No.7130821

Like DEs and calc 2?
You need multi-variable calculus to minimize multi-dimensional functions, and often try to prove the convergence if you're into that.

>> No.7130871

Go ahead and act under the impression that differential equations and 'calc 2' (that can mean different things, BTW) are going to be necessary in anything.

>> No.7131025

What are the prerequisites for those?

>> No.7132394

Optimization and a bit of analysis tooo.

Statistics is used for modeling your problem but in the end, you've usually reduced everything to an optimization problem.

>> No.7132402

>Measure theory can easily encompass over 1k pages worth of content.
I love how arbitrary this is.

>Don't be a red mage, go full on black mage or white mage.
beautiful :')

>> No.7132499
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>he thinks 1k books are tough.
You better harden the fuck up, maggot

>> No.7132542

Pick a number and learn all of the maths where that number is important.

I prefer starting with 0, but some people like starting with 1.

Once you mastered that number, move on to the next.

>> No.7132601


>> No.7133249
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>"some people like starting with 1"
>suddenly come to the field with one element